Weiss Schwarz Rarity Guide (2025)

1. Rarity | Weiss Schwarz Wiki | Fandom

  • Types of Rarity · SP (Special): Holo-foil CC/CR cards or cards with signatures. · RRR (Triple Rare): Holo-foil cards, most of these feature new descriptions and ...

  • Rarity is controlled in each Carton, Box, and Pack. Each Carton contains 16 Booster Boxes. Each Booster Box contains 20 Booster Packs, with 8 cards per pack. Extra Boxes contain 6 Packs, with 6 cards per pack. In certain cases where an extra pack releases a newer volume, one extra card is placed in as categorized as reprinted card from its older volumes. For example, Clannad Volume 2 and 3 Extra Pack. (can be found next to the Card Number.) From highest rarity to lowest, the rarities of cards ar

2. Weiss Schwarz Case Ratio / Rarity Distribution - IanTCG

  • 18 okt 2022 · The Rarity of a card can be seen on the bottom left of a card, next to the card number. These are the standard rarities. We will use the ...

  • IanTCG - Your European Local Game Store | Trading Card Game Singles, Sealed Product and Accessories shipped from the Netherlands | Weekly Discord Tournaments | Flesh and Blood TCG | Weiss Schwarz | Final Fantasy TCG | Shadowverse: Evolve | Online TCG kopen Nederland

3. Changes to Booster Pack specifications - Weiß Schwarz

4. Category:Booster Packs | Weiss Schwarz Wiki

  • Rarity · Special(SP) - Signed alternate art of RR/R (for newer series) or Alternate art of CR/CC (for older series), Holo · Triple Rare(RRR) - Alternate art of RR ...

  • 1 Carton = 16 boxes 1 Box = 20 packs 1 Pack = 8 cards [4x Common, 2x Uncommon, 1x Rare or higher, 1x Climax] Note: Each carton comes with a series play mat (only available in First Release [初版...

5. Booster Pack Guilty Gear -Strive- | Weiß Schwarz

  • ⚙ There's also a SEC card with signature by Daisuke Ishiwatari, developer of Guilty Gear! ▷ Click to display rarity distribution!

  • Release Date: December 15, 2023 ☆ Featured Cards ★ Neo-Standard Products The fate of the world will

6. Weiss Schwarz: Welke Raritys zijn er allemaal? - PokeJapan

7. Weiss Scwarz: Beginner Guide

  • Weiß Schwarz: Beginner Guide [As of April 2012] Part 1: Beginner's Guide to Creating a Deck (i) Deck Construction Rule:

  • Weiß Schwarz: Beginner Guide

8. Everything You Need to Know About Disney 100 Trading Cards

  • Card Condition Guide · Preorder FAQ ... Rarity Information. There are 11 rarities in total that you will see included in the Disney 100 by Weiss Schwarz set.

  • Everything you need to know about Disney 100 trading cards! Get the full details of Kakawow/Phantom 2023 Disney 100 Years of Wonder, Disney100 Joyful Trading Cards (Card.Fun 2023), and Disney100 by Weiss Schwarz. Including card types, approximate odds and complete card checklists for each product.

9. List of Japanese Chainsaw Man [Weiss Schwarz] Singles

  • ... List Ranking Help · Card Game List Weiss Schwarz Chainsaw Man. Weiss ... Rarity, All Rarities, PR, SSP, SP, OFR, RRR, SR, RR, R, U, TD, C, CR, CC. refine by ...

  • Buy [Weiss Schwarz] Chainsaw Man singles. List of Japanese Chainsaw Man (【CSM/S96】チェンソーマン) [Weiss Schwarz] Singles. 193 kinds of cards are available.

10. Booster Pack Chainsaw Man - Weiß Schwarz

  • The stage of Weiß Schwarz will never be the same again! Product Information. SIGNED CARDS Every pack you purchase has a chance to contain a sign card!

  • Release Date: February 16, 2024 ☆ Featured Cards ★ Neo-Standard Products Join Denji and his companio

11. Weiss Schwarz Disney 100 Price List 2023: Must-Know Collection

  • 29 nov 2023 · Notably, there's a specially designed Mickey Mouse card labeled as the Origin Rare, a rarity found in very limited cases. *The Weiss Schwarz ...

Weiss Schwarz Rarity Guide (2025)


How to tell rarity Weiß Schwarz? ›

The Rarity of a card can be seen on the bottom left of a card, next to the card number. There are also some set specific rarities, such as JJR for Jojo. These generally come with some golden stamp.

Why is Weiß Schwarz so expensive? ›

Weiss Schwarz, and indeed collectible anime cards as a whole, represent a highly volatile market. Prices shift based heavily on the popularity of a character or their voice actor, and we can see the so-called "Waifu Effect" having a massive impact on the value of cards.

Is Weiß Schwarz still popular? ›

Today, the card game is still immensely popular in Japan and has a large following in the United States. Weiss Schwarz boasts over 10,000 total cards and dozens of sets to choose from.

What are the different types of cards in Weiß Schwarz? ›

There are 3 main type of cards in Weiß Schwarz: character cards, event cards, and climax cards. They are further broken down into colors and level subcategories.

How do I know my card rarity? ›

The rarity of a card is indicated by the color of the set symbol on the card. Cards that are Rare or Mythic Rare tend to be more powerful or have more sophisticated abilities than the more common cards, though this is not necessarily the case.

What does L mean in rarity? ›

Rarity refers to the distribution of cards in Magic boosters. Magic has common (C), uncommon (U), rare (R) and mythic rare (M or MR) cards. Basic lands technically have their own rarity (L), but are often marked as common. The latter also applies to special cards (S) and tokens (T).

What is so special about fao schwarz? ›

FAO Schwarz is known for its large assortment of plush animals and the Piano Dance Mat, a smaller replica of The Walking Piano featured in the Tom Hanks film Big.

Is fao schwarz expensive? ›

Spanning two huge stories there is everything from candy, to stuffies, to games, to the $1000 blingy Etch-A-Sketch in blue, my favourite colour. This store will bring you back to the childhood you never had :) Not everything is expensive, so do yourself a favour, and set aside the time to go and play at FAO Schwartz.

Why is German beer so expensive? ›

According to a poll by the German Brewers' Association (DBB), it was not just the cost of gas and electricity which has skyrocketed in 2022. All input costs were up over 2021. Malt and packaging materials, in particular, have also become far more expensive.

What does Weiss Schwarz mean? ›

interesting! To answer your question, it's a mostly Japanese card game involving several different anime franchises. It's split into Weiss (White) which represents 'Light/Cute' anime and Schwarz (Black), for the 'Dark/Cool' anime.

How many people play Weiss and Schwarz? ›

Weiẞ Schwarz is a game which involves 2 players taking each of their turns. Each player will construct their deck.

Are Weiss Schwarz cards the same size as Pokémon? ›

Weiss Schwarz cards are Standard-sized (2.5" x 3.5" or 63.5 x 88.9 mm). The size of the sleeves are usually 66 x 91 mm. Local Game Stores would generally know which size are good if you tell that they're the same size as Magic the Gathering or Pokemon TCG.

Why are Weiß Schwarz cards so expensive? ›

People seem to be asking for double or triple the price, but one thing to know is that Weiss's quality is one of the highest in all of TCGs. General new card straight from pack grades for a 9.5 or a 10 (not full quad black label 10). Also POP number doesn't really add value in Weiss either generally.

What does the color Weiss mean? ›

Weiß: being innocent

White is the lightest color and symbolizes comfort, calmness and hope.

What does auto mean in Weiß Schwarz? ›

Automatic Abilities

The second type of ability is the Automatic Ability, and is denoted with 【自】 or 【Automatic】. All Automatic Abilities require a requirement to be met before it can be activated. An example of an requirement might be "at the beginning of the draw phase".

How do you find the rarity of something? ›

The rarity score of each trait is expressed as a percentage. (For example, 12% of the unicorns have red sunglasses, 20% have blue tails, etc.) Then you add up those percentages and divide by the number of traits the NFT possesses. Statistical rarity.

How do you read Pokemon rarity? ›

To determine a card's rarity, first check its rarity symbol on the bottom right or left of the card. Cards printed for certain products do not have a rarity symbol. Instead, they have a colored silhouette of the main Pokémon associated with the product.

How do you tell the rarity of a chaotic card? ›

The introduction of the ChaoticCoins allows members to get points for the cards that they upload, depending on their rarity.
  1. Common: This is shown with a black Chaotic symbol. ...
  2. Uncommon: This is shown with a green Chaotic symbol. ...
  3. Rare: This is shown with a gold Chaotic symbol.

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