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Database System Concept Evolution, Concepts of redundancy and dependence in flat file systems, Data Models, ER Diagram Database Technologies Relational Model, Relational Algebra part -1, Relational Algebra part –II Normalization for Relational Databases Informal Design Guidelines for Relational Schemas Functional Dependencies , Normal Forms based on Primary Keys, Second and Third Normal Forms Boyce-Codd Normal Form Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Forms Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Forms Commercial query language SQL Data Manipulation - Data Retrieval Features, Simple queries, Queries Involving More than One Relations, Using Built-in Functions, Using the GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses, Advantages of SQL Client- Server Architecture Overview of Client-Server Architecture, two and Three Tier Architecture, Multi-Tier Application Design, Three Tier VS Muti tier Backup and Recovery Backup and recovery, Use of log files, Concept of Transcaion and log, Recovery and buffer Management Database Security Introduction to Database Security Issues, Security mechanism, Database Users and Schemas, Privileges Suggested Reading: 1. 2. 3. 4.

A Silberschatz, H Korth, S Sudarshan, “Database System and Concepts”, fifth Edition McGraw Hill Rob, Coronel, Database Systems, Seventh Edition, Cengage Learning Fundamentals of Database Systems – Elmasri and Navathe, 5th Edition, Addison-Wesley Database Management Systems – Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke – 3rd Edition, McGrawHill,




During the machine age, the measure of power was heavy typified by cannon, locomotives and rolling mills. In the information age, the measure of power is the depth, timeliness and accessibility of knowledge. Communication bandwidth has become more crucial than shop floor capacity. With out the ability to communicate by telephone, e-mail or fax, an organization is deaf and dumb. Without access to the Database, an organization is blind. Because every firm is now directly or indirectly reliant on computer software, every decision point in the enterprise is an interface point between workers and information systems. In an information-intensive business environment, knowledge is power. Competitiveness pivots on how effectively information systems enable management and staff to gain advantages. The important requirements for commercial power is the ability to transform operational data into tactical information, and ultimately into strategic knowledge. The main resource that fuels this power is the corporate database. This course introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using and implementing the database systems applications. This course assumes no previous knowledge of databases or database technology and the concepts are built from ground up- basic concepts to advanced techniques and technologies. • After this course a student will be able to • Describe the components of DBMS • Define a DBMS strategy for a given application requirement • Will be able to design, create, and modify databases. • Could apply the techniques to tune database performance.





Lesson No.


Page No.

Database System Concept Lesson 1



Lesson 2

Disadvantages of File Processing Systems


Lesson 3

Data Models


Lesson 4

E-R Model


Lesson 5

Relational Model


Lesson 6

Relational Algebra Part - I


Lesson 7

Relational Algebra Part - II


Lesson 8

Data Integrity


Lesson 9

Functional Dependencies


Lesson 10

Concept of Redundancy (Updation Anomalies)


Lesson 11

Normalization-Part I


Lesson 12

Normalization - Part II


Lesson 13

Normalization - Part III


Lesson 14

Normalization (A Different Approach)



Database Technologies Lesson 15

A Commercial Query Language – SQL


Lesson 16

SQL Support for Integrity Constraints


Lesson 17

Database Design Including Integrity Constraints-Part-I


Lesson 18

Database Design Including Integrity Ionstraints-Part-II


Lesson 19

Multi-user Database Application


Lesson 20

Two and Three Tier Architecture


Lesson 21

Performance Criteria


Lesson 22

Storage and Access Method


Lesson 23

Indexing and Hash Look Up


Lesson 24

Query Processing and Query Optimiser Part-I


Lesson 25

Query Processing and Query Optimiser Part-II







Lesson No.


Page No

Lesson 26

Language Support for Optimiser


Lesson 27

Transcation Processing


Lesson 28

Atomicity, Consistency, Independence and Durablity



(ACID) Principle Lesson 29

Concurrency Anomalies


Lesson 30



Lesson 31



Lesson 32




Backup and Recovery Lesson 33

Backup and Recovery-I


Lesson 34

Backup and Recovery-II


Lesson 35



Lesson 36

SQL Support


Lesson 37

Tutorial on Backup and Recovery


Lesson 38

Database Security Issues


Lesson 39

Database Security(Level If Security)


Additional Questions






Points to Remember




Database Security



Hi! Welcome to the fascinating world of DBMS. The whole Course will deal with the most widely used software system in the modern world, The Database Management System. Here in this lecture we are going to discuss about the evolution of DBMS and how it nurtured in to the most wanted software. Let’s begin to devise.

In the early days of computing, computers were mainly used for solving numerical problems. Even in those days, it was observed that some of the tasks were common in many problems that were being solved. It therefore was considered desirable to build special subroutines which perform frequently occurring computing tasks such as computing Sin(x). This lead to the development of mathematical subroutine libraries that are now considered integral part of any computer system.

The boundaries that have traditionally existed between DBMS and other data sources are increasingly blurring, and there is a great need for an information integration solution that provides a unified view of all of these services. This article proposes a platform that extends a federated database architecture to support both relational and XML as first class data models, and tightly integrates content management services, workflow, messaging, analytics, and other enterprise application services.

A Brief Introduction •

First, DBMSs have proven to be hugely successful in managing the information explosion that occurred in traditional business applications over the past 30 years. DBMSs deal quite naturally with the storage, retrieval, transformation, scalability, reliability, and availability challenges associated with robust data management.

Secondly, the database industry has shown that it can adapt quickly to accommodate the diversity of data and access patterns introduced by e-business applications over the past 6 years. For example, most enterprise-strength DBMSs have built-in object-relational support, XML capabilities, and support for federated access to external data sources.

Thirdly, there is a huge worldwide investment in DBMS technology today, including databases, supporting tools, application development environments, and skilled administrators and developers. A platform that exploits and enhances the DBMS architecture at all levels is in the best position to provide robust end-to-end information integration.

This paper is organized as follows 1.

We briefly review the evolution of the DBMS architecture.


We provide a real-world scenario that illustrates the scope of the information integration problem and sketches out the requirements for a technology platform.


We formally call out the requirements for a technology platform. We present a model for an information integration platform that satisfies these requirements and provides an end-to-end solution to the integration problem as the next evolutionary step of the DBMS architecture.


By the late fifties storage, maintenance and retrieval of nonnumeric data had become very important. Again, it was observed that some of the data processing tasks occurred quite frequently e.g. sorting. This lead to the development of generalized routines for some of the most common and frequently used tasks. A general routine by its nature tends to be somewhat less efficient than a routine designed for a specific problem. In the late fifties and early sixties, when the hardware costs were high, use of general routines was not very popular since it became a matter of trade-off between hardware and software costs. In the last two decades, hardware costs have gone down dramatically while the cost of building software has gone up. It is no more a trade-off between hardware and software costs since hardware is relatively cheap and building reliable software is expensive. Database management systems evolved from generalized routines for file processing as the users demanded more extensive and more flexible facilities for managing data. Database technology has undergone major changes during the 1970’s. An interesting history of database systems is presented by Fry and Sibley (1976). Figure 1 captures the evolution of relational database technology. Relational databases were born out of a need to store, manipulate and manage the integrity of large volumes of data. In the 1960s, network and hierarchical systems such as [CODASYL] and IMSTM were the state-of-the -art technology for automated banking, accounting, and order processing systems enabled by the introduction of commercial mainframe computers. While these systems provided a good basis for the early systems, their basic architecture mixed the physical manipulation of data with its logical manipulation. When the physical location of data changed, such as from one area of a disk to another, applications had to be updated to reference the new location. A revolutionary paper by Codd in 1970 [CODD] and its commercial implementations changed all that. Codd’s relational model introduced the notion of data independence, which separated the physical representation of data from the logical representation presented to applications. Data could be moved from one part of the disk to another or stored in a different





format without causing applications to be rewritten. Application developers were freed from the tedious physical details of data manipulation, and could focus instead on the logical manipulation of data in the context of their specific application. Not only did the relational model ease the burden of application developers, but it also caused a paradigm shift in the data management industry. The separation between what and how data is retrieved provided an architecture by which the new database vendors could improve and innovate their products. [SQL] became the standard language for describing what data should be retrieved. New storage schemes, access strategies, and indexing algorithms were developed to speed up how data was stored and retrieved from disk, and advances in concurrency control, logging, and recovery mechanisms further improved data integrity guarantees [GRAY][LIND][ARIES]. Cost-based optimization Techniques [OPT] completed the transition from databases acting as an abstract data management layer to being highperformance, high-volume query processing engines. As companies globalized and as their data quickly became distributed among their national and international offices, the boundaries of DBMS technology were tested again. Distributed systems such as [R*] and [TANDEM] showed that the basic DBMS architecture could easily be exploited to manage large volumes of distributed data. Distributed data led to the introduction of new parallel query processing techniques [PARA], demonstrating the scalability of the DBMS as a high-performance, high-volume query processing engine. Figure 1. Evolution of DBMS architecture

Throughout the 1980s, the database market matured and companies attempted to standardize on a single database vendor. However, the reality of doing business generally made such a strategy unrealistic. From independent departmental buying decision to mergers and acquisitions, the scenario of multiple database products and other management systems in a single IT shop became the norm rather than the exception. Businesses sought a way to streamline the administrative and development costs associated with such a heterogeneous environment, and the database industry responded with federation. Federated databases [FED] provided a powerful and flexible means for transparent access to heterogeneous, distributed data sources. We are now in a new revolutionary period enabled by the Internet and fueled by the e-business explosion. Over the past six years, JavaTM and XML have become the vehicles for portable code and portable data. To adapt, database vendors have been able to draw on earlier advances in database extensibility and abstract data types to quickly provide object-relational data models [OR], mechanisms to store and retrieve relational data as XML documents [XTABLES] , and XML extensions to SQL [SQLX]. The ease with which complex Internet-based applications can be developed and deployed has dramatically accelerated the pace of automating business processes. The premise of our paper is that the challenge facing businesses today is information integration. Enterprise applications require interaction not only with databases, but also content management systems, data warehouses, workflow systems, and other enterprise applications that have developed on a parallel course with relational databases. In the next section, we illustrate the information integration challenge using a scenario drawn from a real-world problem.

Scenario To meet the needs of its high-end customers and manage high-profile accounts, a financial services company would like to develop a system to automate the process of managing, augmenting and distributing research information as quickly as possible. The company subscribes to several commercial research publications that send data in the Research Information Markup Language (RIXML), an XML vocabulary that combines investment research with a standard format to describe the report’s meta data [RIXML]. Reports may be delivered via a variety of mechanisms, such as real-time message feeds, e-mail distribution lists, web downloads and CD ROMs. The lessons learned in extending the DBMS with distributed and parallel algorithms also led to advances in extensibility, whereby the monolithic DBMS architecture was deplumed with plug-and-play components [STARBURST]. Such an architecture enabled new abstract data types, access strategies and indexing schemes to be easily introduced as new business needs arose. Database vendors later made these hooks publicly available to customers as Oracle data cartridges, Informix® DataBlades®, and DB2® Extenders TM. 2

Figure 2 shows how such research information flows through the company. 1.

When a research report is received, it is archived in its native XML format.


Next, important Meta data such as company name, stock price, earnings estimates, etc., is extracted from the document and stored in relational tables to make it available for real-time and deep analysis.


As an example of real-time analysis, the relational table updates may result in database triggers being fired to detect and recommend changes in buy/sell/hold positions, which are quickly sent off to equity and bond traders and brokers. Timeliness is of the essence to this audience and so the information is immediately replicated across multiple sites. The triggers also initiate e-mail notifications to key customers.


As an example of deep-analysis, the original document and its extracted Meta data are more thoroughly analyzed, looking for such keywords as “merger”, “acquisition” or “bankruptcy” to categorize and summarize the content. The summarized information is combined with historical information made available to the company’s market research and investment banking departments.


These departments combine the summarized information with financial information stored in spread sheetand other documents to perform trend forecasting, and to identify merger and acquisition opportunities.


Figure 2. Financial services scenario

in-house to integrate them. A database management system can handle the structured data, but XML repositories are just now becoming available on the market. Each time a new data source is added or the information must flow to a new target, the customer’s home grown solution must be extended. The financial services example above and others like it show that the boundaries that have traditionally existed between DBMSs, content management systems, mid-tier caches, and data warehouses are increasingly blurring, and there is a great need for a platform that provides a unified view of all of these services. We believe that a robust information integration platform must meet the following requirements: •

Seamless integration of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data from multiple heterogeneous sources. Data sources include data storage systems such as databases, file systems, real time data feeds, and image and document repositories, as well as data that is tightly integrated with vertical applications such as SAP or Calypso. There must be strong support for standard meta-data interchange, schema mapping, schema-less processing, and support for standard data interchange formats. The integration platform must support both consolidation, in which data is collected from multiple sources and stored in a central repository, and federation, in which data from multiple autonomous sources is accessed as part of a search, but is not moved into the platform itself. As shown in the financial services example, the platform must also provide transparent transformation support to enable data reuse by multiple applications.

Robust support for storing, exchanging, and transforming XML data. For many enterprise information integration problems, a relational data model is too restrictive to be effectively used to represent semi-structured and unstructured data. It is clear that XML is capable of

Requirements To build the financial services integration system on today’s technology, a company must cobble together a host of management systems and applications that do not naturally coexist with each other. DBMSs, content management systems, data mining packages and workflow systems are commercially available, but the company must develop integration software



representing more diverse data formats than relational, and as a result it has become the lingua franca of enterprise integration. Horizontal standards such as [EBXML][SOAP], etc., provide a language for independent processes to exchange data, and vertical standards such as [RIXML] are designed to handle data exchange for a specific industry. As a result, the technology platform must be XML-aware and optimized for XML at all levels. A native XML store is absolutely necessary, along with efficient algorithms for XML data retrieval. Efficient search requires XML query language support such as [SQLX] and [XQuery]. •


Built-in support for advanced search capabilities and analysis over integrated data. The integration platform must be bilingual. Legacy OLTP and data warehouses speak SQL, yet integration applications have adopted XML. Content management systems employ specialized APIs to manage and query a diverse set of artifacts such as documents, music, images, and videos. An inverse relationship naturally exists between overall system performance and the path length between data transformation operations and the source of the data. As a result, the technology platform must provide efficient access to data regardless of whether it is locally managed or generated by external sources, and whether it is structured or unstructured. Data to be consolidated may require cleansing, transformation and extraction before it can be stored. To support applications that require deep analysis such as the investment banking department in the example above, the platform must provide integrated support for full text search, classification, clustering and summarization algorithms traditionally associated with text search and data mining. Transparently embed information access in business processes. Enterprises rely heavily on workflow systems to choreograph business processes. The financial services example above is an example of a macroflow, a multitransaction sequence of steps that capture a business process. Each of these steps may in turn be a microflow, a sequence of steps executed within a single transaction, such as the insert of extracted data from the research report and the database trigger that fires as a result. A solid integration platform must provide a workflow framework that transparently enables interaction with multiple data sources and applications. Additionally, many business processes are inherently asynchronous. Data sources and applications come up and go down on a regular basis. Data feeds may be interrupted by a hardware or a network failures. Furthermore, end users such as busy stock traders may not want to poll for information, but instead prefer to be notified when events of interest occur. An integration platform must embed messaging, web services and queuing technology to tolerate sporadic availability, latencies and failures in data sources and to enable application asynchrony. Support for standards and multiple platforms. It goes without saying that an integration platform must run on multiple

platforms and support all relevant open standards. The set of data sources and applications generating data will not decrease, and a robust integration platform must be flexible enough to transparently incorporate new sources and applications as they appear. Integration with OLTP systems and data warehouses require strong support for traditional SQL. To be an effective platform for business integration, emerging cross-industry standards such as [SQLX] and [XQuery] as well as standards supporting vertical applications [RIXML]. •

Easy to use and maintain. Customers today already require integration services and have pieced together in-house solutions to integrate data and applications, and these solutions are costly to develop and maintain. To be effective, a technology platform to replace these in-house solutions must reduce development and administration costs. From both an administrative and development point of view, the technology platform should be as invisible as possible. The platform should include a common data model for all data sources and a consistent programming model. Metadata management and application development tools must be provided to assist administrators, developers, and users in both constructing and exploiting information integration systems.

Architecture Figure 3 illustrates our proposal for a robust information integration platform. • The foundation of the platform is the data tier, which provides storage, retrieval and transformation of data from base sources in different formats. We believe that it is crucial to base this foundation layer upon an enhanced fullfeatured federated DBMS architecture. •

A services tier built on top of the foundation draws from content management systems and enterprise integration applications to provide the infrastructure to transparently embed data access services into enterprise applications and business processes.

The top tier provides a standards-based programming model and query language to the rich set of services and data provided by the data and services tiers.

Programming Interface A foundation based on a DBMS enables full support of traditional programming interfaces such as ODBC and JDBC, easing migration of legacy applications. Such traditional APIs are synchronous and not well-suited to enterprise integration, which is inherently asynchronous. Data sources come and go, multiple applications publish the same services, and complex data retrieval operations may take extended periods of time. To simplify the inherent complexities introduced by such a diverse and data-rich environment, the platform also provides an interface based on Web services ([WSDL] and [SOAP]). In addition, the platform includes asynchronous data retrieval APIs based on message queues and workflow technology [MQ][WORKFLOW]to transparently schedule and manage long running data searches.

Query Language As with the programming interface, the integration platform enhances standard query languages available for legacy applications with support for XML-enabled applications. [XQuery] is supported as the query language for applications that prefer an XML data model. [SQLX] is supported as the query language for applications that require a mixed data model as well as legacy OLTP-type applications. Regardless of the query language, all applications have access to the federated content enabled by the data tier. An application may issue an XQuery request to transparently join data from the native XML store, a local relational table, and retrieved from an external server. A similar


Figure 3. An information integration platform

query could be issued in SQLX by another (or the same) application.

Summary The explosion of information made available to enterprise applications by the broad-based adoption of Internet standards and technologies has introduced a clear need for an information integration platform to help harness that information and make it available to enterprise applications. The challenges for a robust information integration platform are steep. However, the foundation to build such a platform is already on the market. DBMSs have demonstrated over the years a remarkable ability to manage and harness structured data, to scale with business growth, and to quickly adapt to new requirements. We believe that a federated DBMS enhanced with native XML capabilities and tightly coupled enterprise application services, content management services and analytics is the right technology to provide a robust end-to-end solution.

Questions 1.

Explain the evolution of the DBMS architecture.


Illustrates the scope of the information integration problem and sketches out the requirements for a technology platform.


Present a model for an information integration platform that satisfies these requirements and provides an end-to5


end solution to the integration problem as the next evolutionary step of the DBMS architecture. Selected Bibliography •

[ARIES] C. Mohan, et al.: ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging., TODS 17(1): 94162 (1992). [CACHE] C. Mohan: Caching Technologies for Web Applications, A Tutorial at the Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Rome, Italy, 2001.

[CODASYL] ACM: CODASYL Data Base Task Group April 71 Report, New York, 1971.

[CODD] E. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. ACM 13(6):377-387 (1970).

[EBXML] http://www.ebxml.org.

[FED] J. Melton, J. Michels, V. Josifovski, K. Kulkarni, P. Schwarz, K. Zeidenstein: SQL and Management of External Data’, SIGMOD Record 30(1):70-77, 2001.

[GRAY] Gray, et al.: Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database., IFIP Working Conference on Modelling of Database Management Systems, 1-29, AFIPS Press.

[INFO] P. Lyman, H. Varian, A. Dunn, A. Strygin, K. Swearingen: How Much Information? at http:// www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-muchinfo/. [LIND] B. Lindsay, et. al: Notes on Distributed Database Systems. IBM Research Report RJ2571, (1979).



Disadvantages of File processing systems Hi! The journey has started, today you will learn about the various flaws in the conventional file processing systems. The actual reason for the introduction of DBMS. Data are stored in files and database in all information systems. Files are collections of similar records. Data storage is build around the corresponding application that uses the files.

Disadvantages •

Program-data dependence.

Duplication of data.

• •

Limited data sharing. Lengthy program and system development time.

Excessive program maintenance when the system changed.

Duplication of data items in multiple files. Duplication can affect on input, maintenance, storage and possibly data integrity problems.

Inflexibility and non-scalability. Since the conventional files are designed to support single application, the original file structure cannot support the new requirements.

File Processing Systems • •

Where data are stored to individual files is a very old, but often used approach to system development. Each program (system) often had its own unique set of files.

Today, the trend is in favor of replacing file-based systems and applications with database systems and applications. Database Approach A database is more than a file - it contains information about more than one entity and information about relationships among the entities. Data about a single entity (e.g., Product, Customer, Customer Order, Department) are each stored to a “table” in the database. Databases are designed to meet the needs of multiple users and to be used in multiple applications. One significant development in the more user-friendly relational DBMS products is that users can sometimes get their own answers from the stored data by learning to use data querying methods.

Diagrammatic representation of conventional file systems Users of file processing systems are almost always at the mercy of the Information Systems department to write programs that manipulate stored data and produce needed information such as printed reports and screen displays.

What is a file, then? A File is a collection of data about a single entity. Files are typically designed to meet needs of a particular department or user group. Files are also typically designed to be part of a particular computer application Advantages •

Are relatively easy to design and implement since they are normally based on a single application or information system.

The processing speed is faster than other ways of storing data.





Advantages •

Program-data independence.

Minimal data redundancy, improved data consistency, enforcement of standards, improved data quality.

Improved data sharing, improved data accessibility and responsiveness. Increased productivity of application development.

• •

Reduced program maintenance Data can be shared by many applications and systems.

Data are stored in flexible formats. Data independence. If the data are well designed, the user can access different combinations of same data for query and report purposes.

Reduce redundancy.

Database Application Size

data structures supporting database technology are produced during the database design. Advantages of Using a DBMS There are three main features of a database management system that make it attractive to use a DBMS in preference to more conventionalsoftware.Thesefeaturesa centralized re data management, data independence, and systems integration. In a database system, the data is managed by the DBMS and all access to the data is through the DBMS providing a key to effective data processing. This contrasts with conventional data processing systems where each application program has direct access to the data it reads or manipulates. In a conventional DP system, an organization is likely to have several files of related data that are processed by several different application programs.

Supports a single-user.


May purchase such an application from a vendor.

In the conventional data processing application programs, the programs usually are based on a considerable knowledge of data structure and format. In such environment any change of data structure or format would require appropriate changes to the application programs. These changes could be as small as the following:

Can’t integrate data with other applications.


Personal Computer Database

Workgroup Database • Example would be a small team using the same set of applications such as in a physician’s office. •

Includes numerous workstations and a single server typically.

Department Database •

A functional area (such as production) in a firm.

Same hardware/software as Workgroup database, but is specialized for the department.

Enterprise Database •

Databases or set of databases to serve an entire organization.

May be distributed over several different physical locations.

Requires organizational standards for system development and maintenance.


Coding of some field is changed. For example, a null value that was coded as -1 is now coded as -9999. A new field is added to the records.


The length of one of the fields is changed. For example, the maximum number of digits in a telephone number field or a postcode field needs to be changed.


The field on which the file is sorted is changed.

If some major changes were to be made to the data, the application programs may need to be rewritten. In a database system, the database management system provides the interface between the application programs and the data. When changes are made to the data representation, the metadata maintained by the DBMS is changed but the DBMS continues to provide data to application programs in the previously used way. The DBMS handles the task of transformation of data wherever necessary. This independence between the programs and the data is called data independence. Data independence is important because every time some change needs to be made to the data structure, the programs that were being used before the change would continue to work. To provide a high degree of data independence, a DBMS must include a sophisticated metadata management system. In DBMS, all files are integrated into one system thus reducing redundancies and making data management more efficient. In addition, DBMS provides centralized control of the operational data. Some of the advantages of data independence, integration and centralized control are: Redundancies and Inconsistencies can be Reduced

Figure 11.1 Conventional files versus the database Database Design in Perspective The focus is on the data from the perspective of the system designer. The output of database design is database schema. Data models were developed during the definition phase. Then,


In conventional data systems, an organization often builds a collection of application programs often created by different programmers and requiring different components of the operational data of the organization. The data in conventional data systems is often not centralized. Some applications may require data to be combined from several systems. These several systems could well have data that is redundant as well as

Security can be Improved

Better Service to the Users

Integrity can be Improved

A DBMS is often used to provide better service to the users. In conventional systems, availability of information is often poor since it normally is difficult to obtain information that the existing systems were not designed for. Once several conventional systems are combined to form one centralized data base, the availability of information and its up-to-datedness is likely to improve since the data can now be shared and the DBMS makes it easy to respond to unforeseen information requests. Centralizing the data in a database also often means that users can obtain new and combined information that would have been impossible to obtain otherwise. Also, use of a DBMS should allow users that do not know programming to interact with the data more easily. The ability to quickly obtain new and combined information is becoming increasingly important in an environment where various levels of governments are requiring organizations to provide more and more information about their activities. An organization running a conventional data processing system would require new programs to be written (or the information compiled manually) to meet every new demand. Flexibility of the System is Improved

Changes are often necessary to the contents of data stored in any system. These changes are more easily made in a database than in a conventional system in that these changes do not need to have any impact on application programs. Cost of Developing and Maintaining Systems is Lower

As noted earlier, it is much easier to respond to unforeseen requests when the data is centralized in a database than when it is stored in conventional file systems. Although the initial cost of setting up of a database can be large, one normally expects the overall cost of setting up a database and developing and maintaining application programs to be lower than for similar service using conventional systems since the productivity of programmers can be substantially higher in using nonprocedural languages that have been developed with modern DBMS than using procedural languages. Standards can be Enforced

Since all access to the database must be through the DBMS, standards are easier to enforce. Standards may relate to the naming of the data, the format of the data, the structure of the data etc.

In conventional systems, applications are developed in an ad hoc manner. Often different system of an organization would access different components of the operational data. In such an environment, enforcing security can be quite difficult. Setting up of a database makes it easier to enforce security restrictions since the data is now centralized. It is easier to control that has access to what parts of the database. However, setting up a database can also make it easier for a determined person to breach security. We will discuss this in the next section. Since the data of the organization using a database approach is centralized and would be used by a number of users at a time, it is essential to enforce integrity controls. Integrity may be compromised in many ways. For example, someone may make a mistake in data input and the salary of a full-time employee may be input as $4,000 rather than $40,000. A student may be shown to have borrowed books but has no enrolment. Salary of a staff member in one department may be coming out of the budget of another department. If a number of users are allowed to update the same data item at the same time, there is a possibility that the result of the updates is not quite what was intended. For example, in an airline DBMS we could have a situation where the number of bookings made is larger than the capacity of the aircraft that is to be used for the flight. Controls therefore must be introduced to prevent such errors to occur because of concurrent updating activities. However, since all data is stored only once, it is often easier to maintain integrity than in conventional systems. Enterprise Requirements can be Identified

All enterprises have sections and departments and each of these units often consider the work of their unit as the most important and therefore consider their needs as the most important. Once a database has been set up with entralized control, it will be necessary to identify enterprise requirements and to balance the needs of competing units. It may become necessary to ignore some requests for information if they conflict with higher priority needs of the enterprise. Data Model must be Developed

Perhaps the most important advantage of setting up a database system is the requirement that an overall data model for the enterprise be built. In conventional systems, it is more likely that files will be designed as needs of particular applications demand. The overall view is often not considered. Building an overall view of the enterprise data, although often an expensive exercise is usually very cost-effective in the long term. DBMS Architecture We now discuss a conceptual framework for a DBMS. Several different frameworks have been suggested over the last several years. For example, a framework may be developed based on the functions that the various components of a DBMS must provide to its users. It may also be based on different views of data that are possible within a DBMS. We consider the latter approach.



inconsistent (that is, different copies of the same data may have different values). Data inconsistencies are often encountered in everyday life. For example, we have all come across situations when a new address is communicated to an organization that we deal with (e.g. a bank, or Telecom, or a gas company), we find that some of the communications from that organization are received at the new address while others continue to be mailed to the old address. Combining all the data in a database would involve reduction in redundancy as well as inconsistency. It also is likely to reduce the costs for collection, storage and updating of data.


A commonly used views of data approach is the three-level architecture suggested by ANSI/SPARC (American National Standards Institute/Standards Planning and Requirements Committee). ANSI/SPARC produced an interim report in 1972 followed by a final report in 1977. The reports proposed an architectural framework for databases. Under this approach, a database is considered as containing data about an enterprise. The three levels of the architecture are three different views of the data: 1.

External - individual user view


Conceptual - community user view


Internal - physical or storage view

The three level database architecture allows a clear separation of the information meaning (conceptual view) from the external data representation and from the physical data structure layout. A database system that is able to separate the three different views of data is likely to be flexible and adaptable. This flexibility and adaptability is data independence that we have discussed earlier. We now Briefly Discuss the three Different Views

The external level is the view that the individual user of the database has. This view is often a restricted view of the database and the same database may provide a number of different views for different classes of users. In general, the end users and even the applications programmers are only interested in a subset of the database. For example, a department head may only be interested in the departmental finances and student enrolments but not the library information. The librarian would not be expected to have any interest in the information about academic staff. The payroll office would have no interest in student enrolments. The conceptual view is the information model of the enterprise and contains the view of the whole enterprise without any concern for the physical implementation. This view is normally more stable than the other two views. In a database, it may be desirable to change the internal view to improve performance while there has been no change in the conceptual view of the database. The conceptual view is the overall community view of the database and it includes all the information that is going to be represented in the database. The conceptual view is defined by the conceptual schema which includes definitions of each of the various types of data. The internal view is the view about the actual physical storage of data. It tells us what data is stored in the database and how. At least the following aspects are considered at this level: 1.

Storage allocation e.g. B-trees, hashing etc.


Access paths e.g. specification of primary and secondary keys, indexes and pointers and sequencing.


Miscellaneous e.g. data compression and encryption techniques, optimization of the internal structures.

Efficiency considerations are the most important at this level and the data structures are chosen to provide an efficient database. The internal view does not deal with the physical devices directly. Instead it views a physical device as a collection of physical pages and allocates space in terms of logical pages.


The separation of the conceptual view from the internal view enables us to provide a logical description of the database without the need to specify physical structures. This is often called physical data independence. Separating the external views from the conceptual view enables us to change the conceptual view without affecting the external views. This separation is sometimes called logical data independence. Assuming the three level view of the database, a number of mappings are needed to enable the users working with one of the external views. For example, the payroll office may have an external view of the database that consists of the following information only: 1.

Staff number, name and address.


Staff tax information e.g. number of dependents.

3. 4.

Staff bank information where salary is deposited. Staff employment status, salary level, leaves information etc.

The conceptual view of the database may contain academic staff, general staff, casual staff etc. A mapping will need to be created where all the staff in the different categories are combined into one category for the payroll office. The conceptual view would include information about each staff’s position, the date employment started, full-time or part-time, etc. This will need to be mapped to the salary level for the salary office. Also, if there is some change in the conceptual view, the external view can stay the same if the mapping is changed.


Now we are coming to the end of this lecture, but before parting we will revise the things. Files are collections of similar records. Data storage is build around the corresponding application that uses the files. Duplication of data items in multiple files. Duplication can affect on input, maintenance, storage and possibly data integrity problems. Inflexibility and non-scalability. Since the conventional files are designed to support single application, the original file structure cannot support the new requirements. Today, the trend is in favor of replacing file-based systems and applications with database systems and applications.


Explain a file with its advantages and disadvantages


Define centralized data management, data independence and systems integration

3. 4.

Explain DBMS architecture Explain the 3 different views or architecture of the data



Selected Bibliography Notes:



LESSON 3 DATA MODELS Data Models Hi! In this lecture you are going to learn about the data models used for designing a database. Before the data available in an enterprise can be put in a DBMS, an overall abstract view of the enterprise data must be developed. The view can then be translated into a form that is acceptable by the DBMS. Although at first sight the task may appear trivial, it is often a very complex process. The complexity of mapping the enterprise data to a database management system can be reduced by dividing the process into two phases. The first phase as noted above involves building an overall view (or model) of the real world which is the enterprise (often called the logical database design). The objective of the model is to represent, as accurately as possible, the information structures of the enterprise that are of interest. This model is sometimes called the enterprise conceptual schema and the process of developing the model may be considered as the requirements analysis of the database development life cycle. This model is then mapped in the second phase to the user schema appropriate for the database system to be used. The logical design process is an abstraction process which captures the meaning of the enterprise data without getting involved in the details of individual data values. Figure 2.1 shows this two step process.

process separates those two tasks. Nevertheless, we only consider data models that can be implemented on computers. When the database is complex, the logical database design phase may be very difficult. A number of techniques are available for modeling data but we will discuss only one such technique that is, we believe, easy to understand. The technique uses a convenient representation that enables the designer to view the data from the point of view of the whole enterprise. This well known technique is called the entity-relationship model. We discuss it now.

Types of Database Management Systems A DBMS can take any one of the several approaches to manage data. Each approach constitutes a database model. A data model is a collection of descriptions of data structures and their contained fields, together with the operations or functions that manipulate them. A data model is a comprehensive scheme for describing how data is to be represented for manipulation by humans or computer programs. A thorough representation details the types of data, the topological arrangements of data, spatial and temporal maps onto which data can be projected, and the operations and structures that can be invoked to handle data and its maps. The various Database Models are the following:•

Relational - data model based on tables. Network - data model based on graphs with records as nodes and relationships between records as edges.

Hierarchical - data model based on trees.

Object-Oriented - data model based on the object-oriented programming paradigm.

Figure 2.1 The process is somewhat similar to modeling in the physical sciences. In logical database design, similar to modeling in the physical sciences, a model is built to enhance understanding and abstracting details. A model cannot be expected to provide complete knowledge (except for very simple situations) but a good model should provide a reasonable interpretation of the real-life situation. For example, a model of employee data in an enterprise may not be able to capture the knowledge that employees May Adams and John Adams are married to each other. We accept such imperfections of the model since we want to keep the model as simple as possible. It is clearly impossible (and possibly undesirable) to record every available piece of information that is available in an enterprise. We only desire that the meaning captured by a data model should be adequate for the purpose that the data is to be used for. The person organizing the data to set up the database not only has to model the enterprise but also has to consider the efficiency and constraints of the DBMS although the two-phase


Hierarchical Model In a Hierarchical model you could create links between these record types; the hierarchical model uses Parent Child Relationships. These are a 1: N mapping between record types. This is done by using trees, like set theory used in the relational model, “borrowed” from maths. For example, an organization might store information about an employee, such as name, employee number, department, salary. The organization might also store information about an employee’s children, such as name and date of birth. The employee and children data forms a hierarchy, where the employee data represents the parent segment and the children data represents the child segment. If an employee has three children, then there would be three child segments associated with one employee segment. In a hierarchical database the parent-child relationship is one to many. This restricts a child segment to having only one parent segment. Hierarchical DBMSs were popular from the late 1960s, with the introduction of IBM’s Information Management System (IMS) DBMS, through the 1970s.


relationship, although 1:1 is permitted. The CODASYL network model is based on mathematical set theory.

Advantages •

Simplicity Data Security and Data Integrity



Network Data Model

Implementation Complexity


Lack of structural independence

Programming complexity

The figure on the right hand side is a Customer-order-line item database: There are three data types (record types) in the database: customers, orders, and line items. For each customer, there may be several orders, but for each order, there is just one customer. Likewise, for each order, there may be many line items, but each line item occurs in just one order. (This is the schema for the database.) So, each customer record is the root of a tree, with the orders as children. The children of the orders are the line items. Note: Instead of keeping separate files of Customers, Orders, and Line Items, the DBMS can store orders immediately after customers. If this is done, it can result in very efficient processing. Problem: What if we also want to maintain Product information in the database, and keep track of the orders for each product? Now there is a relationship between orders and line items (each of which refers to a single product), and between products and line items. We no longer have a tree structure, but a directed graph, in which a node can have more than one parent. In a hierarchical DBMS, this problem is solved by introducing pointers. All line items for a given product can be linked on a linked list. Line items become “logical children” of products. In an IMS database, there may be logical child pointers, parent pointers, and physical child pointers Network Data Model A member record type in the Network Model can have that role in more than one set; hence the multivalent concept is supported. An owner record type can also be a member or owner in another set. The data model is a simple network, and link and intersection record types (called junction records by IDMS) may exist, as well as sets between them . Thus, the complete network of relationships is represented by several pair wise sets; in each set some (one) record type is owner (at the tail of the network arrow) and one or more record types are members (at the head of the relationship arrow). Usually, a set defines a 1:M

Conceptual Simplicity Ease of data access

Data Integrity and capability to handle more relationship types

Data independence

Database standards


System complexity

Absence of structural independence

Instead of trees, schemas may be acyclic directed graphs. In the network model, there are two main abstractions: records (record types) and sets. A set represents a one-to-many relationship between record types. The database diagrammed above would be implemented using four records (customer, order, part, and line item) and three sets (customer-order, order-line item, and part-line item). This would be written in a schema for the database in the network DDL. Network database systems use linked lists to represent one-tomany relationships. For example, if a customer has several orders, then the customer record will contain a pointer to the head of a linked list containing all of those orders. The network model allows any number of one-to-many relationships to be represented, but there is still a problem with many-to-many relationships. Consider, for example, a database of students and courses. Each student may be taking several courses. Each course enrolls many students. So the linked list method of implementation breaks down (Why?) The way this is handled in the network model is to decompose the many-to-many relationship into two one-to-many relationships by introducing an additional record type called an “interesection record”. In this case, we would have one intersection record for each instance of a student enrolled in a course. This gives a somewhat better tool for designing databases. The database can be designed by creating a diagram showing all the record types and the relationships between them. If necessary, intersection record types may be added. (In the hierarchical



model, the designer must explicitly indicate the extra pointer fields needed to represent “out of tree” relationships.) In general, these products were very successful, and were considered the state of the art throughout the 1970s and 1980s. They are still in use today. •

IMS (hierarchical) IBM

IDMS (network) Computer Associates

CODASYL DBMS (network) Oracle

But - there are still some problems. There is an insufficient level of data abstraction. Database designers and programmers must still be cognizant of the underlying physical structure. Pointers are embedded in the records themselves. That makes it more difficult to change the logical structure of the database. Processing is “one record at a time”. Application programs must “navigate” their way through the database. This leads to complexity in the applications. The result is inflexibility and difficulty of use. Performing a query to extract information from a database requires writing a new application program. There is no useroriented query language. Because of the embedded pointers, modifying a schema requires modification of the physical structure of the database, which means rebuilding the database, which is costly. Relational Model A database model that organizes data logically in tables. A formal theory of data consisting of three major components: (a) A structural aspect, meaning that data in the database is perceived as tables, and only tables, (b) An integrity aspect, meaning that those tables satisfy certain integrity constraints, and (c) A manipulative aspect, meaning that the tables can be operated upon by means of operators which derive tables from tables. Here each table corresponds to an application entity and each row represents an instance of that entity. (RDBMS relational database management system) A database based on the relational model was developed by E.F. Codd. A relational database allows the definition of data structures, storage and retrieval operations and integrity constraints. In such a database the data and relations between them are organized in tables. A table is a collection of records and each record in a table contains the same fields. Properties of Relational Tables: •

Values Are Atomic

Each Row is Unique

Column Values Are of the Same Kind

The Sequence of Columns is Insignificant

The Sequence of Rows is Insignificant Each Column Has a Unique Name

Certain fields may be designated as keys, which mean that searches for specific values of that field will use indexing to speed them up. Often, but not always, the fields will have the same name in both tables. For example, an “orders” table might contain (customer-ID, product-code) pairs and a “products” table might contain (product-code, price) pairs so to 14

calculate a given customer’s bill you would sum the prices of all products ordered by that customer by joining on the productcode fields of the two tables. This can be extended to joining multiple tables on multiple fields. Because these relationships are only specified at retrieval time, relational databases are classed as dynamic database management system. The RELATIONAL database model is based on the Relational Algebra. Advantages •

Structural Independence Conceptual Simplicity

Ease of design, implementation, maintenance and usage.

Ad hoc query capability


Hardware Overheads

Ease of design can lead to bad design

The relational model is the most important in today’s world, so we will spend most of our time studying it. Some people today question whether the relational model is not too simple, that it is insufficiently rich to express complex data types. Note: Database theory evolved from file processing. So ideas that were driving programming languages and software engineering were not part of it.

course number

section number







Principles of Computer Science

King 221

MWF 10-10:50




Principles of Computer Science

King 135

T 1:30-4:30




Principles of Computer Science

King 243

MWF 9-9:50




Principles of Computer Science

King 201

M 1:30-4:30




Principles of Computer Science

King 201

T 1:30-4:30




Computer Organization

King 221

MWF 3:30-4:20




Abstractions and Data Structures

King 221

MWF 11-11:50




Mind and Machine

King 235

W 7-9:30




Database Systems

King 106

MWF 10-10:50




Theory of Computer Science

King 227

MWF 2:30-3:30


Codd’s idea was that this is the way that humans normally think of data. It’s simpler and more natural than pointer-based hierarchies or networks. But is it as expressive?

Object Oriented Data Models Object DBMSs add database functionality to object programming languages. They bring much more than persistent storage of programming language objects. Object DBMSs extend the semantics of the C++, Smalltalk and Java object programming languages to provide full-featured database programming capability, while retaining native language compatibility. A major benefit of this approach is the unification of the application and database development into a seamless data model and language environment. As a result, applications require less code, use more natural data modeling, and code bases are easier to maintain. Object developers can write complete database applications with a modest amount of additional effort. In contrast to a relational DBMS where a complex data structure must be flattened out to fit into tables or joined together from those tables to form the in-memory structure, object DBMSs have no performance overhead to store or retrieve a web or hierarchy of interrelated objects. This one-to-one mapping of object programming language objects to database objects has two benefits over other storage approaches: it provides higher performance management of objects, and it enables better management of the complex interrelationships between objects. This makes object DBMSs better suited to support applications such as financial portfolio risk analysis systems, telecommunications service applications, World Wide Web document structures, design and manufacturing systems, and hospital patient record systems, which have complex relationships between data.


Example A table of data showing this semester’s computer science courses

Advantages •

Capability to handle large number of different data types

Marriage of object-oriented programming and database technology

• •

Data access Disadvantages

Difficult to maintain

Not suited for all applications

Some Current And Future Trends 1. Object-oriented Databases

Can we apply object-oriented theory to databases? Some objectoriented commercial systems have been developed, among them O2, Objectivity, and POET. None of these is dominant or particularly successful. There is no standard for O-O databases. One trend is toward “object-relational” systems (like Oracle 8i, 9i). Oracle has added object-oriented features to their existing relational system. 2. Multimedia Data

Traditional DBMSs handled records with fields that were numbers or character strings, a few hundred characters long at most. Now, DBMSs must handle picture and sound files, HTML documents, etc. 3. Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Maintain storage of large amounts of data, often historical or on legacy systems, to support planning and analysis. Searching for trends and other information in existing data. Bottom line: We expect a DBMS to support: 1.

Data definition. (schema)

2. 3.

Data manipulation. (queries and updates) Persistence. (long-term storage)


Multi-user access.



Summary A DBMS can take any one of the several approaches to manage data. Each approach constitutes a database model The various Database Models are the following:Relational - Data model based on tables. Network - Data model based on graphs with records as nodes and relationships between records as edges. Hierarchical - Data model based on trees. ObjectOriented -Data model based on the object-oriented programming paradigm

Questions 1. 2.

Explain the network data model? Explain the Hierarchical data model?


Explain relational data model?


Explain the new trends in DBMS

References http://www.tc.cornell.edu/services/edu http://www.unixspace.com/context/databases.html Date, C.J., Introduction to Database Systems (7th Edition) Addison Wesley, 2000 Leon, Alexis and Leon, Mathews, Database Management Systems, LeonTECHWorld. Notes:


E-R Model Hi! Here in this lecture we are going to discuss about the E-R Model.

What is Entity-Relationship Model? The entity-relationship model is useful because, as we will soon see, it facilitates communication between the database designer and the end user during the requirements analysis. To facilitate such communication the model has to be simple and readable for the database designer as well as the end user. It enables an abstract global view (that is, the enterprise conceptual schema) of the enterprise to be developed without any consideration of efficiency of the ultimate database. The entity-relationship model views an enterprise as being composed of entities that have relationships between them. To develop a database model based on the E-R technique involves identifying the entities and relationships of interest. These are often displayed in an E-R diagram. Before discussing these, we need to present some definitions. Entities and Entity Sets An entity is a person, place, or a thing or an object or an event which can be distinctly identified and is of interest. A specific student, for example, John Smith with student number 84002345 or a subject Database Management Systems with subject number CP3010 or an institution called James Cook University are examples of entities. Although entities are often concrete like a company, an entity may be abstract like an idea, concept or convenience, for example, a research project P1234 Evaluation of Database Systems or a Sydney to Melbourne flight number TN123. Entities are classified into different entity sets (or entity types). An entity set is a set of entity instances or entity occurrences of the same type. For example, all employees of a company may constitute an entity set employee and all departments may belong to an entity set Dept. An entity may belong to one or more entity sets. For example, some company employees may belong to employee as well as other entity sets, for example, managers. Entity sets therefore are not always disjoint. We remind the reader that an entity set or entity type is a collection of entity instances of the same type and must be distinguished from an entity instance. The real world does not just consist of entities. As noted in the last chapter, a database is a collection of interrelated information about an enterprise. A database therefore consists of a collection of entity sets; it also includes information about relationships between the entity sets. We discuss the relationships now. Relationships, Roles and Relationship Sets Relationships are associations or connections that exist between entities and may be looked at as mappings between two or more entity sets. A relation therefore is a subset of the cross

products of the entity sets involved in the relationship. The associated entities may be of the same type or of different types. For example, working - for is a relationship between an employee and a company. Supervising is a relationship between two entities belonging to the same entity set ( employee). A relationship set Ri is a set of relations of the same type. It may be looked at as a mathematical relation among n entities each taken from an entity set, not necessarily distinct:

where each ei is an entity instance in entity set Ei . Each tuple [ e1, e2,..., en ] is a relationship instance. Each entity set in a relationship has a role or a function that the entity plays in the relationship. For example, a person entity in a relationship works-for has a role of an employee while the entity set company has a role of an employer. Often role names are verbs and entity names are nouns which enables one to read the entity and relationships for example as “employee works-for employer”. Although we allow relationships among any number of entity sets, the most common cases are binary relationships between two entity sets. Most relationships discussed in this chapter are binary. The degree of a relationship is the number of entities associated in the relationship. Unary, binary and ternary relationships therefore have degree 1, 2 and 3 respectively. We consider a binary relation R between two entity types E1 and E2. The relationship may be considered as two mappings E1 -> E2 and E2 -> E1. It is important to consider the constraints on these two mappings. It may be that one object from E1 may be associated with exactly one object in E2 or any number of objects in E1 may be associated with any number of objects in E2. Often the relationships are classified as one-to-one, one-tomany, or many-to-many. If every entity in E1 is associated with at most one entity in E2 and every entity in E2 is associated with no more than one entity in entity set E1, the relationship is oneto-one. For example, marriage is a one-to-one relationship (in most countries!) between an entity set person to itself. If an entity in E1 may be associated with any number of entities in E2, but an entity in E2 can be associated with at most one entity in E1, the relationship is called one-to-many. In a many-to-many relationship, an entity instance from one entity set may be related with any number of entity instances in the other entity set. We consider an example of entity sets employees and offices. 1.

If for each employee there is at most one office and for each office there is at most one employee, the relationship is one-to-one.


If an office may accommodate more than one employee but an employee has at most one office, the relationship between office and employees is now one-to-many. 17





If an office may accommodate more than one staff and a staff member may be assigned more than one office the relationship is many-to-many. For example, an engineer may have one office in the workshop and another in the design office. Also each design office may accommodate more than one staff. The relationship is therefore many-tomany.

These three relationships are shown in Figures 2.2a, 2.2b and 2.2c. Figure 2.2a shows a one-to-one relationship between employees and offices.

As noted earlier, relationships are often binary but more than two entity types may participate in a relationship type. For example, a relationship may exist between entity type’s employee, project and company. Attributes, Values and Value Sets As we have noted earlier, our database model consists of entities and relationships. Since these are the objects of interest, we must have some information about them that is of interest. The information of interest for each object is likely to be Object name or identifier object properties values of the properties time Object name or identifier enables us to identify each object uniquely. Each object is described by properties and their values at some given time. Often however we are only interested in the current values of the properties and it is then convenient to drop time from the information being collected. In some applications however, time is very important. For example, a personnel department would wish to have access to salary history and status history of all employees of the enterprise. A number of ways are available for storing such temporal data. Further details are beyond the scope of these notes.

Figure 2.2a. One-to-one relationship Figure 2.2b shows a manyto-one relationship between employees and offices.

Figure 2.2b. Many-to-one relationship Figure 2.2c shows a many-to-many relationship between employees and offices.

Each entity instance in an entity set is described by a set of attributes that describe their qualities, characteristics or properties that are relevant and the values of the attributes. Relationships may also have relevant information about them. An employee in an employee entity set is likely to be described by its attributes like employee number, name, date of birth, etc. A relationship like enrolment might have attributes like the date of enrolment. A relationship shipment between suppliers and parts may have date of shipment and quantity shipped as attributes. For each attribute there are a number of legal or permitted values. These set of legal values are sometimes called value sets or domain of that attribute. For example, employee number may have legal values only between 10000 to 99999 while the year value in date of birth may have admissible values only between year 1900 and 1975. A number of attributes may share a common domain of values. For example, employee number, salary and department number may all be five digit integers. An attribute may be considered as a function that maps from an entity set or a relationship set into a value set. Sometime an attribute may map into a Cartesian product of value sets. For example, the attribute name may map into value sets first name, middle initial and last name. The set of (attribute, data value) pairs, one pair for each attribute, define each entity instance. For example, an entity instance of entity set Employee may be described by

Figure 2.2c. Many-to-many relationship


1. 2.

(employee number, 101122) (employee name, John Smith)


(employee address, 2 Main Street Townsville Q4812)


(telephone, 456789)


(salary, 44,567)


EMPLOYEE - the set of all employees at a company. The attributes of Employees are: name, employee number, address, telephone number, salary.


DEPT - the set of all departments at the company. The attributes are: department number, department name, supervisor number.


PROJECTS - the set of all projects at the company. The attributes are: project number, project name, project manager number.

Representing Entities and Relationships

It is essential that we be able to identify each entity instance in every entity set and each relationship instance in every relationship set. Since entities are represented by the values of their attribute set, it is necessary that the set of attribute values be different for each entity instance. Sometimes an artificial attribute may need to be included in the attribute set to simplify entity identification (for example, although each instance of the entity set student can be identified by the values of its attributes student name, address and date of birth, it is convenient to include an artificial attribute student number to make identification of each entity instance easier) A group of attributes (possibly one) used for identifying entities in an entity set is called an entity key. For example, for the entity set student, student number is an entity key and so is (student name, address, date of birth). Of course, if k is a key then so must be each superset of k. To reduce the number of possible keys, it is usually required that a key be minimal in that no subset of the key should be key. For example, student name by itself could not be considered an entity key since two students could have the same name. When several minimal keys exist (such keys are often called candidate keys), any semantically meaningful key is chosen as the entity primary key. Similarly each relationship instance in a relationship set needs to be identified. This identification is always based on the primary keys of the entity sets involved in the relationship set. The primary key of a relationship set is the combination of the attributes that form the primary keys of the entity sets involved. In addition to the entity identifiers, the relationship key also (perhaps implicitly) identifies the role that each entity plays in the relationship. Let employee number be the primary key of an entity set EMPLOYEE and company name be the primary key of COMPANY. The primary key of relationship set WORKS-FOR is then (employee number, company name). The role of the two entities is implied by the order in which the two primary keys are specified. In certain cases, the entities in an entity set cannot be uniquely identified by the values of their own attributes. For example, children of an employee in a company may have names that are not unique since a child of one employee is quite likely to have name that is the same as the name of a child of some other employee. One solution to this problem is to assign unique numbers to all children of employees in the company. Another, more natural, solution is to identify each child by his/her name and the primary key of the parent who is an employee of the company. We expect names of the children of an employee to

be unique. Such attribute(s) that discriminates between all the entities that are dependent on the same parent entity is sometime called a discriminator; it cannot be called a key since it does not uniquely identify an entity without the use of the relationship with the employee. Similarly history of employment (Position, Department) would not have a primary key without the support of the employee primary key. Such entities that require a relationship to be used in identifying them are called weak entities. Entities that have primary keys are called strong or regular entities. Similarly, a relationship may be weak or strong (or regular). A strong relationship is between entities each of which is strong; otherwise the relationship is a weak relationship. For example, any relationship between the children of employees and the schools they attend would be a weak relationship. A relationship between employee entity set and the employer entity set is a strong relationship. A weak entity is also called subordinate entity since its existence depends on another entity (called the dominant entity). This is called existence dependence. A weak entity may also be ID dependent on the dominant entity, although existence dependency does not imply ID dependency. If a weak entity is ID dependent, the primary key of the weak entity is the primary key of its dominant entity plus a set of attributes of the weak entity that can act as a discriminator within the weak entity set. This method of identifying entities by relationships with other entities can be applied recursively until a strong entity is reached although the relationship between dominant entity and a weak entity is usually one-to-one, in some situations the relationship may be many-to-many. For example, a company may employ both parents of some children. The dependence is then many-tomany. We note several terms that are useful: 1.

Weak entity relation - a relation that is used for identifying entities, for example, relationship between employees and their dependents.


Regular entity relation - a relation not used for identifying entities.


Similarly regular relationship relation and weak relationship relations.

The ER Diagrams As noted earlier, one of the aims of building an entityrelationship diagram is to facilitate communication between the database designer and the end user during the requirements analysis. To facilitate such communication, the designer needs adequate communication tools. Entity-Relationship diagrams are such tools that enable the database designer to display the overall database view of the enterprise (the enterprise conceptual schema). An E-R diagram naturally consists of a collection of entity sets and relationship sets and their associations. A diagram may also show the attributes and value sets that are needed to describe the entity sets and the relationship sets in the ERD. In an ERD, as shown in Figure 2.4, entity sets are represented by rectangular shaped boxes. Relationships are represented by diamond shaped boxes.



In this chapter, we will discuss the following entity sets:


Figure 2.4d More than one relationship between two entities. The diagram below shows unary relationships.

Figure 2.3 Ellipses are used to represent attributes and lines are used to link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to relationship sets. Consider the following E-R diagram.

Figure 2.4a A simple E-R diagram. The following E-R diagram gives the attributes as well.

Figure 2.4b An E-R diagram with attributes. The following E-R diagram represents a more complex model that includes a weak entity.

Figure 2.4e Two unary relationships. Figures 2.4a to 2.4e show a variety of E-R diagrams. Figure 2.4a is an E-R diagram that only shows two entities and one relationship and not the attributes. Figure 2.4b shows the same two entities but shows an additional relationship between employees and their manager. This additional relationship is between the entity set Employee to itself. In addition, the E-R diagram in Figure 2.4b shows the attributes as well as the type of relationships (1:1, m:n or 1:m). The type of relationship is shown by placing a label of 1, m or n on each end of every arc. The label 1 indicates that only one of those entity instances may participate in a given relationship. A letter label (often m or n) indicates that a number of these entity instances may participate in a given relationship. The E-R diagrams may also show roles as labels on the arcs. The E-R diagram in Figure 2.4c shows a number of entities and a number of relationships. Also note that the entity employment history that is shown as double box. A double box indicates that Employment History is a weak entity and that its existence depends on existence of corresponding employee entity. The existence dependency of employment history entity on employee entity is indicated by an arrow. A relationship between three entities is shown. Note that each entity may participate in several relationships. The E-R diagram in Figure 2.4d shows two entities and two different relationships between the same two entities. Figure 2.4e shows two relationships also but these both relationships are between the entity Employee to itself.

Figure 2.4c An E-R diagram showing a weak entity. The following E-R diagram represents more than one relationship between the same two entities.

Entity Type Hierarchy Although entity instances of one entity type are supposed to be objects of the same type, it often happens that objects of one entity type do have some differences. For example, a company might have vehicles that could be considered an entity type. The vehicles could however include cars, trucks and buses and it may then be necessary to include capacity of the bus for buses and the load capacity of the trucks for trucks, information that is not relevant for cars. In such situations, it may be necessary to deal with the subsets separately while maintaining the view that all cars, trucks and buses are vehicles and share a lot of information. Entity hierarchies are known by a number of different names. At least the following names are used in the literature:


1. 2.

Supertypes and subtypes Generalization hierarchies


ISA hierarchies


Guidelines for Building an ERM We have so far discussed the basics of the E-R models and the representation of the model as an E-R diagram. Although the E-R model approach is often simple, a number of problems can arise. We discuss some of these problems and provide guidelines that should assist in the modeling process.

Rigorous definition of Entity Although we have discussed the concept of an entity, we have not presented a rigorous definition of an entity. A simple rigorous definition is not possible since there is no absolute distinction between entity types and attributes. Usually an attribute exists only as related to an entity type but in some contexts, an attribute can be viewed as an entity.

Choosing Entities As noted earlier, an entity is an object that is of interest. It is however not always easy to decide when a given thing should be considered an entity. For example, in a supplier-part database, one may have the following information about each supplier Supplier number supplier name supplier rating supplier location (i.e. city) It is clear that supplier is an entity but one must now make a decision whether city is an entity or an attribute of entity supplier. The rule of thumb that should be used in such situations is to ask the question “Is city as an object of interest to us?”. If the answer is yes, we must have some more information about each city than just the city name and then city should be considered an entity. If however we are only interested in the city name, city should be considered an attribute of supplier. As a guideline therefore, each entity should contain information about its properties. If an object has no information other than its identifier that interests us, the object should be an attribute. Multivalued Attributes If an attribute of an entity can have more than one value, the attribute should be considered an entity. Although conceptually multi-value attributes create no difficulties, problems arise when the E-R model is translated for implementation using a DBMS. Although we have indicated above that an entity should normally contain information about its properties, a multivalue attribute that has no properties other than its value should be considered an entity. Database Design Process When using the E-R model approach to database design, one possible approach is to follow the major steps that are listed below: 1.

Study the description of the application.


Identify entity sets that are of interest to the application.


Identify relationship sets that are of interest to the application. Determine whether relationships are 1:1, 1: n or m: n. Draw an entity-relationship diagram for the application.

4. 5.

Identify value sets and attributes for the entity sets and the relationship sets.


Identify primary keys for entity sets.


Check that ERD conforms to the description of the application.

Translate the ERD to the database model used by the DBMS.

It should be noted that database design is an iterative process.

Further complications arise because an entity must finally be translated to relation. Since relations have a somewhat inflexible structure, an entity itself must satisfy several artificial constraints. For example, problems arise when things that we consider entities have attributes that are mutli-valued. The attribute then needs to be declared an entity to avoid problems that will appear in mapping an entity with multi-values attribute to the relational database. Consider for example, an entity called vendor. The vendor has several attributes including vendor number, vendor name, location, telephone number etc. Normally the location will be considered an attribute but should we need to cater for a vendor with several branches, the location would need to be made an entity and a new relationship located-in would be needed. To overcome some of the above problems, rule of thumbs like the following should be followed: 1. 2.

Entities have descriptive information; identifying attributes do not. Multivalued attributes should be classed as entities.


Make an attribute that has a many-to-one relationship with an entity.


Attach attributes to entities that they describe most directly.


Avoid composite identifiers as much as possible.

Also there is no absolute distinction between an entity type and a relationship type although a relationship is usually regarded as unable to exist on its own. For example, an enrolment cannot be expected to exist on its own without the entities students and subjects. A careful reader would have noticed our reluctance to discuss time in our data models. We have assumed that only current attribute values are of interest. For example, when an employee’s salary changes, the last salary value disappears for ever. In many applications this situation would not be satisfactory. One way to overcome such problem would be to have an entity for salary history but this is not always the most satisfactory solution. Temporal data models deal with the problem of modeling time dependent data. The Facts-based View (of W.Kent) !! If we study what we usually store in records we find that fields are character strings that usually represent facts. Any field by itself conveys little useful information. For example, a field may convey a name or a fact like department number but most useful information is conveyed only when the interconnections between fields are also conveyed. Information therefore is



We will not discuss entity hierarchies any further although use of hierarchies is now recognized to be important in conceptual modeling.


expressed not only by facts represented in fields but more importantly by relations among fields. Records tie information together; they represent aggregation of facts. Records may be considered to have three components: 1.

What is each field about i.e. the entity type.


How each field refers to the entity representation


What information each field conveys i.e. a relationship or a fact about the entity.

The facts based view is based on the premise that rather than choosing entities as clustering points and aggregating facts around them we use a design based on aggregating singlevalued related facts together. Kent suggests the following as basis for facts based view of database design: 1. Single-valued facts about things are maintained in records having that thing’s identifier. 2.

Several single-valued facts about the same thing can be maintained in the same record.


All other kinds of facts (e.g. multi-valued) are maintained in separate records, one record for each fact.

The following methodology may be followed for fact-based database design:

example, department may apply to Manager and Secretary and not to technician. Further extensions have been suggested. For example, Chen has suggested that a concept of “composite entity” be added to the E-R model. A composite entity is an entity formed by other entities like a relationship. It differs from relationship in that a relationship cannot have attributes (descriptors) while a composite entity can. Summary The entity-relationship model is useful because, as we will soon see, it facilitates communication between the database designer and the end user during the requirements analysis. An E-R diagram naturally consists of a collection of entity sets and relationship sets and their associations. An entity is a person, place, or a thing or an object or an event which can be distinctly identified and is of interest. Relationships are associations or connections that exist between entities and may be looked at as mappings between two or more entity sets.

Questions 1. 2.

What do you mean by entity relationship model? Explain Entity set and relationship set?


Explain entity type? Explain extended E-R Model?


Identify the facts to be maintained. Identify which are single-valued.


Generate a pseudo-record for each fact.



Identify “pseudo-keys” for each pseudo-record, based in single-valuedness of facts.



Merge pseudo-records having compatible keys

5. 6.

Assign representations Consider alternative designs

Consider building a data model for a University. The information available includes:


Name the fields and record types

Extended E-R Model When the E-R model is used as a conceptual schema representation, difficulties may arise because of certain inadequacies of the initial E-R model constructs. For example, view integration often requires abstraction concepts such as generalization. Also data integrity involving null attribute values requires specification of structural constraints on relationships. To deal with these problems the extended E-R model includes the following extensions:

An Example


Students with associated information (student number, name, address, telephone number)


Academic staff with associated information (staff number, name, address, telephone number, salary, department, office number)


Courses with associated information (course number, course name, department name, semester offered, lecture times, tutorial times, room numbers, etc.)


Students take courses and are awarded marks in courses completed.


Academic staffs are associated with courses. It changes from year to year.


A concept of “Category” is introduced to represent generalization hierarchies and subclasses


Structural constraints on relationships are used to specify how entities may participate in relationships.


A category is a subset of entities from an entity set. For example, a manager, secretary and technician may be categories of entity set Employee.

P. P. Chen (1976), “The entity-relationship model: Towards a unified view of data”, ACM Trans. Database Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 9-36.


P. P. Chen (1977), “Entity Relationship Approach to Logical Database Design”, Monograph Series, QED Information Sciences Inc., Wellesley, Ma.


P. P. Chen (1980), Ed., “Entity-Relationship to Systems Analysis and Design”, North-Holland, New York/ Amsterdam.


Employee Manager Secretary Technician The categories share most attributes of the entity type whose subset they are, some attributes may not be shared. For


W. Kent (1986), “The Realities of Data: Basic Properties of Data Reconsidered”, in Database Semantics (DS-1), T.B.Steel and R.Meersman, Eds., North-Holland, pp. 175-188.


Ng, P. (1981), “Further Analysis of the Entity-Relationship Approach to Database Design”, IEEE Trans. on Soft. Engg., Vol. SE-7, No. 1, 1981, pp. 85-98.


T. J. Theorey, D. Yang and J. P. Fry (1986), “Logical Design Methodology for Relational Databases”, ACM Computing Surveys, June 1986, pp. 197-222.


Yao, S. B. (1985), “Principles of Database Design, Vol. 1, Logical Organizations”, Prentice-Hall.






LESSON 5 RELATIONAL MODEL Hi! Welcome to the fascinating world of DBMS. Here in this lecture we are going to discuss about the Relational Model.

We consider the following database to illustrate the basic concepts of the relational data model.

We have discussed the E-R Model, a technique for building a logical model of an enterprise. Logical models are high level abstract views of an enterprise data. In building these models little thought is given to representing or retrieving data in the computer. At the next lower level, a number of data models are available that provide a mapping for a logical data model like the E-R model. These models specify a conceptual view of the data as well as a high level view of the implementation of the database on the computer. They do not concern themselves with the detailed bits and bytes view of the data.

Figure 3.1 A simple student database

What is relational model? The relational model was proposed by E. F. Codd in 1970. It deals with database management from an abstract point of view. The model provides specifications of an abstract database management system. The precision is derived from solid theoretical foundation that includes predicate calculus and theory of relations. To use the database management systems based on the relational model however, users do not need to master the theoretical foundations. Codd defined the model as consisting of the following three components: Data Structure - a collection of data structure types for building the database.

We have not included the attributes in the above E-R diagram. The attributes are student id, student name and student address for the entity set student and subject number, subject name and department for the entity set subject. The above database could be mapped into the following relational schema which consists of three relation schemes. Each relation scheme presents the structure of a relation by specifying its name and the names of its attributes enclosed in parenthesis. Often the primary key of a relation is marked by underlining. student(student_id, student_name, address) enrolment(student_id, subject_id) subject(subject_id, subject_name, department) An example of a database based on the above relational model is:

Data Manipulation - a collection of operators that may be used to retrieve, derive or modify data stored in the data structures. Data Integrity - a collection of rules that implicitly or explicitly define a consistent database state or changes of states.

Data Structure Often the information that an organization wishes to store in a computer and process is complex and unstructured. For example, we may know that a department in a university has 200 students, most are full-time with an average age of 22 years, and most are females. Since natural language is not a good language for machine processing, the information must be structured for efficient processing. In the relational model the information is structures in a very simple way. The beauty of the relational model is its simplicity of structure. Its fundamental property is that all information about the entities and their attributes as well as the relationships is presented to the user as tables (called relations) and nothing but tables. The rows of the tables may be considered records and the columns as fields. Each row therefore consists of an entity occurrence or a relationship occurrence. Each column refers to an attribute. The model is called relational and not tabular because tables are a lower level of abstractions than the mathematical concept of relation. Tables give the impression that positions of rows and columns are important. In the relational model, it is assumed that no ordering of rows and columns is defined.


Table 1. The relation student

Table 2. The relation enrolment

Table 3. The relation subject We list a number of properties of relations: Each relation contains only one record type.

No two rows in a relation are the same. Each item or element in the relation is atomic, that is, in each row, every attribute has only one value that cannot be decomposed and therefore no repeating groups are allowed. Rows have no ordering associated with them. Columns have no ordering associated with them (although most commercially available systems do). The above properties are simple and based on practical considerations. The first property ensures that only one type of information is stored in each relation. The second property involves naming each column uniquely. This has several benefits. The names can be chosen to convey what each column is and the names enable one to distinguish between the column and its domain. Furthermore, the names are much easier to remember than the position of the position of each column if the number of columns is large. The third property of not having duplicate rows appears obvious but is not always accepted by all users and designers of DBMS. The property is essential since no sensible context free meaning can be assigned to a number of rows that are exactly the same. The next property requires that each element in each relation be atomic that cannot be decomposed into smaller pieces. In the relation model, the only composite or compound type (data that can be decomposed into smaller pieces) is a relation. This simplicity of structure leads to relatively simple query and manipulative languages. A relation is a set of tuples. As in other types of sets, there is no ordering associated with the tuples in a relation. Just like the second property, the ordering of the rows should not be significant since in a large database no user should be expected to have any understanding of the positions of the rows of a relation. Also, in some situations, the DBMS should be permitted to reorganize the data and change row orderings if that is necessary for efficiency reasons. The columns are identified by their names. The tuple on the other hand are identified by their contents, possibly the attributes that are unique for each tuple. The relation is a set of tuples and is closely related to the concept of relation in mathematics. Each row in a relation may be viewed as an assertion. For example, the relation student asserts that a student by the name of Reena Rani has student_id 8654321 and lives at 88, Long Hall. Similarly the relation subject asserts that one of the subjects offered by the Department of Computer Science is CP302 Database Management. Each row also may be viewed as a point in a n-dimensional space (assuming n attributes). For example, the relation enrolment may be considered a 2-dimensional space with one dimension being the student_id and the other being subject_id. Each tuple may then be looked at as a point in this 2-dimensional space.

In the relational model, a relation is the only compound data structure since relation does not allow repeating groups or pointers. We now define the relational terminology: Relation - essentially a table Tuple - a row in the relation Attribute - a column in the relation Degree of a relation - number of attributes in the relation Cardinality of a relation - number of tuples in the relation N-ary relations - a relation with degree N Domain - a set of values that an attribute is permitted to take. Same domain may be used by a number of different attributes. Primary key - as discussed in the last chapter, each relation must have an attribute (or a set of attributes) that uniquely identifies each tuple. Each such attribute (or a set of attributes) is called a candidate key of the relation if it satisfies the following properties: a.

The attribute or the set of attributes uniquely identifies each tuple in the relation (called uniqueness), and


If the key is a set of attributes then no subset of these attributes has property (a) (called minimality).

There may be several distinct set of attributes that may serve as candidate keys. One of the candidate keys is arbitrarily chosen as the primary key of the relation. The three relations above student, enrolment and subject have degree 3, 2 and 3 respectively and cardinality 4, 6 and 5 respectively. The primary key of the relation student is student_id, of relation enrolment is (student_id, subject_id) , and finally the primary key of relation subject is subject_id. The relation student probably has another candidate key. If we can assume the names to be unique than the student_name is a candidate key. If the names are not unique but the names and address together are unique, then the two attributes (student_id, address) is a candidate key. Note that both student_id and (student_id, address) cannot be candidate keys, only one can. Similarly, for the relation subject, subject name would be a candidate key if the subject names are unique. The definition of a relation presented above is not precise. A more precise definition is now presented. Let be n atomic domains, not necessarily distinct. R is then a degree n relation on these domains, if it is a subset of the cartesian product of the domains, that is, . If we apply this definition to the relation student, we note that student is a relation on domains student_id (that is, all permitted student_id’s), student_name (all permitted student names) and address (all permitted values of addresses). Each instance of the relation student is then a subset of the product of these three domains. We will often use symbols like R or S to denote relations and r and s to denote tuples. When we write , we assert that tuple r is in relation R. In the relational model, information about entities and relationships is represented in the same way i.e. by relations. Since the structure of all information is the same, the same operators may be applied to them. We should note that not all 25


Each relation has a fixed number of columns that are explicitly named. Each attribute name within a relation is unique.


relationship types need to be represented by separate relations. For 1:1 and 1:m relationships, key propagation may be used. Key propagation involves placing the primary key of one entity within the relation of another entity. Many-to-many relationships however do require a separate relation to represent the association. We illustrate the use of key propagation by considering the following E-R model:

languages that were presented by Codd. These are called the relational algebra and relational calculus. These will be followed by a discussion of a commercial query language SQL.

Questions 1. 2.

What do you mean by relational model? Explain what is a data structure?


Explain what do you mean by data manipulation?


Figure 3.2 a simple database Let the relationship occupies be many-to-one, that is, one staff may occupy only one room but a room may be occupied by more than one staff. Let the attributes of the entity staff be staff number ( s_num), staff name ( name) and status. Attributes of the entity room are room number ( r_num), capacity, building. occupies has no attributes. s_num and r_num are the primary keys of the two entities staff and room. One way to represent the above database is to have the following three relations: staff(s_num, name, status) occupies(s_num, r_num) room(r_num, capacity, building) There is of course another possibility. Since the relationship occupies is many-to-one, that is, each staff occupies only one room, we can represent the relationship by including the primary key of relation room in the entity staff. This is propagation of the key of the entity room to entity staff. We then obtain the following database: staff(s_num, name, status, r_num) room(r_num, capacity, building) We should note that propagating the key of the entity staff to the entity room would not be appropriate since some rooms may be associated with more than one staff member. Also note that key propagation would not work if the relationship occupies is many-to-many. Data Manipulation The manipulative part of relational model makes set processing (or relational processing) facilities available to the user. Since relational operators are able to manipulate relations, the user does not need to use loops in the application programs. Avoiding loops can result in significant increase in the productivity of application programmers. The primary purpose of a database in an enterprise is to be able to provide information to the various users in the enterprise. The process of querying a relational database is in essence a way of manipulating the relations that are the database. For example, in the student database presented in Tables 1-3, one may wish to know names of all students enrolled in CP302, or names of all subjects taken by John Smith. We will show how such queries may be answered by using some of several data manipulation languages that are available for relational databases. We first discuss the two formal



Codd, E. F. (1974), “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks”, Comm. ACM, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 377-387.


Codd, E. F. (1974), “Recent Investigations in Relational Data Base Systems”, in Information Processing 74, North Holland.


Codd, E. F. (1982), “Relational Database: A Practical Foundation for Productivity”, in Comm. ACM, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 109-117. Codd, E. F. (1981), “The Capabilities of Relational Database Management Systems”, IBM Report RJ3132.




LESSON 6 RELATIONAL ALGEBRA PAR T - I Relational Algebra-Part I Hi! I would like to discuss with you about the relational algebra, the basis of SQL language.

The Basic Operations in Relational Algebra •

A brief introduction • •

Relational algebra and relational calculus are formal languages associated with the relational model. Informally, relational algebra is a (high-level) procedural language and relational calculus a non-procedural language.

However, formally both are equivalent to one another.

A language that produces a relation that can be derived using relational calculus is relationally complete.

Relational algebra operations work on one or more relations to define another relation without changing the original relations.

Both operands and results are relations, so output from one operation can become input to another operation.

Allows expressions to be nested, just as in arithmetic. This property is called closure.

What? Why?

Basic Operations: •

Selection (σ): choose a subset of rows.

• •

Projection (π): choose a subset of columns. Cross Product (× ): Combine two tables.

Union (∪): unique tuples from either table.

Set difference (-): tuples in R1 not in R2.

Renaming (ρ ): change names of tables & columns

Additional Operations (for convenience): •

Intersection, joins (very useful), division, outer joins, aggregate functions, etc.

Now we will see the various operations in relational algebra in detail. So get ready to be in a whole new world of algebra which posses the power to extract data from the database.

Selection Operation s The select command gives a programmer the ability to choose tuples from a relation (rows from a table). Please do not confuse the Relational Algebra select command with the more powerful SQL select command that we will discuss later.

Similar to normal algebra (as in 2+3*x-y), except we use relations as values instead of numbers.

Not used as a query language in actual DBMSs. (SQL instead.)

Format: sselection-condition(R). Choose tuples that satisfy the selection condition.

The inner, lower-level operations of a relational DBMS are, or are similar to, relational algebra operations. We need to know about relational algebra to understand query execution and optimization in a relational DBMS.

Result has identical schema as the input.

Some advanced SQL queries requires explicit relational algebra operations, most commonly outer join.

SQL is declarative, which means that you tell the DBMS what you want, but not how it is to be calculated. A C++ or Java program is procedural, which means that you have to state, step by step, exactly how the result should be calculated. Relational algebra is (more) procedural than SQL. (Actually, relational algebra is mathematical expressions.)

• •

It provides a formal foundation for operations on relations. It is used as a basis for implementing and optimizing queries in DBMS software.

DBMS programs add more operations which cannot be expressed in the relational algebra.

Relational calculus (tuple and domain calculus systems) also provides a foundation, but is more difficult to use. We’ll skip these for now.

Idea: choose tuples of a relation (rows of a table)

σMajor = ‘CS’ (Students)

This means that, the desired output is to display the name of students who has taken CS as Major. The Selection condition is a Boolean expression including =, ≠ , , ≥, and, or, not. Students SID 456 457 678

Name John Carl Ken

Result GPA 3.4 3.2 3.5

Major CS CS Math

SID Name GPA Major 456 John 3.4 CS 457 Carl 3.2 CS

Once again, all the Relational Algebra select command does choose tuples from a relation. For example, consider the following relation R (A, B, C, D):

I call this an “abstract” table because there is no way to determine the real world model that the table represents. All we



know is that attribute (column) A is the primary key and that fact is reflected in the fact that no two items currently in the A column of R are the same. Now using a popular variant of Relation Algebra notation…if we were to do the Relational Algebra command Select R where B > ‘b2’ Giving R1;

Project Operation The Relational Algebra project command allows the programmer to choose attributes (columns) of a given relation and delete information in the other attributes Idea: Choose certain attributes of a relation (columns of a table) Format: p Attribute_List (Relation)

or another variant R1 = R where B > ‘b2’; We would create a relation R1 with the exact same attributes and attribute domains (column headers and column domains) as R, but we would select only the tuples where the B attribute value is greater than ‘b2’. This table would be

Returns: a relation with the same tuples as (Relation) but limited to those attributes of interest (in the attribute list).selects some of the columns of a table; it constructs a vertical subset of a relation; implicitly removes any duplicate tuples (so that the result will be a relation).

Π Major(Students)

For example, given the original abstract relation R(A, B, C, D): (I wrote the query in Microsoft Access XP). Important things to know about using the Relational Algebra select command is that the Relation produced always has the exact same attribute names and attribute domains as the original table - we just delete out certain columns. Let us Consider the following relations

SP S# S1 S S# SNAME STATUS CITY S1 20 London S1 Smith S1 10 Paris S2 Jones S2 30 Paris S3 Blake S2 S3 P

P# P1 P2 P3 P4

PNAME Nut Bolt Screw Screw

P# P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P2

QTY 300 200 400 300 400 200

We can pick out columns A, B, and C with the following: Project R over [A, B, C] giving R2;

R2 = R[A, B, C];

This would give us a relation R2(A, B, C) with the D attribute gone:

COLOUR WEIGHT CITY Red 12 London Green 17 Paris Blue 17 Rome Red 14 London

Fig.1 Now based on this consider the following examples e.g. SELECT S WHERE CITY = ‘PARIS’

S# SNAME STATUS CITY S2 Jones 10 Paris S3 Blake 30 Paris e.g. SELECT SP WHERE (S# = S1 and P# = P1)

S# S1

P# QTY P1 300

The resulting relation has the same attributes as the original relation. The selection condition is applied to each tuple in turn - it cannot therefore involve more than one tuple.


There is one slight problem with this command. Sometimes the result might contain a duplicate tuple. For example, what about Project R over [C, D] giving R3;

What would R3(C, D) look like?

R3 = R[C, D];


CITY London Paris

The resulting temporary relations will have the same attribute names as the originals. We might also want to change the attribute names: •

To avoid confusion between relations.

To make them agree with names in another table. (You’ll need this soon.)

For this we will define a Rename operator (rho):


rS(B1,B 2,…, Bn) ( R(A1,A2,…,An ))

SNAME STATUS 20 Smith 10 Jones 30 Blake

where S is the new relation name, and B1…Bn are the new attribute names. Note that the degree(S) = degree(R) = n. Examples

Sequences of Operations Now we can see the sequence of operations based on both selection and Projection operations. E.g. part names where weight is less than 17: TEMP 50000 will be retrieved. Notice that t.SALARY references attribute SALARY of tuple variable t; this notation resembles how attribute names are qualified with relation names or aliases in SQL. The above query retrieves all attribute values for each selected EMPLOYEE tuple t. To retrieve only some of the attributes-say, the first and last names-we write {t.FNAME, t.LNAME | EMPLOYEE(t) and t.SALARY>50000} This is equivalent to the following SQL query: Select T.FNAME, T.LNAME from EMPLOYEE AS T Where T.SALARY>50000; Informally, we need to specify the following information in a tuple calculus expression: 1.

For each tuple variable t, the range relation R of t. This value is specified by a condition of the form R(t).


A condition to select particular combinations of tuples. As tuple variables range over their respective range relations, the condition is evaluated for every possible combination of tuples to identify the selected combinations for which the condition evaluates to TRUE.


A set of attributes to be retrieved, the requested attributes. The values of these attributes are retrieved for each selected combination of tuples.

Observe the correspondence of the preceding items to a simple SQL query: item 1 corresponds to the FROM-clause relation names; item 2 corresponds to the WHERE-clause condition; and item 3 corresponds to the SELECT-clause attribute list. Before we discuss the formal syntax of tuple relational calculus, consider another query we have seen before. Retrieve the birthdate and address of the employee (or employees) whose name is ‘John B. Smith’. Q0 : {t.BDATE, t.ADDRESS | EMPLOYEE(t) and t.FNAME=‘John’ and t.MINIT=‘B’ and t.LNAME=‘Smith’} In tuple relational calculus, we first specify the requested attributes t.BDATE and t.ADDRESS for each selected tuple t. Then we specify the condition for selecting a tuple following the bar ( | )-namely, that t be a tuple of the EMPLOYEE relation whose FNAME, MINIT, and LNAME attribute values are ‘John’, ‘B’, and ‘Smith’, respectively. Domain Calculus

There is another type of relational calculus called the domain relational calculus, or simply, domain calculus. The language QBE that is related to domain calculus was developed almost concurrently with SQL at IBM Research, Yorktown Heights. The formal specification of the domain calculus was proposed after the development of the QBE system. The domain calculus differs from the tuple calculus in the type of variables used in formulas: rather than having variables range over tuples, the variables range over single values from domains of attributes. To form a relation of degree n for a query result,



It has been shown that any retrieval that can be specified in the relational algebra can also be specified in the relational calculus, and vice versa; in other words, the expressive power of the two languages is identical. This has led to the definition of the concept of a relationally complete language. A relational query language L is considered relationally complete if we can express in L any query that can be expressed in relational calculus. Relational completeness has become an important basis for comparing the expressive power of high-level query languages. However certain frequently required queries in database applications cannot be expressed in relational algebra or calculus. Most relational query languages are relationally complete but have more expressive power than relational algebra or relational calculus because of additional operations such as aggregate functions, grouping, and ordering.


we must have n of these domain variables-one for each attribute. An expression of the Domain calculus is of the form {x1, x2, . . ., xn | COND(x1, x2, . . ., xn , xn+1, xn+2, . . ., xn+m)}

k=m and n=t and j=‘Stafford’)} Query 6 Find the names of employees who have no dependents.

where x1, x2, . . ., xn , xn+1, xn+2, . . ., xn+m are domain variables that range over domains (of attributes) and COND is a condition or formula of the domain relational calculus. A formula is made up of atoms

Q6 : {qs | ( t) (EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) and (not( l) (DEPENDENT(lmnop) and t=l)))}

As in tuple calculus, atoms evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE for a specific set of values, called the truth values of the atoms. In case 1, if the domain variables are assigned values corresponding to a tuple of the specified relation R, then the atom is TRUE. In cases 2 and 3, if the domain variables are assigned values that satisfy the condition, then the atom is TRUE.

Q6A : {qs | ( t) (EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) and (( l) (not(DEPENDENT(lmnop)) or not(t=l))))}

In a similar way to the tuple relational calculus, formulas are made up of atoms, variables, and quantifiers, so we will not repeat the specifications for formulas here. Some examples of queries specified in the domain calculus follow. We will use lowercase letters l, m, n, . . ., x, y, z for domain variables. Query 0 Retrieve the birthdate and address of the employee whose name is ‘John B. Smith’. Q0 : {uv | ( q) ( r) ( s) ( t) ( w) ( x) ( y) ( z) (EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) and q=’John’ and r=’B’ and s=’Smith’)} We need ten variables for the EMPLOYEE relation, one to range over the domain of each attribute in order. Of the ten variables q, r, s, . . ., z, only u and v are free. We first specify the requested attributes, BDATE and ADDRESS, by the domain variables u for BDATE and v for ADDRESS. Then we specify the condition for selecting a tuple following the bar ( | )namely, that the sequence of values assigned to the variables qrstuvwxyz be a tuple of the EMPLOYEE relation and that the values for q (FNAME), r (MINIT), and s (LNAME) be ‘John’, ‘B’, and ‘Smith’, respectively. For convenience, we will quantify only those variables actually appearing in a condition (these would be q, r, and s in Q0) in the rest of our examples. An alternative notation for writing this query is to assign the constants ‘John’, ‘B’, and ‘Smith’ directly as shown in Q0A, where all variables are free: Q0A : {uv | EMPLOYEE(‘John’,‘B’,‘Smith’,t,u,v,w,x,y,z) } Query 1 Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the ‘Research’ department. Q1 : {qsv | ( z) ( l) ( m) (EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) and DEPARTMENT(lmno) and l=‘Research’ and m=z)} A condition relating two domain variables that range over attributes from two relations, such as m = z in Q1, is a join condition; whereas a condition that relates a domain variable to a constant, such as l = ‘Research’, is a selection condition. Query 2 For every project located in ‘Stafford’, list the project number, the controlling department number, and the department manager’s last name, birthdate, and address. Q2 : {iksuv | ( j) ( m)( n) ( t)(PROJECT(hijk) and EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) and DEPARTMENT(lmno) and 36

Query 6 can be restated using universal quantifiers instead of the existential quantifiers, as shown in Q6A:

Query 7 List the names of managers who have at least one dependent. Q7 : {sq | ( t) ( j) ( l)(EMPLOYEE(qrstuvwxyz) and DEPARTMENT(hijk) and DEPENDENT(lmnop) and t=j and l=t)} As we mentioned earlier, it can be shown that any query that can be expressed in the relational algebra can also be expressed in the domain or tuple relational calculus. Also, any safe expression in the domain or tuple relational calculus can be expressed in the relational algebra.

Review Questions 1. 2.

What do you mean by Relational Algebra? Explain the Database Specific Relational Algebraic Expressions?


Explain the various set operations?


Explain Tuple and domain relational Calculus?

References Date, C.J., Introduction to Database Systems (7th Edition) Addison Wesley, 2000 Leon, Alexis and Leon, Mathews, Database Management Systems, LeonTECHWorld. Notes:

Hi! Here in this lecture we are going to discuss about the data integrity part of relational data model

Data Integrity We noted at the beginning of the previous lecture the relational model has three main components; data structure, data manipulation, and data integrity. The aim of data integrity is to specify rules that implicitly or explicitly define a consistent database state or changes of state. These rules may include facilities like those provided by most programming languages for declaring data types which constrain the user from operations like comparing data of different data types and assigning a variable of one type to another of a different type. This is done to stop the user from doing things that generally do not make sense. In a DBMS, integrity constraints play a similar role. The integrity constraints are necessary to avoid situations like the following: 1.


Some data has been inserted in the database but it cannot be identified (that is, it is not clear which object or entity the data is about). A student is enrolled in a course but no data about him is available in the relation that has information about students.


During a query processing, a student number is compared with a course number (this should never be required).


A student quits the university and is removed from the student relation but is still enrolled in a course.

Integrity constraints on a database may be divided into two types: 1.


Static Integrity Constraints - these are constraints that define valid states of the data. These constraints include designations of primary keys etc. Dynamic Integrity Constraints - these are constraints that define side-effects of various kinds of transactions (e.g. insertions and deletions).

We now discuss certain integrity features of the relational model. We discuss the following features: 1.

Primary Keys

2. 3.

Domains Foreign Keys and Referential Integrity



Primary Keys We have earlier defined the concept of candidate key and primary key. From the definition of candidate key, it should be clear that each relation must have at least one candidate key even if it is the combination of all the attributes in the relation since all tuples in a relation are distinct. Some relations may have more than one candidate keys.

As discussed earlier, the primary key of a relation is an arbitrarily but permanently selected candidate key. The primary key is important since it is the sole identifier for the tuples in a relation. Any tuple in a database may be identified by specifying relation name, primary key and its value. Also for a tuple to exist in a relation, it must be identifiable and therefore it must have a primary key. The relational data model therefore imposes the following two integrity constraints: a.

No component of a primary key value can be null;


Attempts to change the value of a primary key must be carefully controlled.

The first constraint is necessary because if we want to store information about some entity, then we must be able to identify it, otherwise difficulties are likely to arise. For example, if a relation CLASS (STUNO, LECTURER, CNO) has (STUNO, LECTURER) as the primary key then allowing tuples like

is going to lead to ambiguity since the two tuples above may or may not be identical and the integrity of the database may be compromised. Unfortunately most commercial database systems do not support the concept of primary key and it would be possible to have a database state when integrity of the database is violated. The second constraint above deals with changing of primary key values. Since the primary key is the tuple identifier, changing it needs very careful controls. Codd has suggested three possible approaches: Method 1 Only a select group of users be authorised to change primary key values. Method 2 Updates on primary key values be banned. If it was necessary to change a primary key, the tuple would first be deleted and then a new tuple with new primary key value but same other values would be inserted. Of course, this does require that the old values of attributes be remembered and be reinserted in the database. Method 3 A different command for updating primary keys be made available. Making a distinction in altering the primary key and another attribute of a relation would remind users that care needs to be taken in updating primary keys. Advantages and disadvantages of each to be discussed.





Domains We have noted earlier that many commercial database systems do not provide facilities for specifying domains. Domains could be specified as below:

Null constraints

NOT NULL constraint restricts attributes to not allow NULL values. NULL is a special value: Many possible interpretations: value unknown, value inapplicable, Value withheld, etc. Often used as the default value

Note that NAME1 and NAME2 are both character strings of length 10 but they now belong to different (semantic) domains. It is important to denote different domainsto



INSERT INTO Student (SID, name) VALUES (135, ’Maggie’);


Constrain unions, intersections, differences, and equijoins of relations. Let the system check if two occurrences of the same database value denote the same real world object.

The constrain on union-compatibility and join-compatibility is important so that only those operations that make sense are permitted. For example, a join on class number and student number would make no sense even if both attributes are integers and the user should not be permitted to carry out such operations (or at least be warned when it is attempted). Domain Constraints

All the values that appear in a column of a relation must be taken from the same domain. A domain usually consists of the following components. 1.

Domain Name




Data Type

4. 5.

Size or length Allowable values or Allowable range( if applicable)

Entity Integrity

The Entity Integrity rule is so designed to assure that every relation has a primary key and that the data values for the primary key are all valid. Entity integrity guarantees that every primary key attribute is non null. No attribute participating in the primary key of a base relation is allowed to contain nulls. Primary key performs unique identification function in a relational model. Thus a null primary key performs the unique identification function in a relation would be like saying that there are some entity that had no known identity. An entity that cannot be identified is a contradiction in terms, hence the name entity integrity. Operational Constraints

These are the constraints enforced in the database by the business rules or real world limitations. For example if the retirement age of the employees in a organization is 60, then the age column of the employee table can have a constraint “Age should be less than or equal to 60”. These kinds of constraints enforced by the business and the environment are called operational constraints.


INSERT INTO Student VALUES (135, ’Maggie’, NULL, NULL); or Foreign Keys and Referential Integrity

We have earlier considered some problems related to modifying primary key values. Additional problems arise because primary key value of a tuple may be referred in many relations of the database. When a primary key is modified, each of these references to a primary key must either be modified accordingly or be replaced by NULL values. Only then we can maintain referential integrity. Before we discuss referential integrity further, we define the concept of a foreign key. The concept is important since a relational database consists of relations only (no pointers) and relationships between the relations are implicit, based on references to primary keys of o We now define foreign key. A foreign key in a relation R is a set of attributes whose values are required to match those of the primary key of some relation S. In the following relation the supervisor number is a foreign key (it is the primary key of employee) employee (empno, empname, supervisor-no, dept) In the following relation Class, student-num and lecturer-num are foreign keys since they appear as primary keys in other relations (relations student and lecturer). Class (student-num, lecturer-num, subject) student ( ) lecturer ( ) Foreign keys are the implicit references in a relational database. The following constraint is called referential integrity constraint: If a foreign key F in relation R matches the primary key P of relation S than every value of F must either be equal to a value of P or be wholly null. The justification for referential integrity constraint is simple. If there is a foreign key in a relation (that is if the relation is referring to another relation) then its value must match with one of the primary key values to which it refers. That is, if an object or entity is being referred to, the constraint ensures the referred object or entity exists in the database. In the relational model the association between the tables is defined using foreign keys. The association between the SHIPMENT and ELEMENT tables is defined by including the Symbol attribute as a foreign key in the SHIPMENT table. This implies that before we insert a row in the SHIPMENT table,



the element for that order must already exist in the ELEMENT table. A referential integrity constraint is a rule that maintains consistency among the rows of two tables or relations. The rule states that if there is a foreign key in one relation, either each of the foreign key value must match a primary key value in the other table or else the foreign key value must be null. When Should Constraints Be Checked?

Usually they are checked for each modification statement. But sometimes deferred constraint checking is necessary.

• •

Review Questions 1.

Define Data Integrity


What is a primary key


Define referential integrity

4. 5.

Define a foreign key Define domains constraints


Codd, E. F. (1974), “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks”, Comm. ACM, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 377-387.


Codd, E. F. (1974), “Recent Investigations in Relational Data Base Systems”, in Information Processing 74, North Holland.


Codd, E. F. (1982), “Relational Database: A Practical Foundation for Productivity”, in Comm. ACM, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 109-117.


Codd, E. F. (1981), “The Capabilities of Relational Database Management Systems”, IBM Report RJ3132.


Codd, E. F. (1971), “Relational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages” Courant Computer Science Symposium 6, Data Base Systems, Prentice-Hall.


Codd, E. F. (1971), “Further Normalization of the Data Base Relational Model”, Courant Computer Science Symposium 6, Data Base Systems, Prentice-Hall. C. J. Date (1987) “A Guide to the SQL Standard”, Addison Wesley.


Summary The explosion of information made available to enterprise applications by the broad-based adoption of Internet standards and technologies has introduced a clear need for an information integration platform to help harness that information and make it available to enterprise applications. The challenges for a robust information integration platform are steep. However, the foundation to build such a platform is already on the market. DBMSs have demonstrated over the years a remarkable ability to manage and harness structured data, to scale with business growth, and to quickly adapt to new requirements. We believe that a federated DBMS enhanced with native XML capabilities and tightly coupled enterprise application services, content management services and analytics is the right technology to provide a robust end-to-end solution.




Hi! We are going to discuss functional Dependencies. For our discussion on functional dependencies assume that a relational schema has attributes (A, B, C... Z) and that the whole database is described by a single universal relation called R = (A, B, C, ..., Z). This assumption means that every attribute in the database has a unique name.

What is functional dependency in a relation?

A functional dependency is a property of the semantics of the attributes in a relation. The semantics indicate how attributes relate to one another, and specify the functional dependencies between attributes. When a functional dependency is present, the dependency is specified as a constraint between the attributes. Consider a relation with attributes A and B, where attribute B is functionally dependent on attribute A. If we know the value of A and we examine the relation that holds this dependency, we will find only one value of B in all of the tuples that have a given value of A, at any moment in time. Note however, that for a given value of B there may be several different values of A.


B is functionally


dependent on A

In the figure above, A is the determinant of B and B is the consequent of A. The determinant of a functional dependency is the attribute or group of attributes on the left-hand side of the arrow in the functional dependency. The consequent of a fd is the attribute or group of attributes on the right-hand side of the arrow.

the relationship between position and staff# is 1:M – there are several staff numbers associated with a given position. staff#

position is functionally


dependent on staff# position

staff# is NOT functionally dependent on position


For the purposes of normalization we are interested in identifying functional dependencies between attributes of a relation that have a 1:1 relationship. When identifying Fds between attributes in a relation it is important to distinguish clearly between the values held by an attribute at a given point in time and the set of all possible values that an attributes may hold at different times. In other words, a functional dependency is a property of a relational schema (its intension) and not a property of a particular instance of the schema (extension). The reason that we need to identify Fds that hold for all possible values for attributes of a relation is that these represent the types of integrity constraints that we need to identify. Such constraints indicate the limitations on the values that a relation can legitimately assume. In other words, they identify the legal instances which are possible. Let’s identify the functional dependencies that hold using the relation schema STAFFBRANCH In order to identify the time invariant Fds, we need to clearly understand the semantics of the various attributes in each of the relation schemas in question.

Now let us consider the following Relational schema

For example, if we know that a staff member’s position and the branch at which they are located determines their salary. There is no way of knowing this constraint unless you are familiar with the enterprise, but this is what the requirements analysis phase and the conceptual design phase are all about!

Staffbranch staff# sname

Identifying Functional Dependencies










22Deer Road






162Main Street






163Main Street






375Fox Avenue






163Main Street

The functional dependency staff# → position clearly holds on this relation instance. However, the reverse functional dependency position → staff# clearly does not hold. The relationship between staff# and position is 1:1 – for each staff member there is only one position. On the other hand, 40

branch# → baddress baddress → branch# branch#, position → salary baddress, position → salary Trivial Functional Dependencies As well as identifying Fds which hold for all possible values of the attributes involved in the fd, we also want to ignore trivial functional dependencies. A functional dependency is trivial if, the consequent is a subset of the determinant. In other words, it is impossible for it not to be satisfied. Example: Using the relation instances on page 6, the trivial dependencies include: { staff#, sname} → sname { staff#, sname} → staff# Although trivial Fds are valid, they offer no additional information about integrity constraints for the relation. As far as normalization is concerned, trivial Fds are ignored. Inference Rules for Functional Dependencies We’ll denote as F, the set of functional dependencies that are specified on a relational schema R. Typically, the schema designer specifies the Fds that are semantically obvious; usually however, numerous other Fds hold in all legal relation instances that satisfy the dependencies in F. These additional Fds that hold are those Fds which can be inferred or deduced from the Fds in F. The set of all functional dependencies implied by a set of functional dependencies F is called the closure of F and is denoted F+. The notation: F X → Y denotes that the functional dependency X → Y is implied by the set of Fds F. Formally, F+ º {X → Y | F → Y} A set of inference rules is required to infer the set of Fds in F+. For example, if I tell you that Kristi is older than Debi and that Debi is older than Traci, you are able to infer that Kristi is older than Traci. How did you make this inference? Without thinking about it or maybe knowing about it, you utilized a transitivity rule to allow you to make this inference. The set of all Fds that are implied by a given set S of Fds is called the closure of S, written S+. Clearly we need an algorithm that will allow us to compute S+ from S. You know the first attack on this problem appeared in a paper by Armstrong which gives a set of inference rules. The following are the six well-known inference rules that apply to functional dependencies.

The first three of these rules (IR1-IR3) are known as Armstrong’s Axioms and constitute a necessary and sufficient set of inference rules for generating the closure of a set of functional dependencies. These rules can be stated in a variety of equivalent ways. Each of these rules can be directly proved from the definition of functional dependency. Moreover the rules are complete, in the sense that, given a set S of Fds, all Fds implied by S can be derived from S using the rules. The other rules are derived from these three rules. Given R = (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, I, J) and F = {AB → E, AG → J, BE → I, E → G, GI → H} Does F AB →GH? Proof

1. 2.

AB → E, given in F AB → AB, reflexive rule IR1


AB → B, projective rule IR4 from step 2


AB → BE, additive rule IR5 from steps 1 and 3


BE → I, given in F


AB → I, transitive rule IR3 from steps 4 and 5


E → G, given in F

8. 9.

AB → G, transitive rule IR3 from steps 1 and 7 AB → GI, additive rule IR5 from steps 6 and 8

10. GI → H, given in F 11. AB → H, transitive rule IR3 from steps 9 and 10 12. AB → GH, additive rule IR5 from steps 8 and 11 - proven Irreducible sets of Dependencies Let S1 and S2 be two sets of Fds, if every FD implied by S1 is implied by S2- i.e.; if S1+ is a subset of S2+-we say that S2 is a cover for S1+(Cover here means equivalent set). What this means that if the DBMS enforces the Fds in S2, then it will automatically be enforcing the Fds in S1. Next Next if S2 is a cover for S1 and S1 is a cover for S2- i.e.; if S1+=S2+ -we say that S1 and S2 are equivalent, clearly, if s1 and S2 are equivalent, then if the DBMS enforces the Fds in S2 it will automatically be enforcing the Fds in S1, And vice versa. Now we define a set of Fds to be irreducible( Usually called minimal in the literature) if and only if it satisfies the following three properties 1. 2.

IR1: reflexive rule – if X ⊇ Y, then X → Y IR2: augmentation rule – if X → Y, then XZ → YZ IR3: transitive rule – if X → Y and Y → Z, then X → Z IR4: projection rule – if X → YZ, then X → Y and X → Z IR5: additive rule – if X → Y and X → Z, then X → YZ


The right hand side (the dependent) of every Fds in S involves just one attribute (that is, it is singleton set) The left hand side (determinant) of every in S is irreducible in turn-meaning that no attribute can be discarded from the determinant without changing the closure S+(that is, with out converting S into some set not equivalent to S). We will say that such an Fd is left irreducible. No Fd in S can be discarded from S without changing the closure S+(That is, without converting s into some set not equivalent to S)

IR6: pseudo transitive rule – if X → Y and YZ → W, then XZ → W



staff# → sname, position, salary, branch#, baddress


Now we will work out the things in detail.

Relation R {A,B,C,D,E,F} satisfies the following Fds AB → C C→A BC →D ACD → B BE → C CE → FA CF → VD D → EF

2 and 10 implies CF → AD (By composition), which implies CF → ADC (By Augmentation), which with (the original) 4 implies CF → B(By Transitivity), So we can drop 8.

No further reductions are possible, and so we are left with following irreducible set: AB → C C→A BC → D CD → B BE → C

Find an irreducible equivalent for this set of Fds?

CE → F

Puzzled! The solution is simple. Let us find the solution for the above.



AB → C



3. 4.



BE → C


CE → A




CF → B



D→E D→F Observe, therefore, that there are two distinct irreducible equivalence for the original set of Fds.

Review Questions 1. 2.

Define functional dependencies? Explain the inference rules?


What does it mean to say that Armstrong’s inference rules are sound? Complete?


Prove the reflexity, augmentation, transitivity rules, assuming only the basic definition of functional dependence?


List all the Fds satisfied by the STAFFBRANCH relation?

10. D → E 11. D → F Now: • 2 implies 6, so we can drop 6 •

8 implies CF →BC (By augmentation), by which 3 implies CF →D (By Transitivity), so we can drop 10.

8 implies ACF →AB (By augmentation), and 11 implies ACD →ACF (By augmentation), and so ACD →AB (By Transitivity), and so ACD →B(By Decomposition), so we can drop 4

No further reductions are possible, and so we are left with the following irreducible set: AB → C C→A BC → D BE → C CE → F CF → B D→E D→F Alternatively: •

2 implies CD→ACD (By Composition), which with 4 implies CD →BE (By Transitivity), so we can replace 4 CD →B

2 implies 6, so we can drop 6(as before)


Activities Find out the relation of Darwen’s “General Unification Theorem” with the inference rules Relation R{A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J) satisfies the following Fds: ABD →E AB → G B→F C→J CJ → I G→H Is this an irreducible set? What are the candidate keys?

References 1.

Date, C.J., Introduction to Database Systems (7th Edition) Addison Wesley, 2000


Elamasri R . and Navathe, S., Fundamentals of Database Systems (3rd Edition), Pearsson Education, 2000.




LESSON 10 CONCEPT OF REDUNDANCY (UPDATION ANOMALIES) Concept Of redundancy (Updation Anomalies) Hi! We are going to discuss one of the fascinating and important topics in a DBMS.

Analysis of Redundancies Before we go in to the detail of Normalization I would like to discuss with you the redundancies in the databases. A redundancy in a conceptual schema corresponds to a piece of information that can be derived (that is, obtained through a series of retrieval operations) from other data in the database. Examples of Redundancies

Deciding About Redundancies The presence of a redundancy in a database may be decided upon the following factores •

An advantage: a reduction in the number of accesses necessary to obtain the derived information;

Adisadvantage: because of larger storage requirements, (but, usually. At negligible cost) and the necessity to carry out additional operations in order to keep the derived data consistent.

The decision to maintain or delete a redundancy is made by comparing the cost of operations that involve the redundant information and the storage needed, in the case of presence or absence of redundancy.

Load and Operations for the Example

Table of Accesses, with Redundancy

Cost Comparison: An Example Now we will see the impact of redundancy with the help of an example.



Issues related to Redundancies (Anomalies)

The time has come to reveal the actual facts why normalization is needed. We will look in to the matter in detail now. The serious problem with using the relations is the problem of update anomalies. These can be classified in to •

Insertion anomalies

Deletion anomalies

Modification anomalies

Insertion Anomalies

An “insertion anomaly” is a failure to place information about a new database entry into all the places in the database where information about that new entry needs to be stored. In a properly normalized database, information about a new entry needs to be inserted into only one place in the database; in an inadequately normalized database, information about a new entry may need to be inserted into more than one place and, human fallibility being what it is, some of the needed additional insertions may be missed. This can be differentiated in to two types based on the following example

The problem of deletion anomaly is related to the second insertion anomaly situation which we have discussed earlier, if we delete from emp_dept an employee tuple that happens to represent the last employee working for a particular department, the information concerning that department is lost from the database. Modification Anomalies In Emp_Dept, if we change the value of one of the attribute of a particular department- say, the manager of department 5we must update the tuples of all employees who work in that department; other wise, the database will become inconsistent. If we fail to update some tuples, the same department will be shown to have 2 different values for manager in different employee tuple which would be wrong. All three kinds of anomalies are highly undesirable, since their occurrence constitutes corruption of the database. Properly normalized databases are much less susceptible to corruption than are unnormalized databases. Update Anomalies - Redundant information not only wastes storage but makes updates more difficult since, for example, changing the name of the instructor of CP302 would require

Emp_Dept EName



































First Instance: - To insert a new employee tuple in to Emp_Dept table, we must include either the attribute values for the department that the employee works for, or nulls (if the employee does not work for a department as yet). For example to insert a new tuple for an employee who works in department no 5, we must enter the attribute values of department number 5correctly so that they are consistent, with values for the department 5 in other tuples in emp_dept. Second Instance: - It is difficult to insert a new department that has no employees as yet in the emp_dept relation. The only way to do this is to place null values in the attributes for the employee this causes a problem because SSN in the primary key of emp_dept table and each tuple is supposed to represent an employee entity- not a department entity. Moreover, when the first employee is assigned to that department, we do not need this tuple with null values anymore. Deletion Anomalies A “deletion anomaly” is a failure to remove information about an existing database entry when it is time to remove that entry. In a properly normalized database, information about an old, to-be-gotten-rid-of entry needs to be deleted from only one place in the database; in an inadequately normalized database, information about that old entry may need to be deleted from more than one place, and, human fallibility being what it is, some of the needed additional deletions may be missed.


that all tuples containing CP302 enrolment information be updated. If for some reason, all tuples are not updated, we might have a database that gives two names of instructor for subject CP302. This difficulty is called the update anomaly. Insertional Anomalies - Inability to represent certain information Let the primary key of the above relation be (sno, cno). Any new tuple to be inserted in the relation must have a value for the primary key since existential integrity requires that a key may not be totally or partially NULL. However, if one wanted to insert the number and name of a new course in the database, it would not be possible until a student enrols in the course and we are able to insert values of sno and cno. Similarly information about a new student cannot be inserted in the database until the student enrols in a subject. These difficulties are called insertion anomalies. Deletion Anomalies - Loss of Useful Information - In some instances, useful information may be lost when a tuple is deleted. For example, if we delete the tuple corresponding to student 85001 doing CP304, we will loose relevant information about course CP304 (viz. course name, instructor, office number) if the student 85001 was the only student enrolled in that course. Similarly deletion of course CP302 from the database may remove all information about the student named Jones. This is called deletion anomalies.


Explain insertion anomaly


Explain deletion and modification anomalies


what are the factors which decide the redundancy in a data base


Review Questions




LESSON 11 NORMALIZATION-PART I Hi! Here in this lecture we are going to discuss about the important concepts of DBMS, Normalization.

What is Normalization? Yes, but what is this normalization all about? If I am simply putting it, normalization is a formal process for determining which fields belong in which tables in a relational database. Normalization follows a set of rules worked out at the time relational databases were born. A normalized relational database provides several benefits:

Normalized Design: Pros and Cons Oh, now we’ve implied that there are various advantages to producing a properly normalized design before you implement your system. Let’s look at a detailed list of the pros and cons: Pros of Normalizing

Cons of Normalizing

More efficient database structure.

You can't start building the

Better understanding of your data.

• •

Structuring of data so that the model is flexible.

Few (if any) costly surprises down the road.

Normalization ensures that you get the benefits relational databases offer. Time spent learning about normalization will begin paying for itself immediately.

Validates your common sense and intuition.

Why do they talk like that? Some people are intimidated by the language of normalization. Here is a quote from a classic text on relational database design: A relation is in third normal form (3NF) if and only if it is in 2NF and every nonkey attribute is no transitively dependent on the primary key. Huh? Relational database theory, and the principles of normalization, was first constructed by people intimately acquainted with set theory and predicate calculus. They wrote about databases for like-minded people. Because of this, people sometimes think that normalization is “hard”. Nothing could be more untrue. The principles of normalization are simple, commonsense ideas that are easy to apply. Design Versus Implementation Now we will look in to the aspects regarding the tasks associated with designing and implementing a database. Designing a database structure and implementing a database structure are different tasks. When you design a structure it should be described without reference to the specific database tool you will use to implement the system, or what concessions you plan to make for performance reasons. These steps come later. After you’ve designed the database structure abstractly, then you implement it in a particular environment-4D in our case. Too often people new to database design combine design and implementation in one step. 4D makes this tempting because the structure editor is so easy to use. Implementing a structure without designing it quickly leads to flawed structures that are difficult and costly to modify. Design first, implement second, and you’ll finish faster and cheaper.


the user needs.

More flexible database structure.

Elimination of redundant data storage. Close modeling of real world entities, processes, and their relationships.

database before you know what

Easier to maintain database structure.

Avoids redundant fields. Ensures that distinct tables exist when necessary.

We think that the pros outweigh the cons. Terminology There are a couple terms that are central to a discussion of normalization: “key” and “dependency”. These are probably familiar concepts to anyone who has built relational database systems, though they may not be using these words. We define and discuss them here as necessary background for the discussion of normal forms that follows. The Normal Forms Hi! Now we are going to discuss the definitions of Normal Forms. 1st Normal Form (1NF)

Def: A table (relation) is in 1NF if 1.

There are no duplicated rows in the table.


Each cell is single-valued (i.e., there are no repeating groups or arrays).


Entries in a column (attribute, field) are of the same kind.

Note: The order of the rows is immaterial; the order of the columns is immaterial. The requirement that there be no duplicated rows in the table means that the table has a key (although the key might be made up of more than one column - even, possibly, of all the columns). So we come to the conclusion,

extracting it, placing it in new table(s) and creating relationships between those tables.

The first normal form deals only with the basic structure of the relation and does not resolve the problems of redundant information or the anomalies discussed earlier. All relations discussed in these notes are in 1NF.

Let’s look at an example. Imagine an online store that maintains customer information in a database. Their Customers table might look something like this:

For example consider the following example relation: student(sno, sname, dob) Add some other attributes so it has anomalies and is not in 2NF






State ZIP




12 Main Street

Sea Cliff






82 Evergreen Tr

Sea Cliff






1912 NE 1st St





142 Irish Way

South Bend




412 NE 1st St




The attribute dob is the date of birth and 4 Jacob the primary key of the relation is sno with 5 Sue the functional dependencies sno -> sname and . The relation is in 1NF as long as dob is considered an atomic value and not consisting of three components (day, month, year). The above relation of course suffers from all the anomalies that we have discussed earlier and needs to be normalized. (add example with date of birth) A relation is in first normal form if and only if, in every legal value of that relation every tuple contains one value for each attribute The above definition merely states that the relations are always in first normal form which is always correct. However the relation that is only in first normal form has a structure those undesirable for a number of reasons. First normal form (1NF) sets the very basic rules for an organized database: •

Eliminate duplicative columns from the same table.

Create separate tables for each group of related data and identify each row with a unique column or set of columns (the primary key).

2nd Normal Form (2NF) Def: A table is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and if all non-key attributes are dependent on the entire key. The second normal form attempts to deal with the problems that are identified with the relation above that is in 1NF. The aim of second normal form is to ensure that all information in one relation is only about one thing. A relation is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and every non-key attribute is fully dependent on each candidate key of the relation. Note: Since a partial dependency occurs when a non-key attribute is dependent on only a part of the (composite) key, the definition of 2NF is sometimes phrased as, “A table is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and if it has no partial dependencies.”

A brief look at this table reveals a small amount of redundant data. We’re storing the “Sea Cliff, NY 11579” and “Miami, FL 33157” entries twice each. Now, that might not seem like too much added storage in our simple example, but imagine the wasted space if we had thousands of rows in our table. Additionally, if the ZIP code for Sea Cliff were to change, we’d need to make that change in many places throughout the database. In a 2NF-compliant database structure, this redundant information is extracted and stored in a separate table. Our new table (let’s call it ZIPs) might look like this: ZIP




Sea Cliff






South Bend


If we want to be super-efficient, we can even fill this table in advance - the post office provides a directory of all valid ZIP codes and their city/state relationships. Surely, you’ve encountered a situation where this type of database was utilized. Someone taking an order might have asked you for your ZIP code first and then knew the city and state you were calling from. This type of arrangement reduces operator error and increases efficiency. Now that we’ve removed the duplicative data from the Customers table, we’ve satisfied the first rule of second normal form. We still need to use a foreign key to tie the two tables together. We’ll use the ZIP code (the primary key from the ZIPs table) to create that relationship. Here’s our new Customers table:

Recall the general requirements of 2NF: •

Remove subsets of data that apply to multiple rows of a table and place them in separate rows.

Create relationships between these new tables and their predecessors through the use of foreign keys.

These rules can be summarized in a simple statement: 2NF attempts to reduce the amount of redundant data in a table by 47


A relation is in 1NF if and only if all underlying domains contain atomic values only.










12 Main Street





82 Evergreen Tr 11579




1912 NE 1st St





142 Irish Way





412 NE 1st St


We’ve now minimized the amount of redundant information stored within the database and our structure is in second normal form, great isn’t it? Let’s take one more example to confirm the thoughts The concept of 2NF requires that all attributes that are not part of a candidate key be fully dependent on each candidate key. If we consider the relation student (sno, sname, cno, cname) and the functional dependencies cno -> cname and assume that (sno, cno) is the only candidate key (and therefore the primary key), the relation is not in 2NF since sname and cname are not fully dependent on the key. The above relation suffers from the same anomalies and repetition of information as discussed above since sname and cname will be repeated. To resolve these difficulties we could remove those attributes from the relation that are not fully dependent on the candidate keys of the relations. Therefore we decompose the relation into the following projections of the original relation: S1 (sno, sname) S2 (cno, cname) SC (sno, cno) Use an example that leaves one relation in 2NF but not in 3NF. We may recover the original relation by taking the natural join of the three relations. If however we assume that sname and cname are unique and therefore we have the following candidate keys (sno, cno) (sno, cname) (sname, cno) (sname, cname) The above relation is now in 2NF since the relation has no nonkey attributes. The relation still has the same problems as before but it then does satisfy the requirements of 2NF. Higher level normalization is needed to resolve such problems with relations that are in 2NF and further normalization will result in decomposition of such relations 3rd Normal Form (3NF)

Def: A table is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and if it has no transitive dependencies. The basic requirements of 3NF are as follows • •


Meet the requirements of 1NF and 2NF Remove columns that are not fully dependent upon the primary key.

Although transforming a relation that is not in 2NF into a number of relations that are in 2NF removes many of the anomalies that appear in the relation that was not in 2NF, not all anomalies are removed and further normalization is sometime needed to ensure further removal of anomalies. These anomalies arise because a 2NF relation may have attributes that are not directly related to the thing that is being described by the candidate keys of the relation. Let us first define the 3NF.

A relation R is in third normal form if it is in 2NF and every non-key attribute of R is non-transitively dependent on each candidate key of R. To understand the third normal form, we need to define transitive dependence which is based on one of Armstrong’s axioms. Let A, B and C be three attributes of a relation R such that and . From these FDs, we may derive . As noted earlier, this dependence is transitive. The 3NF differs from the 2NF in that all non-key attributes in 3NF are required to be directly dependent on each candidate key of the relation. The 3NF therefore insists, in the words of Kent (1983) that all facts in the relation are about the key (or the thing that the key identifies), the whole key and nothing but the key. If some attributes are dependent on the keys transitively then that is an indication that those attributes provide information not about the key but about a kno-key attribute. So the information is not directly about the key, although it obviously is related to the key. Consider the following relation subject (cno, cname, instructor, office) Assume that cname is not unique and therefore cno is the only candidate key. The following functional dependencies exist

We can derive from the above functional dependencies and therefore the above relation is in 2NF. The relation is however not in 3NF since office is not directly dependent on cno. This transitive dependence is an indication that the relation has information about more than one thing (viz. course and instructor) and should therefore be decomposed. The primary difficulty with the above relation is that an instructor might be responsible for several subjects and therefore his office address may need to be repeated many times. This leads to all the problems that we identified at the beginning of this chapter. To overcome these difficulties we need to decompose the above relation in the following two relations: s (cno, cname, instructor) ins (instructor, office) s is now in 3NF and so is ins. An alternate decomposition of the relation subject is possible:

Now our table is in 3NF.


s(cno, cname) inst(instructor, office) si(cno, instructor)

Revision Questions

The decomposition into three relations is not necessary since the original relation is based on the assumption of one instructor for each course. The 3NF is usually quite adequate for most relational database designs. There are however some situations, for example the relation student(sno, sname, cno, cname) discussed in 2NF above, where 3NF may not eliminate all the redundancies and inconsistencies. The problem with the relation student(sno, sname, cno, cname) is because of the redundant information in the candidate keys. These are resolved by further normalization using the BCNF.

1. 2.

What is normalization Explain the pros and cons of normalization


Explain First, Second and Third normal forms


Imagine that we have a table of widget orders: Order




Unit Price























Remember, our first requirement is that the table must satisfy the requirements of 1NF and 2NF. Are there any duplicative columns? No. Do we have a primary key? Yes, the order number. Therefore, we satisfy the requirements of 1NF. Are there any subsets of data that apply to multiple rows? No, so we also satisfy the requirements of 2NF. Now, are all of the columns fully dependent upon the primary key? The customer number varies with the order number and it doesn’t appear to depend upon any of the other fields. What about the unit price? This field could be dependent upon the customer number in a situation where we charged each customer a set price. However, looking at the data above, it appears we sometimes charge the same customer different prices. Therefore, the unit price is fully dependent upon the order number. The quantity of items also varies from order to order, so we’re OK there. What about the total? It looks like we might be in trouble here. The total can be derived by multiplying the unit price by the quantity; therefore it’s not fully dependent upon the primary key. We must remove it from the table to comply with the third normal form: Order





Unit Price



















LESSON 12 NORMALIZATION - PART II Hi! We are going to continue with Normalization. I hope the basics of normalization are clear to you.

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) The relation student(sno, sname, cno, cname) has all attributes participating in candidate keys since all the attributes are assumed to be unique. We therefore had the following candidate keys: (sno, cno) (sno, cname) (sname, cno) (sname, cname) Since the relation has no non-key attributes, the relation is in 2NF and also in 3NF, in spite of the relation suffering the problems that we discussed at the beginning of this chapter. The difficulty in this relation is being caused by dependence within the candidate keys. The second and third normal forms assume that all attributes not part of the candidate keys depend on the candidate keys but does not deal with dependencies within the keys. BCNF deals with such dependencies. A relation R is said to be in BCNF if whenever holds in R, and A is not in X, then X is a candidate key for R. It should be noted that most relations that are in 3NF are also in BCNF. Infrequently, a 3NF relation is not in BCNF and this happens only if a.

The candidate keys in the relation are composite keys (that is, they are not single attributes),

b. c.

There is more than one candidate key in the relation, and The keys are not disjoint, that is, some attributes in the keys are common.

The BCNF differs from the 3NF only when there are more than one candidate keys and the keys are composite and overlapping. Consider for example, the relationship enrol (sno, sname, cno, cname, date-enrolled) Let us assume that the relation has the following candidate keys: (sno, cno) (sno, cname) (sname, cno) (sname, cname) (we have assumed sname and cname are unique identifiers). The relation is in 3NF but not in BCNF because there are dependencies


where attributes that are part of a candidate key are dependent on part of another candidate key. Such dependencies indicate that although the relation is about some entity or association that is identified by the candidate keys e.g. (sno, cno), there are attributes that are not about the whole thing that the keys identify. For example, the above relation is about an association (enrolment) between students and subjects and therefore the relation needs to include only one identifier to identify students and one identifier to identify subjects. Providing two identifiers about students (sno, sname) and two keys about subjects (cno, cname) means that some information about students and subjects that is not needed is being provided. This provision of information will result in repetition of information and the anomalies that we discussed at the beginning of this chapter. If we wish to include further information about students and courses in the database, it should not be done by putting the information in the present relation but by creating new relations that represent information about entities student and subject. These difficulties may be overcome by decomposing the above relation in the following three relations: (sno, sname) (cno, cname) (sno, cno, date-of-enrolment) We now have a relation that only has information about students, another only about subjects and the third only about enrolments. All the anomalies and repetition of information have been removed. So, a relation is said to be in the BCNF if and only if it is in the 3NF and every non-trivial, left-irreducible functional dependency has a candidate key as its determinant. In more informal terms, a relation is in BCNF if it is in 3NF and the only determinants are the candidate keys. Desirable Properties of Decompositions So far our approach has consisted of looking at individual relations and checking if they belong to 2NF, 3NF or BCNF. If a relation was not in the normal form that was being checked for and we wished the relation to be normalized to that normal form so that some of the anomalies can be eliminated, it was necessary to decompose the relation in two or more relations. The process of decomposition of a relation R into a set of relations

was based on identifying different

components and using that as a basis of decomposition. The decomposed relations are projections of R and are of course not disjoint otherwise the glue holding the information together would be lost. Decomposing relations in this way based on a recognize and split method is not a particularly sound approach since we do not even have a basis to determine that the original relation can be constructed if necessary from the decomposed relations. We now discuss

Desirable properties of decomposition are: 1.

Attribute preservation


Lossless-join decomposition

3. 4.

Dependency preservation Lack of redundancy

All the information that was in the relation enrol appears to be still available in enrol1 and enrol2 but this is not so. Suppose, we wanted to retrieve the student numbers of all students taking a course from Wilson, we would need to join enrol1 and enrol2. The join would have 11 tuples as follows:

We discuss these properties in detail. Attribute Preservation

This is a simple and an obvious requirement that involves preserving all the attributes that were there in the relation that is being decomposed. Lossless-Join Decomposition

In these notes so far we have normalized a number of relations by decomposing them. We decomposed a relation intuitively. We need a better basis for deciding decompositions since intuition may not always be correct. We illustrate how a careless decomposition may lead to problems including loss of information. Consider the following relation enrol (sno, cno, date-enrolled, room-No., instructor) Suppose we decompose the above relation into two relations enrol1 and enrol2 as follows enrol1 (sno, cno, date-enrolled) enrol2 (date-enrolled, room-No., instructor) There are problems with this decomposition but we wish to focus on one aspect at the moment. Let an instance of the relation enrol be

(add further tuples ...) The join contains a number of spurious tuples that were not in the original relation Enrol. Because of these additional tuples, we have lost the information about which students take courses from WILSON. (Yes, we have more tuples but less information because we are unable to say with certainty who is taking courses from WILSON). Such decompositions are called lossy decompositions. A nonloss or lossless decomposition is that which guarantees that the join will result in exactly the same relation as was decomposed. One might think that there might be other ways of recovering the original relation from the decomposed relations but, sadly, no other operators can recover the original relation if the join does not (why?). We need to analyze why some decompositions are lossy. The common attribute in above decompositions was Date-enrolled. The common attribute is the glue that gives us the ability to find the relationships between different relations by joining the relations together. If the common attribute is not unique, the relationship information is not preserved. If each tuple had a unique value of Date-enrolled, the problem of losing information would not have existed. The problem arises because several enrolments may take place on the same date. A decomposition of a relation R into relations is called a lossless-join decomposition (with respect to FDs F) if the relation R is always the natural join of the relations

and let the decomposed relations enrol1 and enrol2 be:

. It should be noted that natural join is the

only way to recover the relation from the decomposed relations. There is no other set of operators that can recover the relation if the join cannot. Furthermore, it should be noted when the decomposed relations

are obtained by project-

ing on the relation R, for example

by projection


, the

may not always be precisely equal to the projection

since the relation

might have additional tuples called the

dangling tuples. It is not difficult to test whether a given decomposition is lossless-join given a set of functional dependencies F. We consider the simple case of a relation R being decomposed into and

. If the decomposition is lossless-join, then one of

the following two conditions must hold



desirable properties of good decomposition and identify difficulties that may arise if the decomposition is done without adequate care. The next section will discuss how such decomposition may be derived given the FDs.


We may wish to decompose the above relation to remove the transitive dependency of office on sno. A possible decomposition is That is, the common attributes in candidate key of either



must include a

. How do you know, you have ve

S1(sno, instructor) S2(sno, office) The relations are now in 3NF but the dependency cannot be verified by looking at one

a loss-less join decomposition? Dependency Preservation

It is clear that decomposition must be lossless so that we do not lose any information from the relation that is decomposed. Dependency preservation is another important requirement since a dependency is a constraint on the database and if holds than we know that the two (sets) attributes are closely related and it would be useful if both attributes appeared in the same relation so that the dependency can be checked easily. Let us consider a relation R(A, B, C, D) that has the dependencies F that include the following:

relation; a join of S1 and S2 is needed. In the above decomposition, it is quite possible to have more than one office number for one instructor although the functional dependency does not allow it. Lack of Redundancy

We have discussed the problems of repetition of information in a database. Such repetition should be avoided as much as possible. Lossless-join, dependency preservation and lack of redundancy not always possible with BCNF. Lossless-join, dependency preservation and lack of redundancy is always possible with 3NF. Deriving BCNF


Should we also include deriving 3NF?

If we decompose the above relation into R1(A, B) and R2(B, C, D) the dependency cannot be checked (or preserved) by looking at only one relation. It is desirable that decompositions be such that each dependency in F may be checked by looking at only one relation and that no joins need be computed for checking dependencies. In some cases, it may not be possible to preserve each and every dependency in F but as long as the dependencies that are preserved are equivalent to F, it should be sufficient.

Given a set of dependencies F, we may decompose a given relation into a set of relations that are in BCNF using the following algorithm. So far we have considered the “recognize and split” method of normalization. We now discuss Bernstein’s algorithm. The algorithm consists of

Let F be the dependencies on a relation R which is decomposed

Once we have obtained relations by using the above approach we need to check that they are indeed in BCNF. If there is any relation R that has a dependency and A is not a key,, the relation violates the conditions of BCNF and may be decomposed in AB and R - A. The relation AB is now in BCNF and we can now check if R - A is also in BCNF. If not, we can apply the above procedure again until all the relations are in fact in BCNF.

in relations


We can partition the dependencies given by F such that .

are dependencies that only involve

attributes from relations union of dependencies

respectively. If the imply all the dependencies in F, then


Find out the facts about the real world.


Reduce the list of functional relationships.


Find the keys.


Combine related facts.

we say that the decomposition has preserved dependencies, otherwise not.

Data Base Management Systems by Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon

If the decomposition does not preserve the dependencies F, then the decomposed relations may contain relations that do not satisfy F or the updates to the decomposed relations may require a join to check that the constraints implied by the dependencies still hold.


(Need an example) (Need to discuss testing for dependency preservation with an example... Ullman page 400) Consider the following relation sub(sno, instructor, office)


Review Questions 1.

Explain BCNF


Explain attribute preservation and dependence preservation


Explain Loss-less join decomposition

Hi! Now we are going to discuss the reasons for the higher normal forms like fourth and fifth normal form.

Multivalued Dependencies Recall that when we discussed database modelling using the ER Modelling technique, we noted difficulties that can arise when an entity has multivalue attributes. It was because in the relational model, if all of the information about such entity is to be represented in one relation, it will be necessary to repeat all the information other than the multivalue attribute value to represent all the information that we wish to represent. This results in many tuples about the same instance of the entity in the relation and the relation having a composite key (the entity id and the mutlivalued attribute). Of course the other option suggested was to represent this multivalue information in a separate relation.

The attributes qualifications and languages are assumed independent of each other. If we were to consider qualifications and languages separate entities, we would have two relationships (one between employees and qualifications and the other between employees and programming languages). Both the above relationships are many-to-many i.e. one programmer could have several qualifications and may know several programming languages. Also one qualification may be obtained by several programmers and one programming language may be known to many programmers. The above relation is therefore in 3NF (even in BCNF) but it still has some disadvantages. Suppose a programmer has several qualifications (B.Sc, Dip. Comp. Sc, etc) and is proficient in several programming languages; how should this information be represented? There are several possibilities.

The situation of course becomes much worse if an entity has more than one multivalued attributes and these values are represented in one relation by a number of tuples for each entity instance such that every value of one the multivalued attributes appears with every value of the second multivalued attribute to maintain consistency. The multivalued dependency relates to this problem when more than one multivalued attributes exist. Consider the following relation that represents an entity employee that has one mutlivalued attribute proj: emp (e#, dept, salary, proj) We have so far considered normalization based on functional dependencies; dependencies that apply only to single-valued facts. For example, implies only one dept value for each value of e#. Not all information in a database is singlevalued, for example, proj in an employee relation may be the list of all projects that the employee is currently working on. Although e# determines the list of all projects that an employee is working on, is not a functional dependency.. So far we have dealt with multivalued facts about an entity by having a separate relation for that multivalue attribute and then inserting a tuple for each value of that fact. This resulted in composite keys since the multivalued fact must form part of the key. In none of our examples so far have we dealt with an entity having more than one multivalued attribute in one relation. We do so now. The fourth and fifth normal forms deal with multivalued dependencies. Before discussing the 4NF and 5NF we discuss the following example to illustrate the concept of multivalued dependency. programmer (emp_name, qualifications, languages)

Other variations are possible (we remind the reader that there is no relationship between qualifications and programming languages). All these variations have some disadvantages. If the information is repeated we face the same problems of repeated information and anomalies as we did when second or third normal form conditions are violated. If there is no repetition, there are still some difficulties with search, insertions and deletions. For example, the role of NULL values in the above relations is confusing. Also the candidate key in the above relations is (emp name, qualifications, language) and existential integrity requires that no NULLs be specified. These problems may be overcome by decomposing a relation like the one above as follows:

The above relation includes two multivalued attributes of entity programmer; qualifications and languages. There are no functional dependencies.





Now, more formally,

is said to hold for R(X, Y, Z) if

t1 and t2 are two tuples in R that have the same values for attributes X and therefore with t1[x] = t2[x] then R also contains tuples t3 and t4 (not necessarily distinct) such that t1[x] = t2[x] = t3[x] = t4[x] t3[Y] = t1[Y] and t3[Z] = t2[Z] t4[Y] = t2[Y] and t4[Z] = t1[Z] In other words if t1 and t2 are given by

The basis of the above decomposition is the concept of multivalued dependency (MVD). Functional dependency relates one value of A to one value of B while multivalued dependency

defines a relationship in

which a set of values of attribute B are determined by a single value of A. The concept of multivalued dependencies was developed to provide a basis for decomposition of relations like the one above. Therefore if a relation like enrolment(sno, subject#) has a relationship between sno and subject# in which sno uniquely determines the values of subject#, the dependence of subject# on sno is called a trivial MVD since the relation enrolment cannot be decomposed any further. More formally, a MVD is called trivial MVD if either Y is a subset of X or X and Y together form the relation R. The MVD is trivial since it results in no constraints being placed on the relation. Therefore a relation having non-trivial MVDs must have at least three attributes; two of them multivalued. Non-trivial MVDs result in the relation having some constraints on it since all possible combinations of the multivalue attributes are then required to be in the relation. Let us now define the concept of multivalued dependency. The multivalued dependency

is said to hold for a relation R(X,

Y, Z) if for a given set of value (set of values if X is more than one attribute) for attributes X, there is a set of (zero or more) associated values for the set of attributes Y and the Y values depend only on X values and have no dependence on the set of attributes Z. In the example above, if there was some dependence between the attributes qualifications and language, for example perhaps, the language was related to the qualifications (perhaps the qualification was a training certificate in a particular language), then the relation would not have MVD and could not be decomposed into two relations as abve. In the above situation whenever

holds, so does

since the role of

the attributes Y and Z is symmetrical. Consider two different situations. a.

Z is a single valued attribute. In this situation, we deal with R(X, Y, Z) as before by entering several tuples about each entity.


Z is multivalued.

t1 = [X, Y1, Z1], and t2 = [X, Y2, Z2] then there must be tuples t3 and t4 such that t3 = [X, Y1, Z2], and t4 = [X, Y2, Z1] We are therefore insisting that every value of Y appears with every value of Z to keep the relation instances consistent. In other words, the above conditions insist that Y and Z are determined by X alone and there is no relationship between Y and Z since Y and Z appear in every possible pair and hence these pairings present no information and are of no significance. Only if some of these pairings were not present, there would be some significance in the pairings. Give example (instructor, quals, subjects) - - explain if subject was single valued; otherwise all combinations must occur. Discuss duplication of info in that case. (Note: If Z is single-valued and functionally dependent on X then Z1 = Z2. If Z is multivalue dependent on X then Z1 Z2). The theory of multivalued dependencies in very similar to that for functional dependencies. Given D a set of MVDs, we may find , the closure of D using a set of axioms. We do not discuss the axioms here. (Interested reader is referred to page 203 Korth & Silberschatz or Ullman). Multivalued Normalization - Fourth Normal Form Def: A table is in 4NF if it is in BCNF and if it has no multivalued dependencies. We have considered an example of Programmer(Emp name, qualification, languages) and discussed the problems that may arise if the relation is not normalised further. We also saw how the relation could be decomposed into P1(Emp name, qualifications) and P2(Emp name, languages) to overcome these problems. The decomposed relations are in fourth normal form (4NF) which we shall now define. We are now ready to define 4NF. A relation R is in 4NF if, whenever a multivalued dependency holds then either a. the dependency is trivial, or b.

X is a candidate key for R.

As noted earlier, the dependency

in a

relation R(X, Y) is trivial since they must hold for all R(X, Y). Similarly

must hold for all relations R(X, Y, Z)

with only three attributes. 54


The above relation does not show MVDs since the attributes subject and student are not independent; they are related to each other and the pairings have significant information in them. The relation can therefore not be decomposed in two relations

Intuitively R is in 4NF if all dependencies are a result of keys. When multivalued dependencies exist, a relation should not contain two or more independent multivalued attributes. The decomposition of a relation to achieve 4NF would normally result in not only reduction of redundancies but also avoidance of anomalies.

(dept, subject), and (dept, student)

Fifth Normal Form

Def: A table is in 5NF, also called “Projection-Join Normal Form” (PJNF), if it is in 4NF and if every join dependency in the table is a consequence of the candidate keys of the table. The normal forms discussed so far required that the given relation R if not in the given normal form be decomposed in two relations to meet the requirements of the normal form. In some rare cases, a relation can have problems like redundant information and update anomalies because of it but cannot be decomposed in two relations to remove the problems. In such cases it may be possible to decompose the relation in three or more relations using the 5NF.

without loosing some important information. The relation can however be decomposed in the following three relations (dept, subject), and (dept, student) (subject, student) and now it can be shown that this decomposition is lossless. Domain-Key Normal Form (DKNF)

Def: A table is in DKNF if every constraint on the table is a logical consequence of the definition of keys and domains.

Review Questions 1.

What do you mean by Normalization?


Explain BCNF?


Explain 4NF and 5NF?


Explain Domain Key Normal Form?

The fifth normal form deals with join-dependencies which is a generalisation of the MVD. The aim of fifth normal form is to have relations that cannot be decomposed further. A relation in 5NF cannot be constructed from several smaller relations.

References 1.

Aho, A. V. and C. Beeri and J. D. Ullman, “The Theory of Joins in Relational Databases”, ACM-TODS, Vol 4, No 3, Sept 1979, pp. 297-314.

A relation R satisfies join dependency (


fa*gin, R. (1981), “A Normal Form for Relational Databases that is Based on Domains and Keys”, ACM-TODS, Vol 6, No 3, Sept 1981, pp 387-415.


Beeri, C, and P. A. Bernstein (1979), “Computational Problems Related to the Design of Normal Form Relational Schemas”, ACM-TODS, Vol 4, No 1, Sept 1979, pp 30-59.


Kent, W. (1983), “A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory”, Comm ACM, Vol 26, No 2, Feb 1983, pp. 120-125.


Bernstein, P. A. (1976), “Synthesizing Third Normal Form Relations from Functional Dependencies”, ACM-TODS, Vol. 1, No. 4, Oct. 76, pp. 277-298.

only if R is equal to the join of

) if and where


subsets of the set of attributes of R. A relation R is in 5NF (or project-join normal form, PJNF) if for all join dependencies at least one of the following holds. a.

( of



) is a trivial join-dependency (that is, one is R) is a candidate key for R.

An example of 5NF can be provided by the example below that deals with departments, subjects and students.


The above relation says that Comp. Sc. offers subjects CP1000, CP2000 and CP3000 which are taken by a variety of students. No student takes all the subjects and no subject has all students enrolled in it and therefore all three fields are needed to represent the information.



In fourth normal form, we have a relation that has information about only one entity. If a relation has more than one multivalue attribute, we should decompose it to remove difficulties with multivalued facts.


LESSON 14 NORMALIZATION (A DIFFERENT APPROACH) Hi! I hope by now normalization is clear to you. We are going to learn and understand with practical examples. Normalization is the formalization of the design process of making a database compliant with the concept of a Normal Form. It addresses various ways in which we may look for repeating data values in a table. There are several levels of the Normal Form, and each level requires that the previous level be satisfied. I have used the wording (indicated in italicized text) for each normalization rule from the Handbook of Relational Database Design by Candace C. Fleming and Barbara von Halle. 4 The normalization process is based on collecting an exhaustive list of all data items to be maintained in the database and starting the design with a few “superset” tables. Theoretically, it may be possible, although not very practical, to start by placing all the attributes in a single table. For best results, start with a reasonable breakdown.

First Normal Form Reduce entities to first normal form (1NF) by removing repeating or multivalued attributes to another, child entity. Basically, make sure that the data is represented as a (proper) table. While key to the relational principles, this is somewhat a motherhood statement. However, there are six properties of a relational table (the formal name for “table” is “relation”): Property 1: Entries in columns are single-valued.

OrderNo 245

OrderNo Item

Qty Price


PN768 1



PN656 3


Second Normal Form Reduce first normal form entities to second normal form (2NF) by removing attributes that are not dependent on the whole primary key. The purpose here is to make sure that each column is defined in the correct table. Using the more formal names may make this a little clearer. Make sure each attribute is kept with the entity that it describes. Consider the Order Items table that we established above. If we place Customer reference in the Order Items table (Order Number, Line Item Number, Item, Qty, Price, Customer) and assume that we use Order Number and Line Item Number as the Primary Key, it quickly becomes obvious that the Customer reference becomes repeated in the table because it is only dependent on a portion of the Primary Key - namely the Order Number. Therefore, it is defined as an attribute of the wrong entity. In such an obvious case, it should be immediately clear that the Customer reference should be in the Orders table, not the Order Items table.

Property 2: Entries in columns are of the same kind. Property 3: Each row is unique.

OrderNo ItemNo Customer





PN768 1


Property 6: Each column has a unique name.




PN656 3


The most common sins against the first normal form (1NF) are the lack of a Primary Key and the use of “repeating columns.” This is where multiple values of the same type are stored in multiple columns. Take, for example, a database used by a company’s order system. If the order items were implemented as multiple columns in the Orders table, the database would not be 1NF:



Acme Corp PN371 1




Acme Corp PN015 7


Property 4: Sequence of columns is insignificant. Property 5: Sequence of rows is insignificant.

OrderNo Line1Item Line1Qty Line1Price Line2Item Line2Qty Line2Price 245






To make this first normal form, we would have to create a child entity of Orders (Order Items) where we would store the information about the line items on the order. Each order could then have multiple Order Items related to it.



Qty Price

OrderNo ItemNo Item

Qty Price

OrderNo Customer



PN768 1






PN656 3



Acme Corp



PN371 1




PN015 7


Third Normal Form

Reduce second normal form entities to third normal form (3NF) by removing attributes that depend on other, nonkey attributes (other than alternative keys). This basically means that we shouldn’t store any data that can either be derived from other columns or belong in another table. Again, as an example of derived data, if our Order Items table includes both Unit Price, Quantity, and Extended Price, the table would not be 3NF. So we would remove the Extended Price (= Qty * Unit Price), unless, of course, the value saved is a manually modified (rebate) price, but the Unit Price reflects the quoted list price for the items at the time of order. Also, when we established that the Customer reference did not belong in the Order Items table, we said to move it to the Orders table. Now if we included customer information, such as company name, address, etc., in the Orders table, we would see that this information is dependent not so much on the Order per se, but on the Customer reference, which is a nonkey (not Primary Key) column in the Orders table. Therefore, we need to create another table (Customers) to hold information about the customer. Each Customer could then have multiple Orders related to it. OrderNo Customer





Works Blvd Vinings


Acme Corp North Drive South Bend



Indeed, these were the original normal forms described in E. F. Codd’s first papers. However, there are currently four additional levels of normalization, so read on. Be aware of what you don’t do, even if you stop with 3NF. In some cases, you may even need to de-normalize some for performance reasons. Boyce/Codd Normal Form

Reduce third normal form entities to Boyce/Codd normal form (BCNF) by ensuring that they are in third normal form for any feasible choice of candidate key as primary key. In short, Boyce/Codd normal form (BCNF) addresses dependencies between columns that are part of a Candidate Key. Some of the normalizations performed above may depend on our choice of the Primary Key. BCNF addresses those cases where applying the normalization rules to a Candidate Key other than the one chosen as the Primary Key would give a different result. In actuality, if we substitute any Candidate Key for Primary Key in 2NF and 3NF, 3NF would be equivalent with BCNF. In a way, the BCNF is only necessary because the formal definitions center around the Primary Key rather than an entity item abstraction. If we define an entity item as an object or information instance that correlates to a row, and consider the normalization rules to refer to entity items, this normal form would not be required. In our example for 2NF above, we assumed that we used a composite Primary Key consisting of Order Number and Line Item Number, and we showed that the customer reference was only dependent on a portion of the Primary Key - the Order Number. If we had assigned a unique identifier to every Order Item independent of the Order Number, and used that as a single column Primary Key, the normalization rule itself would not have made it clear that it was necessary to move the Customer reference. There are some less obvious situations for this normalization rule where a set of data actually contains more than one relation, which the following example should illustrate. Consider a scenario of a large development organization, where the projects are organized in project groups, each with a team leader acting as a liaison between the overall project and a group of developers in a matrix organization. Assume we have the following situation:

Works Blvd Vinings

• •

OrderNo Customer 245



Acme Corp







Works Blvd Vinings

Acme Corp North Drive South Bend

Each Project can have many Developers. Each Developer can have many Projects.

For a given Project, each Developer only works for one Lead Developer.

Each Lead Developer only works on one Project.

A given Project can have many Lead Developers.

Why Stop Here? Many database designers stop at 3NF, and those first three levels of normalization do provide the most bang for the buck.



We get:


In this case, we could theoretically design a table in two different ways: ProjectNo Developer Lead Developer 20020123 John Doe Elmer Fudd 20020123 Jane Doe Sylvester 20020123 Jimbo

Elmer Fudd

20020124 John Doe Ms. Depesto

Case 1: Project Number and Developer as a Candidate Key can be used to determine the Lead Developer. In this case, the Lead Developer depends on both attributes of the key, and the table is 3NF if we consider that our Primary Key.

Fourth Normal Form

Reduce Boyce/Codd normal form entities to fourth normal form (4NF) by removing any independently multivalued components of the primary key to two new parent entities. Retain the original (now child) entity only if it contains other, nonkey attributes. Where BCNF deals with dependents of dependents, 4NF deals with multiple, independent dependents of the Primary Key. This is a bit easier to illustrate. Let us say we wanted to represent the following data: Manager, Manager Awards, and Direct Reports. Here, a Manager could have multiple Awards, as well as multiple Direct Reports. 4NF requires that these be split into two separate tables, one for Manager - Awards, and one for Manager - Direct Reports. We may need to maintain a Managers table for other Manager attributes. This table:

Lead Developer Developer ProjectNo


Elmer Fudd

John Doe 20020123

Scrooge McDuck Stingy John


Jane Doe 20020123

Minnie Mouse

Mouse of the Month Mickey Mouse

Elmer Fudd


Minnie Mouse

Mouse of the Year

Ms. Depesto

John Doe 20020124




Direct Reports Donald Duck

Pluto Goofy

becomes two tables: Case 2: Lead Developer and Developer is another Candidate Key, but in this case, the Project Number is determined by the Lead Developer alone. Thus it would not be 3NF if we consider that our Primary Key. In reality, these three data items contain more than one relation (Project - Lead Developer and Lead Developer - Developer). To normalize to BCNF, we would remove the second relation and represent it in a second table. (This also illustrates why a table is formally named a relation.) ProjectNo Lead Developer

Manager Awards Table Manager


Scrooge McDuck Stingy John Minnie Mouse

Mouse of the Month

Minnie Mouse

Mouse of the Year


Direct Reports Table

20020123 Elmer Fudd


20020123 Sylvester

Scrooge McDuck Donald Duck

20020123 Elmer Fudd 20020124 Ms. Depesto

Lead Developer Developer

Direct Reports

Minnie Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Minnie Mouse




Fifth Normal Form

Elmer Fudd

John Doe

Elmer Fudd



Jane Doe

Reduce fourth normal form entities to fifth normal form (5NF) by removing pairwise cyclic dependencies (appearing within composite primary keys with three or more component attributes) to three or more parent entities.

Ms. Depesto

John Doe

This addresses problems that arise from representing associations between multiple entities with interdependencies. Making


defined the formal database design methods for normalization, it may be time to take a break. I need one anyway. :->

A table with such information is 5NF if the information cannot be represented in multiple smaller entities alone.

When we resume with Part 2 of this article, I will show how we can design a fairly well normalized database using nothing but some common sense, a few simple rules, and a piece of string, so get ready! Part 2 of this article will address a different approach to designing the database, normalization through synthesis, and will describe the SQL language.

An example of such a situation may be the representation of Actors, Plays, and Theaters. In order to know who plays what and where, we need the combination of these three attributes. However, they each relate to each other cyclically. So to resolve this, we would need to establish parent tables with Actor - Play, Play - Theater, and Theater - Actor. These would each contain a portion of the Primary Key in the Actor, Play, and Theater table. Actor


The relational model has three major aspects: Structures

Structures are well-defined objects (such as tables, views, indexes, and so on) that store or access the data of a database. Structures and the data contained within them can be manipulated by operations.


Operations are clearly defined actions that allow users to manipulate the data and structures of a database. The operations on a database must adhere to a predefined set of integrity rules.


Billy Bob Catcher in the Rye West 42nd Ann

Catcher in the Rye West 42nd









West 42nd




Integrity Rules Integrity rules are the laws that govern which operations are allowed on the data and structures of a database. Integrity rules protect the data and the structures of a database. Relational database management systems offer benefits such as: • Independence of physical data storage and logical database structure

Domain Key Normal Form (Not defined in “Handbook of Relational Database Design.”5 ). The simplest description I have found is at Search Database.com at http://searchdatabase.techtarget.com/ sDefinition/0,,sid13_gci212669,00.html: “A key uniquely identifies each row in a table. A domain is the set of permissible values for an attribute. By enforcing key and domain restrictions, the database is assured of being freed from modification anomalies.”

Variable and easy access to all data

Complete flexibility in database design

Reduced data storage and redundancy

Review Questions 1. 2.

Explain first, second and third normal forms Explain BCNF


Explain fourth and fifth normal forms


Define Domain key normal form

Sources 1.

C. J. Date, “There’s Only One Relational Model!”(see http://www.pgro.uk7.net/cjd6a.htm).

This appears to differ from the other normal forms in that it does not seek to introduce additional tables, but rather ensures that columns are restricted to valid values.


According to http://www.cba.nau.edu/morgan-j/class/ subtop2_3/tsld023.htm , “...there is no known process for ensuring that tables are in Domain Key Normal Form.”


Dr. E. F. Codd’s 12 rules for defining a fully relational database (see http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~sgomori/ 570/coddsrules.html). C.J.Date Handbook of Relational Database Design by Candace C. Fleming and Barbara von Halle (Addison Wesley, 1989).5. Ibid.



While we may not always observe all the rules or normalize our databases to the fifth and domain key normal form, it is important to have a basic understanding of the theoretical principles of database design. It will help us not only design normalized databases, but to build more powerful and flexible applications. Also, it will help us ensure that our data remains usable. Now that we have laid the theoretical foundation and


Characteristics of a Relational Database by David R. Frick & Co., CPA.


Dr. Morgan at Northern Arizona University - College of Business Administration





it 5NF consists of adding parent tables, one for each meaningful combination that has children in the original table.


Hi! In this lecture I would like to discuss with you the database language, the Structured Query Language.

Data Manipulation - Data Retrieval Features

In this section we discuss a query language that is now being used in most commercial relational DBMS. Although a large number of query languages and their variants exist just as there are a large number of programming languages available, the most popular query language is SQL. SQL has now become a de facto standard for relational database query languages. We discuss SQL in some detail.

The basic structure of the SQL data retrieval command is as follows

SQL is a non-procedural language that originated at IBM during the building of the now famous experimental relational DBMS called System R. Originally the user interface to System R was called SEQUEL which was later modified and its name changed to SEQUEL2. These languages have undergone significant changes over time and the current language has been named SQL (Structured Query Language) although it is still often pronounced as if it was spelled SEQUEL. Recently, the American Standards Association has adopted a standard definition of SQL (Date, 1987). A user of a DBMS using SQL may use the query language interactively or through a host language like C or COBOL. We will discuss only the interactive use of SQL although the SQL standard only defines SQL use through a host language. We will continue to use the database that we have been using to illustrate the various features of the query language SQL in this section. As a reminder, we again present the relational schemes of the three relations student, subject and enrolment.

SELECT something_of_interest FROM relation(s) WHERE condition_holds The SELECT clause specifies what attributes we wish to retrieve and is therefore equivalent to specifying a projection. (There can often be confusion between the SELECT clause in SQL and the relational operator called Selection. The selection operator selects a number of tuples from a relation while the SELECT clause in SQL is similar to the projection operator since it specifies the attributes that need to be retrieved). The FROM clause specifies the relations that are needed to answer the query. The WHERE clause specifies the condition to be used in selecting tuples and is therefore like the predicate in the selection operator. The WHERE clause is optional, if it is not specified the whole relation is selected. A number of other optional clauses may follow the WHERE clause. These may be used to group data and to specify group conditions and to order data if necessary. These will be discussed later. The result of each query is a relation and may therefore be used like any other relation. There is however one major difference between a base relation and a relation that is retrieved from a query. The relation retrieved from a query may have duplicates while the tuples in a base relation are unique.

students(student_id, student_name, address) enrolment(student_id, subject_id) subject(subject_id, subject_name, department)

We present a number of examples to illustrate different forms of the SQL SELECT command.

SQL consists of facilities for data definition as well as for data manipulation. In addition, the language includes some data control features. The data definition facilities include commands for creating a new relation or a view, altering or expanding a relation (entering a new column) and creating an index on a relation, as well as commands for dropping a relation, dropping a view and dropping an index.

We will first discuss some simple queries that involve only one relation in the database. The simplest of such queries includes only a SELECT clause and a FROM clause.

The data manipulation commands include commands for retrieving information from one or more relations and updating information in relations including inserting and deleting of tuples. We first study the data manipulation features of the language.

Simple Queries

Q1. Find the student id’s and names of all students. SELECT student_num, student_name FROM student When the WHERE clause is omitted, the SELECT attributes FROM relations construct is equivalent to specifying a projection on the relation(s) specified in the FROM clause. The above query therefore results in applying the projection operator to the relation student such that only attributes student_num and student_name are selected. Q2. Find the names of subjects offered by the Department of Computer Science. SELECT subject_name FROM subject WHERE department = ‘Comp. Science’ The above query involves algebraic operators selection and projection and therefore the WHERE clause is required.


Obviously the set of attributes in the list before IN must match the list of attributes in the list that follows IN for the set membership test carried out by IN to be legal (the list in the example above being a relation).

Q3. Find all students that are enrolled in something.

The above query is equivalent to the following

SELECT DISTINCT ( student_id) FROM enrolment

SELECT subject_name FROM subject WHERE department = ‘Mathematics’ or department = ‘Comp. Science’

The above query is a projection of the relation enrolment. Only the student_id attribute has been selected and the duplicate values are to be removed. Q4. Find student id’s of all students enrolled in CP302. SELECT student_id FROM enrolment WHERE student_id = ‘CP302’ This query involves a selection as well as a projection. Queries Involving More than One Relations Q5. Find subject id’s of all subjects being taken by Fred Smith. SELECT subject_id FROM enrolment WHERE student_id IN (SELECT student_id FROM student WHERE student_name = ‘Fred Smith’) The above query must involve two relations since the subject information is in relation subject while the student names are in relation student. The above formulation of the query has a subquery (or a nested query) associated with it. The sub-query feature is very useful and we will use this feature again shortly. Queries may be nested to any level. It may be appropriate to briefly discuss how such a query is processed. The subquery is processed first resulting in a new relation (in the present case a single attribute relation). This resulting relation is then used in the WHERE clause of the outside query which becomes true if the student_id value is in the relation returned by the subquery. The IN part of the WHERE clause tests for set membership. The WHERE clause may also use construct NOT IN instead of IN whenever appropriate. Another format for the IN predicate is illustrated by the following query. Q6. List subject names offered by the Department of Mathematics or the Department of Computer Science. SELECT subject_name FROM subject WHERE department IN {‘Mathematics’, ‘Comp. Science’} In the above query, subject name is retrieved when the department name attribute value is either Mathematics or Comp. Science. Any number of values may be included in the list that follows IN. Constants like ‘Mathematics’ or ‘Comp. Science’ are often called a literal tuple. A literal tuple of course could have more than one value in it. For example it could be WHERE {CP302, Database, Comp. Science} IN subject.

SQL allows some queries to be formulated in a number of ways. We will see further instances where a query can be formulated in two or more different ways. Q7. Find the subject names of all the subjects that Fred Smith is enrolled in. SELECT subject_name FROM subject WHERE subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM enrolment WHERE student_id IN (SELECT student_id FROM student WHERE student_name = ‘Fred Smith’)) This query of course must involve all the three relations since the subject names are in relation subject and the student names are in student and students enrollments are available in enrolment. The above query results in the last subquery being processed first resulting in a relation with only one tuple that is the student number of Fred Smith. This result is then used to find all enrollments of Fred Smith. The enrollments are then used to find subject names. The two queries Q5 and Q7 that involve subqueries may be reformulated by using the join operator. SELECT subject_name FROM student, enrolment WHERE enrolment.student_id = student.student_id AND student_name = ‘Fred Smith’. SELECT subject_name FROM enrolment, student, subject WHERE student.student_id = enrolment.student_id AND enrolment.subject_id = subject.subject_id AND student.name = ‘Fred Smith’. The above two query formulations imply the use of the join operator. When the FROM clause specifies more than one relation name, the query processor forms a cartesian product of those relations and applies the join predicate specified in the WHERE clause. In practice, the algorithm used is not that simple. Fast algorithms are used for computing the joins. We should also note that in the queries above, we qualified some of the attributes by specifying the relation name with the attribute name (e.g. enrolment.student_id). This qualification is needed only when there is a chance of an ambiguity arising. In queries later, we will also need to give alias to some relation names when more than one instance of the same relation is being used in the query.



One way of looking at the processing of the above query is to think of a pointer going down the table subject and at each tuple asking the question posed in the WHERE clause. If the answer is yes, the tuple being pointed at is selected, otherwise rejected.


Q8. Display a sorted list of subject names that are offered by the department of Computer Science. SELECT subject_name FROM subject WHERE department = ‘Comp. Science’ ORDER BY subject_name The list returned by the above query would include duplicate names if more than one subject had the same name (this is possible since the subjects are identified by their subject_id rather than their name). DISTINCT could be used to remove duplicates if required. The ORDER BY clause as used above would return results in ascending order (that is the default). Descending order may be specified by using ORDER BY subject_name DESC The order ascending may be specified explicitly. When the ORDER BY clause is not present, the order of the result depends on the DBMS implementation. The ORDER BY clause may be used to order the result by more than one attribute. For example, if the ORDER BY clause in a query was ORDER BY department, subject_name, then the result will be ordered by department and the tuples with the same department will be ordered by subject_name. The ordering may be ascending or descending and may be different for each of the fields on which the result is being sorted.

query of the first query. It should be noted that the above query would result in presenting duplicates for students that are doing both subjects. Q11.Find student id’s of students enrolled in CP302 but not in CP304. SELECT student_id FROM enrolment WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’ AND student_id NOT IN (SELECT student_id FROM enrolment WHERE subject_id = ‘CP304’) This query also can be formulated in another way. Rather than using a sub-query, we may take the difference of the results of the two queries. SQL provides an operator “MINUS” to take the difference. So far we have only used the equality comparison in the WHERE clause. Other relationships are available. These include

greaterthan(>),lessthan( ANY (SELECT mark FROM enrolment WHERE student_id = 881234

SELECT student_id FROM enrolment WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’ AND mark IS NULL

Note that if the outermost part of the query did not include the test for student_id not being 881234, than we will also retrieve the id 881234.

Note that mark IS NULL is very different than mark being zero. Mark will be NULL only if it has been defined to be so.

When ANY is used in the WHERE clause, the condition is true if the value in the outer loop satisfies the condition with at least one value in the set returned by the subquery. When ALL is used, the value in the outer query must satisfy the specified condition with all the tuples that are returned by the subquery. Q13.Find subject id’s of those subjects in which student 881234 is enrolled in which he got a mark better than his marks in all the subjects in Mathematics. SELECT subject_id FROM enrolment WHERE student_id = 881234 AND mark > ALL (SELECT mark FROM enrolment WHERE student_id = 881234 AND subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject WHERE department = ‘Mathematics’))

The expression that follows LIKE must be a character string. The characters underscore (_) and percent (%) have special meaning. Underscore represents any single character while percent represents any sequence of n characters including a sequence of no characters. Escape characters may be used if the string itself contains the characters underscore or percent. SELECT student_name FROM student WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM enrolment WHERE student.student_id = enrolment.student_id AND subject_id = ‘CP302’);

SELECT subject_id FROM enrolment, student WHERE student.student_id = enrolment.student_id AND student_name = ‘John Smith’ AND mark > ALL (SELECT mark FROM enrolment WHERE student_id IN (SELECT student_id FROM student WHERE student_name = ‘Mark Jones’)) This query uses a join in the outer query and then uses subqueries. The two sub-queries may be replaced by one by using a join. Q15.Find student id’s of students who have failed CP302 but obtained more than 40%. SELECT student_id FROM enrolment WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’ AND mark BETWEEN 41 AND 49 Note that we are looking for marks between 41 and 49 and not between 40 and 50. This is because (A BETWEEN x AND y) and

SELECT subject_name FROM subject WHERE subject_id LIKE ‘CP%’

Q18.Find the names of students doing CP302.

Q14.Find those subjects in which John Smith got a better mark than all marks obtained by student Mark Jones.

has been defined to mean

Q17.Find the names of all subjects whose subject id starts with CP.


Q16.Find the student id’s of those students that have no mark for CP302

The WHERE EXISTS clause returns true if the subquery following the EXISTS returns a non-null relation. Similarly a WHERE NOT EXISTS clause returns true only if the subquery following the NOT EXISTS returns a null relation. Again, the above query may be formulated in other ways. One of these formulations uses the join. Another uses a subquery. Using the join, we obtain the following: SELECT student_name FROM enrolment, student WHERE student.student_id = enrolment.student_id AND subject_id = ‘CP302’); Q19.Find the student id’s of students that have passed all the subjects that they were enrolled in. SELECT student_id FROM enrolment e1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM enrolment e2 WHERE e1.student_id = e2.student_id AND mark < 50)) The formulation of the above query is somewhat complex. One way to understand the above query is to rephrase the query as “find student_id’s of all students that have no subject in which they are enrolled but have not passed”! Note that the condition in the WHERE clause will be true only if the sub-query returns a null result. The sub-query will return a null result only if the student has no enrolment in which his/ her mark is less than 50. We also wish to note that the above query formulation has a weakness that an alert reader would have already identified. The 63


AND subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM subject WHERE department = ‘Mathematics’))


above query would retrieve student_id of a student for each of the enrolments that the student has. Therefore if a student has five subjects and he has passed all five, his id will be retrieved five time in the result. A better formulation of the query would require the outer part of the subquery to SELECT student_id FROM student and then make appropriate changes to the subquery. Q20.Find the student names of all students that are enrolled in all the subjects offered by the Department of Computer Science. SELECT student_name FROM student WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM subject WHERE department = ‘Comp. Science’ AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM enrolment WHERE student.student_id = enrolment.student_id AND subject.subject_id = enrolment.subject_id))

. The

query formulation above implements a universal quantifier using the existential quantifier. Effectively, for each student, the query finds out if there exists a subject offered by the Department of Computer Science in which the student is not enrolled. If such a subject exists, that student is not selected for inclusion in the result. Using Built-in Functions SQL provides a number of built-in functions. These functions are also called aggregate functions.


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM enrolment WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’ The above query uses the function COUNT to count the number of tuples that satisfy the condition specified.

This query uses the function AVG to compute the average of the values of attribute mark for all tuples that satisfy the condition specified.

quantifier ( there exists or ). As considered before, the universal quantifier may be expressed in terms of the existential quantifier


Q21.Find the number of students enrolled in CP302.

SELECT AVG(mark) FROM enrolment WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’

We look at the query in another way because we suspect the above explanation may not be sufficient. SQL does not have a universal quantifier ( forall or ) but does have an existential

is equivalent to

We consider some queries that use these functions.

Q22.Find the average mark in CP302.

It is worthwhile to discuss how the above query is processed. The query consists of three components: the outermost part, the middle sub-query and the innermost (or the last) sub-query. Conceptually, the outermost part of the query starts by looking at each tuple in the relation student and for the tuple under consideration evaluates whether the NOT EXISTS clause is true. The NOT EXISTS clause will be true only if nothing is returned by the middle subquery. The middle subquery will return a null relation only if for each of the subject offered by the Department of Computer Science, the NOT EXISTS clause is false. Of course, the NOT EXISTS clause will be false only if the innermost subquery returns a non-null result. That is, there is no tuple in enrolment for an enrolment in the subject that the middle sub-query is considering for the student of interest.


As the names imply, the AVG function is for computing the average, COUNT counts the occurrences of rows, MIN finds the smallest value, MAX finds the largest value while SUM computes the sum.

Further queries using the built-in functions are presented after we have considered a mechanism for grouping a number of tuples having the same value of one or more specified attribute(s). Using the GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses In many queries, one would like to consider groups of records that have some common characteristics (e.g. employees of the same company) and compare the groups in some way. The comparisons are usually based on using an aggregate function (e.g. max, min, avg). Such queries may be formulated by using GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. Q23.Find the number of students enrolled in each of the subjects SELECT subject_id, COUNT(*) FROM enrolment GROUP BY subject_id The GROUP clause groups the tuples by the specified attribute ( subject_id) and then counts the number in each group and displays it. Q24.Find the average enrolment in the subjects in which students are enrolled. SELECT AVG(COUNT(*)) FROM enrolment GROUP BY subject_id This query uses two built-in functions. The relation enrolment is divided into groups with same subject_id values, the number of tuples in each group is counted and the average of these numbers is taken. Q25.Find the subject(s) with the highest average mark. SELECT subject_id FROM enrolment GROUP BY subject_id HAVING AVG( mark) = (SELECT MAX(AVG( mark)) FROM enrolment GROUP BY subject_id);

Q26.Find the department with the second largest enrolment. SELECT department FROM enrolment e1, subject s1 WHERE e1. subject_id = s1. subject_id GROUP BY department HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MAX(COUNT(*)) FROM enrolment e2, subject s2 WHERE e2. subject_id = s2. subject_id GROUP BY department HAVING COUNT(*) (SELECT MAX(COUNT(*)) FROM enrolment e3, subject s3 WHERE e3. subject_id = s3. subject_id GROUP BY department)); Finding the second largest or second smallest is more complex since it requires that we find the largest or the smallest and then remove it from consideration so that the largest or smallest of the remaining may be found. That is what is done in the query above. Q27.Find the subject with the most number of students. SELECT subject_id FROM enrolment GROUP BY subject_id HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MAX(COUNT(*)) FROM enrolment GROUP BY subject_id); Q28.Find the name of the tutor of John Smith SELECT s2.student_name FROM student s1, student s2 WHERE s1.tutor_id = s2.student_id AND s1.student_name = ‘John Smith’ In this query we have joined the relation student to itself such that the join attributes are tutor_id from the first relation and student_id from the second relation. We now retrieve the student_name of the tutor. Update Commands The update commands include commands for updating as well as for inserting and deleting tuples. We now illustrate the UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE commands. Q29.Delete course CP302 from the relation subject. DELETE subject WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’

The format of the DELETE command is very similar to that of the SELECT command. DELETE may therefore be used to either delete one tuple or a group of tuples that satisfy a given condition. Q30.Delete all enrolments of John Smith DELETE enrolment WHERE student_id = (SELECT student_id FROM student WHERE student_name = ‘John Smith’) The above deletes those tuples from enrolment whose student_id is that of John Smith. Q31.Increase CP302 marks by 5%. UPDATE enrolment SET marks = marks * 1.05 WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’ Again, UPDATE may also be used to either update one tuple or to update a group of tuples that satisfy a given condition. Note that the above query may lead to some marks becoming above 100. If the maximum mark is assumed to be 100, one may wish to update as follows UPDATE enrolment SET marks = 100 WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’ AND marks > 95; UPDATE enrolment SET marks = marks * 1.05 WHERE subject_id = ‘CP302’ AND marks


Q32.Insert a new student John Smith with student number 99 and subject CP302. INSERT INTO student(student_id, student_name, address, tutor): INSERT INTO subject(subject_id, subject_name, department): Note that the above insertion procedure is somewhat tedius. It can be made a little less tedius if the list of attribute values that are to be inserted are in the same order as specified in the relation definition and all the attribute values are present. We may then write: INSERT INTO student Most database systems provide other facilities for loading a database. Also note that often, when one wishes to insert a tuple, one may not have all the values of the attributes. These attributes, unless they are part of the primary key of the relation, may be given NULL values. Data Definition We briefly discuss some of the data definition facilities available in the language. To create the relations student, enrolment and subject, we need to use the following commands: CREATE TABLE student ( student_id INTEGER NOT NULL, student_name CHAR(15), address CHAR(25))



The above query uses the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. The HAVING clause is used to apply conditions to groups similar to the way WHERE clause is used for tuples. We may look at the GROUP BY clause as dividing the given relation in several virtual relations and then using the HAVING clause selecting those virtual relations that satisfy the condition specified in the clause. The condition must, of course, use a built-in function because any condition on a group must include an aggregation. If a GROUP BY query does not use an aggregation then GROUP BY clause was not needed in the query.


In the above definition of the relation, we have specified that the attribute student_id may not be NULL. This is because student_id is the primary key of the relation and it would make no sense to have a tuple in the relation with a NULL primary key. There are a number of other commands available for dropping a table, for altering a table, for creating an index, dropping an index and for creating and dropping a view. We discuss the concept of view and how to create and drop them. Views We have noted earlier that the result of any SQL query is itself a relation. In normal query sessions, a query is executed and the relation is materialized immediately. In other situations it may be convenient to store the query definition as a definition of a relation. Such a relation is often called a view. A view is therefore a virtual relation, it has no real existence since it is defined as a query on the existing base relations. The user would see a view like a base table and all SELECT-FROM query commands may query views just like they may query the base relations. The facility to define views is useful in many ways. It is useful in controlling access to a database. Users may be permitted to see and manipulate only that data that is visible through the views. It also provides logical independence in that the user dealing with the database through a view does not need to be aware of the relations that exist since a view may be based on one or more base relations. If the structure of the base relations is changed (e.g. a column added or a relations split in two), the view definition may need changing but the users view will not be affected. As an example of view definition we define CP302 students as CREATE VIEW DOING_CP302 ( student_id, student_name, Address) AS SELECT student_id, student_name, Address FROM enrolment, student WHERE student.student_id = enrolment.student_id AND subject_id = ‘CP302’; Another example is the following view definition that provides information about all the tutors. CREATE VIEW tutors ( name, id, address) AS SELECT ( student_name, student_id, address) FROM student WHERE student_id IN (SELECT tutor_id FROM student) Note that we have given attribute names for the view tutors that are different than the attribute names in the base relations. As noted earlier, the views may be used in retrieving information as if they were base relations. When a query uses a view instead of a base relation, the DBMS retrieves the view definition from meta-data and uses it to compose a new query that would use only the base relations. This query is then processed. Advantages of SQL There are several advantages of using a very high-level language like SQL. Firstly, the language allows data access to be expressed without mentioning or knowing the existence of specific access


paths or indexes. Application programs are therefore simpler since they only specify what needs to be done not how it needs to be done. The DBMS is responsible for selecting the optimal strategy for executing the program. Another advantage of using a very high-level language is that data structures may be changed if it becomes clear that such a change would improve efficiency. Such changes need not affect the application programs.

Review Question 1. 2.

Explain and List down various command in DML. Give the command for creating table.


What are views? Give the command for creating view.


List down the advantages of SQL.

References 1.

Date, C.J., Introduction to Database Systems (7th Edition) Addison Wesley, 2000


Elamasri R . and Navathe, S., Fundamentals of Database Systems (3rd Edition), Pearsson Education, 2000. http://www.cs.ucf.edu/courses/cop4710/spr2004



The most popular query language is SQL. SQL has now become a de facto standard for relational database query languages. We discuss SQL in some detail. SQL is a nonprocedural language that originated at IBM during the building of the now famous experimental relational DBMS called System R. Originally the user interface to System R was called SEQUEL which was later modified and its name changed to SEQUEL2. These languages have undergone significant changes over time and the current language has been named SQL (Structured Query Language) although it is still often pronounced as if it was spelled SEQUEL. Recently, the American Standards Association has adopted a standard definition of SQL (Date, 1987). A user of a DBMS using SQL may use the query language interactively or through a host language like C or COBOL. We will discuss only the interactive use of SQL although the SQL standard only defines SQL use through a host language. Notes:


LESSON 16 SQL SUPPORT FOR INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS Hi! We are going to discuss SQL support for integrity constraints.

Ex: CREATE TABLE Apply(ID integer REFERENCES Student(ID),

Types of Integrity Constraints

location char(25),

1. 2.

Non-null Key

date char(10),


Referential integrity

decision char,






General assertions

major char(10),

Non-Null Constraints Restricts attributes to not allow NULL values Ex: CREATE TABLE Student (ID integer NOT NULL, name char(30) NOT NULL, address char(100),

FOREIGN KEY (location) REFERENCES Campus(location)) Can omit referenced attribute name if it’s the same as referencing attribute: ID integer REFERENCES Student, ... Can have multi-attribute referential integrity. Can have referential integrity within a single relation. Ex: Dorm(first-name, last-name,



SAT integer)


Ex: ID is key for Student => no two tuples in Student can have the same values for their ID attribute

roommate-first-name, roommate-last-name,

There are two kinds of keys in SQL, Key Constraints 1. PRIMARY KEY: at most one per relation, automatically non-null, automatically indexed (in Oracle) 2.

PRIMARY KEY (first-name,last-name), FOREIGN KEY (roommate-first-name,roommate-lastname)

UNIQUE: any number per relation, automatically indexed

There are two ways to define keys in SQL: a. With key attribute b. Separate within table definition Ex: CREATE TABLE Student (ID integer PRIMARY KEY, name char(30), address char(100), GPA float, SAT integer, UNIQUE (name,address))

REFERENCES Dorm(first-name,last-name)) A foreign key is a group of attributes that is a primary key is some other table. Think of the foreign key values as pointers to tuples in another relation. It is important to maintain the consistency of information in the foreign key field and the primary key in the other relation. In general the foreign key should not have values that are absent from the primary key, a tuple with such values is called a dangling tuple (akin to a dangling pointer in programming languages). Referential integrity is the property that this consistency has been maintained in the database.

Referential Integrity Referenced attribute must be PRIMARY KEY

A foreign key in the enrolledIn table: Assume that the following tables exist. ·

(e.g., Student.ID, Campus.location)

student(name, address) - name is the primary key

Referencing attribute called FOREIGN KEY

enrolledIn(name, code) - name, code is the primary key

(e.g., Apply.ID, Apply.location)

subject(code, lecturer) - code is the primary key

There are two ways to define referential integrity in SQL:

The enrolledIn table records which students are enrolled in which subjects. Assume that the tuple (joe, cp2001) indicates that the student joe is enrolled in the subject cp2001. This tuple only models reality if in fact joe is a student. If joe is not a student then we have a problem, we have a record of a student enrolled in some subject but no record that that student actually exists! We assert this reasonable conclusion by stating that for the enrolledIn table, name is a foreign key

1. 2.

With referencing attribute Separate within referencing relation



into the student table. It turns out that code is also a foreign key, into the subject table. Students must be enrolled in subjects that actually exist. If we think about the E/R diagram from which these relations were determined, the enrolledIn relation is a relationship type that connects the student and subject entity types. Relationship types are the most common source of foreign keys constraints.

Updating the student mini-world: By default SQL supports the following. •

Inserts into the student table are allowed.

Updates of the name attribute in the student table are rejected since it could result in a dangling tuple in the enrolledIn table.

In SQL, a foreign key can be defined by using the following syntax in the column specification portion of a CREATE TABLE statement.


Deleting a tuple from the student table is rejected since it could result in a dangling tuple in the enrolledIn table. Inserts into the enrolledIn table are permitted only if name already exists in the student table (and code in the subjects table).

Let’s look at an example. Creating the enrolledIn table:

Updates of the name attribute in the enrolledIn table are permitted only if the updated name already exists in the student table.

Deleting a tuple from the enrolledIn table is permitted.

CREATE TABLE enrolledIn ( name VARCHAR(20) REFERENCES student, code CHAR(6) REFERENCES subject ); Alternatively, if more than one column is involved in a single foreign key, the foreign key constraint can be added after all the column specifications.

While this is the default (and most conservative) policy, individual vendors may well support other, more permissive, policies. Constraints


In SQL we can put constraints on data at many different levels.

... REFERENCES() , ...

Constraints on attribute values

); Let’s look at an example. Creating the enrolledIn table: CREATE TABLE enrolledIn ( name code


REFERENCES(name) student, REFERENCES(code) subject ); Policies for Maintaining Integrity

The foreign key constraint establishes a relationship that must be maintained between two relations, basically, the foreign key information must be a subset of the primary key information. Below we outline the default SQL policy for maintaining referential integrity. • • •

Allow inserts into primary key table. Reject updates of primary key values (potentially must update foreign key values as well). Reject deletion of primary key values (potentially must delete foreign key values as well).

Reject inserts into foreign key table if inserted foreign key is not already a primary key.

Reject updates in foreign key table if the updated value is not already a primary key.

Allow deletion from foreign key table.


These constraints are given in a CREATE TABLE statement as part of the column specification. We can define a column to be NOT NULL specifying that no null values are permitted in this column. The constraint is checked whenever a insert or update is made to the constrained column in a table. A general condition can be added to the values in a column using the following syntax after the type of a column. CHECK The condition is checked whenever the column is updated. If the condition is satisfied, the update is permitted, but if the check fails, the update is rejected (hopefully with an apropos error message!). A column for logins: Suppose that the login column in a student table should conform to JCU style logins (e.g., sci-jjj or jc222222). In the CREATE TABLE statement, the login column can be defined as follows. Login CHAR(10) CHECK (login LIKE ‘___-%’ OR login LIKE ‘jc%’) Recall that LIKE is a string matching operator. The ‘_’ character will match a single possible ASCII character while ‘%’ will match zero or more ASCII characters. The condition is checked whenever a new login is inserted or a login is updated. Another way to check attribute values is to establish a DOMAIN and then use that DOMAIN as the type of a column.

Example: Science enrollments are down and so the word has gone out that no science student can be enrolled in fewer than five subjects! CREATE ASSERTION RaiseScienceRevenue CHECK 5 > ALL (SELECT COUNT(code)

CREATE TABLE student ( ...

FROM EnrolledIn, Student

gender genderDomain,

GROUP BY code WHERE login LIKE ‘sci-%’);

... ); A user will only be able to insert or update the gender to some value in the genderDomain.

Later after there are no more science students the administrators decide this is a stupid idea and choose to remove the constraint. DROP ASSERTION RaiseScienceRevenue;

Constraints on Tuples Constraints can also be placed on entire tuples. These constraints also appear in the CREATE TABLE statements; after all the column specifications a CHECK can be added.

General Assertions Constraints on entire relation or entire database. In SQL, standalone statement:



... CHECK , ...

Ex: Average GPA is > 3.0 and average SAT is > 1200 CREATE ASSERTION HighVals CHECK(

); Too many male science students: Let’s assume that the powers that be have decided that there are way too many male science students and so only female science students will be allowed. If we assume that all science students have a login that starts with ‘sci-’ then we can enforce this constraint using the following syntax.

3.0 < (SELECT avg(GPA) FROM Student) AND 1200 < (SELECT avg(SAT) FROM Student)) Ex: A student with GPA < 3.0 can only apply to campuses with rank > 4. CREATE ASSERTION RestrictApps CHECK( NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Student, Apply, Campus

CREATE TABLE student (

WHERE Student.ID = Apply.ID


AND Apply.location = Campus.location

gender genderDomain,

AND Student.GPA < 3.0 AND Campus.rank ;

A trigger has three parts. 1.

Event - The trigger waits for a certain event to occur. Events are things like an insertion into a relation.


Condition - Once an event is detected the trigger checks a condition (usually somehow connected to the event - e.g., after an insertion check to see if the salary attribute is nonnegative). If the condition is false then the trigger goes back to sleep, waiting for the next relevant event. If the condition is true then an action (see below) is executed. In effect the trigger is waiting for events that satisfy a certain condition.


Action - An action is a piece of code that is executed. Usually this will involve either undoing a transaction or updating some related information.

NewTuple.salary) UPDATE employee SET salary = OldTuple.salary FOR EACH ROW In this statement the event specification is in the second line, the condition is the sixth line, and the action is the seventh and eighth lines. The third, fourth, and fifth lines establish tuple variables, OldTuple and NewTuple, that are the original and updated tuple in the employee table. The trigger is activated just after rather than just before the update, as specified in line 2. Finally, the ninth line specifies that each row (tuple) in the employee table must be checked. The example above demonstrates that triggers are useful in situations where an arbitrary action must be performed to maintain the consistency and quality of data in a database. But each trigger imposes an overhead on database processing, not only to wake up triggers and check conditions, but to perform the associated action. So triggers should be used judiciously. Recursion The proposed SQL3 standard extends SQL in an interesting direction. A well-known limitations of SQL is that it does not have recursion, or a “looping” mechanism. For example in SQL (or with relations) we can represent a graph by maintaining a table of edges. from








The Edge table

Within this graph a simple SQL query can be used to compute nodes that are connected by paths of length two by joining the Edge table to itself. SELECT A.from, B.to FROM Edge as A, Edge as B WHERE A.to = B.from; The result of this query is given below. 70

For this graph there is also a path of length three from a to d via b and c, so to get the transitive closure we would have to do a further join with Edge. In general since we can’t know in advance how many joins need to be done, we need to have some kind of loop where we keep joining Edge to the result of the previous round to derive new connections in the graph. SQL3 has such a recursive construct. WITH RECURSIVE .... TODO Declaring and Enforcing Constraints Two times at which constraints may be declared: 1.

Declared with original schema. Constraints must hold after bulk loading.


Declared later. Constraints must hold on current database.

After declaration, if a SQL statement causes a constraint to become violated then (in most cases) the statement is aborted and a run-time error is generated. Notes:

Hi! Here in this session we are actually beginning to design a database. So you are going to learn about how a good database could be designed to meet user requirements and also that will cater the needs of a consistent database.

Planning the Relational Database When you need to build a database, there is a temptation to immediately sit down at the computer, fire up your RDBMS, and start creating tables. Well, don’t. There is a process you need to follow to develop a well-designed relational database and, at the start, you’re a long way from actually setting up the tables in the database application. Not necessarily a long way in time, but certainly in thought. A systematic approach to the design will save you, the designer, a lot of time and work and makes it much more likely that the “client” for the database will get something that fits the need. In this topic, you’ll look at the steps of a design process that you will follow. When you get to the point of drafting your tables and fields, you’re going to use a very low tech approach to the design process- pencil and paper. You’ll find lots of blank spaces in this manual to work in. When you start building databases on your own, if you’re the kind of person who just cannot think unless you’re looking at a computer screen, there are software tools available for modeling a database. These CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tools can be used to create diagrams and some will create documentation of the design; they can be particularly useful when a team is working on the design of a database. Additionally, some CASE products can generate commands that will actually create the tables in the RDBMS. The idea is to draw a picture of your tables and fields and how the data in the tables is related. These are generally called entityrelationship, ER, or E/R diagrams. There are various formal systems for creating these diagrams using a specific set of symbols to represent certain objects and types of relationships. At this point in your design career, you should probably use whatever works for you. Again, a formal system becomes more useful when a group of people are working on the same design. Also, using a recognized method is helpful for documenting your design for those who come after you. For additional information on ER diagrams, you may want to read EntityRelationship Approach to Information Modeling by P. Chen.

The Design Process The design process includes •

Identify the purpose of the database.

Review existing database.

Make a preliminary list of fields.

Make a preliminary list of tables and enter the fields.

Identify the key fields.

Draft the table relationships.

Enter sample data and normalize the data.

Review and finalize the design.

Following a design process merely ensures that you have the information you need to create the database and that it complies with the principles of a relational database. In this topic, you’re going to use this process to get the point of having welldesigned tables and relationships and understand how you can extract data from the tables. After that, you, as the designer, may also have to create additional objects for the application, such as the queries, forms, reports, and application control objects. Most of those tasks are application-specific and are beyond the scope of this topic. In this topic, you’ll review an outline of the process. You’ll go through the first few steps of identifying the purpose of the database and, in subsequent topics, will design the tables and relationships. You’re the database designer and the information contained represents the client (the person(s) who has expressed the need for a database).If you wish, you can work on a database of your own where you can be both the client and the designer. Then you have nobody to blame but yourself if it doesn’t come out right.

So, where to begin? 1. Identify the purpose of the database. You will rarely be handed a detailed specification for the database. The desire for a database is usually initially expressed as things the client wants it to do. Things like: •

We need to keep track of our inventory.

We need an order entry system.

I need monthly reports on sales.

We need to provide our product catalog on the Web.

It will usually be up to you to clarify the scope of the intended database. Remember that a database holds related information. If the client wants the product catalog on the Web and sales figures and information on employees and data on competitors, maybe you’re talking about more than one database. Everyone involved needs to have the same understanding of the scope of the project and the expected outcomes (preferably in order of importance). It can be helpful to write a statement of purpose for the database that concerned parties can sign off on. Something like: “The Orders database will hold information on customers, orders, and order details. It will be used for order entry and monthly reports on sales.” A statement like this can help define the boundaries of the information the database will hold.





The early stages of database design are a people-intensive phase, and clear and explicit communication is essential. The process is not isolated steps but is, to a point, iterative. That is, you’ll have to keep going back to people for clarification and additional information as you get further along in the process. As your design progresses, you’ll also need to get confirmation that you’re on the right track and that all needed data is accounted for. If you don’t have it at the beginning of the design process, along the way you’ll also need to develop an understanding of the way the business operates and of the data itself. You need to care about business operations because they involve business rules. These business rules result in constraints that you, as the database designer, need to place on the data. Examples include what the allowable range of values is for a field, whether a certain field of data is required, whether values in a field will be numbers or characters, and will numbers ever have leading zeros. Business rules can also determine the structure of and relationship between tables. Also, it will be difficult for you to determine what values are unique and how the data in different tables relates if you don’t understand the meaning of the data. The reasons will be clearer when you actually get to those points in the process. 2. Review Existing Data. You can take a huge step in defining the body of information for the database by looking at existing data repositories. Is there an existing database (often called a legacy database) even if it isn’t fitting the bill anymore? Is someone currently tracking some of the information in spreadsheets? Are there data collection forms in use? Or are there paper files? Another good way to help define the data is to sketch out the desired outcome. For example, if the clients say they need a monthly report of sales, have them draft what they have in mind. Do they want it grouped by product line? By region? By salesperson? You can’t provide groupings if you haven’t got a field containing data you can group on. Do they want calculations done? You can’t perform calculations if you haven’t stored the component values. Your goal is to collect as much information as you can about the desired products of the database and to reverse engineer that information into tables and fields. 3. Make a Preliminary List of Fields. Take all you have learned about the needs so far and make a preliminary list of the fields of data to be included in the database. Make sure that you have fields to support the needs. For example, to report on monthly sales, there’s going to have to be a date associated with each sale. To group sales by product line, you’ll need a product line identifier. Keep in mind that the clients for a database have expressed their need for information; it’s your job to think about what data is needed to deliver that information. Each field should be atomic; this means each should hold the smallest meaningful value and, therefore, should not contain multiple values. The most common disregard of this rule is to store a person’s first name and last name in the same field.


Do not include fields to hold data that can be calculated from other fields. For example, if you had fields holding an employee’s hourly pay rate and weekly hours, you would not include a gross pay field.

Database Development Life Cycle Hi, we have reached up to a point where, like the classical software development life cycle, I would like to discuss with you the various phases in the Database Development Life Cycle. Let us explore this interesting concept. In this phase the database designers will decide on the database model that is ideally suited or the organization’s needs. The database designers will study the documents prepared by the analysts in the requirements analysis phase and then will go about developing a system that satisfies the requirements. In this phase the designers will try to find out answers to the following questions: • •

What are the problems in the existing system and how they could be overcome? What are the information needs to the different users of the system and how could the conflicting requirements be balanced?

What data items are required for an efficient decisionmaking system?

What are the performance requirements for the system?

How should the data be structured?

How will each user access the data?

How is the data entered in to the database?

How much data will be added to the database on a daily/ weekly/monthly basis?


Designing Good Relational Databases

How the database will be used and

Hi now you have understood the necessity of the Database design phase. Databases have a reputation for being difficult to construct and hard to maintain. The power of modern database software makes it possible to create a database with a few mouse-clicks. The databases created this way, however, are typically the databases that are hard to maintain and difficult to work with because they are designed poorly. Modern software makes it easy to construct a database, but doesn’t help much with the design aspect of database creation.

What information needs to be stored in it?

Database design has nothing to do with using computers. It has everything to do with research and planning. The design process should be completely independent of software choices. The basic elements of the design process are: 1.

Defining the problem or objective


Researching the current database

3. 4.

Designing the data structures Constructing relationships


Implementing rules and constraints


Creating views and reports


Implementing the design

Notice that implementing the database design in software is the final step. All of the preceding steps are completely independent of any software or other implementation concerns. Defining the problem or objective. The most important step in database design is the first one: defining the problem the database will address or the objective of the database. It is important however, to draw a distinction between:

The first step of database design is to clearly delineate the nature of the data that needs to be stored, not the questions that will be asked to turn that data into information. This may sound a little contradictory at first, since the purpose of a database is to provide the appropriate information to answer questions. However, the problem with designing databases to answer specific or targeted questions is that invariably questions are left out, change over time, or even become superseded by other questions. Once this happens, a database designed solely to answer the original questions becomes useless. In contrast, if the database is designed by collecting all of the information that an individual or organization uses to address a particular problem or objective, the information to answer any question involving that problem or objective can theoretically be addressed. Researching the current database. In most database design situations, there is some sort of database already in existence. That database may be Post-it notes, paper order forms, a spreadsheet of sales data, a word processor file of names and addresses, or a full-fledged digital database (possibly in an outdated software package or older legacy system). Regardless of its format, it provides one essential piece of information: the data that the organization currently finds useful. This is an excellent starting point for determining the essential data structure of the database. The existing database information can also provide the nucleus for the content of the new database. Designing the data structures. A database is essentially a collection of data tables, so the next step in the design process is to identify and describe those data structures. Each table in a



database should represent some distinct subject or physical object, so it seems reasonable to simply analyze the subjects or physical objects relevant to the purpose of the database, and then arrive at a list of tables. This can work successfully, but it’s a much better to objectively analyze the actual fields that you have identified as essential in your research and see what logical groupings arise. In many cases, structures that seemed distinct are really reflections of the same underlying subject. In other cases, the complete opposite is true. And to complicate matters, organizations can use the same terms to describe data that they use or collect in fundamentally different ways. Once the tables have been determined and fields have been assigned to each, the next step is to develop the specifications for each field. The perfect field should be atomic: It should be unique in all tables in the database (unless it is used as a key) and contain a single value, and it should not be possible to break it into smaller components. This is also an appropriate time to start thinking about the kind of data that goes in each field. This information should be fairly clear from the research phase of the project, but sometimes questions remain. Some advance planning can be done to make it easier to implement the database in the software at a later time, such as identifying the type of fields and examining (or re-examining) existing data that you’ve collected to make sure that the data always fits the model you are constructing. It’s much easier and cheaper to fix that now than wait until the database is being rolled out!

the form of a report or view of the data. Views are simply collections of the data available in the database combined and made accessible in one place. It could be as simple as a subset of an existing data table or as complicated as a collection of multiple tables joined on particular set of criteria. Reports on the other hand, are typically snapshots of the database at a particular point in time. Implementing the design in software. All of the work to this point has been accomplished without explicitly worrying about the details of the program being used to produce the database. In fact, the design should only exist as diagrams and notes on paper. This is especially important at a later point when you or someone else need to update the database or port it to another package. Now it’s time to boot the computer and get started.

Database Design

Constructing relationships. Once the data structures are in place, the next step is to establish the relationships between the databases. First you must ensure that each table has a unique key that can identify the individual records in each table. Any field in the database that contains unique values is an acceptable field to use as a key. However, it is a much better practice to add an arbitrary field to each table that contains a meaningless, but unique value. This value is typically an integer that is assigned to each record as it is entered and never again repeated. This ensures that each entered record will have a unique key.

Conceptual Design Now we will start with the actual design, the first stage of database designing.

Complete understanding of database structure, semantics, constraints, relationships etc

Implementing rules and constraints. In this step, the fields in the database are still fairly amorphous. Defining the fields as text or numeric and getting a rough feel for the types of data that the client needs to store has narrowed them down, but there is room for further refinement. Rules and constraints typically lead to cleaner data entry and thus better information when using the data. Business rules and constraints limit the format that data can take or the ways that data tables can be related to other data tables.

DBMS independent

Stable description

Database users and application users views; aids their understanding

Communication with users

True representation of real world

Some of these constraints are imposed by the nature of the data itself; social security numbers are always in the same ninedigit format. This type of constraint is normally implemented to make sure that data is complete and accurate. In other cases, the situation itself explicitly constrains the data. The possible values for the data are usually checked against a list or the choice of values is otherwise constrained. This type of constraint is usually easy to implement and easy to change. Creating views and reports. Now that the data design is essentially complete, the penultimate step is to create the specifications that help turn the data into useful information in 74

In the conceptual design stage, data model is used to create an abstract database structure that represents the real world scenario. The Conceptual Design

The different steps in the conceptual design are as follows 1. Data Analysis and requirements definition 2.

Data Modelling and normalization

Data Analysis and Requirements Definition In this step the data item and their characteristics are determined. The data items that are required for successful information processing and decision making are identified and their characteristics are recorded. Questions like what kind of information is needed, what outputs (reports and queries) should the system generate who will use the information, how and for what purpose it will be used, what are the sources of the information, etc ; will be answered in this stage.


Data Modelling and Normalization In this step the database designer creates a data model of the system. The business contains entities and relationships. Each entities will have attributes. In this stage the business entities and relationships are transformed in to a data model usually an E-R Model, using E-R Diagrams. Now many designers have started using data modeling using UML (Unified Modeling Language) instead of E-R diagrams. Once the data model is created then the data will be available in a structured form. All objects (Entities, relations and so on) are defined in a data dictionary and the data is normalized. During he process the designer will group the data items, define the tables, identify the primary keys, define the relationships (One to One, One to Many and many to Many), Create the data model, normalize the data model and so on. Once the data model is created it is verified against the proposed system in order to ascertain that the proposed model is capable of supporting the real world system. So the data model is tested to find out whether the model can perform various database operations and whether the data model takes care of the issue of the data security, integrity, and concurrency and so on.

Review Questions 1. 2.

How will you go about in planning the database? Explain the Database Development Life cycle?


Explain the conceptual design?

References http://www.microsoft-accesssolutions.co.uk Date, C, J, Introduction to Database Systems, 7th edition Leon, Alexis and Leon, Mathews, Database Management Systems, LeonTECHWorld. Notes:



LESSON 18 DATABASE DESIGN INCLUDING INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS-PART-II Hi, we will learn about the importance of logical database design in this lecture. Creating a database logical design is one of the first important steps in designing a database. There are four logical database models that can be used hierarchical, network, relational, or object-oriented. The design concepts should first start with a data model and those models have to b transformed to the physical considerations which will be specific to the DBMS, that is going to be selected.

What Exactly Is Logical Database Design? Logical modeling deals with gathering business requirements and converting those requirements into a model. The logical model revolves around the needs of the business, not the database, although the needs of the business are used to establish the needs of the database. Logical modeling involves gathering information about business processes, business entities (categories of data), and organizational units. After this information is gathered, diagrams and reports are produced including entity relationship diagrams, business process diagrams, and eventually process flow diagrams. The diagrams produced should show the processes and data that exist, as well as the relationships between business processes and data. Logical modeling should accurately render a visual representation of the activities and data relevant to a particular business. Logical modeling affects not only the direction of database design, but also indirectly affects the performance and administration of an implemented database. When time is invested performing logical modeling, more options become available for planning the design of the physical database. The diagrams and documentation generated during logical modeling is used to determine whether the requirements of the business have been completely gathered. Management, developers, and end users alike review these diagrams and documentation to determine if more work is required before physical modeling commences. Logical Modeling Deliverables Typical deliverables of logical modeling include:An Entity Relationship Diagram is also referred to as an analysis ERD. The point of the initial ERD is to provide the development team with a picture of the different categories of data for the business, as well as how these categories of data are related to one another. The Business process model illustrates all the parent and child processes that are performed by individuals within a company. The process model gives the development team an idea of how data moves within the organization. Because process models illustrate the activities of individuals in the company, the process model can be used to determine how a database application interface is design.


So the logical database design is the process of constructing a model of information used in tan enterprise based on a specific data model, but independent of a particular DBMS or other physical considerations. Why a logical data model is required?

A logical data model is required before you can even begin to design a physical database. And the logical data model grows out of a conceptual data model. And any type of data model begins with the discipline of data modeling. The first objective of conceptual data modeling is to understand the requirements. A data model, in and of itself, is of limited value. Of course, a data model delivers value by enhancing communication and understanding, and it can be argued that these are quite valuable. But the primary value of a data model is its ability to be used as a blueprint to build a physical database. When databases are built from a well-designed data model the resulting structures provide increased value to the organization. The value derived from the data model exhibits itself in the form of minimized redundancy, maximized data integrity, increased stability, better data sharing, increased consistency, more timely access to data, and better usability. These qualities are achieved because the data model clearly outlines the data resource requirements and relationships in a clear, concise manner. Building databases from a data model will result in a better database implementation because you will have a better understanding of the data to be stored in your databases. Another benefit of data modeling is the ability to discover new uses for data. A data model can clarify data patterns and potential uses for data that would remain hidden without the data blueprint provided by the data model. Discovery of such patterns can change the way your business operates and can potentially lead to a competitive advantage and increased revenue for your organization. Data modeling requires a different mindset than requirements gathering for application development and process-oriented tasks. It is important to think “what” is of interest instead of “how” tasks are accomplished. To transition to this alternate way of thinking, follow these three “rules”: •

Don’t think physical; think conceptual - do not concern yourself with physical storage issues and the constraints of any DBMS you may know. Instead, concern yourself with business issues and terms. Don’t think process; think structure - how something is done, although important for application development, is not important for data modeling. The things that processes are being done to are what is important to data modeling. Don’t think navigation; think relationship - the way that things are related to one another is important because

E-R Diagrams- A Graphical Format for Data Modeling Data models are typically rendered in a graphical format using an entity-relationship diagram, or E/R diagram for short. An E/R diagram graphically depicts the entities and relationships of a data model. There are many popular data modeling tools on the market from a variety of vendors. But do not confuse the tool as being more important than the process. Of what use is a good tool if you do not know how to deploy it? A data model is built using many different components acting as abstractions of real world things. The simplest data model will consist of entities and relationships. As work on the data model progresses, additional detail and complexity is added. Let’s examine the many different components of a data model and the terminology used for data modeling. The first building block of the data model is the entity. An entity, at a very basic level, is something that exists and is capable of being described. It is a person, place, thing, concept, or event about which your organization maintains facts. For example: “STUDENT,” “INSTRUCTOR,” and “COURSE” are specific entities about which a college or university must be knowledgeable to perform its business. Entities are comprised of attributes. An attribute is a characteristic of an entity. Every attribute does one of three things: 1.



Keep in mind that as you create your data models, you are developing the lexicon of your organization’s business. Much like a dictionary functions as the lexicon of words for a given language, the data model functions as the lexicon of business terms and their usage. Of course, this short introduction just scrapes the tip of the data modeling iceberg.


relationships map the data model blueprint. The way in which relationships are traversed is unimportant to conceptual and logical data modeling.

Bad logical database design results in bad physical database design, and generally results in poor database performance. So, if it is your responsibility to design a database from scratch, be sure you take the necessary time and effort to get the logical database design right. Once the logical design is right, then you also need to take the time to get the physical design right.

Review Questions 1. 2.

What do you mean by logical database design? What are the deliverables for logical modeling?

References http://www.microsoft-accesssolutions.co.uk Date, C.J., Introduction to Database Systems (7th Edition) Addison Wesley, 2000 Leon, Alexis and Leon, Mathews, Database Management Systems, LeonTECHWorld. Notes:

Describe - An attribute is descriptive if it does not identify or relate, but is used to depict or express a characteristic of an entity occurrence. Identify -An attribute that identifies is a candidate key. If the values of an identifying attribute changes, it should identify a different entity occurrence. An attribute that identifies should be unchangeable and immutable. Relate - An attribute that relates entities is a foreign key; the attribute refers to the primary key attribute of an occurrence of another (or the same) entity.

Each attribute is assigned a domain that defines the type of data, its size, and the valid values that can be assigned to the attribute. As a general rule of thumb, nouns tend to be entities and adjectives tend to be attributes. But, of course, this is not a hard and fast rule: be sure to apply of the business to determine which nouns and attributes are entities and which are attributes. Every attribute must either identify the entity occurrence, describe the entity occurrence, or relate the entity occurrence to another entity occurrence (in the same or another entity). Relationships define how the different entities are associated with each other. Each relationship is named such that it describes the role played by an entity in its association with another (or perhaps the same) entity. A relationship is defined by the keys of the participating entities: the primary key in the parent entity and the foreign key in the dependent entity. Relationships are not just the “lines” that connect entities, but provide meaning to the data model and must be assigned useful names.



LESSON 19 MULTI-USER DATABASE APPLICATION Hi! Today we will discuss one of the finest concepts in the modern world of computers and its relevance in terms of database management systems. Here we are giving emphasis to client-server technologies and distributed databases which facilitates the multi user environment. The security issues in a multi-user environment are dealt in lectures involving database security.

Introduction Client/server computing is the logical extension of modular programming. Modular programming has as its fundamental assumption that separation of a large piece of software into its constituent parts creates the possibility for easier development and better maintainability. Client/server computing takes this a step farther by recognizing that those modules need not all be executed within the same memory space. With this architecture, the calling module becomes the “client” (that which requests a service), and the called module becomes the “server” (that which provides the service).The logical extension of this is to have clients and servers running on the appropriate hardware and software platforms for their functions. A “server” subsystem provides services to multiple instances of “client” subsystem Client and server are connected by a network .Control is typically a client requests services from the server provides data access and maintains data integrity To handle load, can have more than one server

client workstation is the graphical user interface (GUI). Normally a par t of operating system i.e. the window manager detects user actions, manages the windows on the display and displays the data in the windows. What is the function Server?

Server programs generally receive requests from client programs, execute database retrieval and updates, manage data integrity and dispatch responses to client requests. The server-based process may run on another machine on the network. This server could be the host operating system or network file server, providing file system services and application services. The server process often manages shared resources such as databases, printers, communication links, or high powered processors. The server process performs the back-end tasks that are common to similar applications. What do mean by Middleware? •

It is a standardized interfaces and protocols between clients and back-end databases.

It hides complexity of data sources from the end-user

Compatible with a range of client and server options

All applications operate over a uniform applications programming interface (API).

Database Client-Server Architecture

Why is Client-Server Different

What is the function Client?

The client is a process that sends a message to a server process, requesting that the server perform a ser vice. Client programs usually manage the user-interface portion of the application, validate data entered by the user, dispatch requests to server programs, and sometimes execute business logic. The clientbased process is the front-end of the application that the user sees and interacts with. The client process often manages the local resources that the user interacts with such as the monitor, keyboard, CPU and peripherals. One of the key elements of a 78

Emphasis on user-friendly client applications

Focus on access to centralized databases

Commitment to open and modular applications

Networking is fundamental to the organization

Buffered communication •

Client send to a mailbox

Server receives from a mailbox


Reliability •

Unreliable channel

Characteristics of Client/Server Architectures

Need acknowledgements (ACKs)

Applications handle ACKs


ACKs for both request and reply




A combination of a client or front-end portion that interacts with the user, and a server or back-end portion that interacts with the shared resource. The client process contains solution-specific logic and provides the interface between the user and the rest of the application system. The server process acts as a software engine that manages shared resources such as databases, printers, modems, or high powered processors. The front-end task and back-end task have fundamentally different requirements for computing resources such as processor speeds, memory, disk speeds and capacities, and input/output devices. The environment is typically heterogeneous and multivendor.The hardware platform and operating system of client and server are not usually the same. Client and server processes communicate through a well-defined set of standard application program interfaces (APIs) and RPCs. An important characteristic of client-server systems is scalability. Horizontal scaling means adding or removing client workstations with only a slight performance impact.

• • •

Hard-wired address Machine address and process address are known a priori Broadcast-based •

Server Architecture •

Sequential • •

Serve one request at a time Can service multiple requests by employing events and asynchronous communication

Concurrent •

Server spawns a process or thread to service each request

Can also use a pre-spawned pool of threads/processes (apache)

Thus servers could be •

Pure-sequential, event-based, thread-based, processbased

Scalability •

Buy bigger machine!


Distribute data and/or algorithms

Ship code instead of data Cache

Server chooses address from a sparse address space

Client broadcasts request

Client-Server Pros and Cons

Can cache response for future


Networked web of computers

Inexpensive but powerful array of processors

Open systems Grows easily

Locate address via name server Blocking communication (synchronous) •

Send blocks until message is actually sent

Receive blocks until message is actually received

Individual client operating systems

Send returns immediately

Cost-effective way to support thousands of users Cheap hardware and software

Return does not block either

Provides control over access to data

User remains in control over local environment

Flexible access to information

Non-blocking communication (asynchronous)

Buffering Issues •

Transport protocol handles lost messages

Blocking Versus Non-blocking •

Reply acts as ACK for request Explicit ACK for response

Reliable communication on unreliable channels •

What are the issues in Client-Server Communication? Addressing

Reliable channel

Unbuffered communication •

Server must call receive before client can call send




Maintenance nightmares

Support tools lacking

• •

Retraining required Complexity

Lack of Maturity

Lack of trained developers

Distributed Database Concepts A distributed computing system consists of a number of processing elements, not necessarily hom*ogeneous that are interconnected by a computer network, and that cooperate in performing certain assigned task. As a general goal, distributed computing systems partition a big, unmanageable problem into smaller pieces and solve it efficiently in a coordinated manner. The eonomic viability of this approach stems from two reasons:1) more computer power is harnessed to solve a complex task and 2) each autonomous processing elements can be managed independently and develop its own application. We can define a Distributed Database (DDB) as a collection of multiple logically interrelated databases distributed over a computer network and a distributed database management system (DDBMS) as a software system that manages a distributed database while making the distribution transparent to the user Advantages of Distributed Database The advantages of distributed database are as follows: 1. Management of distributed data with different levels of transparency: Ideally a DBMS should be Distributed Transparent in the sense of hiding the details of where each file is physically stored within the system. •

Distribution of Network Transparency:

This refers to freedom for the user from the operational details of the network. It may be divided into location transparency and naming transparency. Location Transparency refers to the fact that the command used to perform a task is independent of the location of the data and the location of the system where the command was issued. Naming Transparency implies that once a name is specified the named objects can be accessed unambiguously without additional specification. •

Replication Transparency:

It makes the user unaware of the existence of the copies of data. •

Fragmentation Transparency:

Two type of fragmentation are possible. Horizontal Fragmentation distributes a relation into sets of tuples.Vertical Fragmentation distribute a relation into subrelations where each subrelation is defined by a subset of the column of the original relation. Fragmentation transparency makes the user unaware of the existence of fragments 2. Increased Reliability And Availability Reliability is broadly defined as the probability that a system is running at a certain time point, whereas availability is the


probability that a system is continuously available during a time interval. So by judiciously Replicating data and data at more than one site in distributed database makes the data accessible in some parts which is unreachable to many users. 3. Improved Performance A distributed database fragments the database by keeping data closer to where it is needed most. Data Localization reduces the contention for CPU and I/O service and simultaneously reduces access delays involved in wide area network. When a large database is distributed over multiple sites smaller database exist at each site .as a result local queries and transactions accessing data at a single site have a better performance because of the smaller local database. In addition each site has a smaller number of transactions executing than if all transactions are submitted to a single centralized database. Moreover interquery and intraquery parallelism can be achieved by executing multiple queries at different sites or by breaking up a query into a number of subqueries at different sites or by breaking up a query into a number of subqueries that execute parallel. This contributes to improved performance. 4. Easier Expansion: Expansion of the system in terms of adding more data ,increasing database sizes or adding more processors is much easier.

Additional Features Of Distributed Database Distribution leads to increased complexity in the system design and implementation. To achieve the potential advantages; the DDBMS software must be able to provide the following function in addition to those of a centralized DBMS: •

Keeping Track Of data : The ability to keep track of the data distribution, fragmentation and replication by expanding the DDBMS catalog.

Distributed query processing: the ability to access remote sites and transmit queries and data among the various sites via a communication network.

Distributed transaction management: The ability to devise execution strategies for queries and transaction that access data from more than one sites and to synchronize the access to distributed data and maintain integrity of the overall database. Replicate data management: The ability to decide which copy of a replicated data item to access and to maintain the consistency of copies of a replicated data item.

Distributed database recovery: the ability to recover from individual site crashes and from new types of failures such as the failure of a communication links.

Security: Distributed transaction must be executed with the proper management of the security of the data and the authorization/access privileges of users.

Distributed Directory Management: A directory contains information about data in the database. The directory may be global for the entire DDB or local for each site .The placement and distribution of the directory are design and policy issue.


Types of Distributed Database Systems The term distributed database management system describes various systems that differ from one another in many respects. The main thing that all such systems have in common is the fact that data and software are distributed over multiple sites connected by some form of communication network. The first factor we consider is the degree of hom*ogeneity of the DBMS software. If all servers use identical software and all users use identical software ,the DDBMS is called hom*ogeneous ;otherwise it is called heterogeneous .Another factor related to the degree of hom*ogeneity is the degree of local autonomy .If there is no provision for the local site to function as a stand alone DBMS,then the system has no local autonomy. On the other hand if direct access by local transaction to a server is permitted, the system has some degree of local autonomy.

Review Questions 1. 2.

What do you understand by Client-Server architecture? What is the function of middleware in C-S architecture?


What are the characteristics of C-S architecture?


What are the advantages & disadvantages of C-S architecture?

References: Date, C, J, Introduction to Database Systems, 7th edition Database Management Systems, By Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon





Two Tier Systems


A tier is a distinct part of hardware or software. Discussion

The most common tier systems are: •

Single Tier

Two Tier

Three Tier

Each are defined as follows:

Single Tier Definition


A single computer that contains a database and a front-end to access the database.

A two tier system consists of a client and a server. In a two tier system, the database is stored on the server, and the interface used to access the database is installed on the client.


Generally this type of system is found in small businesses. There is one computer which stores all of the company’s data on a single database. The interface used to interact with the database may be part of the database or another program which ties into the database itself. Advantages

A single-tier system requires only one stand-alone computer. It also requires only one installation of proprietary software. This makes it the most cost-effective system available. Disadvantages

My be used by only one user at a time. A single tier system is impractical for an organization which requires two or more users to interact with the organizational data store at the same time. Client/Server Definition

A client is defined as a requester of services and a server is defined as the provider of services. A single machine can be both a client and a server depending on the software configuration. File Sharing Architecture Definition

Files used by the clients are stored on the server. When files are downloaded to the client all of the processing is done by the client. This processing includes all logic and data. Discussion

File sharing architectures work if shared usage is low, update contention is low, and the volume of data to be transferred is low. The system gets strained when there are more than 12 users. This system was replaced by the two tier client/server architecture.



The user system interface is usually located in the user’s desktop environment and the database management services are usually in a server that is a more powerful machine that services many clients. Processing management is split between the user system interface environment and the database management server environment. The database management server provides stored procedures and triggers. Purpose and Origin Two tier software architectures were developed in the 1980s from the file server software architecture design. The two tier architecture is intended to improve usability by supporting a forms-based, user-friendly interface. The two tier architecture improves scalability by accommodating up to 100 users (file server architectures only accommodate a dozen users), and improves flexibility by allowing data to be shared, usually within a hom*ogeneous environment The two tier architecture requires minimal operator intervention, and is frequently used in non-complex, non-time critical information processing systems. Detailed readings on two tier architectures can be found in Schussel and Edelstein. Technical Details Two tier architectures consist of three components distributed in two layers: client (requester of services) and server (provider of services). The three components are 1. 2.

User System Interface (such as session, text input, dialog, and display management services) Processing Management (such as process development, process enactment, process monitoring, and process resource services)


Database Management (such as data and file services)

Usage Considerations Two tier software architectures are used extensively in non-time critical information processing where management and operations of the system are not complex. This design is used frequently in decision support systems where the transaction load is light. Two tier software architectures require minimal operator intervention. The two tier architecture works well in relatively hom*ogeneous environments with processing rules (business rules) that do not change very often and when workgroup size is expected to be fewer than 100 users, such as in small businesses. Advantages:

Since processing was shared between the client and server, more users could interact with such a system. Disadvantages

When the number of users exceeds 100, performance begins to deteriorate. This limitation is a result of the server maintaining a connection via “keep-alive” messages with each client, even when no work is being done. A second limitation of the two tier architecture is that implementation of processing management services using vendor proprietary database procedures restricts flexibility and choice of DBMS for applications. Finally, current implementations of the two tier architecture provide limited flexibility in moving (repartitioning) program functionality from one server to another without manually regenerating procedural code.

Three Tier Architecture Purpose and Origin The three tier software architecture (a.k.a. three layer architectures) emerged in the 1990s to overcome the limitations of the two tier architecture (see Two Tier Software Architectures). The third tier (middle tier server) is between the user interface (client) and the data management (server) components. This middle tier provides process management where business logic and rules are executed and can accommodate hundreds of users (as compared to only 100 users with the two tier architecture) by providing functions such as queuing, application execution, and database staging. The three tier architecture is used when an effective distributed client/server design is needed that provides (when compared to the two tier) increased performance, flexibility, maintainability, reusability, and scalability, while hiding the complexity of distributed processing from the user Technical Details

A three tier distributed client/server architecture (as shown in Figure 28) includes a user system interface top tier where user services (such as session, text input, dialog, and display management) reside. The third tier provides database management functionality and is dedicated to data and file services that can be optimized without using any proprietary database management system languages. The data management component ensures that the

data is consistent throughout the distributed environment through the use of features such as data locking, consistency, and replication. It should be noted that connectivity between tiers can be dynamically changed depending upon the user’s request for data and services. The middle tier provides process management services (such as process development, process enactment, process monitoring, and process resourcing) that are shared by multiple applications. The middle tier server (also referred to as the application server) improves performance, flexibility, maintainability, reusability, and scalability by centralizing process logic. Centralized process logic makes administration and change management easier by localizing system functionality so that changes must only be written once and placed on the middle tier server to be available throughout the systems. Usage Considerations

The middle tier manages distributed database integrity by the two phase commit process. It provides access to resources based on names instead of locations, and thereby improves scalability and flexibility as system components are added or move. Sometimes, the middle tier is divided in two or more unit with different functions, in these cases the architecture is often referred as multi layer. This is the case, for example, of some Internet applications. These applications typically have light clients written in HTML and application servers written in C++ or Java, the gap between these two layers is too big to link them together. Instead, there is an intermediate layer (web server) implemented in a scripting language. This layer receives requests from the Internet clients and generates html using the services provided by the business layer. This additional layer provides further isolation between the application layout and the application logic. It should be noted that recently, mainframes have been combined as servers in distributed architectures to provide massive storage and improve security. Definition

The addition of a middle tier between the user system interface client environment and the database management server environment. Discussion

There are a variety of ways of implementing this middle tier, such as transaction processing monitors, message servers, or application servers. The middle tier can perform queuing, application execution, and database staging. Example If the middle tier provides queuing, the client can deliver its request to the middle layer and disengage because the middle tier will access the data and return the answer to the client. In addition the middle layer adds scheduling and prioritization for work in progress. Advantages

The three tier client/server architecture has been shown to improve performance for groups with a large number of users (in the thousands) and improves flexibility when compared to



The two tier design allocates the user system interface exclusively to the client. It places database management on the server and splits the processing management between client and server, creating two layers.


the two tier approach. modules onto different computers in some three tier architectures.

not significant, and is outweighed by the design advantages of a multi-tier design.


If performance does become an issue, some of the rules above may be broken, with a consequent loss of design consistency.

The three tier architectures development environment is reportedly more difficult to use than the visually-oriented development of two tier systems. Ecommerce Systems - Application Servers Definition

Application servers share business logic, computations, and a data retrieval engine on the server. There is now processing required on the client. Advantages

With less software on the client there is less security to worry about, applications are more scalable, and support and installation costs are less on a single server than maintaining each on a desktop client. The application server design should be used when security, scalability, and cost are major considerations. Multi-Tier Application Design An age-old software engineering principle explains that by logically partitioning a piece of software into independent layers of responsibility, one can produce programs that have fewer defects, are better at documenting themselves, can be developed concurrently by may programmers with specific skill sets, and are more maintainable than the alternative of a monolithic hunk of code. Examples of these layers, or tiers, are common: the kernel (privileged CPU mode) and other applications (user mode); the seven ISO/OSI network model layers (or the redivided four used by the Internet); and even the database “onion” containing core, management system, query engine, procedural language engine, and connection interface. Note that these tiers are entirely logical in nature. Their physical implementation may vary considerably: everything compiled into one EXE, a single tier spread across multiple statically- or dynamically-linked libraries, tiers divided amongst separate networked computers, and so forth. Each such tier is one further level of abstraction from the raw data of the application (the “lowest” tier). The “highest” tier is therefore the most “abstract” and also the best candidate for communicating directly with the end user. Individual tiers are designed to be a self-contained as possible, exposing only a well-defined interface (e.g. function names, usually called an Application Programming Interface, or API) that another tier may use. In this respect, tiers are analogous to the classes of Object-Oriented Programming. In theory, a new tier with a compatible interface could easily be substituted for another, but in practice this can’t always be done without a bit of fuss. Tiers only communicate in this downward direction (that is, a lower-level tier does not call a function in a higher-level tier), and a tier may only call into the tier directly beneath it (that is, tiers are not bypassed). One might also say that a higher-level tier is a “consumer” of the services afforded by the lower-level tier, the “provider”. Each tier does introduce a small performance penalty (typically, stack frame overhead for the function calls) but this is usually 84

Three Tier VS Muti tier These three tiers have proved more successful than other multitier schemes for a couple of reasons: Matching Skill Sets: It turns out that the skills of the various people that might work on building an application tend to correspond neatly with the three tiers. The Presentation tier requires people with some level of either user-interface/ ergonomics experience or artistic sensibilities, or the combination of the two (often found in web designers). The Business Logic tier calls upon people very familiar with procedural language techniques and a considerable investment in a particular set of procedural programming languages (e.g. C/ C++, Java, VB, PHP). Finally, the Data tier requires intimate knowledge of relational database theory and the SQL DML language. It’s next to impossible to find a single person with talent and experience in all three areas, and reasonably difficult to find people with skills in two. Fortunately, the separation of the three layers means that people with just one of these skill sets can work on the project side by side with those possessing the other skills, lessening the “too many cooks” effect. Multi-Server Scalability: Just as people become “optimized” for a certain task through learning and experience, computer systems can also be optimized for each of the three tiers. While it’s possible to run all three logical tiers on a single server (as is done on the course server), as a system grows to accommodate greater and greater numbers of users (a problem typical of web applications), a single server will no longer suffice. It turns out that the processing needs of the three tiers are distinct, and so a physical arrangement often consists of many Presentation tier servers (a.k.a. web servers), a few Business Logic tier servers (a.k.a. application servers), and usually just one, or at most a handful, of Data tier servers (a.k.a. RDBMS servers). RDBMS servers consume every resource a hardware platform can provide: CPU, memory, disk, and gobs of each. RDBMS’s also often have innumerable tuning parameters. An application server is typically only CPU and memory-bound, requiring very little disk space. Finally, a web server (just a specialized type of file server) is mostly reliant on memory and disk.

Review Questions 1.

Explain what is single tier database architecture?


Explain the Two-Tier architecture?


Explain the n tier architecture?

References http://otn.oracle.com/pub/articles/tech_dba.html http://www.openlinksw.com/licenses/appst.htmDate, C. J. An Introduction to Database Systems. Volume I. Addison/ Wesley, 1990, 455–473.


Database performance focuses on tuning and optimizing the design, parameters, and physical construction of database objects, specifically tables and indexes, and the files in which their data is stored. The actual composition and structure of database objects must be monitored continually and changed accordingly if the database becomes inefficient. No amount of SQL tweaking or system tuning can optimize the performance of queries run against a poorly designed or disorganized database.

Single table to a single file. This is, by far, the most common choice. The data in the file is formatted such that the DBMS understands the table structure and every row inserted into that table is stored in the same file. However, this setup is not necessarily the most efficient.

Single table to multiple files. This option is used most often for very large tables or tables requiring data to be physically separated at the storage level. Mapping to multiple files is accomplished by using partitioned tablespaces or by implementing segmented disk devices.

Techniques for Optimizing Databases

Multiple tables to a single file. This type of mapping is used for small tables such as lookup tables and code tables, and can be more efficient from a disk utilization perspective.

The DBA must be cognizant of the features of the DBMS in order to apply the proper techniques for optimizing the performance of database structures. Most of the major DBMSs support the following techniques although perhaps by different names. Each of the following techniques can be used to tune database performance and will be discussed in subsequent sections. •

Partitioning — breaking a single database table into sections stored in multiple files.

Raw partitions versus file systems — choosing whether to store database data in an OS-controlled file or not.

Indexing — choosing the proper indexes and options to enable efficient queries. Denormalization — varying from the logical design to achieve better query performance.

• •

Clustering — enforcing the physical sequence of data on disk.

Interleaving data — combining data from multiple tables into a single, sequenced file.

Free space — leaving room for data growth.

Compression — algorithmically reducing storage requirements.

File placement and allocation — putting the right files in the right place.

Page size — using the proper page size for efficient data storage and I/O.

Reorganization — removing inefficiencies from the database by realigning and restructuring database objects.

Partitioning A database table is a logical manifestation of a set of data that physically resides on computerized storage. One of the decisions that the DBA must make for every table is how to store that data. Each DBMS provides different mechanisms that accomplish the same thing -mapping physical files to database tables. The DBA must decide from among the following mapping options for each table:

Partitioning helps to accomplish parallelism. Parallelism is the process of using multiple tasks to access the database in parallel. A parallel request can be invoked to use multiple, simultaneous read engines for a single SQL statement. Parallelism is desirable because it can substantially reduce the elapsed time for database queries. Multiple types of parallelism are based on the resources that can be invoked in parallel. For example, a single query can be broken down into multiple requests each utilizing a different CPU engine in parallel. In addition, parallelism can be improved by spreading the work across multiple database instances. Each DBMS offers different levels of support for parallel database queries. To optimize database performance, the DBA should be cognizant of the support offered in each DBMS being managed and exploit the parallel query capabilities. Raw Partition vs. File System For a UNIX-based DBMS environment, the DBA must choose between a raw partition and using the UNIX file system to store the data in the database. A raw partition is the preferred type of physical device for database storage because writes are cached by the operating system when a file system is utilized. When writes are buffered by the operating system, the DBMS does not know whether the data has been physically copied to disk or not. When the DBMS cache manager attempts to writes the data to disk, the operating system may delay the write until later because the data may still be in the file system cache. If a failure occurs, data in a database using the file system for storage may not be 100% recoverable. This is to be avoided. If a raw partition is used instead, the data is written directly from the database cache to disk with no intermediate file system or operating system caching, as shown in Figure 11-1. When the DBMS cache manager writes the data to disk, it will physically be written to disk with no intervention. Additionally, when using a raw partition, the DBMS will ensure that enough space is available and write the allocation pages. When using a file system, the operating system will not preallocate space for database usage. 85


Hi! Database Performance


table requires in-depth analysis of the database and the applications that access the database.

Figure 11-1 Using raw partitions to avoid file system caching From a performance perspective, there is no advantage to having a secondary layer of caching at the file system or operating system level; the DBMS cache is sufficient. Actually, the additional work required to cache the data a second time consumes resources, thereby negatively impacting the overall performance of database operations. Do not supplement the DBMS cache with any type of additional cache. Indexing Creating the correct indexes on tables in the database is perhaps the single greatest performance tuning technique that a DBA can perform. Indexes are used to enhance performance. Indexes are particularly useful for •

Locating rows by value(s) in column(s) Making joins more efficient (when the index is defined on the join columns)

Correlating data across tables

Aggregating data

Sorting data to satisfy a query

Without indexes, all access to data in the database would have to be performed by scanning all available rows. Scans are very inefficient for very large tables. Designing and creating indexes for database tables actually crosses the line between database performance tuning and application performance tuning. Indexes are database objects created by the DBA with database DDL. However, an index is built to make SQL statements in application programs run faster. Indexing as a tuning effort is applied to the database to make applications more efficient when the data access patterns of the application vary from what was anticipated when the database was designed. Before tuning the database by creating new indexes, be sure to understand the impact of adding an index. The DBA should have an understanding of the access patterns of the table on which the index will be built. Useful information includes the percentage of queries that access rather than update the table, the performance thresholds set within any service level agreements for queries on the table, and the impact of adding a new index to running database utilities such as loads, reorganizations, and recovery. One of the big unanswered questions of database design is: “How many indexes should be created for a single table?” There is no set answer to this question. The DBA will need to use his expertise to determine the proper number of indexes for each table such that database queries are optimized and the performance of database inserts, updates, and deletes does not degrade. Determining the proper number of indexes for each


The general goal of index analysis is to use less I/O to the database to satisfy the queries made against the table. Of course, an index can help some queries and hinder others. Therefore, the DBA must assess the impact of adding an index to all applications and not just tune single queries in a vacuum. This can be an arduous but rewarding task. An index affects performance positively when fewer I/Os are used to return results to a query. Conversely, an index negatively impacts performance when data is updated and the indexes have to be changed as well. An effective indexing strategy seeks to provide the greatest reduction in I/O with an acceptable level of effort to keep the indexes updated. Some applications have troublesome queries that require significant tuning to achieve satisfactory performance. Creating an index to support a single query is acceptable if that query is important enough in terms of ROI to the business (or if it is run by your boss or the CEO). If the query is run infrequently, consider creating the index before the process begins and dropping the index when the process is complete. Whenever you create new indexes, be sure to thoroughly test the performance of the queries it supports. Additionally, be sure to test database modification statements to gauge the additional overhead of updating the new indexes. Review the CPU time, elapsed time, and I/O requirements to assure that the indexes help. Keep in mind that tuning is an iterative process, and it may take time and several index tweaks to determine the impact of a change. There are no hard and fast rules for index creation. Experiment with different index combinations and measure the results. When to Avoid Indexing

There are a few scenarios where indexing may not be a good idea. When tables are very small, say less than ten pages, consider avoiding indexes. Indexed access to a small table can be less efficient than simply scanning all of the rows because reading the index adds I/O requests. Index I/O notwithstanding, even a small table can sometimes benefit from being indexed - for example, to enforce uniqueness or if most data access retrieves a single row using the primary key. You may want to avoid indexing variable-length columns if the DBMS in question expands the variable column to the maximum length within the index. Such expansion can cause indexes to consume an inordinate amount of disk space and might be inefficient. However, if variable-length columns are used in SQL WHERE clauses, the cost of disk storage must be compared to the cost of scanning. Buying some extra disk storage is usually cheaper than wasting CPU resources to scan rows. Furthermore, the SQL query might contain alternate predicates that could be indexed instead of the variable-length columns. Additionally, avoid indexing any table that is always accessed using a scan, that is, the SQL issued against the table never supplies a WHERE clause.

select from where ;





salary employee 15000.00

Creating an index on the salary column can enhance the performance of this query. However, the DBA can further enhance the performance of the query by overloading the index with the emp_no and last_name columns, as well. With an overloadedindex,theDBMS cansatisfythequerybyusonly ing the index. The DBMS need not incur the additional I/O of accessing the table data, since every piece of data that is required by the query exists in the overloaded index.

Clustering A clustered table will store its rows physically on disk in order by a specified column or columns. Clustering usually is enforced by the DBMS with a clustering index. The clustering index forces table rows to be stored in ascending order by the indexed columns. The left-to-right order of the columns as defined in the index, defines the collating sequence for the clustered index. There can be only one clustering sequence per table (because physically the data can be stored in only one sequence). Figure 11-2 demonstrates the difference between clustered and unclustered data and indexes; the clustered index is on top, the unclustered index is on the bottom. As you can see, the entries on the leaf pages of the top index are in sequential order - in oher words, they are clustered. Clustering enhances the performance of queries that access data sequentially because fewer I/ Os need to be issued to retrieve the same data.

DBAs should consider overloading indexes to encourage indexonly access when multiple queries can benefit from the index or when individual queries are very important. Denormalization

Another way to optimize the performance of database access is to denormalize the tables. In brief, denormalization, the opposite of normalization, is the process of putting one fact in many places. This speeds data retrieval at the expense of data modification. Denormalizing tables can be a good decision when a completely normalized design does not perform optimally. The only reason to ever denormalize a relational database design is to enhance performance. As discussed elsewhere in “Database administration,” you should consider the following options: • •

Prejoined tables — when the cost of joining is prohibitive. Report table — when specialized critical reports are too costly to generate.

Mirror table — when tables are required concurrently by two types of environments.

Split tables — when distinct groups use different parts of a table.

Combined tables — to consolidate one-to-one or one-tomany relationships into a single table.

Speed table — to support hierarchies like bill-of-materials or reporting structures.

Physical denormalization — to take advantage of specific DBMS characteristics.

You might also consider • • •

Storing redundant data in tables to reduce the number of table joins required. Storing repeating groups in a row to reduce I/O and possibly disk space. Storing derivable data to eliminate calculations and costly algorithms.

Figure 11-2 Clustered and unclustered indexes Depending on the DBMS, the data may not always be physically maintained in exact clustering sequence. When a clustering sequence has been defined for a table, the DBMS will act in one of two ways to enforce clustering: 1.

When new rows are inserted, the DBMS will physically maneuver data rows and pages to fit the new rows into the defined clustering sequence; or


When new rows are inserted, the DBMS will try to place the data into the defined clustering sequence, but if space is not available on the required page the data may be placed elsewhere.

The DBA must learn how the DBMS maintains clustering. If the DBMS operates as in the second scenario, data may become unclustered over time and require reorganization. A detailed discussion of database reorganization appears later in this chapter. For now, though, back to our discussion of clustering. Clustering tables that are accessed sequentially is good practice. In other words, clustered indexes are good for supporting range access, whereas unclustered indexes are better for supporting random access. Be sure to choose the clustering



Index Overloading Query performance can be enhanced in certain situations by overloading an index with additional columns. Indexes are typically based on the WHERE clauses of SQL SELECT statements. For example, consider the following SQL statement.


columns wisely. Use clustered indexes for the following situations: •

Join columns, to optimize SQL joins where multiple rows match for one or both tables participating in the join

Foreign key columns because they are frequently involved in joins and the DBMS accesses foreign key values during declarative referential integrity checking

Predicates in a WHERE clause Range columns

• •

Columns that do not change often (reduces physically reclustering)

Columns that are frequently grouped or sorted in SQL statements

In general, the clustering sequence that aids the performance of the most commonly accessed predicates should be used to for clustering. When a table has multiple candidates for clustering, weigh the cost of sorting against the performance gained by clustering for each candidate key. As a rule of thumb, though, if the DBMS supports clustering, it is usually a good practice to define a clustering index for each table that is created (unless the table is very small). Clustering is generally not recommended for primary key columns because the primary key is, by definition, unique. However, if ranges of rows frequently are selected and ordered by primary key value, a clustering index may be beneficial. Page Splitting When the DBMS has to accommodate inserts, and no space exists, it must create a new page within the database to store the new data. The process of creating new pages to store inserted data is called page splitting. A DBMS can perform two types of page splitting: normal page splits and monotonic page splits. Some DBMSs support both types of page splitting, while others support only one type. The DBA needs to know how the DBMS implements page splitting in order to optimize the database. Figure 11-3 depicts a normal page split. To accomplish this, the DBMS performs the following tasks in sequence:

Creates a new page in between the full page and the next page

Inserts the new values into the fresh page

Monotonic page splits are useful when rows are being inserted in strictly ascending sequence. Typically, a DBMS that supports monotonic page splits will invoke it when a new row is added to the end of a page and the last addition was also to the end of the page. When ascending rows are inserted and normal page splitting is used, a lot of space can be wasted because the DBMS will be creating half-full pages that never fill up. If the wrong type of page split is performed during database processing, wasted space will ensue, requiring the database object to be reorganized for performance. Interleaving Data When data from two tables is frequently joined, it can make sense to physically interleave the data into the same physical storage structure. Interleaving can be viewed as a specialized form of clustering Free Space Free space, sometimes called fill factor, can be used to leave a portion of a tablespace or index empty and available to store newly added data. The specification of free space in a tablespace or index can reduce the frequency of reorganization, reduce contention, and increase the efficiency of insertion. Each DBMS provides a method of specifying free space for a database object in the CREATE and ALTER statements. A typical parameter is PCTFREE, where the DBA specifies the percentage of each data page that should remain available for future inserts. Another possible parameter is FREEPAGE, where the DBA indicates the specified number of pages after which a completely empty page is available. Ensuring a proper amount of free space for each database object provides the following benefits: •

Inserts are faster when free space is available.

As new rows are inserted, they can be properly clustered. Variable-length rows and altered rows have room to expand, potentially reducing the number of relocated rows.


Creates a new empty page in between the full page and the next page


Takes half of the entries from the full page and moves them to the empty page

However, free space also has several disadvantages. •

Disk storage requirements are greater.

Adjusts any internal pointers to both pages and inserts the row accordingly

Scans take longer.

Fewer rows on a page can require more I/O operations to access the requested information.

Because the number of rows per page decreases, the efficiency of data caching can decrease because fewer rows are retrieved per I/O.


Fewer rows on a page results in better concurrency because less data is unavailable to other users when a page is locked.

The DBA should monitor free space and ensure that the appropriate amount is defined for each database object. The correct amount of free space must be based on Figure 11-3 Normal page splitting

Frequency of inserts and modifications

A monotonic page split is a much simpler process, requiring only two steps. The DBMS

Amount of sequential versus random access


Impact of accessing unclustered data

Type of processing

Likelihood of row chaining, row migration, and page splits

Don’t define a static table with free space - it will not need room in which to expand. The remaining topics will be discussed in the next lecture.

Compression Compression can be used to shrink the size of a database. By compressing data, the database requires less disk storage. Some DBMSs provide internal DDL options to compress database files; third-party software is available for those that do not provide such features. When compression is specified, data is algorithmically compressed upon insertion into the database and decompressed when it is read. Reading and writing compressed data consumes more CPU resources than reading and writing uncompressed data: The DBMS must execute code to compress and decompress the data as users insert, update, and read the data. So why compress data? Consider an uncompressed table with a row size of 800 bytes. Five of this table’s rows would fit in a 4K data page (or block). Now what happens if the data is compressed? Assume that the compression routine achieves 30% compression on average (a very conservative estimate). In that case, the 800-byte row will consume only 560 bytes (800 x 0.30 = 560). After compressing the data, seven rows will fit on a 4K page. Because I/O occurs at the page level, a single I/O will retrieve more data, which will optimize the performance of sequential data scans and increase the likelihood of data residing in the cache because more rows fit on a physical page. Of course, compression always requires a trade-off that the DBA must analyze. On the positive side, we have disk savings and the potential for reducing I/O cost. On the negative side, we have the additional CPU cost required to compress and decompress the data. However, compression is not an option for every database index or table. For smaller amounts of data, it is possible that a compressed file will be larger than an uncompressed file. This is so because some DBMSs and compression algorithms require an internal dictionary to manage the compression. The dictionary contains statistics about the composition of the data that is being compressed. For a trivial amount of data, the size of the dictionary may be greater than the amount of storage saved by compression. File Placement and Allocation The location of the files containing the data for the database can have a significant impact on performance. A database is very I/ O intensive, and the DBA must make every effort to minimize the cost of physical disk reading and writing. This discipline entails •

Understanding the access patterns associated with each piece of data in the system

Placing the data on physical disk devices in such a way as to optimize performance

The first consideration for file placement on disk is to separate the indexes from the data, if possible. Database queries are frequently required to access data from both the table and an index on that table. If both of these files reside on the same disk device, performance degradation is likely. To retrieve data from disk, an arm moves over the surface of the disk to read physical blocks of data on the disk. If a single operation is accessing data from files on the same disk device, latency will occur; reads from one file will have to wait until reads from the other file are processed. Of course, if the DBMS combines the index with the data in the same file, this technique cannot be used. Another rule for file placement is to analyze the access patterns of your applications and separate the files for tables that are frequently accessed together. The DBA should do this for the same reason he should separate index files from table files. A final consideration for placing files on separate disk devices occurs when a single table is stored in multiple files (partitioning). It is wise in this case to place each file on a separate disk device to encourage and optimize parallel database operations. If the DBMS can break apart a query to run it in parallel, placing multiple files for partitioned tables on separate disk devices will minimize disk latency. Database Log Placement Placing the transaction log on a separate disk device from the actual data allows the DBA to back up the transaction log independently from the database. It also minimizes dual writes to the same disk. Writing data to two files on the same disk drive at the same time will degrade performance even more than reading data from two files on the same disk drive at the same time. Remember, too, every database modification (write) is recorded on the database transaction log. Distributed Data Placement The goal of data placement is to optimize access by reducing contention on physical devices. Within a client/ server environment, this goal can be expanded to encompass the optimization of application performance by reducing network transmission costs. Data should reside at the database server where it is most likely, or most often, to be accessed. For example, Chicago data should reside at the Chicago database server, Los Angelesspecific data should reside at the Los Angeles database server, and so on. If the decision is not so clear-cut (e.g., San Francisco data, if there is no database server in San Francisco), place the data on the database server that is geographically closest to where it will be most frequently accessed (in the case of San Francisco, L.A., not Chicago). Be sure to take fragmentation, replication, and snapshot tables into account when deciding upon the placement of data in your distributed network. Disk Allocation The DBMS may require disk devices to be allocated for database usage. If this is the case, the DBMS will provide commands to initialize physical disk devices. The disk initialization command will associate a logical name for a physical disk partition or OS




file. After the disk has been initialized, it is stored in the system catalog and can be used for storing table data. Before initializing a disk, verify that sufficient space is available on the physical disk device. Likewise, make sure that the device is not already initialized. Use meaningful device names to facilitate more efficient usage and management of disk devices. For example, it is difficult to misinterpret the usage of a device named DUMP_DEV1 or TEST_DEV7. However, names such as XYZ or A193 are not particularly useful. Additionally, maintain documentation on initialized devices by saving script files containing the actual initialization commands and diagrams indicating the space allocated by device. Page Size (Block Size) Most DBMSs provide the ability to specify a page, or block, size. The page size is used to store table rows (or more accurately, records that contain the row contents plus any overhead) on disk. For example, consider a table requiring rows that are 125 bytes in length with 6 additional bytes of overhead. This makes each record 131 bytes long. To store 25 records on a page, the page size would have to be at least 3275 bytes. However, each DBMS requires some amount of page overhead as well, so the practical size will be larger. If page overhead is 20 bytes, then the page size would be 3295 - that is, 3275 + 20 bytes of overhead. This discussion, however, is simplistic. In general practice, most tablespaces will require some amount of free space to accommodate new data. Therefore, some percentage of free space will need to be factored into the above equation.

Every DBA has encountered the situation where a query or application that used to perform well slows down after it has been in production for a while. These slowdowns have many potential causes - perhaps the number of transactions issued has increased, or the volume of data has expanded. However, the performance problem might be due to database disorganization. Database disorganization occurs when a database’s logical and physical storage allocations contain many scattered areas of storage that are too small, not physically contiguous, or too disorganized to be used productively. Let’s review the primary culprits. •

The first possibility is unclustered data. If the DBMS does not strictly enforce clustering, a clustered table or index can become unclustered as data is added and changed. If the data becomes significantly unclustered, the DBMS cannot rely on the clustering sequence. Because the data is no longer clustered, queries that were optimized to access data cannot take advantage of the clustering sequence. In this case, the performance of queries run against the unclustered table will suffer.

Fragmentation is a condition in which there are many scattered areas of storage in a database that are too small to be used productively. It results in wasted space, which can hinder performance because additional I/Os are required to retrieve the same data.

Row chaining or row migration occurs when updated data does not fit in the space it currently occupies, and the DBMS must find space for the row. With row chaining, the DBMS moves a part of the new, larger row to a location within the tablespace where free space exists. With row migrations, the full row is placed elsewhere in the tablespace. In each case, a pointer is used to locate either the rest of the row or the full row. Both row chaining and row migration will result in the issuance of multiple I/Os to read a single row. Performance will suffer because multiple I/Os are more expensive than a single I/O. Page splits can cause disorganized databases, too. If the DBMS performs monotonic page splits when it should perform normal page splits, or vice versa, space may be wasted. When space is wasted, fewer rows exist on each page, causing the DBMS to issue more I/O requests to retrieve data. Therefore, once again, performance suffers.

To complicate matters, many DBMSs limit the page sizes that can be chosen. For example, DB2 for OS/390 limits page size to 4K, 8K, 16K, or 32K. In this case, the DBA will need to calculate the best page size based on row size, the number of rows per page, and free space requirements. Consider this question: “In DB2 for OS/390, what page size should be chosen if 0% free space is required and the record size is 2500 bytes?” The simplistic answer is 4K, but it might not be the best answer. A 4K page would hold one 2500-byte record per page, but an 8K page would hold three 2500-byte records. The 8K page would provide for more efficient I/O, because reading 8K of data would return three rows, whereas reading 8K of data using two 4K pages would return only two rows. Choosing the proper page size is an important DBA task for optimizing database I/O performance. Database Reorganization Relational technology and SQL make data modification easy. Just issue an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement with the appropriate WHERE clause, and the DBMS takes care of the actual data navigation and modification. In order to provide this level of abstraction, the DBMS handles the physical placement and movement of data on disk. Theoretically, this makes everyone happy. The programmer’s interface is simplified, and the RDBMS takes care of the hard part -manipulating the actual placement of data. However, things are not quite that simple. The manner in which the DBMS physically manages data can cause subsequent performance problems. 90

File extents can negatively impact performance. An extent is an additional file that is tied to the original file and can be used only in conjunction with the original file. When the file used by a tablespace runs out of space, an extent is added for the file to expand. However, file extents are not stored contiguously with the original file. As additional extents are added, data requests will need to track the data from extent to extent, and the additional code this requires is unneeded overhead. Resetting the database space requirements and reorganizing can clean up file extents.

Let’s take a look at a disorganized tablespace by comparing Figures 11-4 and 11-5. Assume that a tablespace consists of three tables across multiple blocks, such as the tablespace and tables depicted in Figure 11-4. Each box represents a data page.

Figure 11-4 Organized tablespace

Of course, DBAs can manually reorganize a database by completely rebuilding it. However, accomplishing such a reorganization requires a complex series of steps. Figure 11-6 depicts the steps entailed by a manual reorganization.

Figure 11-5 disorganized tablespace Now, let’s make a couple of changes to the data in these tables. First, we’ll add six rows to the second table. However, no free space exists into which these new rows can be stored. How can the rows be added? The DBMS requires an additional extent to be taken into which the new rows can be placed. This result in fragmentation: The new rows have been placed in a noncontiguous space. For the second change, let’s update a row in the first table to change a variable-length column; for example, let’s change the value in a LASTNAME column from WATSON to BEAUCHAMP. Issuing this update results in an expanded row size because the value for LASTNAME is longer in the new row: “BEAUCHAMP” contains 9 characters whereas “WATSON” only consists of 6. This action results in row chaining. The resultant tablespace shown in Figure 11-5 depicts both the fragmentation and the row chaining. Depending on the DBMS, there may be additional causes of disorganization. For example, if multiple tables are defined within a tablespace, and one of the tables is dropped, the tablespace may need to be reorganized to reclaim the space. To correct disorganized database structures, the DBA can run a database or tablespace reorganization utility, or REORG, to force the DBMS to restructure the database object, thus removing problems such as unclustered data, fragmentation, and row chaining. The primary benefit of reorganization is the resulting speed and efficiency of database functions because the data is organized in a more optimal fashion on disk. In short, reorganization maximizes availability and reliability for databases.

Figure 11-6 Typical steps for a manual reorganization If a utility is available for reorganizing, either from the DBMS vendor or a third=party vendor, the process is greatly simplified. Sometimes the utility is as simple as issuing a simple command such as Reorg Tablespace Tsname

A traditional reorganization requires the database to be down. The high cost of downtime creates pressures both to perform and to delay preventive maintenance - a no-win situation familiar to most DBAs. Some REORG utilities are available that perform the reorganization while the database is online. Such a reorganization is accomplished by making a copy of the data. The online REORG utility reorganizes the copy while the original data remains online. When the copied data has been reorganized, an online REORG uses the database log to “catch up” by applying to the copy any data changes that occurred during the process. When the copy has caught up to the original, the online REORG switches the production tablespace from the original to the copy. Performing an online reorganization requires additional disk storage and a slow transaction window. If a large number of transactions occur during the online reorganization, REORG may have a hard time catching up. Determining When to Reorganize System catalog statistics can help to determine when to reorganize a database object. Each DBMS provides a method of reading through the contents of the database and recording statistical information about each database object. Depending on the DBMS, this statistical information is stored either in the system catalog or in special pages within the database object itself. 91


Tablespaces and indexes both can be reorganized. How the DBA runs a REORG utility depends on the DBMS. Some DBMS products ship with a built-in reorganization utility. Others require the customer to purchase the utility. Still others claim that the customer will not need the utility at all when using their DBMS. I have found the last claim to be untrue. Every DBMS incurs some degree of disorganization as data is added and modified.


One statistic that can help a DBA determine when to reorganize is cluster ratio. Cluster ratio is the percentage of rows in a table that are actually stored in a clustering sequence. The closer the cluster ratio is to 100%, the more closely the actual ordering of the rows on the data pages matches the clustering sequence. A low cluster ratio indicates bad clustering, and a reorganization may be required. A low cluster ratio, however, may not be a performance hindrance if the majority of queries access data randomly instead of sequentially.

distance is zero, but achieving a leaf distance of zero in practice is not realistic. In general, the lower this value, the better. Review the value over time to determine a high-water mark for leaf distance that will indicate when indexes should be reorganized.

Tracking down the other causes of disorganization can sometimes be difficult. Some DBMSs gather statistics on fragmentation, row chaining, row migration, space dedicated to dropped objects, and page splits; others do not. Oracle provides a plethora of statistics in dynamic performance tables that can be queried. Refer to the sidebar “Oracle Dynamic Performance Tables” for more details.

http://www.microsoft-accesssolutions.co.uk http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CC/354

Oracle Dynamic Performance Tables

Oracle stores vital performance statistics about the database system in a series of dynamic performance tables. These tables are sometimes referred to as the “V$ tables” because the table names are prefixed with the characters V$. The V$ tables are used by the built-in Oracle performance monitoring facilities and can be queried by the DBA for insight into the well-being and performance of an Oracle instance. Examples of some of the statistics that can be found in the V$ tables include •

Free space available Chained rows

Rollback segment contention

Memory usage

Disk activity

Of course, there is quite a lot of additional performance information to be found in these tables. Oracle DBAs should investigate the V$ tables and query these tables regularly to analyze the performance of the Oracle system, its databases, and applications. Tablespaces are not the only database objects that can be reorganized. Indexes, too, can benefit from reorganization. As table data is added and modified, the index too must be changed. Such changes can cause the index to become disorganized. A vital index statistic to monitor is the number of levels. Recall from Chapter 4 that most relational indexes are b-tree structures. As data is added to the index, the number of levels of the b-tree will grow. When more levels exist in the b-tree, more I/O requests are required to move from the top of the index structure to the actual data that must be accessed. Reorganizing an index can cause the index to be better structured and require fewer levels. Another index statistic to analyze to determine if reorganization is required is the distance between the index leaf pages, or leaf distance. Leaf distance is an estimate of the average number of pages between successive leaf pages in the index. Gaps between leaf pages can develop as data is deleted from an index or as a result of page splitting. Of course, the best value for leaf


Review Question 1.

Define Techniques for Optimizing Databases



Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about the Storage and access method.

The data is arranged within a file in blocks, and the position of a block within a file is controlled by the DBMS.

The Physical Store

Files are stored on the disk in blocks, but the placement of a file block on the disk is controlled by the O/S (although the DBMS may be allowed to ‘hint’ to the O/S concerning disk block placement strategies).

File blocks and disk blocks are not necessarily equal in size.

Storage Medium Transfer Rate Capacity Seek Time Main Memory

800 MB/s

100 MB


Hard Drive

10 MB/s

10 GB

10 ms

CD-ROM Drive

5 MB/s

0.6 GB

100 ms

Floppy Drive

2 MB/s

1.44 MB 300 ms

Tape Drive

1 MB/s

20 GB

30 s

Why not all Main Memory? The performance of main memory is the greatest of all storage methods, but it is also the most expensive per MB. •

All the other types of storage are ‘persistent’. A persistent store keeps the data stored on it even when the power is switched off. Only main memory can be directly accessed by the programmer. Data held using other methods must be loaded into main memory before being accessed, and must be transferred back to storage from main memory in order to save the changes. We tend to refer to storage methods which are not main memory as ‘secondary storage’.

Secondary Storage - Blocks All storage devices have a block size. Block size is the minimum amount which can be read or written to on a storage device. Main memory can have a block size of 1-8 bytes, depending on the processor being used. Secondary storage blocks are usually much bigger. •

Hard Drive disk blocks are usually 4 KBytes in size.

For efficiency, multiple contiguous blocks can be be requested.

On average, to access a block you first have to request it, wait the seek time, and then wait the transfer time of the blocks requested.

Remember, you cannot read or write data smaller than a single block.

Hard Drives The most common secondary storage medium for DBMS is the hard drive. •

Data on a hard-drive is often arranged into files by the Operating System.

The DBMS holds the database within one or more files.

DBMS Data Items Data from the DBMS is split into records. •

A record is a logical collection of data items

A file is a collection of records.

One or more records may map onto a single or multiple file blocks.

A single record may map onto multiple file blocks.

Comparing Terminology...

Relational SQL

Physical Storage








Column Data Item/Field



Data Type

File Organisations •

Serial (or unordered, or heap) - records are written to secondary storage in the order in which they are created.

Sequential (or sorted, or ordered) - records are written to secondary storage in the sorted order of a key (one or more data items) from each record.

Hash - A ‘hash’ function is applied to each record key, which returns a number used to indicate the position of the record in the file. The hash function must be used for both reading and writing.

Indexed - the location in secondary storage of some (partial index) or all (full index) records is noted in an index.

Storage Scenario To better explain each of these file organisations we will create 4 records and place them in secondary storage. The records are created by a security guard, and records who passes his desk in the morning and at what time they pass.





The records therefore each have three data items; ‘name’, ‘time’, and ‘id number’. Only four people arrive for work: •

name=‘Russell’ at time=‘0800’ with id_number=‘004’.

name=‘Greg’ at time=‘0810’ with id_number=‘007’.

name=‘Jon’ at time=‘0840’ with id_number=‘002’. name=‘Cumming’ at time=‘0940’ with id_number=‘003’.

Serial Organisation

Writing - the data is written at the end of the previous record.

Reading - reading records in the order they were written is a cheap operation. Trying to find a particular record means you have to read each record in turn until you locate it. This is expensive.

• •

Deleting - Deleting data in such an structure usually means marking the data as deleted (thus not actually removing it) which is cheap but wasteful or rewriting the whole file to overwrite the deleted record (space-efficient but expensive).

Sequential Organisation

Writing - records are in ‘id number’ order, thus new records may need to be inserted into the store needing a complete file copy (expensive).

Deleting - as with serial, either leave holes or perform make file copies.

Reading - reading records in ‘id number’ order is cheap.

The ability to chose sort order makes this more useful than serial.

‘binary search’ could be used. Goto middle of file - if record key greater than that wanted search the low half, else search the high half, until the record is found. (average accesses to find something is log2no_of_records.)

Hash Organisation

Writing - Initially the file has 6 spaces (n MOD 6 can be 05). To write, calculate the hash and write the record in that location (cheap).

Deleting - leave holes by marking the record deleted (wasteful of space but cheap to process).

Reading -


reading records an order is expensive.

finding a particular record from a key is cheap and easy.

If two records can result in the same hash number, then a strategy must be found to solve this problem (which will incur overheads).

Indexed Sequential Access Method

The Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) is frequently used for partial indexes. •

There may be several levels of indexes, commonly 3

Each index-entry is equal to the highest key of the records or indices it points to.

The records of the file are effectively sorted and broken down into small groups of data records.

The indices are built when the data is first loaded as sorted records.

The index is static, and does not change as records are inserted and deleted

Insertion and deletion adds to one of the small groups of data records. As the number in each group changes, the performance may deteriorate.

ISAM Example

B+ Tree Index With B+ tree, a full index is maintained, allowing the ordering of the records in the file to be independent of the index. This allows multiple B+ tree indices to be kept for the same set of data records. •

The lowest level in the index has one entry for each data record.

The index is created dynamically as data is added to the file.

As data is added the index is expanded such that each record requires the same number of index levels to reach it (thus the tree stays ‘balanced’).

The records can be accessed via an index or sequentially.

Each index node in a B+ Tree can hold a certain number of keys. The number of keys is often referred to as the ‘order’. Unfortunately, ‘Order 2’ and ‘Order 1’ are frequently confused in the database literature. For the purposes of our coursework and exam, ‘Order 2’ means that there can be a maximum of 2 keys per index node. In this module, we only ever consider order 2 B+ trees.


B+ Tree Example

Building a B+ Tree •

Only nodes at the bottom of the tree point to records, and all other nodes point to other nodes. Nodes which point to records are called leaf nodes.

If a node is empty the data is added on the left.

If a node has one entry, then the left takes the smallest valued key and the right takes the biggest.

If a node is full and is a leaf node, classify the keys L (lowest), M (middle value) and H (highest), and split the node.

If a node is full and is not a leaf node, classify the keys L (lowest), M (middle value) and H (highest), and split the node.

B+ Tree Build Example

Index Structure and Access • •

The top level of an index is usually held in memory. It is read once from disk at the start of queries. Each index entry points to either another level of the index, a data record, or a block of data records.

The top level of the index is searched to find the range within which the desired record lies.

The appropriate part of the next level is read into memory from disc and searched.

This continues until the required data is found.

The use of indices reduce the amount of file which has to be searched.

Costing Index and File Access • The major cost of accessing an index is associated with reading in each of the intermediate levels of the index from a disk (milliseconds). •

Searching the index once it is in memory is comparatively inexpensive (microseconds).

The major cost of accessing data records involves waiting for the media to recover the required blocks (milliseconds).

Some indexes mix the index blocks with the data blocks, which means that disk accesses can be saved because the final level of the index is read into memory with the associated data records.

Use of Indexes

A DBMS may use different file organisations for its own purposes. A DBMS user is generally given little choice of file type.

A B+ Tree is likely to be used wherever an index is needed.

Indexes are generated:

(Probably) for fields specified with ‘PRIMARY KEY’ or ‘UNIQUE’ constraints in a CREATE TABLE statement.

For fields specified in SQL statements such as CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX indexname ON tablename (col [,col]...);

Primary Indexes have unique keys.

Secondary Indexes may have duplicates.

Index Structure and Access



An index on a column which is used in an SQL ‘WHERE’ predicate is likely to speed up an enquiry.

This is particularly so when ‘=’ is involved (equijoin)

No improvement will occur with ‘IS [NOT] NULL’ statements

An index is best used on a column which widely varying data. Indexing and column of Y/N values might slow down enquiries.

• •

An index on telephone numbers might be very good but an index on area code might be a poor performer.

Multicolumn index can be used, and the column which has the biggest range of values or is the most frequently accessed should be listed first.

Avoid indexing small relations, frequently updated columns, or those with long strings.

There may be several indexes on each table. Note that partial indexing normally supports only one index per table.

Reading or updating a particular record should be fast.

Inserting records should be reasonably fast. However, each index has to be updated too, so increasing the indexes makes this slower.

Deletion may be slow. Particularly when indexes have to be updated.

• •

Deletion may be fast if records are simply flagged as ‘deleted’.

Review Question 1. What are B trees?

References http://www.microsoft-accesssolutions.co.uk http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CC/354 Notes:


Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about the usage of indexing in DBMS. Anyway Databases are used to store information. The principle operations we need to perform, therefore, are those relating to a.

Creation of data,


Changing some information, or


Deleting some information which we are sure is no longer useful or valid.

We have seen that in terms of the logical operations to be performed on the data, relational tables provide a beautiful mechanism for all of the three above tasks. Therefore the storage of a Database in a computer memory (on the Hard Disk, of course), is mainly concerned with the following issues: 1. The need to store a set of tables, where each table can be stored as an independent file. 2.

The attributes in a table are closely related, and therefore, often accessed together.

Therefore it makes sense to store the different attribute values in each record contiguously. In fact, the attributes MUST be stored in the same sequence, for each record of a table. It seems logical to store all the records of a table contiguously; however, since there is no prescribed order in which records must be stored in a table, we may choose the sequence in which we store the different records of a table.

A Brief Introduction to Data Storage on Hard Disks Each Hard Drive is usually composed of a set disks. Each Disk has a layer of magnetic material deposited on its surface. The entire disk can contain a large amount of data, which is organized into smaller packages called BLOCKS (or pages). On most computers, one block is equivalent to 1 KB of data (= 1024 Bytes). A block is the smallest unit of data transfer between the hard disk and the processor of the computer. Each block therefore has a fixed, assigned, address. Typically, the computer processor will submit a read/write request, which includes the address of the block, and the address of RAM in the computer memory area called a buffer (or cache) where the data must be stored/ taken from. The processor then reads and modifies the buffer data as required, and, if required, writes the block back to the disk.

Therefore, the record is stored with each subsequent attribute separated by the next by a special ASCII character called a field separator. Of course, in each block, there we may place many records. Each record is separated from the next, again by another special ASCII character called the record separator. The figure below shows a typical arrangement of the data on a disk. How indexes improve the performance?

Indexes improve the performance of queries that select a small percentage of rows from a table. As a general guideline, create indexes on tables that are queried for less than 2% or 4% of the table’s rows. This value may be higher in situations where all data can be retrieved from an index, or where the indexed columns and expressions can be used for joining to other tables. This guideline is based on these assumptions: •

Rows with the same value for the key on which the query is based are uniformly distributed throughout the data blocks allocated to the table Rows in the table are randomly ordered with respect to the key on which the query is based

The table contains a relatively small number of columns

Most queries on the table have relatively simple WHERE clauses

The cache hit ratio is low and there is no operating system cache

If these assumptions do not describe the data in your table and the queries that access it, then an index may not be helpful unless your queries typically access at least 25% of the table’s rows

The records of such a table may be stored, typically, in a large file, which runs into several blocks of data. The physical storage may look something like the following:

How are tables stored on Disk?

We realize that each record of a table can contain different amount of data. This is because in some records, some attribute values may be ‘null’. Or, some attributes may be of type varchar (), and therefore each record may have a different length string as the value of this attribute.

The simplest method of storing a Database table on the computer disk, therefore, would be to merely store all the records of a table in the order in which they are created, on contiguous blocks as shown above, in a large file. Such files are called HEAP files, or a PILE.





Storage Methods in Terms of the Operations

The figure below shows an example of a sorted file of n blocks.

We shall examine the storage methods in terms of the operations we need to perform on the Database: In a HEAP file: Operation: Insert a new record Performance: Very fast Method: The heap file data records the address of the first block, and the file size (in blocks). It is therefore easy to calculate the last block of the file, which is directly copied into the buffer. The new record is inserted at the end of the last existing record, and the block is written back to the disk. Operation: Search for a record (or update a record) Performance: Not too good ( on an average, O(b/2) blocks will have to be searched for a file of size b blocks.) Method: Linear search. Each block is copied to buffer, and each record in the block is checked to match the search criterion. If no match is found, go to the next block, etc. Operation: Delete a record Performance: Not too good. Method: First, we must search the record that is to be deleted (requires linear search). This is inefficient0. Another reason this operation is troublesome is that after the record is deleted, the block has some extra (unused) space. What should we do about the unused space? To deal with the deletion problem, two approaches are used: a.


Delete the space and rewrite the block. At periodic intervals (say few days), read the entire file into a large RAM buffer and write it back into a new file. For each deleted record, instead of re-writing the entire block, just use an extra bit per record, which is the ‘RECORD_DELETED’ marker. If this bit has a value 1, the record is ignored in all searches, and therefore is equivalent to deleting the record. In this case, the deletion operation only requires setting one bit of data before rewriting the block (faster). However, after fixed intervals, the file needs to be updated just as in case (a), to recover wasted space.

In addition, most DBMS’s provide another mechanism to quickly search for records, at the cost of using some extra disk space. This is the use of INDEXES. What is an INDEX?

In a book, the index is an alphabetical listing of topics, along with the page number where the topic appears. The idea of an INDEX in a Database is similar. We will consider two popular types of indexes, and see how they work, and why they are useful. Ordered Indices


In order to allow fast random access, an index structure may be used.


A file may have several indices on different search keys.


If the file containing the records is sequentially ordered, the index whose search key specifies the sequential order of the file is the primary index, or clustering index. Note: The search key of a primary index is usually the primary key, but it is not necessarily so. Indices whose search key specifies an order different from the sequential order of the file are called the secondary indices, or nonclustering indices.

Heaps are quite inefficient when we need to search for data in large database tables. In such cases, it is better to store the records in a way that allows for very fast searching. The simplest method to do so is to organize the table in a Sorted File. The entire file is sorted by increasing value of one of the fields (attribute value). If the ordering attribute (field) is also a key attribute, it is called the ordering key.



Primary Indexes Index-sequential files: Files are ordered sequentially on some search key, and a primary index is associated with it

Answer for that question is

We are not allowed to insert records into the table at their proper location. This would require (a) finding the location where this record must be inserted, (b) Shifting all records at this location and beyond, further down in the computer memory, and (c) inserting this record into its correct place. Clearly, such an operation will be very time-consuming! So what is the solution?

Consider a table, with a Primary Key Attribute being used to store it as an ordered array (that is, the records of the table are stored in order of increasing value of the Primary Key attribute.) As we know, each BLOCK of memory will store a few records of this table. Since all search operations require transfers of complete blocks, to search for a particular record, we must first need to know which block it is stored in. If we know the address of the block where the record is stored, searching for the record is VERY FAST! Notice also that we can order the records using the Primary Key attribute values. Thus, if we just know the primary key attribute value of the first record in each block, we can determine quite quickly whether a given record can be found in some block or not. This is the idea used to generate the Primary Index file for the table. We will see how this works by means of a simple example.

The solution to this problem is simple. When an insertion is required, the new record is inserted into an unordered set of records called the overflow area for the table. Once every few days, the ordered and overflow tables are merged together, and the Primary Index file is updated. Thus any search for a record first looks for the INDEX file, and searches for the record in the indicated Block. If the record is not found, then a further, linear search is conducted in the overflow area for a possible match.

Dense and Sparse Indices 1.

There are Two types of ordered indices: •

Dense Index:

An index record appears for every search key value in file. This record contains search key value and a pointer to the actual record.

Sparse Index: •

Index records are created only for some of the records.

To locate a record, we find the index record with the largest search key value less than or equal to the search key value we are looking for.

We start at that record pointed to by the index record, and proceed along the pointers in the file (that is, sequentially) until we find the desired record.


Figures 11.2 and 11.3 show dense and sparse indices for the deposit file.

Dense Index



Again a problem arises…

The Primary Index will work only if the file is an ordered file. What if we want to insert a new record?


Creating Indexes using SQL Example Create an index file for Lname attribute of the EMPLOYEE Table of our Database. Solution:

Sparse Index

Secondary Indexes Apart from primary indexes, one can also create an index based on some other attribute of the table. We describe the concept of Secondary Indexes for a Key attribute (that is, for an attribute which is not the Primary Key, but still has unique values for each record of the table). In our previous example, we could, for instance, create an index based on the SSN. The idea is similar to the primary index. However, we have already ordered the records of our table using the Primary key. We cannot order the records again using the secondary key (since that will destroy the utility of the Primary Index !) Therefore, the Secondary Index is a two column file, which stores the address of EVERY tuple of the table ! The figure below shows the secondary index for our example:

CREATE INDEX myLnameIndex ON EMPLOYEE( Lname); This command will create an index file which contains all entries corresponding to the rows of the EMPLOYEE table sorted by Lname in Ascending Order. Example You can also create an Index on a combination of attributes: CREATE INDEX myNamesIndex ON EMPLOYEE( Lname, Fname); Finally, you can delete an index by using the following SQL command: Example: DROP INDEX myNamesIndex;

which will drop the index created by the previous command? Note that every index you create will result in the usage of memory on your Database server. This memory space on the hard Disk is used by the DBMS to store the Index File(s). Therefore, the advantage of faster access time that you get by creating indexes also causes the usage of extra memory space. Now that was all about Indexing, I would like to proceed to one of the similar kind of a topic like indexing, which is hashing. What is hashing?

A hashed data structure, typically referred to as a hash table provides the following performance pattern: 1.

Insertion, deletion, and search for a specific element


Search for a successive item in sorted order

A hash table is useful in an application that needs to rapidly store and look up collection elements, without concern for the sorted order of the elements in the collection. A hash table is not good for storing a collection in sorted order. Lookup Tables

Before we look into the details of hash tables, we should consider the more general top of a lookup table - a collection in which information is located by some lookup key.

Unlike the Primary Index, where we need to store only the Block Anchor, and its Block Address, in the case of Secondary Index Files, we need to store one entry for EACH record in the table. Therefore, secondary index files are much larger than Primary Index Files. You can also create Secondary Indexes for non-Key attributes. The idea is similar, though the storage details are slightly different.

In the collection class examples we’ve studied so far, the elements of the collection have been simple strings or numbers. In real-world applications, the elements of a collection are frequently more complicated than this, i.e., they’re some form of record structure. For example, some applications may need a collection to store a simple list of string names, such as [ “Baker”, “Doe”, “Jones”, “Smith” ] In many other cases, there may be additional information associated names, such as age, id, and address; e.g., [ {“Baker, Mary”, 51, 549886295, “123 Main St.”},

You can create as many indexes for each table as you like !

{“Doe, John”, 28, 861483372,”456 1st Ave.”}, ... ]


Information Records. Information records can be implemented using a class in the normal way, e.g., class InformationRecord { String name; int age; int id;

// Person name // Age // Unique id

String address;

// Home address

} When one needs to search for information records in a collection, one of the fields is designated as a unique key. This key uniquely identifies each record so it can be located unambiguously. In the above InformationRecord, the id field is a good choice for unique key. A collection structure that holds keyed information records of some form is generally referred to as a lookup table. The unique key is used to lookup an entry in the table. If an entry of a given key is found, the entire entry is retrieved. The implementations we have studied for linked lists and trees can be used as lookup tables, since the type of element has been Object . In the case of a hash table, the structure is specifically suited for use as a lookup table. The Basic Idea of Hashing. Suppose we have a collection of personal information records of the form shown above in the InformationRecord class, where the size of the collection is a maximum of 10,000 records. Suppose further that we want rapid access to these records by id. A linked list would be a pretty poor choice for implementing the collection, since search by id would take O(N) time. If we kept the collection sorted by id, a balanced search tree would give us O(log N) access time. If we put the records in an array of 1,000,000,000 elements we could get O(1) access by id, but we’d waste a lot of space since we only have 10,000 active records. Is there some way that we could get O(1) access as in an array without wasting a lot of space? The answer is hashing, and it’s based on the following idea: Allocate an array of the desired table size and provide a function that maps any key into the range 0 to TableSize-1. The function that performs the key mapping is called the hashing function. This idea works well when the hashing function evenly distributes the keys over the range of the table size. To ensure good performance of a hash table, we must consider the following issues: •

Choosing a good hashing function that evenly maps keys to table indices;

Choosing an appropriate table size that’s big enough but does not waste too much space;

Deciding what to do when the hashing function maps two different keys to the same table location, which condition is called a collision.

A Simple Example Suppose again we need a table of 10,000 InformationRecords with the id field used as the lookup key. We’ll choose a hash table size of 10,000 elements. For the hashing function, we’ll use the simple modulus computation of id mod 10000; if keys are randomly distributed this will give a good distribution. To resolve collisions, we’ll use the simple technique of searching down from the point of collision for the first free table entry. If we insert the entries listed above for Mary Baker and John Doe.The hashing function computes the indices 6295 and 3372, respectively, for the two keys. The records are placed at these locations in the table array. Suppose were next to add the record {“Smith, Jane”, 39, 861493372, “789 Front St.”} In this case, the hashing function will compute the same location for this record as for Mary Baker, since the id keys for Mary Baker and Jane Smith happen to differ by exactly 10,000. To resolve the collision, we’ll put the Jane Smith entry at the next available location in the table, which is 6296. Things that can go wrong.

In the preceding example, things worked out well, given the nature of the keys and the bounded table size. Suppose, however, some or all of the following conditions were to arise: The number or records grew past 10,000. Due to some coincidence of locale, a large number of ids differed by exactly 10,000. e wanted to use the name field as the search key instead of id. In such cases, we need to reconsider one or all of our choices for hashing function, table size, and/or collision resolution strategy. Choosing a good hash function.

The choice of hash function depends significantly on what kind of key we have. In the case of numeric key with random distribution, the simple modulus hashing function works fine. However, if numeric keys have some non-random properties, such as divisibility by the table size, the modulus hashing function does not work well at all. If we use a non-numeric key, such as a name string, we must first convert the string into a number of some form before applying mod. In practical applications, lookup keys are frequently strings, hence some consideration of good string-valued hash functions is in order. Good hashing of string-valued keys

Approach 1: add up the character values of the string and then compute the modulus. The advantage of this approach is that it’s simple and reasonably fast if the number of characters in a string is not too large. The disadvantage is that it may not distribute key values very well at all. For example, suppose keys are eight characters or fewer (e.g., UNIX login ids) and the table size is 10,000. Since ASCII string characters have a maximum value of 127, the summing formula only produces values between 0 and 127*8, which equals 1,016. This only distributes keys to a bit more than 10% of the table. Approach 2: use a formula that increases the size of the hash key using some multiplier.



In such a structure, collection elements are typically called information records.


This approach is also simple and fast, but it may also not distribute keys well. E.g., one formula could be to sum the first three characters of a key string as follows: ( char[0] + (27 * char[1]) + (729 * char[2]) and then compute the modulus. The rationale for the number 27 is that it’s the number of letters in the alphabet, plus one for a space character; 729 is 272. If string name characters are equally likely to occur, this distributes keys in the range 0 to 263 = 17,576. However, empirical analysis of typical names shows that for the first three characters, there are only 2,851 combinations, which is not good coverage for a 10,000-element table. Approach 3: sum all key characters with a formula that increases the size and mixes up the letters nicely. An empirically derived formula to do this is the following: (37 * char[0]) + (372 * char[1]) + ... + (37(l-1) * char[l]) where 37 is the empirically-derived constant and l = the string length of the key. This formula, plus similar ones with variants on the constant multiplier, has been shown to do a good job of mixing up the string characters and providing good coverage even for large table.

Review Questions 1. 2.

What is the use of indexing? What are primary index and secondary index?


Explain hashing?


What are look up tables?

References http://www.microsoft-accesssolutions.co.uk http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CC/354 Notes:



LESSON 24 QUERY PROCESSING AND QUERY OPTIMISER PART-I Hi today you are going to learn how is query processed in the background by DBMS


SELECT subject_name FROM subject WHERE subject_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM enrolment WHERE student_id IN (SELECT student_id FROM student WHERE student_name = “John Smith”))


SELECT subject_name FROM subject WHERE exists (SELECT subject_id FROM enrolment WHERE subject.subject_id = enrolment.subject_id AND exists (SELECT student_id FROM student WHERE enrolment.student_id = student.student_id AND student_name = “John Smith”))

Introduction When a program written in a procedural language, for example Pascal or C, is to be executed, the program is first translated usually by a compiler into machine language. The translation involves taking the source code and generating equivalent machine code that preserves the sequence of operations that the source code specifies. As part of the translation process, the compiler carries out code optimization to generate as efficient a code as possible. This might include elimination of unnecessary writing of values to the memory and reading them to the registers, some clever unrolling of the loops, etc. In a non-procedural or a declarative language like SQL, no sequence of operations is explicitly given and therefore a query may be processed in a number of different ways (often called plans) where each plan might have a different sequence of operations. Optimization in non-procedural languages therefore is much more complex task since it not only involves code optimization (how to carry out the operations that need to be carried out) but also selecting the best plan as well as selecting the best access paths. In many situations, especially if the database is large and the query is complex, a very large number of plans are normally possible and it is then not practical to enumerate them all and select the best. Often then, it is necessary to consider a small number of possible plans and select the best option from those. Since the savings from query optimization can be substantial, it is acceptable that a database spend time in finding the best strategy to process the query. Again, of course, we assume that we are dealing with queries that are expected to consume significant amount of computing resources; there is no point in spending time optimizing queries that are so simple that any approach can be used to execute them in a small amount of time. To illustrate the issues involved in query optimization, we consider the following example database that we have used in previous chapters: student(student_id, student_name, address) enrolment(student_id, subject_id) subject(subject_id, subject_name, department, instructor) Now consider the query “find the names of subjects that John Smith is enrolled in”. As we have shown earlier, this query may be formulated in a number of different ways. Three possible formulations of the query are: 1.

SELECT subject_name FROM student, enrolment, subject WHERE student.student_id = enrolment.student_id AND enrolment.subject_id = subject.subject_id AND student_name = “John Smith”

The three query formulations above suggest the following three different query processing plans: a.

The first formulation suggests a plan in which the natural join of relations student and enrolment is carried out followed by the join of the result with the relation subject. This is in turn followed by a restriction student_name = “John Smith” of the result followed by a projection.


The second formulation suggests a plan that involves first applying a restriction and a projection to the relation student to obtain a relation that has only the student_id of John Smith in it. This is then followed by a restriction and a projection of the relation enrolment and finally a restriction and a projection of the relation subject. The third query formulation suggests yet another plan. In this formulation, the relation subject is scanned one tuple at a time and the tuple is selected only if there is a corresponding tuple in the relation enrolment. To find if there is a corresponding tuple in enrolment, the relation enrolment is scanned one tuple at a time and a tuple is selected only if it has a corresponding tuple in the relation student with the name “John Smith”.


The difference between the costs of implementing the above queries is quite large as we will show later in this chapter. Given that the same query may be formulated in several different ways and the one query formulation may be processed in several different ways, the following questions arise:




How does a DBMS process a query?


Does the formulation of the query determine the query processing plan?


Is it possible to recognise different semantically equivalent queries?


What is the most efficient plan to process the above query?

This chapter addresses these questions as well as questions dealing with efficient methods for computing relational operators like selection, projection and join. We should note that we do not believe that the user should know which formulation of a query that can be formulated in many different ways is the most efficient. Users are not expected to be knowledgeable in the workings of a DBMS to be able to predict what formulation would be the most efficient. It is therefore essential that the burden of finding an efficient execution plan be placed on the system and not on the user.

The optimizer is then invoked with the internal representation of the query as input so that a query plan or execution plan may be devised for retrieving the information that is required. The optimizer carries out a number of operations. It relates the symbolic names in the query to data base objects and checks their existence and checks if the user is authorized to perform the operations that the query specifies. In formulating the plans, the query optimizer obtains relevant information from the metadata that the system maintains and attempts to model the estimated costs of performing many alternative query plans and then selects the best amongst them. The metadata or system catalog (sometime also called data dictionary although a data dictionary may or may not contain other information about the system E&N p479) consists of descriptions of all the databases that a DBMS maintains. Often, the query optimizer would at least retrieve the following information:

We will in this chapter assume that the database that we are dealing with is too large to fit in the main memory. The database therefore primarily resides on the secondary memory and parts of it are copied to the main memory as necessary. The secondary storage will be assumed to be partitioned in blocks, each block typically storing a number of tuples from a relation, and the data movements between the main and secondary memory take place in blocks. A typical size of a block is assumed to be 1K Bytes although recent machines have tended to use larger block sizes.


Cardinality of each relation of interest.


The number of pages in each relation of interest.

3. 4.

The number of distinct keys in each index of interest. The number of pages in each index of interest.

Often the cost of secondary memory access is the main bottleneck in a database system and therefore frequently the number of block read or written is taken as the cost of carrying out a particular operation. We assume that processing of each block takes much smaller time than reading or writing it to the secondary storage although this is not always the case.


Name of each relation and all its attributes and their domains.


Information about the primary key and foreign keys of each relation.


Descriptions of views.

Query Processing By A DBMS


Descriptions of storage structures.


Other information including information about ownership and security issues.

In most database systems, queries are posed in a non-procedural language like SQL and as we have noted earlier such queries do not involve any reference to access paths or the order of evaluation of operations. The query processing of such queries by a DBMS usually involves the following four phases:

The above information and perhaps other information will be used by the optimizer in modelling the cost estimation for each alternative query plan. Considerable other information is normally available in the system catalog:



Often this information is updated only periodically and not at every update/insert/delete. (Selinger et al) Also, the system catalog is often stored as a relational database itself making it easy to query the catalog if a user is authorized to do so.



(example of catalog on page 481 E&N)


Code Generation



Information in the catalog is very important of course since query processing makes use of this information extensively. Therefore more comprehensive and more accurate information a database maintains the better optimization it can carry out but maintaining more comprehensive and more accurate information also introduces additional overheads and a good balance therefore must be found.

(See Goetz paper, page 76) The parser basically checks the query for correct syntax and translates it into a conventional parse-tree (often called a querytree) or some other internal representation. (An example of a query and its corresponding query tree are presented in the paper by Talbot). If the parser returns with no errors, and the query uses some user-defined views, it is necessary to expand the query by making appropriate substitutions for the views. It is then necessary to check the query for semantic correctness by consulting the system catalogues and check for semantic errors and type compatibility in both expressions and predicate comparisons.


The catalog information is also used by the optimizer in access path selection. These statistics are often updated only periodically and are therefore not always accurate. An important part of the optimizer is the component that consults the metadata stored in the database to obtain statistics about the referenced relations and the access paths available on them. These are used to determine the most efficient order of the relational operations and the most efficient access paths. The

If the optimizer finds no errors and outputs an execution plan, the code generator is then invoked. The execution plan is used by the code generator to generate the machine language code and any associated data structures. This code may now be stored if the code is likely to be executed more than once. To execute the code, the machine transfers control to the code which is then executed.

Query Optimization The query optimizer is a very important component of a database system because the efficiency of the system depends so much on the performance of the optimizer. Before we discuss optimization in detail, we should note that queries to the database may be posed either interactively or in a batch mode. When queries are posed interactively, the system can only hope to optimize processing of each query separately. In batch environment, where an application program may include a number of queries, it may be desirable to attempt global optimization. In this section we only deal with individual query optimization. Before query optimization is carried out, one would of course need to decide what needs to be optimized. The goal of achieving efficiency itself may be different in different situations. For example, one may wish to minimize the processing time but in many situations one would wish to minimize the response time. In other situations, one may wish to minimize the I/O, network time, memory used or some sort of combination of these e.g. total resources used. Generally, a query processing algorithm A will be considered more efficient than an algorithm B if the measure of cost being minimized for processing the same query given the same resources using A is generally less than that for B. Although it is customary to use the term query optimization for the heuristic selection of strategies to improve the efficiency of executing a query, query optimization does not attempt to exactly optimize the cost of query processing. Exact optimization of the cost is usually computationally infeasible. Also given that many of the statistics about the database available to the optimizer are likely to be estimates, an exact optimization is not necessarily a desirable goal. The goal therefore often is to design execution plans that are reasonably efficient and close to optimal. To illustrate the desirability of optimization, we now present an example of a simple query that may be processed in several different ways. The following query retrieves subject names and instructor names of all current subjects in Computer Science that John Smith is enrolled in. SELECT subject.name, instructor FROM student, enrolment, subject WHERE student.student_id = enrolment.student_id AND subject.subject_id = enrolment.subject_id AND subject.department = ‘Computer Science’ AND student.name = ‘John Smith’

To process the above query, two joins and two restrictions need to be performed. There are a number of different ways these may be performed including the following: 1.

Join the relations student and enrolment, join the result with subject and then do the restrictions.


Join the relations student and enrolment, do the restrictions, join the result with subject


Do the restrictions, join the relations student and enrolment, join the result with subject Join the relations enrolment and subject, join the result with student and then do the restrictions.


Before we attempt to compare the costs of the above four alternatives, it is necessary to understand that estimating the cost of a plan is often non- trivial. Since normally a database is disk-resident, often the cost of reading and writing to disk dominates the cost of processing a query. We would therefore estimate the cost of processing a query in terms of disk accesses or block accesses. Estimating the number of block accesses to process even a simple query is not necessarily straight forward since it would depend on how the data is stored and which, if any, indexes are available. In some database systems, relations are stored in packed form, that is, each block only has tuples of the same relation while other systems may store tuples from several relations in each block making it much more expensive to scan all of a relation. Let us now compare the costs of the above four options. Since exact cost computations are difficult, we will use simple estimates of the cost. We consider a situation where the enrolment database consists of 10,000 tuples in the relation student, 50,000 in enrolment, and 1,000 in the relation subject. For simplicity, let us assume that the relations student and subject have tuples of similar size of around 100 bytes each and therefore and we can accommodate 10 tuples per block if the block is assumed to be 1 KBytes in size. For the relation enrolment, we assume a tuple size of 40 bytes and thus we use a figure of 25 tuples/block. In addition, let John Smith be enrolled in 10 subjects and let there be 20 subjects offered by Computer Science. We can now estimate the costs of the four plans listed above. The cost of query plan (1) above may now be computed. Let the join be computed by reading a block of the first relation followed by a scan of the second relation to identify matching tuples (this method is called nested-scan and is not particularly efficient. We will discuss the issue of efficiency of algebraic operators in a later section). This is then followed by the reading of the second block of the first relation followed by a scan of the second relation and so on. The cost of R |X| S may therefore be estimated as the number of blocks in R times the number of blocks in S. Since the number of blocks in student is 1000 and in enrolment 2,000, the total number of blocks read in computing the join of student and enrolment is block accesses. The result of the join is 50,000 tuples since each tuple from enrolment matches with a tuple from student. The joined tuples will be of size approximately 140 bytes since each tuple in the join is a tuple from student joined with another from enrolment. Given the 105


order of operations and the access paths are selected from a number of alternate possibilities that normally exist so that the cost of query processing is minimized. More details of query optimization are presented in the next section.


tuple size of 140 bytes, we can only fit 7 tuples in a block and therefore we need about 7,000 blocks to store all 50,000 joined tuples. The cost of computing the join of this result with subject is block accesses. Therefore the total cost of plan (1) is approximately 2,700,000 block accesses. To estimate the cost of plan (2), we know the cost of computing the join of student and enrolment has been estimated above as 2,000,000 block accesses. The result is 7000 blocks in size. Now the result of applying the restrictions to the result of the join reduces this result to about 5-10 tuples i.e. about 1-2 blocks. The cost of this restriction is about 7000 disk accesses. Also the result of applying the restriction to the relation subject reduces that relation to 20 tuples (2 blocks). The cost of this restriction is about 100 block accesses. The join now only requires about 4 block accesses. The total cost therefore is approximately 2,004,604. To estimate the cost of plan (3), we need to estimate the size of the results of restrictions and their cost. The cost of the restrictions is reading the relations student and subject and writing the results. The reading costs are 1,100 block accesses. The writing costs are very small since the size of the results is 1 tuple for student and 20 tuples for subject. The cost of computing the join of student and enrolment primarily involves the cost of reading enrolment. This is 2,000 block accesses. The result is quite small in size and therefore the cost of writing the result back is small. The total cost of plan (3) is therefore 3,100 block accesses. Similar estimates may be obtained for processing plan (4). We will not estimate this cost, since the above estimates are sufficient to illustrate that brute force method of query processing is unlikely to be efficient. The cost can be significantly reduced if the query plan is optimized. The issue of optimization is of course much more complex than estimating the costs like we have done above since in the above estimation we did not consider the various alternative access paths that might be available to the system to access each relation. The above cost estimates assumed that the secondary storage access costs dominate the query processing costs. This is often a reasonable assumption although the cost of communication is often quite important if we are dealing with a distributed system. The cost of storage can be important in large databases since some queries may require large intermediate results. The cost of CPU of course is always important and it is not uncommon for database applications to be CPU bound than I/ O bound as is normally assumed. In the present chapter we assume a centralised system where the cost of secondary storage access is assumed to dominate other costs although we recognize that this is not always true. For example, system R uses cost = page fetches + w cpu utilization When a query is specified to a DBMS, it must choose the best way to process it given the information it has about the database. The optimization part of query processing generally involves the following operations.


1. A suitable internal representation 2. Logical transformation of the query 3. Access path selection of the alternatives 4. Estimate costs and select best We will discuss the above steps in detail. (Discuss prenex NF page 121 Jorge and Koch..show query tree) • Internal Representation •

Logical Transformations

Estimating Size of Results

• •

Size of a restriction

Size of a Projection

Cartesian Product


Access Paths Estimating Costs

Internal Representation As noted earlier, a query posed in a query language like SQL must first be translated to a internal representation suitable for machine representation. Any internal query representation must be sufficiently powerful to represent all queries in the query language (e.g. SQL). The internal representation could be relational algebra or relational calculus since these languages are powerful enough (they have been shown to be relationally complete by E.F. Codd) although it will be necessary to modify them from what was discussed in an earlier chapter so that features like Group By and aggregations may be represented. A representation like relational algebra is procedural and therefore once the query is represented in that representation, a sequence of operations is clearly indicated. Other representations are possible. These include object graph, operator graph (or parse tree) and tableau. Further information about other representations is available in Jarke and Koch (1984) although some sort of tree representation appears to be most commonly used (why?). Our discussions will assume that a query tree representation is being used. In such a representation, the leaf nodes of the query tree are the base relations and the nodes correspond to relational operations. Logical Transformations At the beginning of this chapter we showed that the same query may be formulated in a number of different ways that are semantically equivalent. It is clearly desirable that all such queries be transformed into the same query representation. To do this, we need to translate each query to some canonical form and then simplify. This involves transformations of the query and selection of an optimal sequence of operations. The transformations that we discuss in this section do not consider the physical representation of the database and are designed to improve the efficiency of query processing whatever access methods might be available. An example of such transformation has already been discussed in the examples given. If a query involves one or more joins and a restriction, it is always going to be more efficient to carry out the restriction first since that will reduce the size of one of the relations (assuming that the restriction

Heuristic Optimization - In the heuristic approach, the sequence of operations in a query is reorganised so that the query execution time improves. (Talbot?)

each will require processing a relation) and instead both restrictions could be combined. 6.

Commuting restrictions and Projections. e.g.

Deterministic Optimization - In the deterministic approach, cost of all possible forms of a query are evaluated and the best one is selected.


Common Subexpression - In this technique, common subexpressions in the query, if any, are recognised so as to avoid executing the same sequence of operations more than once. (Common subexpression..Talbot?)

There is no difficulty in computing restriction with a projection since we are then doing the restriction before the projection. However if we wish to commute the projection and the restriction, that is possible only if the restriction used no attributes other than those that are in the projection.

Heuristic optimization Heuristic optimization often includes making transformations to the query tree by moving operators up and down the tree so that the transformed tree is equivalent to the tree before the transformations. Before we discuss these heuristics, it is necessary to discuss the following rules governing the manipulation of relational algebraic expressions: 1.

Restriction is commutative. e.g.

Commuting restrictions with Cartesian Product. In some cases, it is possible to apply commutative law to restrictions and a product. For example,


Joins and Products are commutative. e.g. RXS=SXR R |X| S = S |X| R where |X| may be a join or a natural join. The order of attributes in the two products or joins may not be quite the same but the ordering of attributes is not considered significant in the relational model since the attributes are referred to by their name not by their position in the list of attributes.



In the above expressions we have assumed that the predicate p has only attributes from R and the predicate q has attributes from S only. 8.

Commuting restriction with a Union.

9. Commuting restriction with a Set Difference. 10. Commuting Projection with a Cartesian Product or a Join we assume that the projection includes the join predicate attributes. 11. Commuting Projection with a UnioN.


Joins and Products are associative. e.g. ( R X S) X T = R X ( S X T) ( R |X| S) |X| T = R |X| ( S |X| T) The associativity of the above operations guarantees that we will obtain the same results whatever be the ordering of computations of the operations product and join. Union and intersection are also associative.


Cascade of Projections. e.g.

(For an example, refer to the paper by Talbot) We now use the above rules to transform the query tree to minimize the query cost. Since the cost is assumed to be closely related to the size of the relations on which the operation is being carried out, one of the primary aims of the transformations that we discuss is to reduce the size of intermediate relations. The basic transformations include the following: a.

Moving restrictions down the tree as far as possible. i The idea is to carry out restrictions as early as possible. If the query involves joins as well as restrictions, moving the restrictions down is likely to lead to substantial savings since the relations that are joined after restrictions are likely to be smaller (in some cases much smaller) than before restrictions. This is clearly shown by the example that we used earlier in this chapter to show that some query plans can be much more expensive than others. The query plans that cost the least were those in which the restriction was carried out first. There are of course situations where a restriction does not reduce the relation significantly, for example, a restriction selecting only women from a large relation of customers or clients.


Projections are executed as early as possible. In real-life databases, a relation may have one hundred or more

where the attributes A is a subset of the attributes B. The above expression formalises the obvious that there is no need to take the projection with attributes B if there is going to be another projection which is a subset of B that follows it. 5.

Cascade of restrictions. e.g.

The above expression also formalises the obvious that if there are two restrictions, one after the other, then there is no need to carry out the restrictions one at a time (since



applies to only one relation) and therefore the cost of the join, often quite significantly.


attributes and therefore the size of each tuple is relatively large. Some relations can even have attributes that are images making each tuple in such relations very large. In such situations, if a projection is executed early and it leads to elimination of many attributes so that the resulting relation has tuples of much smaller size, the amount of data that needs to be read in from the disk for the operations that follow could be reduced substantially leading to cost savings. It should be noted that only attributes that we need to retain from the relations are those that are either needed for the result or those that are to be used in one of the operations that is to be carried out on the relation. c.




Optimal Ordering of the Joins. We have noted earlier that the join operator is associative and therefore when a query involves more than one join, it is necessary to find an efficient ordering for carrying out the joins. An ordering is likely to be efficient if we carry out those joins first that are likely to lead to small results rather than carrying out those joins that are likely to lead to large results. Cascading restrictions and Projections. Sometimes it is convenient to carry out more than one operations together. When restrictions and projections have the same operand, the operations may be carried out together thereby saving the cost of scanning the relations more than once. Projections of projections are merged into one projection. Clearly, if more than one projection is to be carried out on the same operand relation, the projections should be merged and this could lead to substantial savings since no intermediate results need to be written on the disk and read from the disk. Combining certain restrictions and Cartesian Product to form a Join. A query may involve a cartesian product followed by a restriction rather than specifying a join. The optimizer should recognise this and execute a join which is usually much cheaper to perform.


Sorting is deferred as much as possible. Sorting is normally a nlogn operation and by deferring sorting, we may need to sort a relation that is much smaller than it would have been if the sorting was carried out earlier.


A set of operations is reorganised using commutativity and distribution if a reorganised form is more efficient.

Estimating Size of Results The cost of a query evaluation plan depends on the sizes of the basic relations referenced as well as the sizes of the intermediate results. To obtain reasonable cost estimates of alternate plans, the query optimizer needs estimates of the various intermediate results. To estimate sizes of the intermediate results, we define the concept of selectivity factor. The selectivity factor roughly corresponds to the expected fraction of tuples which will satisfy the predicates. For the restriction operation, the selectivity factor is the ratio of the cardinality of the result to the base relation. Selectivity of a restriction is estimated by the DBMS by maintaining profiles of attribute value distribution or by making suitable assumptions of the distribution. The selectivity of


projection is the ratio of tuple size reduction. Often however it is not only that some attributes are being removed in a projection, the duplicates are also removed. The join selectivity of one relation with another defines the ratio of the attribute values that are selected in one of the relations. We now consider methods of estimating the cost of several relational operations. Let us consider relations R and S with and

number of tuples respectively. Let


be the

number of tuples per block for the relations R and S respectively. Also, assume further, that D(A,S) be the number of distinct values of attribute A in relation S. •

Size of a restriction

Size of a Projection

Cartesian Product


Size of a Restriction A restriction may involve a number of types of predicates. The following list is presented by Selinger et al: 1. attribute = value 2.

attribute1 = attribute2


attribute > value


attribute between value1 and value2


attribute IN (list of values)


attribute IN subquery

7. 8.

pred expression OR pred expression pred expression AND pred expression

Let us first consider the simplest restriction (1) and consider a relation R that has an attribute A on which an equality condition has been specified. If we assume that values of attribute A are distributed uniformly, we would expect the result of the restriction (1) above to have approximately tuples where D(A,R), as noted above, is the number of different values that attribute A takes in relation R. Although the assumption of uniform distribution is almost always unrealistic, the above estimate is easily obtained and is often quite useful. It is useful to define selectivity as the ratio of the number of tuples satisfying the restriction condition to the total number of tuples in the relation. Size of a Projection The projection operation removes a number of attributes and the DBMS has enough information to estimate the size of the projected relation if it had no duplicates. When duplicates occur, as often is the case, estimation of the size of the projected relation is difficult (Ahad??). Cartesian Product Estimating the size of a cartesian product is quite simple since the number of tuples in the cartesian product is .

matching tuples in S. Therefore an estimate of the size of the join is would of course be

. Another estimate . Often the two

estimates are not identical since the assumption of all tuples from one relation participating in the join does not apply equally well to both relations. For example, only 80 tuples in R might be participating in the join while only 50 are participating from S. (Explain this??)

processed. The DBMS must therefore estimate the cost of the different alternatives and choose the alternative with the least estimate. The estimates of costs are often based on statistics about the sizes of the relations and distribution of key values (or ranges). Consider the task of estimating the cost of one of the options, for example (2) above. The query optimizer needs to estimate the cost of join of student and enrolment, the cost of restriction and the cost of joining the result with subject. To estimate these costs, a DBMS would normally maintain statistics about the sizes of relations and a histogram of the number of tuples within various key ranges. Given the statistics, the size of the join of student and subject can be estimated as



are the number of tuples in

student and subject respectively and is called the selectivity of the join. It is clearly very difficult to estimate accurately and most query optimizers use quite crude estimates. Fortunately, experiments have shown that selection of optimal plan for processing a plan is not very sensitive to inaccurate estimation of join selectivities. Query optimization in a DBMS is carried out by a piece of software often called a query planner. The query planner is given

(Computing costs p 27 Selinger) Although the cardinality of the join of n relations is the same regardless of the join order, the cost of joining in different order can be substantially different. (page 28 Selinger et al) If we are dealing with relations R(A, B) and S(B, C), we need to find how many tuples of S on the average match with each tuple of R (i.e. have the same value).


The query in canonical form


Information about cardinalities and degrees of relations involved in the query. Information about the indexes


Information about any fields on which relations have been sorted

Access Paths


Estimates of selectivities of joins involved in the query

[image size = size of index = size of different values] A software component of the DBMS maintains the physical storage of relations and provides access paths to these relations. Often relations in a database are stored as collection of tuples which may be accessed a tuple at a time along a given access path. The access paths may involve an index on one or more attributes of the relation. The indexes are often implemented as B-trees. An index may be scanned tuple by tuple providing a sequential read along the attribute or attributes in the index. The tuples may of course be scanned using a sequential scan. This involves selection of suitable access paths. B-tree better for range queries. Hashing is useless. A relation may have one or more indexes available on it. In fact, a relation with many attributes could well have many indexes such that the storage occupied by the indexes becomes as large as the storage occupied by the relation. Indexes may use hashing or B-tree. They allow very efficient search when the tuple with a given value of an attribute needs to be found. The two steps are not separate and are often carried out together. The logical transformations may involve using one or more of the following techniques: A query may involve a number of operations and would often be a number of different ways these operations could be


The planner than produces a plan that presents a suggested sequence of operations as well as details of how the operations should be carried out (for example, when an index is to be used). Estimating Costs It should by now be clear that most queries could be translated to to a number of semantically equivalent query plans. The process followed so far should eliminate most alternatives that are unlikely to be efficient but one is still likely to have a number of plans that could well be reasonably efficient. The cost of these alternatives must be estimated and the best plan selected. The cost estimation will of course require the optimizer to consult the metadata. The metadata or system catalog (sometime also called data dictionary although a data dictionary may or may not contain other information about the system E&N p479) consists of descriptions of the databases that a DBMS maintains. The following information is often available in the system catalog: 1.

Name of each relation and all its attributes and their domains.


Information about primary key and foreign keys of each relation.



Join It is often necessary to estimate the size of the result of a join R |X| S. If the join attribute(s) of one of the relation R is the key of the relation, the cardinality of the join cannot be bigger than the cardinality of the other relation S. When neither of the join attributes are a key for their relation, finding the size of the resulting relation is more difficult. One approach that is then often used is to make use of the statistics from metadata, for example information like D(A, R) which is an estimate of the number of different values of the attribute A in relation R. If A is the join attribute between relations R and S, we may be able to assume that each value of join attribute in R also appears in S and that given that there are tuples in S and there are D(A, S) distint values of A in S, we can assume uniform distribution and conclude that for each value of A in R there will be



Cardinality of each relation.


The number of pages in each relation.


Descriptions of views.

6. 7.

Descriptions of storage structures. The number of distinct keys in each index.


The number of pages in an index.


Other information including ownership and security issues.

Often there statistics are updated only periodically and not at every update/insert/delete. (Selinger et al) Also, the system catalog is often stored as a relational database itself making it easy to query the catalog if a user is authorized to do so. (example of catalog on page 481 E&N) Information in the catalog is very important of course since query processing makes use of this information extensively. Therefore more comprehensive and more accurate information is desirable but maintaining more comprehensive and more accurate information also introduces additional overheads and a balance must be found. We Will learn more in detail in next lecture Review Question (Tutorial) Discuss there: 1.

Access path selection - Selinger


Clustering and non-clustering page 636 Ullman


10. Kim, W. (1980), “A New Way to Compute the Product and Join of Relations”, ACM-SIGMOD, 1980, pp. 179-187. 11. Jarke, M. and Koch, J. (1984), “Query Optimization in Database Systems”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 111-152. 12. Missikoff, M. (1982), “A Domain Based Internal Schema for Relational Database Machines”, ACM-SIGMOD, 1982, pp. 215-224. 13. Sacco, G. M. and Yao, S. B. (1982), “Query Optimization in Distributed Data Base Systems”, Advances in Computers, Vol. 21, pp. 225-273. 14. Selinger, P. G., Astrahan, M. M., Chamberlin, D. D., Lorie, R. A. and Price, T. G. (1979), “Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System”, ACMSIGMOD, 1977, pp. 23-34. 15. Smith, J. M. and Chang, P. Y. (1975), “Optimizing the Performance of a Relational Algebra Database Interface”, Comm. ACM, 21, 9, pp 568-579. 16. Talbot, S. (1984), “An Investigation into Logical Optimization of Relational Query Languages”, The Comp. Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 301-309. 17. Valduriez, P. and Gardarin, G. (1984), “Join and Semijoin Algorithms for Multiprocessor Database Machine”, ACMTODS, Vol 9, No. 1, March 1984, pp. 133-161. 18. Wong, E. and Youssefi (1976), “Decomposition - A Strategy for Query Processing”, ACM TODS, 1, No.3, pp.


R. Ahad, K. V. Bapa Rao and D. McLeod (1989), “On Estimating the Cardinality of the Projection of a Database Relation”, ACM TODS, Vol 14, No 1, pp 29-40, March 1989.

19. S. B. Yao (1979), “Optimization of Query Evaluation Algorithms”, ACM TODS, Vol 4, No 2, June 1979, pp 133-155.


Bernstein, P.A. and D.W. Chiu (1981), “Using Semi-Joins to Solve Relational Queries”, JACM, Vol. 28, No.1, pp. 2540.

21. Bernstein, Info Systems, 1981, pp. 255-??


Blasgen, M. W. and Eswaran, K. P. (1977), “On the Evaluation of Queries in a Relational Data Base System”, IBM Systems Journal,Vol. 16, No. 4,


Bratbergsengen, K. (1984), “Hashing Methods and Relational Algebra Operations”, Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on VLDB, August 1984, pp.323-??


DeWitt, D., Katz, R., Olken, F., Shapiro, L., Stonebraker, M. and Wood, D. (1984), “Implementation Techniques for Main Memory Database Systems”, Proc. ACM SIGMOD, June 1984, pp. 1-8.


DeWitt, D. and Gerber, R. (1985), “Multiprocessor Hashbased Join Algorithms”, Proc. VLDB, August 1985, pp.??


Gotlieb, L. R. (1975), “Computing Joins of Relations”, ACM-SIGMOD, 1975, pp. 55-63.


Graefe, G. (1993), “Query Evaluation Techniques for Large Databases” ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 25, No 2, June 1993, pp 73-170. Haerder, T. (1978), “Implementing a Generalized Access Path Structure for a Relational Database System”, ACMTODS, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 285-298.



20. Bernstein , SIAM J Of Computing, 1981, pp. 751-771.


Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about Query Processing and Query Optimiser in more details.

Nested Iteration

Using Indexes

The Sort Merge Method

Simple Hash Join Method

condition on a single attribute and there is an index on that attribute, it is most efficient to search that index and find the tuple where the attribute value is equal to the value given. That should be very efficient since it will only require accessing the index and then one block to access the tuple. Of course, it is possible that there is no index on the attribute of interest or the condition in the WHERE clause is not quite as simple as an equality condition on a single attribute. For example, the condition might be an inequality or specify a range. The index may still be useful if one exists but the usefulness would depend on the condition that is posed in the WHERE clause. In some situations it will be necessary to scan the whole relation R to find the tuples that satisfy the given condition. This may not be so expensive if the relation is not so large and the tuples are stored in packed form but could be very expensive if the relation is large and the tuples are stored such that each block has tuples from several different relations. Another possibility is of course that the relation R is stored as a hash file using the attribute of interest and then again one would be able to hash on the value specified and find the record very efficiently.

• •

Grace Hash-Join Method Hybrid Hash Join Method

As noted above, often the condition may be a conjunction or disjunction of several different conditions i.e. it may be like


Algorithms for Algebra Operations The efficiency of query processing in a relational database system depends on the efficiency of the relational operators. Even the simplest operations can often be executed in several different ways and the costs of the different ways could well be quite different. Although the join is a frequently used and the most costly operator and therefore worthy of detailed study, we also discuss other operators to show that careful thought is needed in efficiently carrying out the simpler operators as well. •

Selection Projection



. Sometime such conjunctive queries


attribute = value

2. 3.

attribute1 = attribute2 attribute > value


attribute between value1 and value2


attribute IN (list of values)

can be efficiently processed if there is a composite index based on the attributes that are involved in the two conditions but this is an exception rather than a rule. Often however, it is necessary to assess which one of the two or more conditions can be processed efficiently. Perhaps one of the conditions can be processed using an index. As a first step then, those tuples that satisfy the condition that involves the most efficient search (or perhaps that which retrieves the smallest number of tuples) are retrived and the remaining conditions are then tested on the tuples that are retrieved. Processing disjunctive queries of course requires somewhat different techniques since in this case we are looking at a union of all tuples that satisfy any one of the conditions and therefore each condition will need to be processed separately. It is therefore going to be of little concern which of the conditions is satisfied first since all must be satisfied independently of the other. Of course, if any one of the conditions requires a scan of the whole relation then we can test all the conditions during the scan and retrieve all tuples that satisfy any one or more conditions.


attribute IN subquery



predicate expression OR predicate expression


predicate expression AND predicate expression

A projection would of course require a scan of the whole relation but if the projection includes a candidate key of the relation then no duplicate removal is necessary since each tuple in the projection is then guaranteed to be unique. Of course, more often the projection would not include any candidate key and may then have duplicates. Although many database systems do not remove duplicates unless the user specifies so,



Let us consider the following simple query: SELECT A FROM R WHERE p [see page 641 Ullman II] The above query may involve any of a number of types of predicates. The following list is presented by Selinger et al: [could have a query with specifying WHERE condition in different ways]

Even in the simple case of equality, two or three different approaches may be possible depending on how the relation has been stored. Traversing a file to find the information of interest is often called a file scan even if the whole file is not being scanned. For example, if the predicate involves an equality





duplicates may be removed by sorting the projected relation and then identifying the duplicates and eliminating them. It is also possible to use hashing which may be desirable if the relations are particularly large since hashing would hash identical tuples to the same bucket and would therefore only require sorting the relations in each bucket to find the duplicates if any. Often of course one needs to compute a restriction and a join together. It is then often appropriate to compute the restriction first by using the best access paths available (e.g. an index). Join

We assume that we wish to carry out an equi-join of two relations R and S that are to be joined on attributes a in R and b in S. Let the cardinality of R and S be m and n respectively. We do not count join output costs since these are identical for all methods. We assume

. We further assume that all

restrictions and projections of R and S have already been carried out and neither R nor S is ordered or indexed unless explicitly noted. Because of the importance of the join operator in relational database systems and the fact that the join operator is considerably more expensive than operators like selection and projection, a number of algorithms have been suggested for processing the join. The more commonly used algorithms are: 1.

The Nested Scan Method


The Sort-Merge algorithm


Hashing algorithm (hashing no good if not equi-join?)


Variants of hashing



6. 7.

Filters Links




More recently, the concept of join indices has been proposed by Valduriez (1987). Hashing methods are not good when the join is not an equi-join.

Nested Iteration

Using Indexes

The Sort Merge Method

• •

Simple Hash Join Method Grace Hash-Join Method

Hybrid Hash Join Method


Nested Iteration Before discussing the methods listed above, we briefly discuss the naive nested iteration method that accesses every pair of tuples and concatenates them if the equi-join condition (or for that matter, any other condition) is satisfied. The cost of the naive algorithm is O(mn) assuming that R and S both are not ordered. The cost obviously can be large when m and n are large. We will assume that the relation R is the outer relation, that is, R is the relation whose tuples are retrieved first. The relation S is then the inner relation since in the nested iteration loop, tuples 112

of S will only be retrieved when a tuple of R has been read. A predicate which related the join attributes is called the join predicate. [page 643->> Ullman II] The algorithm may be written as: for i = 1 to m do access ith tuple of R; for j = 1 to n do access jth tuple of S; compare ith tuple of R and the jth tuple of S; if equi-join condition is satisfied then concatenate and save; end end. This method basically scans the outer relation ( R) first and retrieves the first tuple. The entire inner relation S is then scanned and all the tuples of S that satisfy the join predicate with the first tuple of R are combined with that tuple of R and output as result. The process then continues with the next tuple of R until R is exhausted. This has cost ( m + mn) which is order( mn). If the memory buffers can store two blocks, one from R and one from S, the cost will go down by a factor rs where r and s are the number of tuples per block in R and S respectively. The technique is sometimes called the nested block method. Some cost saving is achieved by reading the smaller relation in the outer block since this reduces ( m + mn). The cost of the method would of course be much higher if the relations are not stored in a packed form since then we might need to retrieve many more tuples. [what about lot’s of MM] Korth p 294 Efficiency of the nested iteration (or nested block iteration) would improve significantly if an index was available on one of the join attributes. If the average number of blocks of relation S accessed for each tuple of R was c then the cost of the join would be ( m + mc) where


Using Indexes The nested iteration method can be made more efficient if indexes are available on both join columns in the relations R and S. Assume that we have available indexes on both join columns a and b in the relations R and S respectively. We may now scan both the indexes to determine whether a pair of tuples has the same value of the join attribute. If the value is the same, the tuple from R is selected and then all the tuples from S are selected that have the same join attribute value. This is done by scanning the index on the join attribute in S. The index on the join attribute in R is now scanned to check if there are more than the one tuple with the same value of the attribute. All the tuples of R that have the same join attribute value are then selected and combined with the tuples of S that have already been selected. The process then continues with the next value for which tuples are available in R and S. Clearly this method requires substantial storage so that we may store all the attributes from R and S that have the same join attribute value.


mated as follows. Let the cost of reading the indexes be and

, then the total cost is


Cost savings by using indexes can be large enough to justify building an index when a join needs to be computed. page 296 Korth. The Sort Merge Method The nested scan technique is simple but involves matching each block of R with every block of S. This can be avoided if both relations were ordered on the join attribute. The sort-merge algorithm was introduced by Blasgen and Eswaran in 1977. It is a classical technique that has been the choice for joining relations that have no index on either of the two attributes. This method involves sorting the relations R and S on the join attributes (if not already sorted), storing them as temporary lists and then scanning them block by block and merging those tuples that satisfy the join condition. The advantage of this scheme is that all of the inner relation (in the nested iteration) does not need to be read in for each tuple of the outer relation. This saving can be substantial if the outer relation is large. Let the cost of sorting R and S be


reading the two relations in main memory be

and let the cost of


The hashed value is not equal to one of the selected values. These tuples are written back to disk as a new relation . The above step continues till S is finished. (c) Repeat steps (a) and (b) until either relation are exhausted.


The cost of sorting is

. Example?? Ullman page 653.

Simple Hash Join Method This method involves building a hash table of the smaller relation R by hashing each tuple on its hash attribute. Since we have assumed that the relation R is too large to fit in the main memory, the hash table would in general not fit into the main memory. The hash table therefore must be built in stages. A number of addresses of the hash table are first selected such that the tuples hashed to those addresses can be stored in the main memory. The tuples of R that do not hash to these addresses are written back to the disk. Let these tuples be relation . Now the algorithm works as follows: a.



Scan relation R and hash each tuple on its join attribute. If the hashed value is equal to one of the addresses that are in the main memory, store the tuple in the hash table. Otherwise write the tuple back to disk in a new relation . Scan the relation S and hash each tuple of S on its join attribute. One of the following three conditions must hold: The hashed value is equal to one of the selected values, and one or more tuple of R with same attribute value exists. We combine the tuples of R that match with the tuple of S and output as the next tuples in the join.

or both


Partition R - Since R is assumed to be too large to fit in the main memory, a hash table for it cannot be built in the main memory. The first phase of the algorithm involves partitioning the relation into n buckets, each bucket corresponding to a hash table entry. The number of buckets n is chosen to be large enough so that each bucket will comfortably fit in the main memory.


Partition S - The second phase of the algorithm involves partitioning the relation S into the same number ( n) of buckets, each bucket corresponding to a hash table entry. The same hashing function as for R is used. Compute the Join - A bucket of R is read in and the corresponding bucket of S is read in. Matching tuples from the two buckets are combined and output as part of the join.


If one or both the relations are already sorted on the join attribute then the cost of the join reduces. The algorithm can be improved if we use Multiway MergeSort..(Ullman p654).


Grace Hash-Join Method This method is a modification of the Simple Hash Join method in that the partitioning of R is completed before S is scanned and partitioning of S is completed before the joining phase. The method consists of the following three phases:


respectively. The total cost of the join is then

The hashed value is equal to one of the selected values, but there is no tuple in R with same join attribute value. These tuple of S are rejected.

Hybrid Hash Join Method The hybrid hash join algorithm is a modification of the Grace hash join method. Semi-Joins Aggregation Aggregation is often found in queries given the frequency of requirements of finding an average, the maximum or how many times something happens. The functions supported in SQL are average, minimum, maximum, count, and sum. Aggregation can itself be of different types including aggregation that only requires one relation, for example finding the maximum mark in a subject, or it may involve a relation but require something like finding the number of students in each class. The latter aggregation would obviously require some grouping of the tuples in the relation before aggregation can be applied.

Review Question (Tutorial) Discuss there: 1.

Access path selection - Selinger


Clustering and non-clustering page 636 Ullman

References 1.

R. Ahad, K. V. Bapa Rao and D. McLeod (1989), “On Estimating the Cardinality of the Projection of a Database Relation”, ACM TODS, Vol 14, No 1, pp 29-40, March 1989. 113


The cost of the join when the indexes are used may be esti-



Bernstein, P.A. and D.W. Chiu (1981), “Using Semi-Joins to Solve Relational Queries”, JACM, Vol. 28, No.1, pp. 2540.


Blasgen, M. W. and Eswaran, K. P. (1977), “On the Evaluation of Queries in a Relational Data Base System”, IBM Systems Journal,Vol. 16, No. 4,


Bratbergsengen, K. (1984), “Hashing Methods and Relational Algebra Operations”, Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on VLDB, August 1984, pp.323-??


DeWitt, D., Katz, R., Olken, F., Shapiro, L., Stonebraker, M. and Wood, D. (1984), “Implementation Techniques for Main Memory Database Systems”, Proc. ACM SIGMOD, June 1984, pp. 1-8. DeWitt, D. and Gerber, R. (1985), “Multiprocessor Hashbased Join Algorithms”, Proc. VLDB, August 1985, pp.??

6. 7.

Gotlieb, L. R. (1975), “Computing Joins of Relations”, ACM-SIGMOD, 1975, pp. 55-63.


Graefe, G. (1993), “Query Evaluation Techniques for Large Databases” ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 25, No 2, June 1993, pp 73-170.


Haerder, T. (1978), “Implementing a Generalized Access Path Structure for a Relational Database System”, ACMTODS, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 285-298.

10. Kim, W. (1980), “A New Way to Compute the Product and Join of Relations”, ACM-SIGMOD, 1980, pp. 179-187. 11. Jarke, M. and Koch, J. (1984), “Query Optimization in Database Systems”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 111-152. 12. Missikoff, M. (1982), “A Domain Based Internal Schema for Relational Database Machines”, ACM-SIGMOD, 1982, pp. 215-224. 13. Sacco, G. M. and Yao, S. B. (1982), “Query Optimization in Distributed Data Base Systems”, Advances in Computers, Vol. 21, pp. 225-273. 14. Selinger, P. G., Astrahan, M. M., Chamberlin, D. D., Lorie, R. A. and Price, T. G. (1979), “Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System”, ACMSIGMOD, 1977, pp. 23-34. 15. Smith, J. M. and Chang, P. Y. (1975), “Optimizing the Performance of a Relational Algebra Database Interface”, Comm. ACM, 21, 9, pp 568-579. 16. Talbot, S. (1984), “An Investigation into Logical Optimization of Relational Query Languages”, The Comp. Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 301-309. 17. Valduriez, P. and Gardarin, G. (1984), “Join and Semijoin Algorithms for Multiprocessor Database Machine”, ACMTODS, Vol 9, No. 1, March 1984, pp. 133-161. 18. Wong, E. and Youssefi (1976), “Decomposition - A Strategy for Query Processing”, ACM TODS, 1, No.3, pp. 19. S. B. Yao (1979), “Optimization of Query Evaluation Algorithms”, ACM TODS, Vol 4, No 2, June 1979, pp 133-155. 20. Bernstein , SIAM J Of Computing, 1981, pp. 751-771.


21. Bernstein, Info Systems, 1981, pp. 255-?? Notes:

Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about Language support for optimiser I do the very best I know how-the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. Abraham Lincoln

The Optimizer This chapter discusses how the Oracle optimizer chooses how to execute SQL statements. It includes: •

What Is Optimization? • Execution Plans •

Execution Order

Cost-Based and Rule-Based Optimization

cally from the database or prepares them in some way for the user issuing the statement. The combination of the steps Oracle uses to execute a statement is called an execution plan. Sample Execution Plan

This example shows an execution plan for the following SQL statement, which selects the name, job, salary, and department name for all employees whose salaries do not fall into a recommended salary range: SELECT ename, job, sal, dname FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM salgrade WHERE emp.sal BETWEEN losal AND hisal);

Optimizer Operations

Evaluation of Expressions and Conditions

Transforming and Optimizing Statements

Figure 19-1 shows a graphical representation of the execution plan.

• •

Choosing an Optimization Approach and Goal Choosing Access Paths

Figure 19-1: An Execution Plan

Optimizing Join Statements

Optimizing “Star” Queries

For more information on the Oracle optimizer, see Oracle8 Server Tuning. What Is Optimization? Optimization is the process of choosing the most efficient way to execute a SQL statement. This is an important step in the processing of any data manipulation language (DML) statement: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Many different ways to execute a SQL statement often exist, for example, by varying the order in which tables or indexes are accessed. The procedure Oracle uses to execute a statement can greatly affect how quickly the statement executes. A part of Oracle called the optimizer chooses what it believes to be the most efficient way. The optimizer evaluates a number of factors to select among alternative access paths. Sometimes the application designer, who has more information about a particular application’s data than is available to the optimizer, can choose a more effective way to execute a SQL statement. The application designer can use hints in SQL statements to specify how the statement should be executed (see Oracle8 Server Tuning). Note: The optimizer may not make the same decisions from one version of Oracle to the next. In more recent versions, the optimizer may make different decisions based on better, more sophisticated information available to it. Execution Plans To execute a DML statement, Oracle may have to perform many steps. Each of these steps either retrieves rows of data physi-

Steps of Execution Plan Each step of the execution plan returns a set of rows that either are used by the next step or, in the last step, are returned to the user or application issuing the SQL statement. A set of rows returned by a step is called a row source. Figure 19-1 is a hierarchical diagram showing the flow of row sources from one step to another. The numbering of the steps reflects the order in which they are displayed in response to the





EXPLAIN PLAN command (described in the next section). This generally is not the order in which the steps are executed (see “Execution Order” on page 19-5). Each step of the execution plan either retrieves rows from the database or accepts rows from one or more row sources as input: •

Steps indicated by the shaded boxes physically retrieve data from an object in the database. Such steps are called access paths: •

Steps 3 and 6 read all the rows of the EMP and SALGRADE tables, respectively.

Step 5 looks up in the PK_DEPTNO index each DEPTNO value returned by Step 3. There it finds the ROWIDs of the associated rows in the DEPT table. Step 4 retrieves from the DEPT table the rows whose ROWIDs were returned by Step 5.

• •

Steps indicated by the clear boxes operate on row sources: •

Step 2 performs a nested loops operation, accepting row sources from Steps 3 and 4, joining each row from Step 3 source to its corresponding row in Step 4, and returning the resulting rows to Step 1. Step 1 performs a filter operation. It accepts row sources from Steps 2 and 6, eliminates rows from Step 2 that have a corresponding row in Step 6, and returns the remaining rows from Step 2 to the user or application issuing the statement.

Each box in Figure 19-1 and each row in the output table corresponds to a single step in the execution plan. For each row in the listing, the value in the ID column is the value shown in the corresponding box in Figure 19-1. You can obtain such a listing by using the EXPLAIN PLAN command and then querying the output table. For information on how to use this command and produce and interpret its output, see Oracle8 Server Tuning. Execution Order The steps of the execution plan are not performed in the order in which they are numbered. Rather, Oracle first performs the steps that appear as leaf nodes in the tree-structured graphical representation of the execution plan (Steps 3, 5, and 6 in Figure 19-1 on page 19-3). The rows returned by each step become the row sources of its parent step. Then Oracle performs the parent steps. To execute the statement for Figure 19-1, for example, Oracle performs the steps in this order: • •

First, Oracle performs Step 3, and returns the resulting rows, one by one, to Step 2. For each row returned by Step 3, Oracle performs these steps: •

Oracle performs Step 5 and returns the resulting ROWID to Step 4.

Oracle performs Step 4 and returns the resulting row to Step 2.

Access paths are discussed further in the section “Choosing Access Paths” on page 19-37. Methods by which Oracle joins row sources are discussed in “Join Operations” on page 19-55.

Oracle performs Step 2, joining the single row from Step 3 with a single row from Step 4, and returning a single row to Step 1.

The EXPLAIN PLAN Command You can examine the execution plan chosen by the optimizer for a SQL statement by using the EXPLAIN PLAN command. This command causes the optimizer to choose the execution plan and then inserts data describing the plan into a database table. The following is such a description for the statement examined in the previous section:

Oracle performs Step 6 and returns the resulting row, if any, to Step 1.

Oracle performs Step 1. If a row is not returned from Step 6, Oracle returns the row from Step 2 to the user issuing the SQL statement.

Id Operation Options Object_Name ————————————————————————— 0

Select Statement




Nested Loops


Table Access Full


Table Access By Rowid




Table Access Full


Emp Dept

Unique Scan Pk_Deptno Salgrade

Note that Oracle performs Steps 5, 4, 2, 6, and 1 once for each row returned by Step 3. If a parent step requires only a single row from its child step before it can be executed, Oracle performs the parent step (and possibly the rest of the execution plan) as soon as a single row has been returned from the child step. If the parent of that parent step also can be activated by the return of a single row, then it is executed as well. Thus the execution can cascade up the tree, possibly to encompass the rest of the execution plan. Oracle performs the parent step and all cascaded steps once for each row in turn retrieved by the child step. The parent steps that are triggered for each row returned by a child step include table accesses, index accesses, nested loops joins, and filters. If a parent step requires all rows from its child step before it can be executed, Oracle cannot perform the parent step until all rows have been returned from the child step. Such parent steps include sorts, sort-merge joins, group functions, and aggregates.

You can view the statistics with these data dictionary views:

To choose an execution plan for a SQL statement, the optimizer uses one of two approaches: cost-based or rule-based.




The Cost-Based Approach Using the cost-based approach, the optimizer determines which execution plan is most efficient by considering available access paths and factoring in information based on statistics in the data dictionary for the schema objects (tables, clusters, or indexes) accessed by the statement. The cost-based approach also considers hints, or optimization suggestions placed in a Comment in the statement.

• •




Conceptually, the cost-based approach consists of these steps: 1.


The optimizer generates a set of potential execution plans for the statement based on its available access paths and hints. The optimizer estimates the cost of each execution plan based on the data distribution and storage characteristics statistics for the tables, clusters, and indexes in the data dictionary.

The cost is an estimated value proportional to the expected resource use needed to execute the statement using the execution plan. The optimizer calculates the cost based on the estimated computer resources, including (but not limited to) I/ O, CPU time, and memory, that are required to execute the statement using the plan. Serial execution plans with greater costs take more time to execute than those with smaller costs. When using a parallel execution plan, however, resource use is not directly related to elapsed time. 3.

The optimizer compares the costs of the execution plans and chooses the one with the smallest cost.

Goal of the Cost-Based Approach By default, the goal of the cost-based approach is the best throughput, or minimal resource use necessary to process all rows accessed by the statement. Oracle can also optimize a statement with the goal of best response time, or minimal resource use necessary to process the first row accessed by a SQL statement. For information on how the optimizer chooses an optimization approach and goal, see “Choosing an Optimization Approach and Goal” on page 1934. Note: For parallel execution, the optimizer can choose to minimize elapsed time at the expense of resource consumption. Use the initialization parameter OPTIMIZER_PERCENT_PARALLEL to specify how much the optimizer attempts to parallelize. See “Parallel Query Tuning” in Oracle8 Server Tuning for more information. Statistics for the Cost-Based Approach The cost-based approach uses statistics to estimate the cost of each execution plan. These statistics quantify the data distribution and storage characteristics of tables, columns, indexes, and partitions. You can generate these statistics using the ANALYZE command. The optimizer uses these statistics to estimate how much I/O, CPU time, and memory are required to execute a SQL statement using a particular execution plan.

For information on these statistics, see the Oracle8 Server Reference Manual. Histograms Oracle’s cost-based optimizer uses data value histograms to get accurate estimates of the distribution of column data. Histograms provide improved selectivity estimates in the presence of data skew, resulting in optimal execution plans with nonuniform data distributions. You generate histograms by using the ANALYZE command. One of the fundamental capabilities of any cost-based optimizer is determining the selectivity of predicates that appear in queries. Selectivity estimates are used to decide when to use an index and the order in which to join tables. Most attribute domains (a table’s columns) are not uniformly distributed. The Oracle cost-based optimizer uses height-balanced histograms on specified attributes to describe the distributions of nonuniform domains. Histogram Examples Consider a column C with values between 1 and 100 and a histogram with 10 buckets. If the data in C is uniformly distributed, this histogram would look like this, where the numbers are the endpoint values.

The number of rows in each bucket is one tenth the total number of rows in the table. Four-tenths of the rows have values between 60 and 100 in this example of uniform distribution. If the data is not uniformly distributed, the histogram might look like this:

In this case, most of the rows have the value 5 for the column. In this example, only 1/10 of the rows have values between 60 and 100. Height-Balanced Histograms Oracle uses height-balanced histograms (as opposed to widthbalanced).



Cost-Based and Rule-Based Optimization


Width-balanced histograms divide the data into a fixed number of equal-width ranges and then count the number of values falling into each range. Height-balanced histograms place the same number of values into each range so that the endpoints of the range are determined by how many values are in that range.

For example, suppose that the values in a single column of a 1000-row table range between 1 and 100, and suppose that you want a 10-bucket histogram (ranges in a histogram are called buckets). In a width-balanced histogram, the buckets would be of equal width (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, and so on) and each bucket would count the number of rows that fall into that bucket’s range. In a height-balanced histogram, each bucket has the same height (in this case 100 rows) and the endpoints for each bucket are determined by the density of the distinct values in the column.

All predicates on the column use bind variables.

The column data is uniformly distributed.

The column is not used in WHERE clauses of queries.

The column is unique and is used only with equality predicates.

See Oracle8 Server Tuning for more information about histograms. When to Use the Cost-Based Approach

In general, you should use the cost-based approach for all new applications; the rule-based approach is provided for applications that were written before cost-based optimization was available. Cost-based optimization can be used for both relational data and object types. The following features can only use cost-based optimization: •

partitioned tables

Advantages of Height-Balanced Histograms The advantage of the height-balanced approach is clear when the data is highly skewed. Suppose that 800 rows of a 1000-row table have the value 5, and the remaining 200 rows are evenly distributed between 1 and 100. A width-balanced histogram would have 820 rows in the bucket labeled 1-10 and approximately 20 rows in each of the other buckets. The height-based histogram would have one bucket labeled 1-5, seven buckets labeled 5-5, one bucket labeled 5-50, and one bucket labeled 50100.

partition views

index-organized tables

reverse key indexes

• •

bitmap indexes parallel query and parallel DML

star transformation

star join

If you want to know how many rows in the table contain the value 5, it is apparent from the height-balanced histogram that approximately 80% of the rows contain this value. However, the width-balanced histogram does not provied a mechanism for differentiating between the value 5 and the value 6. You would compute only 8% of the rows contain the value 5 in a width-balanced histogram. Therefore height-based histograms are more appropriate for determining the selectivity of column values.

The Rule-Based Approach Using the rule-based approach, the optimizer chooses an execution plan based on the access paths available and the ranks of these access paths (shown in Table 19-1 on page 19-39). You can use rule-based optimization to access both relational data and object types.

When to Use Histograms

For many users, it is appropriate to use the FOR ALL INDEXED COLUMNS option of the ANALYZE command to create histograms because indexed columns are typically the columns most often used in WHERE clauses. You can view histograms with the following views: •




Histograms are useful only when they reflect the current data distribution of a given column. If the data distribution is not static, the histogram should be updated frequently. (The data need not be static as long as the distribution remains constant.) Histograms can affect performance and should be used only when they substantially improve query plans. Histograms are not useful for columns with the following characteristics:


For more information, see Oracle8 Server Tuning.

Oracle’s ranking of the access paths is heuristic. If there is more than one way to execute a SQL statement, the rule-based approach always uses the operation with the lower rank. Usually, operations of lower rank execute faster than those associated with constructs of higher rank. For more information, see “Choosing Among Access Paths with the Rule-Based Approach” on page 19-53.

Evaluation of

The optimizer first evaluates expressions and conditions containing constants as

expressions and

fully as possible. (See "Evaluation of Expressions and Conditions" on page 19-13.)


Optimizer Operations For any SQL statement processed by Oracle, the optimizer does the following:

conditions Statement

For a complex statement involving, for example, correlated subqueries, the


optimizer may transform the original statement into an equivalent join statement. (See "Transforming and Optimizing Statements" on page 19-17.)

View merging

For a SQL statement that accesses a view, the optimizer often merges the query in the statement with that in the view and then optimizes the result. (See "Optimizing Statements That Access Views" on page 19-22.)

choice of optimization

The optimizer chooses either a cost-based or rule -based approach to optimization


and determines the goal of optimization. (See "Choosing an Optimization Approach and Goal" on page 19-34.)

choice of access paths

For each table accessed by the statement, the optimizer chooses one or more of the available access paths to obtain the table's data. (See "Choosing Access Paths" on page 19-37.)

choice of join orders

For a join statement that joins more than two tables, the optimizer chooses which pair of tables is joined first, and then which table is joined to the result, on so on. (See "Optimizing Join Statements" on page 19-54.)

choice of join operations For any join statement, the optimizer chooses an operation to use to perform the join. (See "Optimizing Join Statements" on page 19-54.)



Oracle optimizes these different types of SQL statements: Simple

An INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT statement that involves only a single table.

statement Simple query

Another name for a SELECT statement.


A query that selects data from more than one table. A join is characterized by multiple tables in the FROM clause. Oracle pairs the rows from these tables using the condition specified in the WHERE clause and returns the resulting rows. This condition is called the join condition and usually compares columns of all the joined tables.


A join condition containing an equality operator.


A join condition containing something other than an equality operator.

Outer join

A join condition using the outer join operator (+) with one or more columns of one of the tables. Oracle returns all rows that meet the join condition. Oracle also returns all rows from the table without the outer join operator for which there are no matching rows in the table with the outer join operator.


A join with no join condition results in a Cartesian product, or a cross product. A Cartesian product


is the set of all possible combinations of rows drawn one from each table. In other words, for a join of two tables, each row in one table is matched in turn with every row in the other. A Cartesian product for more than two tables is the result of pairing each row of one table with every row of the Cartesian product of the remaining tables. All other kinds of joins are subsets of Cartesian products effectively created by deriving the Cartesian product and then excluding rows that fail the join condition.


An INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT statement that contains a subquery, which is a


form of the SELECT statement within another statement that produces a set of values for further processing within the statement. The outer portion of the complex statement that contains a subquery is called the parent statement.


A query that uses set operators (UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, or MINUS) to combine


two or more simple or complex statements. Each simple or complex statement in a compound query is called a component query.


Simple, join, complex, or compound statement that accesses one or more views as well as tables.

accessing views Distributed statement


A statement that accesses data on a remote database.

son operators and OR logical operators. For example, the optimizer expands the first condition below into the second:

Constants Computation of constants is performed only once, when the statement is optimized, rather than each time the statement is executed.

x > ANY (SELECT sal

Consider these conditions that test for monthly salaries greater than 2000:

sal > ANY (:first_sal, :second_sal) sal > :first_sal OR sal > :second_sal The optimizer transforms a condition that uses the ANY or SOME operator followed by a subquery into a condition containing the EXISTS operator and a correlated subquery. For example, the optimizer transforms the first condition below into the second:


sal > 24000/12 sal > 2000 sal*12 > 24000 If a SQL statement contains the first condition, the optimizer simplifies it into the second condition. Note that the optimizer does not simplify expressions across comparison operators: in the examples above, the optimizer does not simplify the third expression into the second. For this reason, application developers should write conditions that compare columns with constants whenever possible, rather than conditions with expressions involving columns. LIKE Operator The optimizer simplifies conditions that use the LIKE comparison operator to compare an expression with no wildcard characters into an equivalent condition that uses an equality operator instead. For example, the optimizer simplifies the first condition below into the second: ename LIKE ‘SMITH’ ename = ‘SMITH’ The optimizer can simplify these expressions only when the comparison involves variable-length datatypes. For example, if ENAME was of type CHAR(10), the optimizer cannot transform the LIKE operation into an equality operation due to the comparison semantics of fixed-length datatypes. IN Operator The optimizer expands a condition that uses the IN comparison operator to an equivalent condition that uses equality comparison operators and OR logical operators. For example, the optimizer expands the first condition below into the second:

FROM emp WHERE job = ‘ANALYST’ AND x > sal) ALL Operator The optimizer expands a condition that uses the ALL comparison operator followed by a parenthesized list of values into an equivalent condition that uses equality comparison operators and AND logical operators. For example, the optimizer expands the first condition below into the second: sal > ALL (:first_sal, :second_sal) sal > :first_sal AND sal > :second_sal The optimizer transforms a condition that uses the ALL comparison operator followed by a subquery into an equivalent condition that uses the ANY comparison operator and a complementary comparison operator. For example, the optimizer transforms the first condition below into the second: x > ALL (SELECT sal FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10) NOT (x comm; Transforming the query above would result in the compound query below: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE ename = ‘SMITH’ UNION ALL SELECT * FROM emp WHERE sal > comm; Since the condition in the WHERE clause of the second component query (SAL > COMM) does not make an index available, the compound query requires a full table scan. For this reason, the optimizer does not make the transformation and it chooses a full table scan to execute the original statement. Transforming Complex Statements into Join Statements To optimize a complex statement, the optimizer chooses one of these alternatives: • Transform the complex statement into an equivalent join statement and then optimize the join statement. •

Optimize the complex statement as is.



costs of executing the original statement versus the resulting statement.


The optimizer transforms a complex statement into a join statement whenever the resulting join statement is guaranteed to return exactly the same rows as the complex statement. This transformation allows Oracle to execute the statement by taking advantage of join optimization techniques described in “Optimizing Join Statements” on page 19-54. Consider this complex statement that selects all rows from the ACCOUNTS table whose owners appear in the CUSTOMERS table: SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE custno IN (SELECT custno FROM customers); If the CUSTNO column of the CUSTOMERS table is a primary key or has a UNIQUE constraint, the optimizer can transform the complex query into this join statement that is guaranteed to return the same data: SELECT accounts.* FROM accounts, customers WHERE accounts.custno = customers.custno; The execution plan for this statement might look like Figure 193. Figure 19-3: Execution Plan for a Nested Loops Join

WHERE accounts.balance > (SELECT AVG(balance) FROM accounts); No join statement can perform the function of this statement, so the optimizer does not transform the statement. Note that complex queries whose subqueries contain group functions such as AVG cannot be transformed into join statements. Optimizing Statements That Access Views To optimize a statement that accesses a view, the optimizer chooses one of these alternatives: •

Transform the statement into an equivalent statement that accesses the view’s base tables.

Issue the view’s query, collecting all the returned rows, and then access this set of rows with the original statement as though it were a table.

Accessing the View’s Base Table To transform a statement that accesses a view into an equivalent statement that accesses the view’s base tables, the optimizer can use one of these techniques: • •

Merge the view’s query into the accessing statement. Merge the accessing statement into the view’s query.

The optimizer then optimizes the resulting statement. To merge the view’s query into the accessing statement, the optimizer replaces the name of the view with the name of its base table in the accessing statement and adds the condition of the view’s query’s WHERE clause to the accessing statement’s WHERE clause. Example: Consider this view of all employees who work in department 10: CREATE VIEW emp_10 AS SELECT empno,ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10; Consider this query that accesses the view. The query selects the IDs greater than 7800 of employees who work in department 10:

To execute this statement, Oracle performs a nested-loops join operation. For information on nested loops joins, see “Join Operations” on page 19-55. If the optimizer cannot transform a complex statement into a join statement, the optimizer chooses execution plans for the parent statement and the subquery as though they were separate statements. Oracle then executes the subquery and uses the rows it returns to execute the parent query. Consider this complex statement that returns all rows from the ACCOUNTS table that have balances greater than the average account balance: SELECT * FROM accounts


SELECT empno FROM emp_10 WHERE empno > 7800; The optimizer transforms the query into the following query that accesses the view’s base table: SELECT empno FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10 AND empno > 7800; If there are indexes on the DEPTNO or EMPNO columns, the resulting WHERE clause makes them available. The optimizer cannot always merge the view’s query into the accessing statement. Such a transformation is not possible if the view’s query contains •


a GROUP BY clause

a CONNECT BY clause

a DISTINCT operator in the select list

group functions (AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM) in the select list

Figure 19-4: Accessing a View Defined with the UNION Set Operator

To optimize statements that access such views, the optimizer can merge the statement into the view’s query. Example: Consider the TWO_EMP_TABLES view, which is the union of two employee tables. The view is defined with a compound query that uses the UNION set operator: CREATE VIEW two_emp_tables (empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno) AS SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM emp1 UNION SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM emp2; Consider this query that accesses the view. The query selects the IDs and names of all employees in either table who work in department 20: SELECT empno, ename FROM two_emp_tables WHERE deptno = 20; Since the view is defined as a compound query, the optimizer cannot merge the view query into the accessing query. Instead, the optimizer transforms the query by adding its WHERE clause condition into the compound query. The resulting statement looks like this: SELECT empno, ename FROM emp1 WHERE deptno = 20 UNION SELECT empno, ename FROM emp2 WHERE deptno = 20; If there is an index on the DEPTNO column, the resulting WHERE clauses make it available. Figure 19-4, “Accessing a View Defined with the UNION Set Operator”, shows the execution plan of the resulting statement.

To execute this statement, Oracle performs these steps: •

Steps 5 and 6 perform full scans of the EMP1 and EMP2 tables.

Step 4 performs a UNION-ALL operation returning all rows returned by either Step 5 or Step 6, including all copies of duplicates.

Step 3 sorts the result of Step 4, eliminating duplicate rows. Step 2 extracts the desired columns from the result of Step 3.

• •

Step 1 indicates that the view’s query was not merged into the accessing query.

Example: Consider the view EMP_GROUP_BY_DEPTNO, which contains the department number, average salary, minimum salary, and maximum salary of all departments that have employees: CREATE VIEW emp_group_by_deptno AS SELECT deptno, AVG(sal) avg_sal, MIN(sal) min_sal, MAX(sal) max_sal FROM emp GROUP BY deptno;




Consider this query, which selects the average, minimum, and maximum salaries of department 10 from the EMP_GROUP_BY_DEPTNO view: SELECT * FROM emp_group_by_deptno WHERE deptno = 10;

To execute this statement, Oracle performs these operations: •

Step 4 performs a range scan on the index EMP_DEPTNO_INDEX (an index on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table) to retrieve the ROWIDs of all rows in the EMP table with a DEPTNO value of 10.

The optimizer transforms the statement by adding its WHERE clause condition into the view’s query. The resulting statement looks like this:

Step 3 accesses the EMP table using the ROWIDs retrieved by Step 4.

SELECT deptno,

Step 2 sorts the rows returned by Step 3 to calculate the average, minimum, and maximum SAL values. Step 1 indicates that the view’s query was not merged into the accessing query.

AVG(sal) avg_sal, MIN(sal) min_sal, MAX(sal) max_sal,

Example: Consider a query that accesses the EMP_GROUP_BY_DEPTNO view defined in the previous example. This query derives the averages for the average department salary, the minimum department salary, and the maximum department salary from the employee table: SELECT AVG(avg_sal), AVG(min_sal), AVG(max_sal)

FROM emp FROM emp_group_by_deptno; WHERE deptno = 10

The optimizer transforms this statement by applying the AVG group function to the select list of the view’s query:

GROUP BY deptno;

SELECT AVG(AVG(sal)), AVG(MIN(sal)), AVG(MAX(sal))

If there is an index on the DEPTNO column, the resulting WHERE clause makes it available. Figure 19-5, “Accessing a View Defined with a GROUP BY Clause”, shows the execution plan for the resulting statement. The execution plan uses an index on the DEPTNO column. Figure 19-5: Accessing a View Defined with a GROUP BY Clause

FROM emp GROUP BY deptno; Figure 19-6 shows the execution plan of the resulting statement. Figure 19-6: Applying Group Functions to a View Defined with GROUP BY Clause


Step 4 performs a full scan of the EMP table.

Step 3 sorts the rows returned by Step 4 into groups based on their DEPTNO values and calculates the average, minimum, and maximum SAL value of each group.

Step 2 indicates that the view’s query was not merged into the accessing query. Step 1 calculates the averages of the values returned by Step 2.

Figure 19-7: Joining a View Defined with a Group BY Clause to a Table


To execute this statement, Oracle performs these operations:

Optimizing Other Statements That Access Views

The optimizer cannot transform all statements that access views into equivalent statements that access base table(s). To execute a statement that cannot be transformed, Oracle issues the view’s query, collects the resulting set of rows, and then accesses this set of rows with the original statement as though it were a table. Example: Consider the EMP_GROUP_BY_DEPTNO view defined in the previous section: CREATE VIEW emp_group_by_deptno AS SELECT deptno, AVG(sal) avg_sal, To execute this statement, Oracle performs these operations: MIN(sal) min_sal,

Step 4 performs a full scan of the EMP table.

Step 3 sorts the results of Step 4 and calculates the average, minimum, and maximum SAL values selected by the query for the EMP_GROUP_BY_DEPTNO view.

FROM emp

GROUP BY deptno;

Step 2 used the data from the previous two steps for a view. For each row returned by Step 2, Step 6 uses the DEPTNO value to perform a unique scan of the PK_DEPT index.

MAX(sal) max_sal

Consider this query, which accesses the view. The query joins the average, minimum, and maximum salaries from each department represented in this view and to the name and location of the department in the DEPT table:

Step 5 uses each ROWID returned by Step 6 to locate the row in the DEPTNO table with the matching DEPTNO value.

SELECT emp_group_by_deptno.deptno, avg_sal, min_sal,

Oracle combines each row returned by Step 2 with the matching row returned by Step 5 and returns the result.

max_sal, dname, loc FROM emp_group_by_deptno, dept WHERE emp_group_by_deptno.deptno = dept.deptno; Since there is no equivalent statement that accesses only base tables, the optimizer cannot transform this statement. Instead, the optimizer chooses an execution plan that issues the view’s query and then uses the resulting set of rows as it would the rows resulting from a table access. Figure 19-7, “Joining a View Defined with a Group BY Clause to a Table”, shows the execution plan for this statement. For more information on how Oracle performs a nested loops join operation, see “Join Operations” on page 19-55.

Optimizing Compound Queries To choose the execution plan for a compound query, the optimizer chooses an execution plan for each of its component queries and then combines the resulting row sources with the union, intersection, or minus operation, depending on the set operator used in the compound query. Figure 19-8, “Compound Query with UNION ALL Set Operator”, shows the execution plan for this statement, which uses the UNION ALL operator to select all occurrences of all parts in either the ORDERS1 table or the ORDERS2 table: SELECT part FROM orders1 UNION ALL SELECT part FROM orders2;



Figure 19-8: Compound Query with UNION ALL Set Operator

the SORT operation to eliminate the duplicates returned by the UNION-ALL operation. Figure 19-10, “Compound Query with INTERSECT Set Operator”, shows the execution plan for this statement, which uses the INTERSECT operator to select only those parts that appear in both the ORDERS1 and ORDERS2 tables: SELECT part FROM orders1 INTERSECT SELECT part FROM orders2; Figure 19-10: Compound Query with INTERSECT Set Operator

To execute this statement, Oracle performs these steps: • Steps 2 and 3 perform full table scans on the ORDERS1 and ORDERS2 tables. •

Step 1 performs a UNION-ALL operation returning all rows that are returned by either Step 2 or Step 3 including all copies of duplicates.

Figure 19-9, “Compound Query with UNION Set Operator”, shows the execution plan for the following statement, which uses the UNION operator to select all parts that appear in either the ORDERS1 or ORDERS2 table: SELECT part FROM orders1 UNION SELECT part FROM orders2; Figure 19-9: Compound Query with UNION Set Operator To execute this statement, Oracle performs these steps: •

Steps 3 and 5 perform full table scans of the ORDERS1 and ORDERS2 tables.

Steps 2 and 4 sort the results of Steps 3 and 5, eliminating duplicates in each row source.

Step 1 performs an INTERSECTION operation that returns only rows that are returned by both Steps 2 and 4.

Optimizing Distributed Statements

The optimizer chooses execution plans for SQL statements that access data on remote databases in much the same way it chooses executions for statements that access only local data:

This execution plan is identical to the one for the UNION-ALL operator shown in Figure 19-8 “Compound Query with UNION ALL Set Operator”, except that in this case Oracle uses


If all the tables accessed by a SQL statement are collocated on the same remote database, Oracle sends the SQL statement to that remote database. The remote Oracle instance executes the statement and sends only the results back to the local database.

If a SQL statement accesses tables that are located on different databases, Oracle decomposes the statement into individual fragments, each of which accesses tables on a single database. Oracle then sends each fragment to the database that it accesses. The remote Oracle instance for

When choosing a cost-based execution plan for a distributed statement, the optimizer considers the available indexes on remote databases just as it does indexes on the local database. The optimizer also considers statistics on remote databases for cost-based optimization. Furthermore, the optimizer considers the location of data when estimating the cost of accessing it. For example, a full scan of a remote table has a greater estimated cost than a full scan of an identical local table. For a rule-based execution plan, the optimizer does not consider indexes on remote tables. Choosing an Optimization Approach and Goal The optimizer’s behavior when choosing an optimization approach and goal for a SQL statement is affected by these factors: • •

the OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter statistics in the data dictionary

the OPTIMIZER_GOAL parameter of the ALTER SESSION command

hints (comments) in the statement

The OPTIMIZER_MODE Initialization Parameter The OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter establishes the default behavior for choosing an optimization approach for the instance. This parameter can have these values: CHOOSE


The optimizer chooses between a cost-based approach and a rule-based approach based on whether the statistics are available for the costbased Approach. If the data dictionary contains statistics for at least one of the accessed tables, the optimizer uses a cost-based approach and optimizes with a goal of best throughput. If the data dictionary contains no statistics for any of the accessed tables, the optimizer uses a rule-based approach. This is the default value for the parameter. The optimizer uses a cost-based approach for all SQL statements in the session regardless of the presence of statistics and optimizes with a goal of best throughput (minimum resource use to complete the entire statement).

FIRST_ROWS The optimizer uses a cost-based approach for all SQL statements in the session regardless of the presence of statistics and optimizes with a goal of best response time (minimum resource use to return the first row of the result set). RULE

The optimizer chooses a rule-based approach for all SQL statements issued to the instance regardless of the presence of statistics.

If the optimizer uses the cost-based approach for a SQL statement and some tables accessed by the statement have no statistics, the optimizer uses internal information (such as the number of data blocks allocated to these tables) to estimate other statistics for these tables. Statistics in the Data Dictionary Oracle stores statistics about columns, tables, clusters, indexes, and partitions in the data dictionary for use by the cost-based optimizer (see “Statistics for the Cost-Based Approach” on page 19-7). Two options of the ANALYZE command generate statistics: • •

COMPUTE STATISTICS generates exact statistics. ESTIMATE STATISTICS generates estimations by sampling the data.

For more information, see Oracle8 Server Tuning. The OPTIMIZER_GOAL Parameter of the ALTER SESSION Command

The OPTIMIZER_GOAL parameter of the ALTER SESSION command can override the optimization approach and goal established by the OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter for an individual session. The value of this parameter affects the optimization of SQL statements issued by stored procedures and functions called during the session, but it does not affect the optimization of recursive SQL statements that Oracle issues during the session. The optimization approach for recursive SQL statements is affected only by the value of the OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter. The OPTIMIZER_GOAL parameter can have these values: CHOOSE

The optimizer chooses between a cost-based approach and a rule-based approach based on whether statistics are available for the costbased approach. If the data dictionary contains statistics for at least one of the accessed tables, the optimizer uses a costbased approach and optimizes with a goal of best throughput. If the data dictionary contains no statistics for any of the accessed tables, the optimizer uses a rule-based approach.


The optimizer uses a cost-based approach for all SQL statements in the session regardless of the presence of statistics and optimizes with a goal of best throughput (minimum resource use to complete the entire statement).

FIRST_ROWS The optimizer uses a cost-based approach for all SQL statements in the session regardless of the presence of statistics and optimizes with a goal of best response time (minimum resource use to return the first row of the result set). RULE

The optimizer chooses a rule-based approach for all SQL statements issued to the instance regardless of the presence of statistics.



each of these databases executes its fragment and returns the results to the local database, where the local Oracle instance may perform any additional processing the statement requires.



The FIRST_ROWS, ALL_ROWS, CHOOSE, and RULE hints can override the effects of both the OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter and the OPTIMIZER_GOAL parameter of the ALTER SESSION command for an individual SQL statement. For information on hints, see Oracle8 Server Tuning. Choosing Access Paths

One of the most important choices the optimizer makes when formulating an execution plan is how to retrieve data from the database. For any row in any table accessed by a SQL statement, there may be many access paths by which that row can be located and retrieved. The optimizer chooses one of them. This section discusses: •

the basic methods by which Oracle can access data each access path and when it is available to the optimizer

how the optimizer chooses among available access paths

scan, Oracle searches the index for the indexed column values accessed by the statement. If the statement accesses only columns of the index, Oracle reads the indexed column values directly from the index, rather than from the table. The index contains not only the indexed value, but also the ROWIDs of rows in the table having that value. Therefore, if the statement accesses other columns in addition to the indexed columns, Oracle can find the rows in the table with a table access by ROWID or a cluster scan. An index scan can be one of these types:

Unique scan

A unique scan of an index returns only a single ROWID. Oracle performs a unique scan only in cases in which a single ROWID is required, rather than many ROWIDs. For example, Oracle performs a unique scan if there is a UNIQUE or a PRIMARY KEY constraint that guarantees that the statement accesses only a single row.

Range scan

A range scan of an index can return zero or more ROWIDs depending on how many rows the statement accesses.

Full scan

Full scan is available if a predicate references one of the columns in the index. The predicate does not have to be an index driver. Full scan is also available when there is no predicate if all of the columns in the table referenced in the query are included in the index and at least one of the index columns is not nullable. Full scan can be used to eliminate a sort operation. It reads the blocks singly.

Fast full scan

Fast full scan is an alternative to a full table scan when the index contains all the columns that are needed for the query. It cannot be used to eliminate a sort operation. It reads the entire index using multiblock reads. Fast full scan is available only with cost-based optimization; you specify it with the INDEX_FFS hint.


Bitmap access is available with cost-based optimization.

Access Methods

This section describes basic methods by which Oracle can access data. Full Table Scans

A full table scan retrieves rows from a table. To perform a full table scan, Oracle reads all rows in the table, examining each row to determine whether it satisfies the statement’s WHERE clause. Oracle reads every data block allocated to the table sequentially, so a full table scan can be performed very efficiently using multiblock reads. Oracle reads each data block only once. Table Access by ROWID

A table access by ROWID also retrieves rows from a table. The ROWID of a row specifies the datafile and data block containing the row and the location of the row in that block. Locating a row by its ROWID is the fastest way for Oracle to find a single row. To access a table by ROWID, Oracle first obtains the ROWIDs of the selected rows, either from the statement’s WHERE clause or through an index scan of one or more of the table’s indexes. Oracle then locates each selected row in the table based on its ROWID. Cluster Scans

From a table stored in an indexed cluster, a cluster scan retrieves rows that have the same cluster key value. In an indexed cluster, all rows with the same cluster key value are stored in the same data blocks. To perform a cluster scan, Oracle first obtains the ROWID of one of the selected rows by scanning the cluster index. Oracle then locates the rows based on this ROWID. Hash Scans

Oracle can use a hash scan to locate rows in a hash cluster based on a hash value. In a hash cluster, all rows with the same hash value are stored in the same data blocks. To perform a hash scan, Oracle first obtains the hash value by applying a hash function to a cluster key value specified by the statement. Oracle then scans the data blocks containing rows with that hash value. Index Scans

An index scan retrieves data from an index based on the value of one or more columns of the index. To perform an index


Access Paths Table 19-1 lists the data access paths. The optimizer can only choose to use a particular access path for a table if the statement contains a WHERE clause condition or other construct that makes that access path available. The rule-based approach uses the rank of each path to choose a path when more than one path is available (see “Choosing Among Access Paths with the Rule-Based Approach” on page 19-53). The cost-based approach chooses a path based on resource use (see “Choosing Among Access Paths with the Cost-Based Approach” on page 19-50).

Path 2: Single Row by Cluster Join


This access path is available for statements that join tables stored in the same cluster if both of these conditions are true:

Access Path


Single row by ROWID


Single row by cluster join

3 4

Single row by hash cluster key with unique or primary key Single row by unique or primary key


Cluster join


Hash cluster key


Indexed cluster key


Composite key


Single-column indexes

10 Bounded range search on indexed columns 11 Unbounded range search on indexed columns 12 Sort-merge join 13 MAX or MIN of indexed column 14 ORDER BY on indexed columns 15 Full table scan Fast full index scan (no rank; not available with the rule-based optimizer): see Oracle8 Server Tuning Bitmap index scan (no rank; not available with the rule-based optimizer): see “Bitmap Indexes” on page 7-25 Each of the following sections describes an access path and discusses: •

when it is available

the method Oracle uses to access data with it

the output generated for it by the EXPLAIN PLAN command

Path 1: Single Row by ROWID

This access path is available only if the statement’s WHERE clause identifies the selected rows by ROWID or with the CURRENT OF CURSOR embedded SQL syntax supported by the Oracle Precompilers. To execute the statement, Oracle accesses the table by ROWID. Example: This access path is available in the following statement: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE ROWID = ‘00000DC5.0000.0001’; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID EMP

The statement’s WHERE clause contains conditions that equate each column of the cluster key in one table with the corresponding column in the other table.

The statement’s WHERE clause also contains a condition that guarantees that the join returns only one row. Such a condition is likely to be an equality condition on the column(s) of a unique or primary key.

These conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle performs a nested loops operation. For information on the nested loops operation, see “Join Operations” on page 19-55. Example: This access path is available for the following statement in which the EMP and DEPT tables are clustered on the DEPTNO column and the EMPNO column is the primary key of the EMP table: SELECT * FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno AND emp.empno = 7900; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT NESTED LOOPS TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID EMP INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PK_EMP TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER DEPT PK_EMP is the name of an index that enforces the primary key. Path 3: Single Row by Hash Cluster Key with Unique or Primary Key This access path is available if both of these conditions are true: •

The statement’s WHERE clause uses all columns of a hash cluster key in equality conditions. For composite cluster keys, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators. The statement is guaranteed to return only one row because the columns that make up the hash cluster key also make up a unique or primary key.

To execute the statement, Oracle applies the cluster’s hash function to the hash cluster key value specified in the statement to obtain a hash value. Oracle then uses the hash value to perform a hash scan on the table.



Table 19-1: Access Paths


Example: This access path is available in the following statement in which the ORDERS and LINE_ITEMS tables are stored in a hash cluster, and the ORDERNO column is both the cluster key and the primary key of the ORDERS table: SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderno = 65118968; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS HASH


Path 4: Single Row by Unique or Primary Key This access path is available if the statement’s WHERE clause uses all columns of a unique or primary key in equality conditions. For composite keys, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle performs a unique scan on the index on the unique or primary key to retrieve a single ROWID and then accesses the table by that ROWID. Example: This access path is available in the following statement in which the EMPNO column is the primary key of the EMP table: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = 7900; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID EMP INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PK_EMP PK_EMP is the name of the index that enforces the primary key. Path 5: Clustered Join This access path is available for statements that join tables stored in the same cluster if the statement’s WHERE clause contains conditions that equate each column of the cluster key in one table with the corresponding column in the other table. For a composite cluster key, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle performs a nested loops operation. For information on nested loops operations, see “Join Operations” on page 19-55. Example: This access path is available in the following statement in which the EMP and DEPT tables are clustered on the DEPTNO column: SELECT * FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:


OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT NESTED LOOPS TABLE ACCESS FULL DEPT TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER EMP Path 6: Hash Cluster Key This access path is available if the statement’s WHERE clause uses all the columns of a hash cluster key in equality conditions. For a composite cluster key, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle applies the cluster’s hash function to the hash cluster key value specified in the statement to obtain a hash value. Oracle then uses this hash value to perform a hash scan on the table. Example: This access path is available for the following statement in which the ORDERS and LINE_ITEMS tables are stored in a hash cluster and the ORDERNO column is the cluster key: SELECT * FROM line_items WHERE orderno = 65118968; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS HASH LINE_ITEMS Path 7: Indexed Cluster Key This access path is available if the statement’s WHERE clause uses all the columns of an indexed cluster key in equality conditions. For a composite cluster key, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle performs a unique scan on the cluster index to retrieve the ROWID of one row with the specified cluster key value. Oracle then uses that ROWID to access the table with a cluster scan. Since all rows with the same cluster key value are stored together, the cluster scan requires only a single ROWID to find them all. Example: This access path is available in the following statement in which the EMP table is stored in an indexed cluster and the DEPTNO column is the cluster key: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = 10; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER EMP INDEX UNIQUE SCAN PERS_INDEX PERS_INDEX is the name of the cluster index. Path 8: Composite Index This access path is available if the statement’s WHERE clause uses all columns of a composite index in equality conditions combined with AND operators. To execute the statement,

Example: This access path is available in the following statement in which there are indexes on both the JOB and DEPTNO columns of the EMP table:

Example: This access path is available in the following statement in which there is a composite index on the JOB and DEPTNO columns:

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE job = ‘ANALYST’ AND deptno = 20;

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE job = ‘CLERK’ AND deptno = 30;

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:



JOB_DEPTNO_INDEX is the name of the composite index on the JOB and DEPTNO columns. Path 9: Single-Column Indexes This access path is available if the statement’s WHERE clause uses the columns of one or more single-column indexes in equality conditions. For multiple single-column indexes, the conditions must be combined with AND operators. If the WHERE clause uses the column of only one index, Oracle executes the statement by performing a range scan on the index to retrieve the ROWIDs of the selected rows and then accessing the table by these ROWIDs. Example: This access path is available in the following statement in which there is an index on the JOB column of the EMP table: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE job = ‘ANALYST’; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID EMP INDEX RANGE SCAN JOB_INDEX JOB_INDEX is the index on EMP.JOB. If the WHERE clauses uses columns of many single-column indexes, Oracle executes the statement by performing a range scan on each index to retrieve the ROWIDs of the rows that satisfy each condition. Oracle then merges the sets of ROWIDs to obtain a set of ROWIDs of rows that satisfy all conditions. Oracle then accesses the table using these ROWIDs. Oracle can merge up to five indexes. If the WHERE clause uses columns of more than five single-column indexes, Oracle merges five of them, accesses the table by ROWID, and then tests the resulting rows to determine whether they satisfy the remaining conditions before returning them.

OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID EMP AND-EQUAL INDEX RANGE SCAN JOB_INDEX INDEX RANGE SCAN DEPTNO_INDEX The AND-EQUAL operation merges the ROWIDs obtained by the scans of the JOB_INDEX and the DEPTNO_INDEX, resulting in a set of ROWIDs of rows that satisfy the query. Path 10: Bounded Range Search on Indexed Columns This access path is available if the statement’s WHERE clause contains a condition that uses either the column of a singlecolumn index or one or more columns that make up a leading portion of a composite index: column = expr column >[=] expr AND column [=] expr WHERE column 2000;

the optimizer chooses one over the other, see “Optimizing Join Statements” on page 19-54. Example: This access path is available for the following statement in which the EMP and DEPT tables are not stored in the same cluster: SELECT * FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT MERGE JOIN SORT JOIN TABLE ACCESS FULL EMP SORT JOIN TABLE ACCESS FULL DEPT Path 13: MAX or MIN of Indexed Column This access path is available for a SELECT statement for which all of these conditions are true: •

The query uses the MAX or MIN function to select the maximum or minimum value of either the column of a single-column index or the leading column of a composite index. The index cannot be a cluster index. The argument to the MAX or MIN function can be any expression involving the column, a constant, or the addition operator (+), the concatenation operation (||), or the CONCAT function.

There are no other expressions in the select list.

The statement has no WHERE clause or GROUP BY clause.

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID EMP INDEX RANGE SCAN SAL_INDEX Example: This access path is available in the following statement in which there is a composite index on the ORDER and LINE columns of the LINE_ITEMS table: SELECT * FROM line_items WHERE order > 65118968; The access path is available because the WHERE clause uses the ORDER column, a leading portion of the index. Example: This access path is not available in the following statement in which there is an index on the ORDER and LINE columns: SELECT * FROM line_items WHERE line < 4; The access path is not available because the WHERE clause only uses the LINE column, which is not a leading portion of the index. Path 12: Sort-Merge Join This access path is available for statements that join tables that are not stored together in a cluster if the statement’s WHERE clause uses columns from each table in equality conditions. To execute such a statement, Oracle uses a sort-merge operation. Oracle can also use a nested loops operation to execute a join statement. For information on these operations and on when


To execute the query, Oracle performs a range scan of the index to find the maximum or minimum indexed value. Since only this value is selected, Oracle need not access the table after scanning the index. Example: This access path is available for the following statement in which there is an index on the SAL column of the EMP table: SELECT MAX(sal) FROM emp; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT AGGREGATE GROUP BY INDEX RANGE SCAN SAL_INDEX Path 14: ORDER BY on Indexed Column This access path is available for a SELECT statement for which all of these conditions are true: • The query contains an ORDER BY clause that uses either the column of a single-column index or a leading portion of a composite index. The index cannot be a cluster index.

There must be a PRIMARY KEY or NOT NULL integrity constraint that guarantees that at least one of the indexed columns listed in the ORDER BY clause contains no nulls.

where expr is an expression that operates on a column with an operator or function, regardless of whether the column is indexed.

The NLS_SORT parameter is set to BINARY.

NOT EXISTS subquery

any condition involving a column that is not indexed

To execute the query, Oracle performs a range scan of the index to retrieve the ROWIDs of the selected rows in sorted order. Oracle then accesses the table by these ROWIDs. Example: This access path is available for the following statement in which there is a primary key on the EMPNO column of the EMP table: SELECT * FROM emp ORDER BY empno;

Choosing Among Access Paths This section describes how the optimizer chooses among available access paths: •

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID EMP INDEX RANGE SCAN PK_EMP PK_EMP is the name of the index that enforces the primary key. The primary key ensures that the column does not contain nulls. This access path is available for any SQL statement, regardless of its WHERE clause conditions. This statement uses a full table scan to access the EMP table: SELECT * FROM emp; The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this: OPERATION OPTIONS OBJECT_NAME ————————————————————————— SELECT STATEMENT TABLE ACCESS

Any SQL statement that contains only these constructs and no others that make index access paths available must use full table scans.


column1 > column2

• •

column1 < column2 column1 >= column2

column1 = :low_e

USER_TABLES.NUM_ROWS is the number of rows in each table.

The optimizer heuristically estimates a small selectiviy for indexed columns in order to favor the use of the index.

By dividing the number of rows in the EMP table by the number of distinct values in the ENAME column, the optimizer estimates what percentage of employees have the same name. By assuming that the ENAME values are uniformly distributed, the optimizer uses this percentage as the estimated selectivity of the query. Example: Consider this query, which selects all employees with employee ID numbers less than 7500: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno < 7500; To estimate the selectivity of the query, the optimizer uses the boundary value of 7500 in the WHERE clause condition and the values of the HIGH_VALUE and LOW_VALUE statistics for the EMPNO column if available. These statistics can be found in the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view. The optimizer assumes that EMPNO values are evenly distributed in the range between the lowest value and highest value. The optimizer then determines what percentage of this range is less than the value 7500 and uses this value as the estimated selectivity of the query. Example: Consider this query, which uses a bind variable rather than a literal value for the boundary value in the WHERE clause condition: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno < :e1; The optimizer does not know the value of the bind variable E1. Indeed, the value of E1 may be different for each execution of the query. For this reason, the optimizer cannot use the means described in the previous example to determine selectiv136

empno = 7500 empno 2000;

Optimizing Join Statements To choose an execution plan for a join statement, the optimizer must choose:

Access paths

As for simple statements, the optimizer must choose an access path to retrieve data from each table in the join statement. (See "Choosing Access Paths" on page 19-37.)

Join operations

To join each pair of row sources, Oracle must perform one of these operations: nested loops sort-merge

Consider also that the EMP table has these integrity constraints and indexes: •

There is a PRIMARY KEY constraint on the EMPNO column that is enforced by the index PK_EMPNO.

There is an index named ENAME_IND on the ENAME column.

There is an index named SAL_IND on the SAL column.

Based on the conditions in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement, the integrity constraints, and the indexes, these access paths are available: • A single-column index access path using the ENAME_IND index is made available by the condition ENAME = ‘CHUNG’. This access path has rank 9.

cluster hash join (not available with rulebased optimization) Join order

To execute a statement that joins more than two tables, Oracle joins two of the tables, and then joins the resulting row source to the next table. This process is continued until all tables are joined into the result.

These choices are interrelated. Join Operations

An unbounded range scan using the SAL_IND index is made available by the condition SAL > 2000. This access path has rank 11.

This section describes the operations that the optimizer can use to join two row sources:

A full table scan is automatically available for all SQL statements. This access path has rank 15.

Nested Loops Join Sort-Merge Join

Cluster Join

Hash Join

Note that the PK_EMPNO index does not make the single row by primary key access path available because the indexed column does not appear in a condition in the WHERE clause. Using the rule-based approach, the optimizer chooses the access path that uses the ENAME_IND index to execute this statement. The optimizer chooses this path because it is the most highly ranked path available.

Nested Loops Join

To perform a nested loops join, Oracle follows these steps: 1.

The optimizer chooses one of the tables as the outer table, or the driving table. The other table is called the inner table.


For each row in the outer table, Oracle finds all rows in the inner table that satisfy the join condition. Oracle combines the data in each pair of rows that satisfy the join condition and returns the resulting rows.


Figure 19-11, “Nested Loops Join”, shows the execution plan for this statement using a nested loops join: SELECT * FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno;



Note that the full table scan is the lowest ranked access path on the list. This means that the rule-based approach always chooses an access path that uses an index if one is available, even if a full table scan might execute faster.


Figure 19-11: Nested Loops Join

Figure 19-12: Sort-Merge Join

To execute this statement, Oracle performs these steps:

To execute this statement, Oracle performs these steps:

Step 2 accesses the outer table (EMP) with a full table scan.

For each row returned by Step 2, Step 4 uses the EMP.DEPTNO value to perform a unique scan on the PK_DEPT index.

Steps 3 and 5 perform full table scans of the EMP and DEPT tables.

Steps 2 and 4 sort each row source separately.

Step 1 merges the sources from Steps 2 and 4 together, combining each row from Step 2 with each matching row from Step 4 and returns the resulting row source.

Step 3 uses the ROWID from Step 4 to locate the matching row in the inner table (DEPT).

Oracle combines each row returned by Step 2 with the matching row returned by Step 4 and returns the result.

Sort-Merge Join

To perform a sort-merge join, Oracle follows these steps: 1.

Oracle sorts each row source to be joined if they have not been sorted already by a previous operation. The rows are sorted on the values of the columns used in the join condition.


Oracle merges the two sources so that each pair of rows, one from each source, that contain matching values for the columns used in the join condition are combined and returned as the resulting row source.

Oracle can only perform a sort-merge join for an equijoin. Figure 19-12, “Sort-Merge Join”, shows the execution plan for this statement using a sort-merge join: SELECT * FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno;


Cluster Join

Oracle can perform a cluster join only for an equijoin that equates the cluster key columns of two tables in the same cluster. In a cluster, rows from both tables with the same cluster key values are stored in the same blocks, so Oracle only accesses those blocks. For information on clusters, including how to decide which tables to cluster for best performance, see the Chapter “Tuning SQL Statements” in Oracle8 Server Tuning. Figure 19-13, “Cluster Join”, shows the execution plan for this statement in which the EMP and DEPT tables are stored together in the same cluster: SELECT * FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno; Figure 19-13: Cluster Join

Step 2 accesses the outer table (DEPT) with a full table scan.

For each row returned by Step 2, Step 3 uses the DEPT.DEPTNO value to find the matching rows in the inner table (EMP) with a cluster scan.

A cluster join is nothing more than a nested loops join involving two tables that are stored together in a cluster. Since each row from the DEPT table is stored in the same data blocks as the matching rows in the EMP table, Oracle can access matching rows most efficiently.

write concurrently. See Oracle8 Server Reference Manual for more information about these initialization parameters. Choosing Execution Plans for Join Statements This section describes how the optimizer chooses an execution plan for a join statement: •

when using the cost-based approach

when using the rule-based approach

Note these considerations that apply to the cost-based and rulebased approaches: •

Hash Join

Oracle can only perform a hash join for an equijoin. To perform a hash join, Oracle follows these steps: 1.

Oracle performs a full table scan on each of the tables and splits each into as many partitions as possible based on the available memory.


Oracle builds a hash table from one of the partitions (if possible, Oracle will select a partition that fits into available memory). Oracle then uses the corresponding partition in the other table to probe the hash table. All partitions pairs that do not fit into memory are placed onto disk.


For each pair of partitions (one from each table), Oracle uses the smaller one to build a hash table and the larger one to probe the hash table.

Hash join is not available with rule-based optimization. Figure 19-14, “Hash Join”, shows the execution plan for this statement using a hash join: SELECT *

The optimizer first determines whether joining two or more of the tables definitely results in a row source containing at most one row. The optimizer recognizes such situations based on UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints on the tables. If such a situation exists, the optimizer places these tables first in the join order. The optimizer then optimizes the join of the remaining set of tables. For join statements with outer join conditions, the table with the outer join operator must come after the other table in the condition in the join order. The optimizer does not consider join orders that violate this rule.

Choosing Execution Plans for Joins with the Cost-Based Approach With the cost-based approach, the optimizer generates a set of execution plans based on the possible join orders, join operations, and available access paths. The optimizer then estimates the cost of each plan and chooses the one with the lowest cost. The optimizer estimates costs in these ways: •

The cost of a nested loops operation is based on the cost of reading each selected row of the outer table and each of its matching rows of the inner table into memory. The optimizer estimates these costs using the statistics in the data dictionary.

The cost of a sort-merge join is based largely on the cost of reading all the sources into memory and sorting them.

The optimizer also considers other factors when determining the cost of each operation. For example:

FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno; Figure 19-14: Hash Join

A smaller sort area size is likely to increase the cost for a sort-merge join because sorting takes more CPU time and I/O in a smaller sort area. Sort area size is specified by the initialization parameter SORT_AREA_SIZE.

A larger multi-block read count is likely to decrease the cost for a sort-merge join in relation to a nested loops join. If a large number of sequential blocks can be read from disk in a single I/O, an index on the inner table for the nested loops join is less likely to improve performance over a full table scan. The multi-block read count is specified by the initialization parameter DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT.

For join statements with outer join conditions, the table with the outer join operator must come after the other table in the condition in the join order. The optimizer does not consider join orders that violate this rule.

To execute this statement, Oracle performs these steps: • Steps 2 and 3 perform full table scans of the EMP and DEPT tables. •

Step 1 builds a hash table out of the rows coming from 2 and probes it with each row coming from 3.

The initialization parameter HASH_AREA_SIZE controls the memory to be used for hash join operations and the initialization parameter HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT controls the number of blocks a hash join operation should read and



To execute this statement, Oracle performs these steps:


With the cost-based approach, the optimizer’s choice of join orders can be overridden with the ORDERED hint. If the ORDERED hint specifies a join order that violates the rule for outer join, the optimizer ignores the hint and chooses the order. You can also override the optimizer’s choice of join operations with hints. For information on using hints, see Oracle8 Server Tuning.


• If there is a tie among multiple plans whose first

tables are accessed by the single-column indexes access path, the optimizer chooses the plan whose first table is accessed with the most merged indexes.

Choosing Execution Plans for Joins with the Rule-Based Approach With the rule-based approach, the optimizer follows these steps to choose an execution plan for a statement that joins R tables: 1.

The optimizer generates a set of R join orders, each with a different table as the first table. The optimizer generates each potential join order using this algorithm: a. To fill each position in the join order, the optimizer chooses the table with the most highly ranked available access path according to the ranks for access paths in Table 19-1 on page 19-39. The optimizer repeats this step to fill each subsequent position in the join order. b. For each table in the join order, the optimizer also chooses the operation with which to join the table to the previous table or row source in the order. The optimizer does this by “ranking” the sort-merge operation as access path 12 and applying these rules: c. If the access path for the chosen table is ranked 11 or better, the optimizer chooses a nested loops operation using the previous table or row source in the join order as the outer table. d. If the access path for the table is ranked lower than 12, and there is an equijoin condition between the chosen table and the previous table or row source in join order, the optimizer chooses a sort-merge operation. e.


If the access path for the chosen table is ranked lower than 12, and there is not an equijoin condition, the optimizer chooses a nested loops operation with the previous table or row source in the join order as the outer table.

The optimizer then chooses among the resulting set of execution plans. The goal of the optimizer’s choice is to maximize the number of nested loops join operations in which the inner table is accessed using an index scan. Since a nested loops join involves accessing the inner table many times, an index on the inner table can greatly improve the performance of a nested loops join. Usually, the optimizer does not consider the order in which tables appear in the FROM clause when choosing an execution plan. The optimizer makes this choice by applying the following rules in order: a. The optimizer chooses the execution plan with the fewest nested-loops operations in which the inner table is accessed with a full table scan. b. If there is a tie, the optimizer chooses the execution plan with the fewest sort-merge operations.


If there is still a tie, the optimizer chooses the execution plan for which the first table in the join order has the most highly ranked access path:

• If there is a tie among multiple plans whose first

tables are accessed by bounded range scans, the optimizer chooses the plan whose first table is accessed with the greatest number of leading columns of the composite index. d.

If there is still a tie, the optimizer chooses the execution plan for which the first table appears later in the query’s FROM clause.

Optimizing “Star” Queries

One type of data warehouse design centers around what is known as a “star” schema, which is characterized by one or more very large fact tables that contain the primary information in the data warehouse and a number of much smaller dimension tables (or “lookup” tables), each of which contains information about the entries for a particular attribute in the fact table. A star query is a join between a fact table and a number of lookup tables. Each lookup table is joined to the fact table using a primary-key to foreign-key join, but the lookup tables are not joined to each other. The Oracle cost-based optimizer recognizes star queries and generates efficient execution plans for them. (Star queries are not recognized by the rule-based optimizer.) A typical fact table contains keys and measures. For example, a simple fact table might contain the measure Sales, and keys Time, Product, and Market. In this case there would be corresponding dimension tables for Time, Product, and Market. The Product dimension table, for example, would typically contain information about each product number that appears in the fact table. A star join is a primary-key to foreign-key join of the dimension tables to a fact table. The fact table normally has a concatenated index on the key columns to facilitate this type of join. Star Query Example

This section discusses star queries with reference to the following example: SELECT SUM(dollars) FROM facts, time, product, market WHERE market.stat = ‘New York’ AND product.brand = ‘MyBrand’ AND time.year = 1995 AND time.month = ‘March’ /* Joins*/ AND time.key = facts.tkey AND product.pkey = facts.pkey AND market.mkey = facts.mkey;

To execute star queries efficiently, you must use the cost based optimizer. Begin by using the ANALYZE command to gather statistics for each of the tables accessed by the query. Indexing

In the example above, you would construct a concatenated index on the columns tkey, pkey, and mkey. The order of the columns in the index is critical to performance. the columns in the index should take advantage of any ordering of the data. If rows are added to the large table in time order, then tkey should be the first key in the index. When the data is a static extract from another database, it is worthwhile to sort the data on the key columns before loading it. If all queries specify predicates on each of the small tables, a single concatenated index suffices. If queries that omit leading columns of the concatenated index are frequent, additional indexes may be useful. In this example, if there are frequent queries that omit the time table, an index on pkey and mkey can be added. Hints

Usually, if you analyze the tables the optimizer will choose an efficient star plan. You can also use hints to improve the plan. The most precise method is to order the tables in the FROM clause in the order of the keys in the index, with the large table last. Then use the following hints: /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(facts) INDEX(facts fact_concat) */ A more general method is to use the STAR hint /*+ STAR */. Extended Star Schemas

Each of the small tables can be replaced by a join of several smaller tables. For example, the product table could be normalized into brand and manufacturer tables. Normalization of all of the small tables can cause performance problems. One problem is caused by the increased number of permutations that the optimizer must consider. The other problem is the result of multiple executions of the small table joins. Both problems can be solved by using denormalized views. For example: CREATE VIEW prodview AS SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE */ * FROM brands, mfgrs WHERE brands.mfkey = mfgrs.mfkey; This hint will both reduce the optimizer’s search space, and cause caching of the result of the view. Star Transformation

The star transformation is a cost-based query transformation aimed at executing star queries efficiently. Whereas the star optimization works well for schemas with a small number of dimensions and dense fact tables, the star transformation may be considered as an alternative if any of the following holds true: • • •

The number of dimensions is large. The fact table is sparse.

The star transformation does not rely on computing a Cartesian product of the dimension tables, which makes it better suited for cases where fact table sparsity and/or a large number of dimensions would lead to a large Cartesian product with few rows having actual matches in the fact table. In addition, rather than relying on concatenated indexes, the star transformation is based on combining bitmap indexes on individual fact table columns. The transformation can thus choose to combine indexes corresponding precisely to the constrained dimensions. There is no need to create many concatenated indexes where the different column orders match different patterns of constrained dimensions in different queries. The star transformation works by generating new subqueries that can be used to drive a bitmap index access path for the fact table. Consider a simple case with three dimension tables, “d1”, “d2”, and “d3”, and a fact table, “fact”. The following query: EXPLAIN PLAN FOR SELECT * FROM fact, d1, d2, d3 WHERE fact.c1 = d1.c1 AND fact.c2 = d2.c1 AND fact.c3 = d3.c1 AND d1.c2 IN (1, 2, 3, 4) AND d2.c2 < 100 AND d3.c2 = 35 gets transformed by adding three subqueries: SELECT * FROM fact, d1, d2 WHERE fact.c1 = d1.c1 AND fact.c2 = d2.c1 AND d1.c2 IN (1, 2, 3, 4) AND d2.c2 < 100 AND fact.c1 IN (SELECT d1.c1 FROM d1 WHERE d1.c2 IN (1, 2, 3, 4)) AND fact.c2 IN (select d2.c1 FROM d2 WHERE d2.c2 < 100) AND fact.c3 IN (SELECT d3.c1 FROM d3 WHERE d3.c2 = 35) Given that there are bitmap indexes on fact.c1, fact.c2, and fact.c3, the newly generated subqueries can be used to drive a bitmap index access path in the following way. For each value of d1.c1 that is retrieved from the first subquery, the bitmap for that value is retrieved from the index on fact.c1 and these bitmaps are merged. The result is a bitmap for precisely those rows in fact that match the condition on d1 in the subquery WHERE-clause. Similarly, the values from the second subquery are used together with the bitmap index on fact.c2 to produce a merged bitmap corresponding to the rows in fact that match the condition on d2 in the second subquery. The same operations apply to the third subquery. The three merged bitmaps can then be ANDed, resulting in a bitmap corresponding to those rows in fact that meet the conditions in all three subqueries simultaneously. This bitmap can be used to access fact and retrieve the relevant rows. These are then joined to d1, d2, and d3 to produce the answer to the query. No Cartesian product is needed.

There are queries where not all dimension tables have constraining predicates.



Tuning Star Queries


Execution Plan

The following execution plan might result from the query above: SELECT STATEMENT HASH JOIN HASH JOIN HASH JOIN TABLE ACCESS FACT BY ROWID BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS BITMAP AND BITMAP MERGE BITMAP KEY ITERATION TABLE ACCESS D3 FULL BITMAP INDEX FACT_C3 RANGE SCAN BITMAP MERGE BITMAP KEY ITERATION TABLE ACCESS D1 FULL BITMAP INDEX FACT_C1 RANGE SCAN BITMAP MERGE BITMAP KEY ITERATION TABLE ACCESS D2 FULL BITMAP INDEX FACT_C2 RANGE SCAN TABLE ACCESS D1 FULL TABLE ACCESS D2 FULL TABLE ACCESS D3 FULL In this plan the fact table is accessed through a bitmap access path based on a bitmap AND of three merged bitmaps. The three bitmaps are generated by the BITMAP MERGE row source being fed bitmaps from row source trees underneath it. Each such row source tree consists of a BITMAP KEY ITERATION row source which fetches values from the subquery row source tree, which in this example is just a full table access, and for each such value retrieves the bitmap from the bitmap index. After the relevant fact table rows have been retrieved using this access path, they are joined with the dimension tables to produce the answer to the query. The star transformation is a cost-based transformation in the following sense. The optimizer generates and saves the best plan it can produce without the transformation. If the transformation is enabled, the optimizer then tries to apply it to the query and if applicable, generates the best plan using the transformed query. Based on a comparison of the cost estimates between the best plans for the two versions of the query, the optimizer will then decide whether to use the best plan for the transformed or untransformed version. If the query requires accessing a large percentage of the rows in the fact table, it may well be better to use a full table scan and not use the tranformations. However, if the constraining predicates on the dimension tables are sufficiently selective that only a small portion of the fact table needs to be retrieved, the plan based on the transformation will probably be superior. Note that the optimizer will generate a subquery for a dimension table only if it decides that it is reasonable to do so based on a number of criteria. There is no guarantee that subqueries will be generated for all dimension tables. The optimizer may also decide, based on the properties of the tables and the query,


that the transformation does not merit being applied to a particular query. In this case the best regular plan will be used. Using Star Transformation

You enable star transformation by setting the value of the initialization parameter STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED to TRUE. Use the STAR_TRANSFORMATION hint to make the optimizer use the best plan in which the transformation has been used. Restrictions on Star Transformation Star transformation is not supported for tables with any of the following characteristics: • •

tables with a table hint that is incompatible with a bitmap access path tables with too few bitmap indexes (there must be a bitmap index on a fact table column for the optimizer to consider generating a subquery for it)

remote tables (however, remote dimension tables are allowed in the subqueries that are generated)

anti-joined tables

tables that are already used as a dimension table in a subquery

tables that are really unmerged views, which are not view partitions

tables that have a good single-table access path

tables that are too small for the transformation to be worthwhile

Selected Bibliography •

[ARIES] C. Mohan, et al.: ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging., TODS 17(1): 94162 (1992).

[CACHE] C. Mohan: Caching Technologies for Web Applications, A Tutorial at the Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Rome, Italy, 2001.

[CODASYL] ACM: CODASYL Data Base Task Group April 71 Report, New York, 1971.

[CODD] E. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. ACM 13(6):377-387 (1970).

[EBXML] http://www.ebxml.org. [FED] J. Melton, J. Michels, V. Josifovski, K. Kulkarni, P. Schwarz, K. Zeidenstein: SQL and Management of External Data’, SIGMOD Record 30(1):70-77, 2001.

[GRAY] Gray, et al.: Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database., IFIP Working Conference on Modelling of Database Management Systems, 1-29, AFIPS Press.

[INFO] P. Lyman, H. Varian, A. Dunn, A. Strygin, K. Swearingen: How Much Information? at http:// www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-muchinfo/.

[LIND] B. Lindsay, et. al: Notes on Distributed Database Systems. IBM Research Report RJ2571, (1979).


What is Concurrency? Concurrency in terms of databases means allowing multiple users to access the data contained within a database at the same time. If concurrent access is not managed by the Database Management System (DBMS) so that simultaneous operations don’t interfere with one another problems can occur when various transactions interleave, resulting in an inconsistent database.

Durable Effects of a completed transaction are persistent

Concurrent Execution You know there are good reasons for allowing concurrency:1. Improved throughput and resource utilization.

(THROUGHPUT = Number of Transactions executed per unit of time.) The CPU and the Disk can operate in parallel. When a Transaction

Concurrency is achieved by the DBMS, which interleaves actions (reads/writes of DB objects) of various transactions. Each transaction must leave the database in a consistent state if the DB is consistent when the transaction begins.

Read/Write the Disk another Transaction can be running in the CPU.

Concurrent execution of user programs is essential for good DBMS performance. Because disk accesses are frequent, and relatively slow, it is important to keep the CPU humming by working on several user programs concurrently. Interleaving actions of different user programs can lead to inconsistency: e.g., check is cleared while account balance is being computed. DBMS ensures such problems don’t arise: users can pretend they are using a single-user system.

In a serial processing a short Transaction may have to wait for a long transaction to complete. Concurrent execution reduces the average response time; the average time for a Transaction to be completed.

Define Transaction A transaction is a sequence of read and write operations on data items that logically functions as one unit of work •

It should either be done entirely or not at all

If it succeeds, the effects of write operations persist (commit); if it fails, no effects of write operations persist (abort)

These guarantees are made despite concurrent activity in the system, and despite failures that may occur DURABLE STARTING STATE



The CPU and Disk utilization also increases. 2. Reduced Waiting Time.

What is Concurrency Control?

Concurrency control is needed to handle problems that can occur when transactions execute concurrently. The following are the concurrency issues:Lost Update: an update to an object by some transaction is overwritten by another interleaved transaction without knowledge of the initial update. Lost Update Example




ACID Properties of Transaction •


Process all of a transaction or none of it; transaction cannot be further subdivided (like an atom) Consistent Data on all systems reflects the same state

Isolated Transactions do not interact/interfere with one another; transactions act as if they are independent



Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about Transcation processing.


Transaction A’s update is lost

Uncommitted Dependency: a transaction reads an object updated by another transaction that later falls. Uncommitted Dependency Example:-

To provide guidelines for improving the performance of transaction processing systems due to concurrency control; and to point out areas for further investigation.

In the last lecture we discussed about concurrency and transactions. Here I would like to discuss with you in detail regarding the transaction management and concurrency control. Transaction Properties To ensure data integrity the DBMS, should maintain the following transaction properties- atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability. These properties often referred to as acid properties an acronym derived from the first letter of the properties. In the last lecture we have introduced the above terms, now we will see their implementations.

Transaction B reads an uncommitted value for R Inconsistent Analysis: a transaction calculating an aggregate function uses some but not all updated objects of another transaction. Inconsistent Analysis Example:-

We will consider the banking example to gain a better understanding of the acid properties and why are they important. We will consider a banking system that contains several accounts and a set of transactions that accesses and updates accounts. Access to a database is accomplished by two operations given below:1.


Read(x)-This operation transfers the data item x from the database to a local buffer belonging to the transaction that executed the read operation Write(x)-the write operation transfers the data item x from the local buffer of the transaction that executed the write operation to the database.

Now suppose that Ti is a transaction that transfers RS. 2000/from account CA2090 to SB2359. This transaction is defined as follows:Ti: Read(CA2090); CA2090:=CA2090-2000; Write(CA2090); Read(SB2359); SB2359:=SB2359+2000; Write(SB2359); We will now consider the acid properties..

The value in SUM will be inconsistent Main goals of Database Concurrency Control •

To point out problem areas in earlier performance analyses

To introduce queuing network models to evaluate the baseline performance of transaction processing systems

To provide insights into the relative performance of transaction processing systems To illustrate the application of basic analytic methods to the performance analysis of various concurrency control methods


To review transaction models which are intended to relieve the effect of lock contention

Implementing Atomicity Let’s assume that before the transaction take place the balances in the account is Rs. 50000/- and that in the account SB2359 is Rs. 35000/-. Now suppose that during the execution of the transaction a failure(for example, a power failure) occurred that prevented the successful completion of the transaction. The failure occurred after the Write(CA2090); operation was executed, but before the execution of Write(SB2359); in this case the value of the accounts CA2090 and SB2359 are reflected in the database are Rs. 48,000/- and Rs. 35000/- respectively. The Rs. 200/- that we have taken from the account is lost. Thus the failure has created a problem. The state of the database no longer reflects a real state of the world that the database is supposed to capture. Such a state is called an inconsistent state. The database system should ensure that such inconsistencies are not visible in a database system. It should be noted that even during the successful execution of a transaction there exists points at which the system is in an inconsistent state. But the

Implementing Consistencies The consistency requirement in the above eg is that the sum of CA2090 and SB2359 be unchanged by the execution of the transaction. Before the execution of the transaction the amounts in the accounts in CA2090 and SB2359 are 50,000 and 35,000 respectively. After the execution the amounts become 48,000 and 37,000. In both cases the sum of the amounts is 85,000 thus maintaining consistency. Ensuring the consistency for an individual transaction is the responsibility of the application programmer who codes the transaction. Implementing the Isolation Even if the atomicity and consistency properties are ensured for each transaction there can be problems if several transactions are executed concurrently. The different transactions interfere with one another and cause undesirable results. Suppose we are executing the above transaction Ti. We saw that the database is temporarily inconsistent while the transaction is being executed. Suppose that the transaction has performed the Write(CA2090) operation, during this time another transaction is reading the balances of different accounts. It checks the account CA2090 and finds the account balance at 48,000. Suppose that it reads the account balance of the other account(account SB2359, before the first transaction has got a chance to update the account. So the account balance in the account Sb2359 is 35000. After the second transaction has read the account balances, the first transaction reads the account balance of the account SB2359 and updates it to 37000.But here we are left with a problem. The first transaction has executed successfully and the database is back to a consistent state. But while it was in an inconsistent state, another transaction performed some operations( May be updated the total account balances). This has left the database in an inconsistent state even after both the transactions have been executed successfully. On solution to the situation( concurrent execution of transactions) is to execute the transactions seriallyone after the other. This can create many problems. Suppose long transactions are being executed first. Then all other transactions will have to wait in the queue. There might be many transactions that are independent(or that do not interfere with one another). There is no need for such transactions to wait in the queue. Also concurrent executions of transactions have significant performance advantages. So the DBMS have

found solutions to allow multiple transactions to execute concurrency with out any problem. The isolation property of a transaction ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions result in a system state that is equivalent to a state that could have been obtained if the transactions were executed one after another. Ensuring isolation property is the responsibility of the concurrency-control component of the DBMS. Implementing Durability The durability property guarantees that, once a transaction completes successfully, all updates that it carried out on the database persist, even if there is a system failure after the transaction completes execution. We can guarantee durability by ensuring that either the updates carried out by the transaction have been written to the disk before the transaction completes or information about the updates that are carried out by the transaction and written to the disk are sufficient for the data base to reconstruct the updates when the data base is restarted after the failure. Ensuring durability is the responsibility of the recovery- management component of the DBMS Picture Transaction management and concurrency control components of a DBMS Transaction States Once a transaction is committed, we cannot undo the changes made by the transactions by rolling back the transaction. Only way to undo the effects of a committed transaction is to execute a compensating transaction. The creating of a compensating transaction can be quite complex and so the task is left to the user and it is not handled by the DBMS. The transaction must be in one of the following states:1.

active:- This is a initial state, the transaction stays in this state while it is executing


Partially committed:- The transaction is in this state when it has executed the final statement


Failed: - A transaction is in this state once the normal execution of the transaction cannot proceed.


Aborted: - A transaction is said to be aborted when the transaction has rolled back and the database is being restored to the consistent state prior to the start of the transaction.


Committed: - a transaction is in this committed state once it has been successfully executed and the database is transformed in to a new consistent state. Different transactions states arte given in following figure.



difference in the case of a successful transaction is that the period for which the database is in an inconsistent state is very short and once the transaction is over the system will be brought back to a consistent state. So if a transaction never started or is completed successfully, the inconsistent states would not be visible except during the execution of the transaction. This is the reason for the atomicity requirement. If the atomicity property provided all actions of the transaction are reflected in the database of none are. The mechanism of maintaining atomicity is as follows The DBMS keeps tracks of the old values of any data on which a transaction performs a Write and if the transaction does not complete its execution, old values are restored o make it appear as though the transaction never took place. The transaction management component of the DBMS ensures the atomicity of each transaction.


Review Questions 1.

Why Concurrent Control is needed?


Main goals of Database Concurrency Control.


What is concurrency?


State transition diagram for a Transaction. Concurrency Control Concurrency control in database management systems permits many users (assumed to be interactive) to access a database in a multiprogrammed environment while preserving the illusion that each user has sole access to the system. Control is needed to coordinate concurrent accesses to a DBMS so that the overall correctness of the database is maintained. For example, users A and B both may wish to read and update the same record in the database at about the same time. The relative timing of the two transactions may have an impact on the state of the database at the end of the transactions. The end result may be an inconsistent database. Why Concurrent Control is needed? •

Several problems can occur when concurrent transactions execute in an uncontrolled manner. •

The lost update problem : This occurs when two transactions that access the same database items have their operations interleaved in a way that makes the value of same database item incorrect.

The temporary update (or dirty read) problem : This occurs when one transaction updates a database item and then the transaction fails for some reason. The updated item is accessed by another transaction before it is changed back to its original value. The incorrect summary problem : If one transaction is calculating an aggregate function on a number of records while other transaction is updating some of these records, the aggregate function may calculate some values before they are updated and others after they are updated.


Whenever a transaction is submitted to a DBMS for execution, the system must make sure that : •

All the operations in the transaction are completed successfully and their effect is recorded permanently in the database; or

The transaction has no effect whatever on the database or on the other transactions in the case of that a transaction fails after executing some of operations but before executing all of them.

Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about ACID property.

Introduction Most modern computer systems, except the personal computers and many workstations, are multiuser systems. Mulitple users are able to use a single process simultaneously because of multiprogramming in which the processor (or processors) in the system is shared amongst a number of processes trying to access computer resources (including databases) simultaneously. The concurrent execution of programs is therefore interleaved with each program being allowed access to the CPU at regular intervals. This also enables another program to access the CPU while a program is doing I/O. In this chapter we discuss the problem of synchronization of access to shared objects in a database while supporting a high degree of concurrency. Concurrency control in database management systems permits many users (assumed to be interactive) to access a database in a multiprogrammed environment while preserving the illusion that each user has sole access to the system. Control is needed to coordinate concurrent accesses to a DBMS so that the overall correctness of the database is maintained. Efficiency is also important since the response time for interactive users ought to be short. The reader may have recognised that the concurrency problems in database management systems are related to the concurrency problems in operating systems although there are significant differences between the two. For example, operating systems only involve concurrent sharing of resources while the DBMS must deal with a number of users attempting to concurrently access and modify data in the database. Clearly no problem arises if all users were accessing the database only to retrieve information and no one was modifying it, for example, accessing the census data or a library catalogue. If one or more of the users were modifying the database e.g. a bank account or airline reservations, an update performed by one user may interfere with an update or retrieval by another user. For example, users A and B both may wish to read and update the same record in the database at about the same time. The relative timing of the two transactions may have an impact on the state of the database at the end of the transactions. The end result may be an inconsistent database. Our discussion of concurrency will be transaction based. A transaction is a sequence of actions

. As

noted in the last chapter, a transaction is a unit of consistency in that it preserves database consistency. We assume that all transactions complete successfully; problems of transactions failures are resolved by the recovery mechanisms. The only detail of transactions that interests us right now is their reads and writes although other computation would often be carried out between the reads and writes. We therefore assume that all


that form a transaction are either a read or a write. The

set of items read by a transaction are called its read set and the set of items written by it are called its write set. Two transactions and of

are said to conflict if some action


and an action

access the same object and at least one of the actions is

a write. Two situations are possible: 1. The write set of one transaction intersects with the read set of another. The result of running the two transactions concurrently will clearly depend on whether the write is done first or the read is. The conflict is called a RW-conflict; 2.

The write set of one transaction intersects with the write set of another. Again, the result of running the two transactions concurrently will depend on the order of the two writes. The conflict is called a WW-conflict.

A concurrency control mechanism must detect such conflicts and control them. Various concurrency control mechanisms are available. The mechanisms differ in the time they detect the conflict and the way they resolve it. We will consider the control algorithms later. First we discuss some examples of concurrency anomalies to highlight the need for concurrency control. We have noted already that in the discussion that follows we will ignore many details of a transaction. For example, we will not be concerned with any computations other than the READs and the WRITEs and whether results of a READ are being stored in a local variable or not.

ACID Properties ACID properties are an important concept for databases. The acronym stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. The ACID properties of a DBMS allow safe sharing of data. Without these ACID properties, everyday occurrences such using computer systems to buy products would be difficult and the potential for inaccuracy would be huge. Imagine more than one person trying to buy the same size and color of a sweater at the same time - a regular occurrence. The ACID properties make it possible for the merchant to keep these sweater purchasing transactions from overlapping each other - saving the merchant from erroneous inventory and account balances. Atomicity The phrase “all or nothing” succinctly describes the first ACID property of atomicity. When an update occurs to a database, either all or none of the update becomes available to anyone beyond the user or application performing the update. This update to the database is called a transaction and it either commits or aborts. This means that only a fragment of the update cannot be placed into the database, should a problem occur with either the hardware or the software involved. Features to consider for atomicity: a transaction is a unit of 147




operation - either all the transaction’s actions are completed or none are •

atomicity is maintained in the presence of deadlocks

atomicity is maintained in the presence of database software failures

• •

atomicity is maintained in the presence of application software failures atomicity is maintained in the presence of CPU failures

atomicity is maintained in the presence of disk failures

atomicity can be turned off at the system level

atomicity can be turned off at the session level

Consistency Consistency is the ACID property that ensures that any changes to values in an instance are consistent with changes to other values in the same instance. A consistency constraint is a predicate on data which server as a precondition, post-condition, and transformation condition on any transaction Isolation The isolation portion of the ACID properties is needed when there are concurrent transactions. Concurrent transactions are transactions that occur at the same time, such as shared multiple users accessing shared objects. This situation is illustrated at the top of the figure as activities occurring over time. The safeguards used by a DBMS to prevent conflicts between concurrent transactions are a concept referred to as isolation.

the DBMS is that the transactions may execute in serial order based on consistency and isolation requirements. If you look at the bottom of the figure, you can see several ways in which these transactions may execute. It is important to note that a serialized execution does not imply the first transactions will automatically be the ones that will terminate before other transactions in the serial order. Degrees of isolation¹ •

degree 0 - a transaction does not overwrite data updated by another user or process (“dirty data”) of other transactions

degree 1 - degree 0 plus a transaction does not commit any writes until it completes all its writes (until the end of transaction)

degree 2 - degree 1 plus a transaction does not read dirty data from other transactions degree 3 - degree 2 plus other transactions do not dirty data read by a transaction before the transaction commits

¹ These were originally described as degrees of consistency by Jim Gray. The following book provides excellent, updated coverage of the concept of isolation along with other transaction concepts Durability Maintaining updates of committed transactions is critical. These updates must never be lost. The ACID property of durability addresses this need. Durability refers to the ability of the system to recover committed transaction updates if either the system or the storage media fails. Features to consider for durability: •

recovery to the most recent successful commit after a database software failure

recovery to the most recent successful commit after an application software failure

recovery to the most recent successful commit after a CPU failure

recovery to the most recent successful backup after a disk failure recovery to the most recent successful commit after a data disk failure

• •

As an example, if two people are updating the same catalog item, it’s not acceptable for one person’s changes to be “clobbered” when the second person saves a different set of changes. Both users should be able to work in isolation, working as though he or she is the only user. Each set of changes must be isolated from those of the other users. An important concept to understanding isolation through transactions is serializability. Transactions are serializable when the effect on the database is the same whether the transactions are executed in serial order or in an interleaved fashion. As you can see at the top of the figure, Transactions 1 through Transaction 3 are executing concurrently over time. The effect on


Examples of Concurrency Anomalies •

Lost Updates

Inconsistent Retrievals

Uncommitted Dependency

Examples of Concurrency Anomalies There are three classical concurrency anomalies. These are lost updates, inconsistent retrievals and uncommitted dependency. •

Lost Updates

Inconsistent Retrievals

Uncommitted Dependency

Lost Updates Suppose two users A and B simultaneously access an airline database wishing to reserve a number of seats on a flight. Let us assume that A wishes to reserve five seats while B wishes to reserve four seats. The reservation of seats involves booking the seats and then updating the number of seats available ( N)

Uncommitted Dependency In the last chapter on recovery we discussed a recovery technique that involves immediate updates of the database and the maintenance of a log for recovery by rolling back the transaction in case of a system crash or transaction failure. If this technique was being used, we could have the following situation:

Figure 1 An Example of Lost Update Anomaly If the execution of the two transactions were to take place as shown in Fugure 1, the update by transaction A is lost although both users read the number of seats, get the bookings confirmed and write the updated number back to the database. This is called the lost update anomaly since the effects of one of the transactions were lost. Inconsistent Retrievals Consider two users A and B accessing a department database simultaneously. The user A is updating the database to give all employees in the department a 5% raise in their salary while the other user wants to know the total salary bill of the department. The two transactions interfere since the total salary bill would be changing as the first user updates the employee records. The total salary retrieved by the second user may be a sum of some salaries before the raise and others after the raise. This could not be considered an acceptable value of the total salary but the value before the raise or the value after the raise is acceptable.

Figure 3 An Example of Uncommitted Dependency Transaction A has now read the value of Q that was updated by transaction B but was never committed. The result of Transaction A writing Q therefore will lead to an inconsistent state of the database. Also if the transaction A doesn’t write Q but only reads it, it would be using a value of Q which never really existed! Yet another situation would occur if the roll back happens after Q is written by transaction A. The roll back would restore the old value of Q and therefore lead to the loss of updated Q by transaction A. This is called the uncommitted dependency anomaly. We will not discuss the problem of uncommitted dependency any further since we assume that the recovery algorithm will ensure that transaction A is also rolled back when B is. The most serious problem facing concurrency control is that of the lost update. The reader is probably already thinking of some solutions to the problem. The commonly suggested solutions are: 1. Once transaction A reads a record Q for an update, no other transaction is allowed to read it until transaction A update is completed. This is usually called locking.

Figure 2 An Example of Inconsistent Retrieval The problem illustrated in the last example is called the inconsistent retrieval anomaly. During the execution of a transaction therefore, changes made by another transaction that has not yet committed should not be visible since that data may not be consistent.


Both transaction A and B are allowed to read the same record Q but once A has updated the record, B is not allowed to update it as well since B would now be updating an old copy of the record Q. B must therefore read the record again and then perform the update.


Although both transactions A and B are allowed to read the same record Q, A is not allowed to update the record because another transaction (Transaction B) has the old value of the record.


Partition the database into several parts and schedule concurrent transactions such that each transaction uses a different partition. There is thus no conflict and database stays consistent. Often this is not feasible



on the flight. The two users read-in the present number of seats, modify it and write back resulting in the following situation:


since most databases have some parts (called hot spots) that most transactions want to access. These are in fact the major concurrency control techniques. We discuss them in detail later in this chapter. We first need to consider the concept of serializability which deals with correct execution of transactions concurrently. [phantoms???]

Review Question 1. Define ACID Property Selected Bibliography •

[ARIES] C. Mohan, et al.: ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging., TODS 17(1): 94162 (1992).

[CACHE] C. Mohan: Caching Technologies for Web Applications, A Tutorial at the Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Rome, Italy, 2001.

[CODASYL] ACM: CODASYL Data Base Task Group April 71 Report, New York, 1971.

[CODD] E. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. ACM 13(6):377-387 (1970).

[EBXML] http://www.ebxml.org.

[FED] J. Melton, J. Michels, V. Josifovski, K. Kulkarni, P. Schwarz, K. Zeidenstein: SQL and Management of External Data’, SIGMOD Record 30(1):70-77, 2001. [GRAY] Gray, et al.: Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database., IFIP Working Conference on Modelling of Database Management Systems, 1-29, AFIPS Press.

[INFO] P. Lyman, H. Varian, A. Dunn, A. Strygin, K. Swearingen: How Much Information? at http:// www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-muchinfo/.

[LIND] B. Lindsay, et. al: Notes on Distributed Database Systems. IBM Research Report RJ2571, (1979).



Following are the problems created due to the concurrent execution of the transactions:-

Multiple Update Problems In this problem, the data written by one transaction (an update operation) is being overwritten by another update transaction. This can be illustrated using our banking example. Consider our account CA2090 that has Rs. 50000 balance in it. Suppose a transaction T1 is withdrawing RS. 10000 fro the account while another transaction T2 is depositing RS. 20000 to the account. If these transactions were executed serially (one after another), the final balance would be Rs. 60000, irrespective of the order in which the transactions are performed. In other words, if the transactions were performed serially, then the result would be the sameif T1 is performed first or T2 is performed first-order is not important. But idf the transactions are performed concurrently, then depending on how the transactions are executed the results will vary. Consider the execution of the transactions given below Sequ



ence 01

Account Balance



Transaction 02 03







Read (CA2090)








Write (CA2090)




2090 -10000 04 05 06

Both transactions start nearly at the same time and both read the account balance of 50000. Both transactions perform the operations that they are supposed to perform-T1 will reduce the amount by 10000and will write the result to the data base; T2 will increase the amount by 20000 and will write the amount to the database overwriting the previous update. Thus the account balance will gain additional 10000 producing a wrong result. If T2 were to start execution first, the result would have been 40000 and the result would have been wrong again. This situation could be avoided by preventing T2 from reading the value of the account balance until the update by T1 has been completed.

Incorrect Analysis Problem Problems could arise even when a transaction is not updating the database. Transactions that read the database can also produce wrong result, if they are allowed to read the database when the database is in an inconsistent state. This problem is

often referred to as dirty read or unrepeatable data. The problem of dirty read occurs when a transaction reads several values from the data base while another transactions are updating the values. Consider the case of the transaction that reads the account balances from all accounts to find the total amount in various account. Suppose that there are other transactions, which are updating the account balances-either reducing the amount (withdrawals) or increasing the amount (deposits). So when the first transaction reads the account balances and finds the totals, it will be wrong, as it might have read the account balances before the update in the case of some accounts and after the updates in other accounts. This problem is solved by preventing the first transaction (the one that reads the balances) from reading the account balances until all the transactions that update the accounts are completed. Inconsistent Retrievals Consider two users A and B accessing a department database simultaneously. The user A is updating the database to give all employees a 5% salary raise while user B wants to know the total salary bill of a department. The two transactions interfere since the total salary bill would be changing as the first user updates the employee records. The total salary retrieved by the second user may be a sum of some salaries before the raise and others after the raise. Such a sum could not be considered an acceptable value of the total salary (the value before the raise or after the raise would be).


Time B

Read Employee 100 1




Update -

2 Salary 3 4



Read Employee 100

Write Employee 100 5



Sum = Sum + Salary


Read Employee 101 7



Read Employee 101

Update -

8 Salary 9 10

Sum = Sum + Salary

Write Employee 101 11











Figure 2. An Example of Inconsistent Retrieval





The problem illustrated in the last example is called the inconsistent retrieval anomaly. During the execution of a transaction therefore, changes made by another transaction that has not yet committed should not be visible since that data may not be consistent. Uncommitted Dependency Consider the following situation:


Time B










Read-Write Synchronization: If a transaction reads a value written by another transaction in one schedule, then it also does so in the other schedule. Write-Write Synchronization: If a transaction overwrites the value of another transaction in one schedule, it also does so in the other schedule. These two properties ensure that there can be no difference in the effects of the two schedules


Read Q 4








Write Q 7




Failure (rollback)





Serializable Schedule A schedule is serial if, for every transaction T participating the schedule, all the operations of T are executed consecutively in the schedule. Otherwise it is called non-serial schedule. • •

Every serial schedule is considered correct; some nonserial schedules give erroneous results. A schedule S of n transactions is serializable if it is equivalent to some serial schedule of the same n transactions; a nonserial schedule which is not equivalent to any serial schedule is not serializable. The definition of two schedules considered “equivalent”: •

result equivalent: producing same final state of the database (is not used)

conflict equivalent: If the order of any two conflicting operations is the same in both schedules.

view equivalent: If each read operation of a transaction reads the result of the same write operation in both schedules and the write operations of each transaction must produce the same results.

Figure 3. An Example of Uncommitted Dependency Transaction A reads the value of Q that was updated by transaction B but was never committed. The result of Transaction A writing Q therefore will lead to an inconsistent state of the database. Also if the transaction A doesn’t write Q but only reads it, it would be using a value of Q which never really existed! Yet another situation would occur if the roll back happens after Q is written by transaction A. The roll back would restore the old value of Q and therefore lead to the loss of updated Q by transaction A. This is called the uncommitted dependency anomaly. Serializability Serializability is a given set of interleaved transactions is said to be serial sable if and only if it produces the same results as the serial execution of the same transactions Serializability is an important concept associated with locking. It guarantees that the work of concurrently executing transactions will leave the database state as it would have been if these transactions had executed serially. This requirement is the ultimate criterion for database consistency and is the motivation for the two-phase locking protocol, which dictates that no new locks can be acquired on behalf of a transaction after the DBMS releases a lock held by that transaction. In practice, this protocol generally means that locks are held until commit time. Serializability is the classical concurrency scheme. It ensures that a schedule for executing concurrent transactions is equivalent to one that executes the transactions serially in some order. It assumes that all accesses to the database are done using read and write operations. A schedule is called “correct” if we can find a serial schedule that is “equivalent” to it. Given a set of transactions T1...Tn, two schedules S1 and S2 of these transactions are equivalent if the following conditions are satisfied:


Conflict serializable: if a schedule S is conflict equivalent to some serial schedule. we can reorder the non-conflicting operations S until we form the equivalent serial schedule, and S is a serializable schedule.

View Serializability: Two schedules are said to be view equivalent if the following three conditions hold. The same set of transactions participate in S and S’; and S and S’ include the same operations of those transactions. A schedule S is said to be view serializable if it is view equivalent to a serial schedule.

Testing for Serializability Since a serializable schedule is a correct schedule, we would like the DBMS scheduler to test each proposed schedule for serializability before accepting it. Unfortunately most concurrency control method do not test for serializability since it is much more time-consuming task than what a scheduler can be expected to do for each schedule. We therefore resort to a simpler technique and develop a set of simple criteria or protocols that all schedules will be required to satisfy. These criteria are not necessary for serializability but they are sufficient. Some techniques based on these criteria are discussed in Section 4. There is a simple technique for testing a given schedule S for conflict serializability. The testing is based on constructing a directed graph in which each of the transactions is represented by one node and an edge between


exists if any of the

following conflict operations appear in the schedule:

executes WRITE( X) before

executes READ( X), or


executes READ( X) before

executes WRITE( X)


executes WRITE( X) before

executes WRITE( X).

[Needs fixing] Three possibilities if there are two transactions that interfere with each other. This is not serializable since is has a cycle. Basically this graph implies that

ought to happen before


- an impossibility. If there is

ought to happen before

no cycle in the precedence graph, it is possible to build an equivalent serial schedule by traversing the graph. The above conditions are derived from the following argument. Let


both access X and

or Write(X). If if

Read(X) ( then

access is a Read(X) then there is conflict onlyy

had a Write(X) and if

come before

consist of either a Read(X)

. If however

did have a Write(X) then had a Write(X) and


had a

would have a Read(X) even if it had a Write(X))

must come before

. [Needs fixing]

Enforcing Serializability As noted earlier, a schedule of a set of transactions is serializable if computationally its effect is equal to the effect of some serial execution of the transactions. One way to enforce serializability is to insist that when two transactions are executed, one of the transactions is assumed to be older than the other. Now the only schedules that are accepted are those in which data items that are common to the two transactions are seen by the junior transaction after the older transaction has written them back. The three basic techniques used in concurrency control (locking, timestamping and optimistic concurrency control) enforce this in somewhat different ways. The only schedules that these techniques allow are those that are serializable. We now discuss the techniques. Recoverability So far we have studied what schedules are acceptable from the viewpoint of consistency of the database, assuming implicitly that there are no transaction failures. We now address the effect of transaction failures during concurrent execution. If a transaction T i fails, for whatever reasons, we need to undo the effect of this transaction to ensure the atomicity property of the transaction. In a system that allows concurrent execution, it is necessary also to ensure that any transaction T j that is dependent on T i (that is T j has read data written by T i ) is also aborted. To achieve this surety, we need to place restrictions on the type of schedules permitted in the system

Recoverable Schedules A recoverable schedule is one where, for each pair of transaction T i and T j such that T j reads a data item previously written by T i , the commit operation of T i appears before the commit operation of T j. Cascade less Schedules Even if a schedule is recoverable, to recover correctly from the failure of transaction T i , we may have to rollback several transactions. This phenomenon, in which a single transaction failure which leads to a series of transaction rollbacks, is called cascading rollbacks. Cascading rollback is undesirable, since it leads to the undoing of a significant amount of work. It is desirable to restrict the schedules to those where cascading rollbacks cannot occur. Such schedules are called cascadeless schedules. Then we can say that a Cascadeless Schedule is one where, for each pair of transactions T i and T j such that T j reads a data item previously written by T i ., the commit operation of T i appears before the read operation of T j. It is easy to verify that every cascadeless schedule is also recoverable Transaction Definition in SQL A data manipulation language must include a construct for specifying the set of actions that constitute a transaction. The SQL standard specifies that a transaction begins implicitly. Transactions are ended with one of these SQL statements. •

Commit work - commit the current transaction and begins a new one

Rollback work - causes the current transaction to abort.

The keyword is optional. If a program terminates without either of these commands, the updates are either committed or rolled back-which of the two happens is not specified by the standard and depends on the implementation.

Review Questions 1. 2.

Explain the various transaction properties? Why concurrency is needed?


What are the various transaction states?


Explain the implementation of acid properties?

References Date, C.J., Introduction to Database Systems (7th Edition) Addison Wesley, 2000 Leon, Alexis and Leon, Mathews, Database Management Systems, LeonTECHWorld Notes:

No we are going to look at what schedules are acceptable from the view point of recovery from transaction failure.





LESSON 30 SERIALIZABILITY Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about Serialization. The concept of a transaction has been discussed in the last chapter. A transaction must have the properties of atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability. In addition, when more than one transaction are being executed concurrently, we must have serializability. When two or more transactions are running concurrently, the steps of the transactions would normally be interleaved. The interleaved execution of transactions is decided by the database system software called the scheduler which receives a stream of user requests that arise from the active transactions. A particular sequencing (usually interleaved) of the actions of a set of transactions is called a schedule. A serial schedule is a schedule in which all the operations of one transaction are completed before another transaction can begin (that is, there is no interleaving). Later in the section we will show several different schedules of the same two transactions. It is the responsibility of the scheduler to maintain consistency while allowing maximum concurrency. The scheduler therefore must make sure that only correct schedules are allowed. We would like to have a mechanism or a set of conditions that define a correct schedule. That is unfortunately not possible since it is always very complex to define a consistent database. The assertions defining a consistent database (called integrity constraints or consistency constraints) could well be as complex as the database itself and checking these assertions, assuming one could explicitly enumerate them, after each transaction would not be practical. The simplest approach to this problem is based on the notion of each transaction being correct by itself and a schedule of concurrent executions being able to preserve their correctness. A serial schedule is always correct since we assume transactions do not depend on each other. We further assume that each transaction when run in isolation transforms a consistent database into a new consistent state and therefore a set of transactions executed one after another (i.e. serially) must also be correct. A database may however not be consistent during the execution of a transaction but it is assumed the database is consistent at the end of the transaction. Although using only serial schedules to ensure consistency is a possibility, it is often not a realistic approach since a transaction may at times be waiting for some input/output from secondary storage or from the user while the CPU remains idle, wasting a valuable resource. Another transaction could have been running while the first transaction is waiting and this would obviously improve the system efficiency. We therefore need to investigate schedules that are not serial. However, since all serial schedules are correct, interleaved schedules that are equivalent to them must also be considered correct. There are in fact n! different serial schedules for a set of any n transactions. Note that not all 154

serial schedules of the same set of transactions result in the same consistent state of the database. For example, a seat reservation system may result in different allocations of seats for different serial schedules although each schedule will ensure that no seat is sold twice and no request is denied if there is a free seat available on the flight. However one serial schedule could result in 200 passengers on the plane while another in 202 as shown below. Let us consider an airline reservation system. Let there be 12 seats available on flight QN32. Three requests arrive; transaction for 3 seats, transaction

for 5 seats and transaction


7 seats. If the transactions are executed in the order {

} then we allocate 8 seats but cannot meet the

third request since there are only 4 seats left after allocating seats for the first two transactions. If the transactions are executed in the order {

}, we allocate all the 12 remaining seats

but the request of transaction

cannot be met. If the

transactions are instead executed in the order {


then we allocate 10 seats but are unable to meet the request of Transaction

for 5 seats. In all there are 3!, that is 6, different

serial schedules possible. The remaining three are {

}, {

}, and {

}. They lead to

10, 8 and 12 seats being sold respectively. All the above serial schedules must be considered correct although any one of the three possible results may be obtained as a result of running these transactions. We have seen that some sets of transactions when executed concurrently may lead to problems, for example, lost update anomaly. Of course, any sets of transactions can be executed concurrently without leading to any difficulties if the read and write sets of these transactions do not intersect. We want to discuss sets of transactions that do interfere with each other. To discuss correct execution of such transactions, we need to define the concept of serializability. Let T be a set of n transactions . If the n transactions are executed serially (call this execution S), we assume they terminate properly and leave the database in a consistent state. A concurrent execution of the n transactions in T (call this execution C) is called serializable if the execution is computationally equivalent to a serial execution. There may be more than one such serial execution. That is, the concurrent execution C always produces exactly the same effect on the database as some serial execution S does where S is some serial execution of T, not necessarily the order transaction

. Thus if a

writes a data item A in the interleaved schedule C


before another transaction

reads or writes the same data

item, the schedule C must be equivalent to a serial schedule in which

appears before


. Therefore in the interleaved

appears logically before it

does; same as in the

equivalent serial schedule. The concept of serializability defined here is sometimes called final state serializability; other forms of serializability exist. The final state serializability has sometimes been criticized for being too strict while at other times it has been criticized for being not strict enough! Some of these criticisms are valid though and it is therefore necessary to provide another definition of serializability called view serializability. Two schedules are called view serializable if the order of any two conflicting operations in the two schedules is the same. As discussed earlier, two transactions may have a RWconflict or a WW-conflict when they both access the same data item. Discussion of other forms of serializability is beyond the scope of these notes and the reader is referred to the book by Papadimitriou (1986).

Figure 5 An interleaved serializable schedule

If a schedule of transactions is not serializable, we may be able to overcome the concurrency problems by modifying the schedule so that it serializable. The modifications are made by the database scheduler. We now consider a number of examples of possible schedules of two transactions running concurrently. Consider a situation where a couple has three accounts (A, B, C) with a bank. The husband and the wife maintain separate personal savings accounts while they also maintain a loan account on their house. A is the husband’s account, B is the wife’s account and C is the housing loan. Each month a payment of $500 is made to the account C. To make the payment on this occasion, the couple walk to two adjoining automatic teller machines and the husband transfers $200 from account A to C (Transaction 1) while the wife on the other machine transfers $300 from account B to C (Transaction 2). Several different schedules for these two transactions are possible. We present the following four schedules for consideration.

Figure 6 An interleaved non-serializable schedule

Figure 4 A serial schedule without interleaving

Figure 7 Another interleaved serializable schedule 155


It is therefore clear that many interleaved schedules would result in a consistent state while many others will not. All correct schedules are serializable since they all must be equivalent to either serial schedule (

) or (


Testing for Serializability Since a serializable schedule is a correct schedule, we would like the DBMS scheduler to test each proposed schedule for serializability before accepting it. Unfortunately most concurrency control method do not test for serializability since it is much more time-consuming task than what a scheduler can be expected to do for each schedule. We therefore resort to a simpler technique and develop a set of simple criteria or protocols that all schedules will be required to satisfy. These criteria are not necessary for serializability but they are sufficient. Some techniques based on these criteria are discussed in Section 4.

seen by the junior transaction after the older transaction has written them back. The three basic techniques used in concurrency control (locking, timestamping and optimistic concurrency control) enforce this in somewhat different ways. The only schedules that these techniques allow are those that are serializable. We now discuss the techniques.

Review Question 1.

What is serialization and why it is important?

Selected Bibliography •

[ARIES] C. Mohan, et al.: ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging., TODS 17(1): 94162 (1992).

[CACHE] C. Mohan: Caching Technologies for Web Applications, A Tutorial at the Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Rome, Italy, 2001.

[CODASYL] ACM: CODASYL Data Base Task Group April 71 Report, New York, 1971.

[CODD] E. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. ACM 13(6):377-387 (1970).

following conflict operations appear in the schedule:


executes WRITE( X) before

executes READ( X), or


executes READ( X) before

executes WRITE( X)

[EBXML] http://www.ebxml.org. [FED] J. Melton, J. Michels, V. Josifovski, K. Kulkarni, P. Schwarz, K. Zeidenstein: SQL and Management of External Data’, SIGMOD Record 30(1):70-77, 2001.


executes WRITE( X) before

executes WRITE( X).

There is a simple technique for testing a given schedule S for conflict serializability. The testing is based on constructing a directed graph in which each of the transactions is represented by one node and an edge between


exists if any of the

[GRAY] Gray, et al.: Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database., IFIP Working Conference on Modelling of Database Management Systems, 1-29, AFIPS Press.

[INFO] P. Lyman, H. Varian, A. Dunn, A. Strygin, K. Swearingen: How Much Information? at http:// www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-muchinfo/.

[LIND] B. Lindsay, et. al: Notes on Distributed Database Systems. IBM Research Report RJ2571, (1979).

[Needs fixing] Three possibilities if there are two transactions that interfere with each other. This is not serializable since is has a cycle. Basically this graph implies that

ought to happen before


- an impossibility. If there is

ought to happen before

no cycle in the precedence graph, it is possible to build an equivalent serial schedule by traversing the graph. The above conditions are derived from the following argument. Let


both access X and

or Write(X). If if

Read(X) ( then

access is a Read(X) then there is conflict onlyy

had a Write(X) and if

come before

consist of either a Read(X)

. If however

did have a Write(X) then had a Write(X) and

must had a

would have a Read(X) even if it had a Write(X))

must come before

. [Needs fixing]

Enforcing Serializability As noted earlier, a schedule of a set of transactions is serializable if computationally its effect is equal to the effect of some serial execution of the transactions. One way to enforce serializability is to insist that when two transactions are executed, one of the transactions is assumed to be older than the other. Now the only schedules that are accepted are those in which data items that are common to the two transactions are 156



Locking Locking is a common technique by which a database may synchronize execution of concurrent transactions. Using locking a transaction can obtain exclusive or shareable access rights (called locks) to an object. If the access provided by the lock is shareable, the lock is often called a shared lock (sometime called a read lock). On the other hand if the access is exclusive, the lock is called an exclusive lock (sometime called a write lock). If a number of transactions need to read an object and none of them wishes to write that object, a shared lock would be the most appropriate. Of course, if any of the transactions were to write the object, the transaction must acquire an exclusive lock on the object to avoid the concurrency anomalies that we have discussed earlier. A number of locking protocols are possible. Each protocol consists of 1.

A set of locking types


A set of rules indicating what locks can be granted concurrently


A set of rules that transactions must follow when acquiring or releasing locks

We will use the simplest approach that uses shared and exclusive locks, a transaction would set a read lock on the data item that it reads and exclusive lock on the data item that it needs to update. As the names indicate, a transaction may obtain a shared lock on a data item even if another transaction is holding a shared lock on the same data item at the same time. Of course, a transaction cannot obtain a shared or exclusive lock on a data item if another transaction is holding an exclusive lock on the data item. The shared lock may be upgraded to an exclusive lock (assuming no other transaction is holding a shared lock on the same data item at that time) for items that the transaction wishes to write. This technique is sometime also called blocking because if another transaction requests access to an exclusively locked item, the lock request is denied and the requesting transaction is blocked. A transaction can hold a lock on one or more items of information. The data item must be unlocked before the transaction is completed. The locks are granted by a database system software called the lock manager which maintains information on all locks that are active and controls access to the locks. As noted earlier, several modes of locks may be available. For example, in shared mode, a transaction can read the locked data item but cannot update it. In exclusive lock mode, a transaction has exclusive access to the locked data item and no other transaction is allowed access to it until the lock is released. A transaction is allowed to update the data item only as long as an exclusive lock is held on it.

If transactions running concurrently are allowed to acquire and release locks as data item is read and updated, there is a danger that incorrect results may be produced. Consider the following example:

Table 8 - Unserializable Schedule using Locks XL (called exclusively lock) is a request for an exclusive lock and UL is releasing the lock (sometimes called unlock). SL is a request for a shared lock. In the example above, the result displayed by transaction 2 is incorrect because it was able to read B before the update but read A only after the update. The above schedule is therefore not serializable. As discussed earlier, the problem with above schedule is inconsistent retrieval. The problem arises because the above schedule involves two RW-conflicts and the first one that involves A involves Transaction 1 logically appearing before Transaction 2 while the second conflict involving B involves Transaction 2 logically appearing before Transaction 1. To overcome this problem a two-phase locking ( 2PL) scheme is used in which a transaction cannot request a new lock after releasing a lock. Two phase locking involves the following two phases: 1.

Growing Phase ( Locking Phase) - During this phase locks may be acquired but not released.


Shrinking Phase ( Unlocking Phase) - During this phase locks may be released but not acquired.



Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about Locks in DBMS.


In summary, the main feature of locking is that conflicts are checked at the beginning of the execution and resolved by waiting. Using the two-phase locking scheme in the above example, we obtain the following schedule by modifying the earlier schedule so that all locks are obtained before any lock is released:

possible only if there is a edge between


because one

of the above conditions was met followed by the schedule meeting one of the following conditions: 1.

executes WRITE( Y) before


executes READ( Y) before


executes WRITE( Y) before

executes READ( Y), or executes WRITE( Y) executes WRITE( Y).

These two sets of conditions provide a total of nine different combinations of conditions which could lead to a cycle. It can be shown that none of these combinations are possible. For example, assume the following two conditions have been satisfied by a schedule: 1.

executes WRITE( X) before

executes READ( X),


executes WRITE( Y) before

executes WRITE( Y).

For these conditions to have met, which it would release allowing the second condition to have met, which it would release allowing Table 9 - A Schedule using Two-Phase Locking Unfortunately, although the above schedule would not lead to incorrect results, it has another difficulty: both the transactions are blocked waiting for each other; a classical deadlock situation has occurred! Deadlocks arise because of circular wait conditions involving two or more transactions as above. A system that does not allow deadlocks to occur is called deadlock-free. In twophase locking, we need a deadlock detection mechanism and a scheme for resolving the deadlock once a deadlock has occurred. We will look at such techniques in Section 5. The attraction of the two-phase algorithm derives from a theorem which proves that the two-phase locking algorithm always leads to serializable schedules that are equivalent to serial schedules in the order in which each transaction acquires its last lock. This is a sufficient condition for serializability although it is not necessary. To show that conditions of serializability are met if 2PL is used we proceed as follows. We know that a test of serializability requires building a directed graph in which each of the transactions is represented by one node and an edge between


exists if any of the following conflict operations appear in the schedule: 1.

executes WRITE( X) before


executes READ( X) before


executes WRITE( X) before

executes READ( X), or executes WRITE( X) executes WRITE( X).

A schedule will not be serializable if a cycle is found in the graph. We assume a simple concurrent execution of two transactions and assume that the graph has a cycle. The cycle is


must have had an XL(X) to acquire SL(X). Also, for must have had an XL(Y) to acquire XL(Y). This is just

not possible using 2PL. Similarly, it can be shown that none of the nine combinations of conditions are possible if 2PL is used. Several versions of two-phase locking have been suggested. Two commonly used versions are called the static two-phase locking and the dynamic two-phase locking. The static technique basically involves locking all items of information needed by a transaction before the first step of the transaction and unlocking them all at the end of the transaction. The dynamic scheme locks items of information needed by a transaction only immediately before using them. All locks are released at the end of the transaction. [which is better??] To use the locking mechanism, the nature and size of the individual data item that may be locked must be decided upon. A lockable data item could be as large as a relation or as small as an attribute value of a tuple. The lockable item could also be of a size in between, for example, a page of a relation or a single tuple. Larger the size of the items that are locked, the smaller the concurrency that is possible since when a transaction wants to access one or more tuples of a relation, it is allowed to lock the whole relation and some other transaction wanting to access some other tuples of the relation is denied access. On the other hand, coarse granularity reduces the overhead costs of locking since the table that maintains information on the locks is smaller. Fine granularity of the locks involving individual tuple locking or locking of even smaller items allows greater concurrency at the cost of higher overheads. Therefore there is a tradeoff between level of concurrency and overhead costs. Perhaps a system can allow variable granularity so that in some situations, for example when computing the projection of a relation, the whole relation may be locked while in other situations only a small part of the relation needs locking.

Timestamp techniques are based on assigning a unique timestamp (a number indicating the time of the start of the transaction) for each transaction at the start of the transaction and insisting that the schedule executed is always serializable to the serial schedule in the chronological order of the timestamps. This is in contrast to two-phase locking where any schedule that is equivalent to some serial schedule is acceptable. Since the scheduler will only accept schedules that are serializable to the serial schedule in the chronological order of the timestamps, the scheduler must insist that in case of conflicts, the junior transaction must process information only after the older transaction has written them. The transaction with the smaller timestamp being the older transaction. For the scheduler to be able to carry this control, the data items also have read and write timestamps. The read timestamp of a data item X is the timestamp of the youngest transaction that has read it and the write timestamp is the timestamp of the youngest transaction that has written it. Let timestamp of a transaction be TS(T). Consider a transaction

with timestamp = 1100. Suppose the

smallest unit of concurrency control is a relation and the transaction wishes to read or write some tuples from a relation named R. Let the read timestamp of R be RT(R) and write timestamp be WT(R). The following situations may then arise: 1.

wishes to read R. The read by

will be allowed only if


that is the

last write was by an older transaction. This condition ensures that data item read by a transaction has not been written by a younger transaction. If the write timestamp of R is larger than 1100 (that is, a younger transaction has written it), then the older transaction is rolled back and restarted with a new timestamp. 2.

wishes to read R. The read by

will be allowed if it

satisfies the above condition even if , that is the last read was by a younger transaction. Therefore if data item has been read by a younger transaction that is quite acceptable. 3.

wishes to write some tuples of a relation R. The write will be allowed only if read timestamp or

, that is the

last read of the transaction was by an older transaction and therefore no younger transaction has read the relation. 4.

wishes to write some tuples of a relation R. The write need not be carried out if the above condition is met and

if the last write was by a younger transaction, that is, . The reason this write is not needed is that in this case the younger transaction has not read R since if it had, the older transaction

would have

been aborted. If the data item has been read by a younger transaction, the older transaction is rolled back and restarted with a new timestamp. It is not necessary to check the write (??) since if a younger transaction has written the relation, the younger transaction would have read the data item and the older transaction has old data item and may be ignored. It is possible to ignore the write if the second condition is violated since the transaction is attempting to write obsolete data item. [expand!] Let us now consider what happens when an attempt is made to implement the following schedule: ??? We assume transaction

to be older and thereforee .

Read (A) by transaction

is permitted since A has not been

written by a younger transaction. Write (A) by transaction


also permitted since A has not been read or written by a younger transaction. Read (B) by transaction

is permitted

since B has not been written by a younger transaction. Read (B) by transaction

however is not allowed since B has been read

by (younger) transaction

and therefore transaction


rolled back. [needs to be read again and fixed] Refer to page 383 of Korth and Silberchatz for a schedule that is possible under the timestamping control but not under 2PL Deadlocks A deadlock may be defined as a situation in which each transaction in a set of two or more concurrently executing transactions is blocked circularly waiting for another transaction in the set, and therefore none of the transactions will become unblocked unless there is external intervention. A deadlock is clearly undesirable but often deadlocks are unavoidable. We therefore must deal with the deadlocks when they occur. There are several aspects of dealing with deadlocks: one should prevent them if possible (deadlock prevention), detect them when they occur (deadlock detection) and resolve them when a deadlock has been detected (deadlock resolution). Deadlocks may involve two, three or more transactions. To resolve deadlocks, one must keep track of what transactions are waiting and for which transaction they are waiting for. Once a deadlock is identified, one of the transactions in the deadlock must be selected and rolled back (such transaction is called a victim) thereby releasing all the locks that that transaction held breaking the deadlock. Since locking is the most commonly used (and often the most efficient) technique for concurrency control, we must deal with 159


Timestamping Control The two-phase locking technique relies on locking to ensure that each interleaved schedule executed is serializable. Now we discuss a technique that does not use locks and works quite well when level of contention between transactions running concurrently is not high. It is called Timestamping.


deadlocks. The deadlocks may either be prevented or identified when they happen and then resolved. We discuss both these techniques.




the youngest transaction since this is likely to have done the least amount of work.

Deadlock Prevention Deadlocks occur when some transactions wait for other transactions to release a resource and the wait is circular (in that


the one that has written the least data back to the database since all the data written must be undone in the rollback.


the one that is likely to affect the least number of other transactions. That is, the transaction whose rollback will lead to least other rollbacks (in cascade rollback). the one with the fewest locks.

waits for waiting for for

which is waiting for or in the simplest case

which in turn is waits for


). Deadlocks can be prevented if circular waits are

eliminated. This can be done either by defining an order on who may wait for whom or by eliminating all waiting. We first discuss two techniques that define an ordering on transactions. [Further info .. Ullman page 373] Wait-die Algorithm When a conflict occurs between transaction), if


possesses the lock then


being the older (the younger one)

is not allowed to wait. It must rollback and restart. If however possessed the lock at conflict, the senior transaction is allowed to wait. The technique therefore avoids cyclic waits and generally avoids starvations (a transaction’s inability to secure resources that it needs). A senior transaction may however find that it has to wait for every resource that it needs, and it may take a while to complete. Wound-die Algorithm To overcome the possibility of senior transaction having to wait for every item of data that it needs, the wound-die scheme allows a senior transaction to immediately acquire a data item that it needs and is being controlled by a younger transaction. The younger transaction is then restarted.


One experimental study has suggested that the victim with the fewest locks provides the best performance. Also it has been suggested that if deadlock prevention with immediate restart is to be used, the database performance suffers.

Evaluation of Control Mechanisms A number of researchers have evaluated the various concurrency control mechanisms that have been discussed here. It is generally accepted that a technique that minimizes the number of restarts (like the two-phase locking technique) is superior when the number of conflicts is high. The timestamping and the optimistic algorithms usually performed much worse under high conflict levels since they wasted the most resources through restarts. Deadlock prevention techniques like those based on immediate restart tend to make the database slow down somewhat. One therefore must have deadlock detection technique in place. At low loads, it doesn’t really matter much which technique is used although some studies show that the optimistic techniques then are more efficient. It is of course possible to use more than one technique in a system. For example, two-phase locking may be combined with optimistic technique to produce hybrid techniques that work well in many situations.

Review Question

Immediate Restart In this scheme, no waiting is allowed. If a transaction requests a lock on a data item that is being held by another transaction (younger or older), the requesting transaction is restarted immediately. This scheme can lead to starvation if a transaction requires several popular data items since every time the transaction restarts and seeks a new item, it finds some data item to be busy resulting in it being rolled back and restarted.


What is two phase locking


Define • Page locking

Deadlock Detection As noted earlier, when locking is used, one needs to build and analyse a waits-for graph every time a transaction is blocked by a lock. This is called continuous detection. One may prefer a periodic detection scheme although results of experiments seem to indicate that the continuous scheme is more efficient.


Once a deadlock has been detected, it must be resolved. The most common resolution technique requires that one of the transactions in the waits-for graph be selected as a victim and be rolled back and restarted. The victim may be selected as


Cluster locking

Class or table locking

Object or instance locking



Agarwal, R. and DeWitt, D. (1985), “Integrated Concurrency Control and Recovery Mechanisms: Design and Performance Evaluation”, ACM TODS, Vol. 10, pp. 529-564. Agarwal, R., Carey, M. J. and McWoy, L. (1988?), “The Performance of Alternative Strategies for Dealing with Deadlocks in Database Management Systems”, IEEE Trans. Software Engg., pp. ??


Agarwal, R., Carey, M. J. and Livny, M. (1987), “Concurrency Control Performance Modeling: Alternatives and Implications”, ACM TODS, Vol. 12, pp. 609-654.


Bernstein, P. A. and Goodman, N. (1980), “TimestampBased Algorithms for Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems”, Proc VLDB, Oct. 1980, pp. 285-300.

Bernstein, P. A. and Goodman N. (1981), “Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems”, ACM Computing Surveys, June 1981, pp. 185-222.


Carey, M. and Muhanna, W. (1986), “The Performance of Multiversion Concurrency Control Algorithms”, In ACM Trans. Comp. Syst. Vol 4, pp. 338-378.


Carey, M. and Stonebraker, M. (1984), “The Performance of Concurrency Control Algorithms for Database Management Systems”, In VLDB 1984, pp. 107-118.


Coffman, E., Elphich, M., Shoshani, A. (1971), “System Deadlocks”, ACM Computing Surveys, 2, 3, pp. 67-78. Eswaran, K. P., Gray, J. N., Lorie, R. A. and Traiger, I. L. (1976), “The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Database System”, Comm. ACM, 10, 11, pp. 624-633.




10. Gray, J. (1978), “Notes on Data Base Operating Systems”, in Operating Systems: An Advanced Course, Eds. R. Bayer, R. M. Graham and G. Seegmuller, Springer-Verlag. 11. Gray, J. (1981), “The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations”, Proc VLDB, Sept 1981. 12. Gray, J. N., Lorie, R. A. and Putzolu, G. R.(1975), “Granularity of Locks in a Large Shared Data Base”, Proc VLDB, Sept 1975. 13. Gray, J. N., Lorie, R. A., Putzolu, G. R. and Traiger, I. L. (1976), “Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Data Base”, in Proc. IFIP TC-2 Working Conference on Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Ed. G. M. Nijssen, North-Holland. 14. Kung, H. T. and Papadimitriou, C. H. (1979), “An Optimality Theory of Concurrency Control in Databases”, Proc ACM SIGMOD, pp. ??? 15. Kung, H. T. and Robinson, J. T. (1981), “On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control”, ACM TODS, Vol. 6, pp.?? 16. Ries, D. R. and Stonebraker, M. R.(1977), “Effects of Locking Granularity in a Database Management System”, ACM TODS, Vol 2, pp.?? 17. Papadimitriou, C. H. (1986), “The Theory of Database Concurrency Control”, Computer Science Press. Notes:



LESSON 32 LOCK-II Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about Locks in DBMS in great detail. As you know now that Concurrency control and locking is the mechanism used by DBMSs for the sharing of data. Atomicity, consistency, and isolation are achieved through concurrency control and locking. When many people may be reading the same data item at the same time, it is usually necessary to ensure that only one application at a time can change a data item. Locking is a way to do this. Because of locking, all changes to a particular data item will be made in the correct order in a transaction. The amount of data that can be locked with the single instance or groups of instances defines the granularity of the lock. The types of granularity are illustrated here are: •

Page locking

Cluster locking

Class or table locking Object or instance locking

Page Locking Page locking (or page-level locking) concurrency control is shown in the figure below. In this situation, all the data on a specific page are locked. A page is a common unit of storage in computer systems and is used by all types of DBMSs. In this figure, each rectangle represents a page. Locking for objects is on the left and page locking for relational tuples is on the right. If the concept of pages is new to you, just think of a page as a unit of space on the disk where multiple data instances are stored.

Cluster Locking Cluster locking or container locking for concurrency control is illustrated in the figure below. In this form of locking, all data clustered together (on a page or multiple pages) will be locked simultaneously. This applies only to clusters of objects in ODBMSs. Note that in this example, the cluster of objects spans portions of three pages.

Class or Table locking Class or table locking means that all instances of either a class or table are locked, as is illustrated below. This shows one form of concurrency control. Note the circle at the lower left. It represents all instances of a class, regardless of the page where they are stored.

Two Phase Locking A two-phase locking (2PL) scheme is a locking scheme in which a transaction cannot request a new lock after releasing a lock. Two phases locking therefore involves two phases: •

Growing Phase (Locking Phase) - When locks are acquired and none released.

Shrinking Phase (Unlocking Phase) - When locks are released and none acquired.

The attraction of the two-phase algorithm derives from a theorem which proves that the two-phase locking algorithm 162

situation occurs when a transaction is late in performing the write and a younger transaction has already read the old value or written a new one. In this case the transaction T is aborted and is restarted with a new timestamp.

Timestamp Ordering Protocol

In the previous chapter of locking we have studied about the 2 phase locking system. Here I would like to discuss with you certain other concurrency control schemes and protocols. The timestamp method for concurrency control does not need any locks and therefore there are no deadlocks. Locking methods generally prevent conflicts by making transaction to walk. Timestamp methods do not make the transactions wait. Transactions involved in a conflict are simply rolled back and restarted. A timestamp is a unique identifier created by the DBMS that indicates the relative starting time of a transaction. Timestamps are generated either using the system clock (generating a timestamp when the transaction starts to execute) or by incrementing a logical counter every time a new transaction starts. Time stamping is the concurrency control protocol in which the fundamentals goal is to order transactions globally in such away that older transactions get priority in the event of a conflict. In the Timestamping method, if a transaction attempts to read or write a data item, then a read or write operation is allowed only if the last update on that data item was carried out by an older transaction. Otherwise the transaction requesting the read or write is restarted and given a new timestamp to prevent it from continually aborting and restarting. If the restarted transaction is not allowed a new timestamp and is allowed a new timestamp and is allowed to retain the old timestamp, it will never be allowed to perform the read or write, because by that some other transaction which has a newer timestamp than the restarted transaction might not be to commit due to younger transactions having already committed. In addition to the timestamp for the transactions, data items are also assigned timestamps. Each data item contains a readtimestamp and write-timestamp. The read-timestamp contains the timestamp of the last transaction that read the item and the write-timestamp contains the timestamp of the last transaction that updated the item. For a transaction T the timestamp ordering protocol works as follows: •

Transactions T requests to read the data item ‘X’ that has already been updated by a younger (later or one with a greater timestamp) transaction. This means that an earlier transactions is trying to read a data item that has been updated by a later transaction T is too late to read the previous outdated value and any other values it has acquired are likely to be inconsistent with the updated value of the data item. In this situation, the transaction T is aborted and restarted with a new timestamp. In all other cases, the transaction is allowed to proceed with the read operation. The read-timestamp of the data item is updated with the timestamp of transaction T. Transaction t requests to write (update) the data item ‘X’ that has already been read by a younger (later or one with the greater timestamp) transaction. This means that the younger transaction is already using the current value of the data item and it would be an error to update it now. This

Transaction T asks to write the data item ‘X’ that has already been written by a younger transaction. This means that the transaction T is attempting to write an old or obsolete value of the data item. In this case also the transaction T is aborted and is restarted with a new timestamp.

In all other cases the transaction T is allowed to proceed and the write-timestamp of the data item is updated with the timestamp of transaction T.

The above scheme is called basic timestamp ordering. This scheme guarantees that the transactions are conflict serializable and the results are equivalent to a serial schedule in which the transactions are executed in chronological order by the timestamps. In other words, the results of a basic timestamps ordering scheme will be as same as when all the transactions were executed one after another without any interleaving. One of the problems with basic timestamp ordering is that it does not guarantee recoverable schedules. A modification to the basic timestamp ordering protocol that relaxes the conflict Serializability can be used to provide greater concurrency by rejecting obsolete write operations. This extension is known as Thomas’s write rule. Thomas’s write rule modifies the checks for a write operation by transaction T as follows. •

When the transaction T requests to write the data item ‘X’ whose values has already been read by a younger transaction. This means that the order transaction (transaction T) is writing an obsolete value to the data item. In this case the write operation is ignored and the transaction (transaction T) is allowed to continue as if the write were performed. This principle is called the ‘ignore obsolete write rule’. This rule allows for greater concurrency. In all other cases the transactions T is allowed to proceed and the write-timestamp of transaction T.

Thus the use of Thomas’s write rule allows us to generate schedules that would not have been possible under other concurrency protocols. Time stamping Control-Contrast to 2PL

The two-phase locking technique relies on locking to ensure that each interleaved schedule executed is serializable. Now we discuss a technique that does not use locks and works quite well when level of contention between transactions running concurrently is not high. It is called Time stamping. Timestamp techniques are based on assigning a unique timestamp (a number indicating the time of the start of the transaction) for each transaction at the start of the transaction and insisting that the schedule executed is always serializable to the serial schedule in the chronological order of the timestamps. This is in contrast to two-phase locking where any schedule that is equivalent to some serial schedule is acceptable. Since the scheduler will only accept schedules that are serializable to the serial schedule in the chronological order of the



always leads to serializable schedules. This is a sufficient condition for Serializability although it is not necessary.


timestamps, the scheduler must insist that in case of conflicts, the junior transaction must process information only after the older transaction has written them. The transaction with the smaller timestamp being the older transaction. For the scheduler to be able to carry this control, the data items also have read and write timestamps. The read timestamp of a data item X is the timestamp of the youngest transaction that has read it and the write timestamp is the timestamp of the youngest transaction that has written it. Let timestamp of a transaction be TS(T).

Let us now consider what happens when an attempt is made to implement the following schedule:

Consider a transaction

younger transaction. Read (B) by transaction

with timestamp = 1100. Suppose the

We assume transaction

to be older and thereforee .

Read (A) by transaction

is permitted since A has not been

written by a younger transaction. Write (A) by transaction


also permitted since A has not been read or written by a is permitted

smallest unit of concurrency control is a relation and the transaction wishes to read or write some tuples from a relation named R. Let the read timestamp of R be RT(R) and write timestamp be WT(R). The following situations may then arise:

since B has not been written by a younger transaction. Read (B)


rolled back. [needs to be read again and fixed]

wishes to read R. The read by

will be allowed only if


that is the

last write was by an older transaction. This condition ensures that data item read by a transaction has not been written by a younger transaction. If the write timestamp of R is larger than 1100 (that is, a younger transaction has written it), then the older transaction is rolled back and restarted with a new timestamp. 2.

wishes to read R. The read by

will be allowed if it

satisfies the above condition even if , that is the last read was by a younger transaction. Therefore if data item has been read by a younger transaction that is quite acceptable. 3.

wishes to write some tuples of a relation R. The write will be allowed only if read timestamp or

, that is the

last read of the transaction was by an older transaction and therefore no younger transaction has read the relation. 4.

however is not allowed since B has been read

by (younger) transaction

and therefore transaction

These techniques are also called validation or certification techniques. The optimistic control may be summarized as involving checking at the end of the execution and resolving conflicts by rolling back. It is possible to combine two or more control techniques - for example, very heavily used items could be locked, others could follow optimistic control.

Review Questions 1.

Explain the types of granularity?

need not be carried out if the above condition is met and if the last write was by a younger transaction, that is,


Explain the timestamp ordering protocol?


Explain the Timestamping control?


Explain optimistic control?

needed is that in this case the younger transaction has not


read R since if it had, the older transaction

Date, C, J, Introduction to Database Systems, 7th edition

would have

been aborted. If the data item has been read by a younger transaction, the older transaction is rolled back and restarted with a new timestamp. It is not necessary to check the write (??) since if a younger transaction has written the relation, the younger transaction would have read the data item and the older transaction has old data item and may be ignored. It is possible to ignore the write if the second condition is violated since the transaction is attempting to write obsolete data item. [expand!]


Optimistic Control This approach is suitable for applications where the number of conflicts between the transactions is small. The technique is unsuitable for applications like the airline reservations system where write operations occur frequently at “hot spots”, for example, counters or status of the flight. In this technique, transactions are allowed to execute unhindered and are validated only after they have reached their commit points. If the transaction validates, it commits, otherwise it is restarted. For example, if at the time of validation, it is discovered that the transaction wanting to commit had read data item that has already been written by another transaction, the transaction attempting to commit would be restarted. [Needs more]

wishes to write some tuples of a relation R. The write

. The reason this write is not


by transaction

Silbershatz, Korth, Sudarshan, Database System Concepts 4th Edition.


Introduction An enterprise’s database is a very valuable asset. It is therefore essential that a DBMS provide adequate mechanisms for reducing the chances of a database failure and suitable procedures for recovery when the system does fail due to a software or a hardware problem. These procedures are called recovery techniques. In this chapter, as before, we assume that we are dealing with a multiple user database system and not a single user system that are commonly used on personal computers. The problems of recovery are much simpler in a single user system than in a multiple user system. Before we discuss causes of database failures and the techniques to recover from them, we should note that in our discussion in this chapter we shall assume that the database is resident on a disk and is transferred from the disk to the main memory when accessed. Modifications of data are initially made in the main memory and later propagated to the disk. Disk storage is often called nonvolatile storage because the information stored on a disk survives system crashes like processor and power failure. Nonvolatile storage may be destroyed by errors like a head crash but that happens only infrequently. A part of the database needs to be resident in the main memory. Main memory is volatile storage because the contents of such storage are lost with a power failure. Given that a database on disk may also be lost, it is desirable to have a copy of the database stored in what is called stable storage. Stable storage is assumed to be reliable and unlikely to lose information with any type of system failures. No media like disk or tape can be considered stable, only if several independent nonvolatile storage media are used to replicate information can we achieve something close to a stable storage. A database system failure may occur due to: 1.

Power failures - perhaps the most common cause of failure. These result in the loss of the information in the main memory.


Operating system or DBMS failure - this often results in the loss of the information in the main memory.


User input errors - these may lead to an inconsistent data base.


Hardware failure (including disk head crash) - hardware failures generally result in the loss of the information in the main memory while some hardware failures may result in the loss of the information on the disk as well.


Other causes like operator errors, fire, flood, etc. - some of these disasters can lead to loss of all information stored in a computer installation.

A system failure may be classified as soft-fail or a hard-fail. Softfail is a more common failure involving only the loss of information in the volatile storage. A hard-fail usually occurs less frequently but is harder to recover from since it may involve loss or corruption of information stored on the disk. Definition - Failure A failure of a DBMS occurs when the database system does not meet its specification i.e. the database is in an inconsistent state. Definition - Recovery Recovery is the restoration of the database, after a failure, to a consistent state. Recovery from a failure is possible only if the DBMS maintains redundant data (called recovery data) including data about what users have been doing. To be able to recover from failures like a disk head crash, a backup copy of the database must be kept in a safe place. A proper design of recovery system would be based on clear assumptions of the types of failures expected and the probabilities of those failures occurring. Of course we assume that the recovery process will restore the database to a consistent state as close to the time of failure as possible but this depends on the type of failure and the type of recovery information that the database maintains. If for example the disk on which the database was stored is damaged, the recovery process can only restore the database to the state it was when the database was last archived. Most modern database systems are able to recover from a softfail by a system restart which takes only a few seconds or minutes. A hard-fail requires rebuilding of the database on the disk using one or more backup copies. This may take minutes or even hours depending on the type of the failure and the size of the database. We should note that no set of recovery procedures can cope with all failures and there will always be situations when complete recovery may be impossible. This may happen if the failure results in corruption of some part of the database as well as loss or corruption of redundant data that has been saved for recovery. We note that recovery requirements in different database environments are likely to be different. For example, in banking or in an airline reservation system it would be a requirement that the possibility of losing information due to a system failure be made very very small. On the other hand, loss of information in a inventory database may not be quite so critical. Very important databases may require fault-tolerant hardware that may for example involve maintaining one or more duplicate copies of the database coupled with suitable recovery procedures. The component of DBMS that deals with recovery is often called the recovery manager.



Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about Backup and Recovery.


The Concept of A Transaction Before we discuss recovery procedures, we need to define the concept of a transaction. A transaction may be defined as a logical unit of work which may involve a sequence of steps but which normally will be considered by the user as one action. For example, transferring an employee from Department A to Department B may involve updating several relations in a database but would be considered a single transaction. Transactions are straight-line programs devoid of control structures. The sequence of steps in a transaction may lead to inconsistent database temporarily but at the end of the transaction, the database is in a consistent state. It is assumed that a transaction always carries out correct manipulations of the database. The concept of transaction is important since the user considers them as one unit and assumes that a transaction will be executed in isolation from all other transactions running concurrently that might interfere with the transaction. We must therefore require that actions within a transaction be carried out in a prespecified serial order and in full and if all the actions do not complete successfully for some reason then the partial effects must be undone. A transaction that successfully completes all the actions is said to commit. It otherwise aborts and must be rolled back. For example, when a transaction involves transferring an employee from Department A to Department B, it would not be acceptable if the result of a failed transaction was that the employee was deleted from Department A but not added to Department B. Haerder and Reuter (1983) summarise the properties of a transaction as follows: a.

Atomicity - although a transaction is conceptually atomic, a transaction would usually consist of a number of steps. It is necessary to make sure that other transactions do not see partial results of a transaction and therefore either all actions of a transaction are completed or the transaction has no effect on the database. Therefore a transaction is either completed successfully or rolled back. This is sometime called all-or-nothing.


Consistency - although a database may become inconsistent during the execution of a transaction, it is assumed that a completed transaction preserves the consistency of the database.


Isolation - as noted earlier, no other transactions should view any partial results of the actions of a transaction since intermediate states may violate consistency. Each transaction must be executed as if it was the only transaction being carried out. Durability - once the transaction has been completed successfully, its effects must persist and a transaction must complete before its effects can be made permanent. A committed transaction cannot be aborted. Also a transaction would have seen the effects of other transactions. We assume those transactions have been committed before the present transaction commits.


When an application program specifies a transaction we will assume that it is specified in the following format: Begin Transaction (details of the transaction) Commit 166

All the actions between the Begin and Commit are now considered part of a single transaction. If any of these actions fail, all the actions carried out before would need to be undone. We assume that transactions are not nested. We will use the classical example of a bank account transfer transaction to illustrate some of the concepts used in recovery procedures. The transactions is: Begin Transaction Transfer 100 from Account A to Account B Commit It is clear that there needs to be a transfer program in the system that will execute the transaction. There are at least the following steps involved in carrying out the transaction: a.

Read Account A from Disk


If balance is less then 100, return with an appropriate message.

c. d.

Subtract 100 from balance of Account A. Write Account A back to Disk.


Read Account B from Disk.


Add 100 to balance of Account B.


Write Account B back to Disk.

We have ignored several small details; for example, we do not check if accounts A and B exist. Also we have assumed that the application program has the authority to access the accounts and transfer the money. In the above algorithm, a system failure at step (e) or (f) would leave the database in an inconsistent state. This would result in 100 been subtracted from Account A and not added to Account B. A recovery from such failure would normally involve the incomplete transaction being rolled back. In the discussion above we ignored how the disk manager transfers blocks from and to the disk. For example, in step (1) above, the block containing information on account A may already be in main memory buffers and then a read from disk is not required. More importantly, in Step (d), the write may not result in writing to the disk if the disk manager decides to modify the buffer but not write to disk. Also, in some situations, a write may first lead to a read if the block being modified is not resident in the main memory. Now that the basic concept of transaction has been described, we can classify the different failures modes that we have discussed earlier.

Types of Failures At the beginning of this chapter we discussed a number of failure modes. Gray et al (1981) classifies these failures in the following four classes: 1.

Transaction Failure - A transaction may fail to complete for a number of reasons. For example, a user may cancel the transaction before it completes or the user may enter erroneous data or the DBMS may instruct the transaction to be abandoned and rolled back because of a deadlock or an arithmetic divide by zero or an overflow. Normally a transaction failure does not involve the loss of the contents of the disk or the main memory storage and

that all updates carried out by the completed transaction are durable.


System Failure - Most of these failures are due to hardware, database management system or operating system failures. A system failure results in the loss of the contents of the main memory but usually does not affect the disk storage. Recovery from system failure therefore involves reconstructing the database using the recovery information saved on the disk.


Media Failure - Media failures are failures that result in the loss of some or all the information stored on the disk. Such failures can occur due to hardware failures, for example disk head crash or disk dropped on the floor, or by software failures, for example, bugs in the disk writing routines in the operating system. Such failures can be recovered only if the archive version of the database plus a log of activities since the time of the archive are available.

To ensure that the uncompleted transactions can be rolled back and the completed transactions are durable, most recovery mechanisms require the maintenance of a log on a non-volatile medium. Without the log or some other similar technique it would not be possible to discover whether a transaction updated any items in the database. The log maintains a record of all the changes that are made to the database, although different recovery methods that use a log may require the maintenance of somewhat different log. Typically, a log includes entries of the following type:


Unrecoverable Failures - These are failures that result in loss of data that cannot be recovered and happen usually because of operations errors, for example, failure to make regular archive copies of the database or disasters like an earthquake or a flood.

Gray et al (1981) notes that in their experience 97 per cent of all transactions were found to execute successfully. Most of the remaining 3 per cent failed because of incorrect user input or user cancellation. All system crashes were found to occur every few days and almost all of these crashes were due to hardware or operating system failures. Several times a year, the integrity of the disk was lost. The Concept of a Log We now discuss some techniques of rolling back a partially completed transaction when a failure has occurred during its execution. It is clear that to be able to roll back a transaction we must store information about what that transaction has done so far. This is usually done by keeping a log or a journal although techniques that do not use a log exist. A log is an abstraction used by the recovery manager to store information needed to implement the atomicity and durable properties of transactions. The log manager is the component of a DBMS that implements the log abstraction. Logs are logically an append-only sequence of unstructured records stored on disk to which an insert is generated at each insert, delete and update. A log can therefore become very large quickly and may become a system performance problem. Each record appended to the log is assigned a unique log sequence number for identification. When a transaction failure occurs, the transaction could be in one of the following situations: a.

The database was not modified at all and therefore no roll back is necessary. The transaction could be resubmitted if required.


The database was modified but the transaction was not completed. In this case the transaction must be rolled back and may be resubmitted if required.


The database was modified and the transaction was completed but it is not clear if all the modifications were written to the disk. In this case there is a need to ensure


Transaction Number 12345 has begun.


Transaction Number 12345 has written x that had old value 1000 and new value 2000.

3. 4.

Transaction Number 12345 has committed. Transaction Number 12345 has aborted.

Once a transaction writes commit to the log, it is assumed to commit even if all changes have not been propoagated to the disk. It should however be noted that when an entry is made to the log, the log record may not be immediately written to the disk since normally a system will only write a log block when it is full. A system crash therefore may result in some part of the log that was not yet written to disk also being lost but this does not create any problems. Most systems insist that log blocks be forced out at appropriate times. If the log maintains information about the database before the updates and after the updates, the information in the log may be used to undo changes when a failure occurs and redo changes that a committed trasaction has made to the database that may have not been written to the disk. Another approach is possible in which the log only maintains information about the database after the updates but the changes are made to the database only if the transaction is completed successfully. We consider both techniques. Recovery is often a significant cost of maintaining a database system. A major component of the recovery cost is the cost of maintaining the log which is needed only when a crash occurs. We note that log is the complete history of the database and the maintenance of a log is sometimes needed for auditing purposes and the log then is used for both auditing and recovery. The log may also be used for performance analysis. If a database contained sensitive data, it may be necessary to maintain a log of what information was read by whom and what was written back. This could then be used for auditing the use of the system. This is sometimes called an audit-trail. We do not discuss audit aspect of log maintenance any further. Since log is the complete history of the database, access to the log should be carefully controlled. Read access to a log could provide a user indirect access to the whole database. At recovery time we cannot normally look at all the log since the last failure since the log might be very very big. Markers are therefore often put on the log to ensure that not all the log needs to be looked at when a failure occurs. We will discuss this further later.



recovery procedure only involves undoing changes caused by the failed transaction.


Before we discuss the recovery techniques it is necessary to briefly discuss buffer management.

We are now ready to discuss recovery techniques which will be in next lecture

Recovery And Buffer Management


The part of main memory that is available for storage of copies of disk blocks is called the buffer. A software usually is needed to manage the buffer. The primary purpose of a buffer management strategy is to keep the number of disk accesses to a minimum. An easy way to reduce the disk traffic is to allocate a large fraction of the primary memory to storing blocks from disks but there clearly is a limit to how much primary storage can be assigned to buffers. Buffer manager is a specialised virtual memory manager since needs of a database are somewhat more specialised than an ordinary operating system.



R. Bayer and P. Schlichtiger (1984), “Data Management Support for Database Management”, Acta Informatica, 21, pp. 1-28. P. Bernstein, N. Goodman and V. Hadzilacos (1987), “Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems”, Addison Wesley Pub Co.


R. A. Crus (1984), ???, IBM Sys Journal, 1984, No 2.


T. Haerder and A. Reuter “Principles of TransactionOriented Database Recovery” ACM Computing Survey, Vol 15, Dec 1983, pp 287-318.


J. Gray, P. McJones, M. Blasgen, B. Lindsay, R. Lorie, T. Price, F. Putzolu and I. Traiger (1981), “The Recovery Manager of the System R Database Manager”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 13, June 1981, pp 223-242

Buffer manager interacts with the crash recovery system to decide on what can be written back to disk. Crash recovery system may insist that some other blocks be forced output before a particular buffer can be output.


J. Gray (1978?), “Notes on Data Base Operating Systems”, in Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 60, R. Bayer, R.N. Graham, and G. Seegmueller, Eds., Springer Verlag.

To understand the various recovery mechanisms thoroughly, it is essential that we understand the buffer management strategies used in a DBMS. An operating system uses algorithms like the LRU (least recently used) and MRU (most recently used) in managing virtual memory. Similar strategies can be used in database buffer management but a database management does have some peculiar requirements that make some techniques that are suitable for operating systems unsuitable for database management.


J. Gray (1981?), “The Transaction Concept: The Virtues and Limitations” in Proc. of the the 7th International Conf on VLDB, Cannes, France, pp. 144-154.


J. Kent, H. Garcia-Molina and J. Chung (1985), “An Experimental Evaluation of Crash Recovery Mechanisms”, ACM-SIGMOD??, pp. 113-122. J.S.M. Verhofstad “Recovery Techniques for Database Systems”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 10, Dec 78, pp 167-196.

1. 2.

Replacement strategy Pinned blocks


Forced output of blocks

[See CACM July 1881 p 412]

Given that the main memory of the computer is volatile, any failure is likely to result in the loss of its contents which often includes updated blocks of data as well as output buffers to the log file. [Does it need to be rewritten???] All log based recovery algorithms follow the write-ahead log principle. This involves writing the recovery data for a transaction to the log before a transaction commits and recovery data for a recoverable data page must be written to the log before the page is written from main memory to the disk. To enforce the write-ahead principle, the recovery manager needs to be integrated with the buffer manager. Some recovery algorithms permit the buffer manager to steal dirty main memory pages (a dirty page is a page in which data has been updated by a transaction that has not been committed) by writing them to disk before the transactions that modify them commit. The write-ahead principle requires the log records referring to the dirty pages must be written before the pages are cleaned. No-steal buffer management policies result in simpler recovery algorithms but limit the length of the transactions. Some recovery algorithms require the buffer manager to force all pages modified by a transaction to disk when the transaction commits. Recovery algorithms with noforce buffer management policies are more complicated, but they do less I/O than those which force buffers at commit.



10. Mohan???

Exercises 1.

Log-based recovery techniques use protocols that include a. Do b. Redo c. Undo


A database failure may involve the loss of information in the a. main memory b. disk c. memory cache d. all of the above


To facilitate recovery, a recovery manager may force buffer manager to a. b. c. d.


pin some pages force some pages read some pages write some pages

All log-based recovery techniques a. b. c. d.

write-ahead log use checkpoint or a similar technique use the order of the log records to UNDO and REDO write log to disk after each transaction update

The primary reason why checkpoints are needed in the log is to a. b. c. d.





reduce log processing maintain consistency maintain transaction durability reduce database archiving

Immediate update may be called logging only the UNDO information. Immediate update relinquishes the opportunity to delay writes. Immediate update requires that all updated pages be flushed out on transaction commit. Immediate update involves updating the database on the disk immediately followed by logging in the update.


Deferred update may be called logging only the REDO information. Deferred update allows delayed writes. Deferred update requires that modified pages in memory be pinned in the main memory until the transaction commits. Deferred update does not need a UNDO procedure. Deferred update can lead to problems when a transaction requires a large number of pages.


Recovery techniques enable recovery from all failures (??) A recovery system should be based on clear assumptions about types of failures and probabilities of these failures occurring. All recovery techniques require a maintenance of a loop.


A transaction is the smallest unit of work. A transaction is a logical unit of work which may involve a sequence of steps which preserves the consistency of the database. Transactions are not nested. Transactions are usually serial programs devoid of loops.

10. UNDO-REDO-DO protocol involves that UNDO, REDO (and DO?) be idempotent. Only recent log records are looked at. UNDO is done backwards and REDO forwards. REDO is necessary because all updates of committed transactions may not have been propagated to disk. Failures during recovery do not lead to any problems. 11. Which of the following is not true about deferred updates: a. the log may not be written until the transaction commits b. the log must be force-written to disk before any changes are made to the database on the disk 12. Recovery involves the following steps:



LESSON 34 BACKUP AND RECOVERY-II Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about Backup and Recovery in great detail.

Recovery Techniques Consider the following sequence of transactions:

A database might be left in an inconsistent state when: •

Deadlock has occurred.

A transaction aborts after updating the database.

Software or hardware errors. Incorrect updates have been applied to the database.

If the database is in an inconsistent state, it is necessary to recover to a consistent state. The basis of recovery is to have backups of the data in the database. Recovery: the Dump The simplest backup technique is ‘the Dump’. • •

Entire contents of the database is backed up to an auxiliary store. Must be performed when the state of the database is consistent - therefore no transactions which modify the database can be running

Dumping can take a long time to perform

You need to store the data in the database twice. As dumping is expensive, it probably cannot be performed as often as one would like.

• •

A cut-down version can be used to take ‘snapshots’ of the most volatile areas.

Recovery: the Transaction Log A technique often used to perform recovery is the transaction log or journal. •

Records information about the progress of transactions in a log since the last consistent state.

The database therefore knows the state of the database before and after each transaction.

Every so often database is returned to a consistent state and the log may be truncated to remove committed transactions. When the database is returned to a consistent state the process is often referred to as ‘checkpointing’.

Now assume that a system failure occurs at time 9. Since transactions


have committed before the crash, the

recovery procedures should ensure that the effects of these transactions are reflected in the database. On the other hand did not commit and it is the responsibility of the recovery procedure to ensure that when the system restarts the effects of partially completed

are undone for ever.

Jim Gray presented the following three protocols that are needed by the recovery procedures to deal with various recovery situations: 1.


, action) - this procedure carries out the action

specified. The log is written before an update is carried out. 2.

UNDO( ) - this procedure undoes the actions of the transaction



using the information in the log.. ) - this procedure redoes the actions of the

committed transaction

using the information in the log..

The above actions are sometime called DO-UNDO-REDO protocol. They play a slightly different role in the two recovery techniques that we discuss. When a transaction aborts, the information contained in the log is used to undo the transaction’s effects on the database. Most logging disciplines require that a transaction be undone in reverse of the order that its operations were performed. To facilitate this, many logs are maintained as a singly linked list of log records. As discussed earlier, a system crash divides transactions into three classes. First, there are transactions that committed before the crash. The effects of these transactions must appear in the database after the recovery. If the recovery manager forces all dirty pages to disk at transaction commit time, there is no work


We now discuss two recovery techniques that use a log. Another technique, that does not use a log, is discussed later. •

Immediate Updates

Deferred Updates

• •

System Checkpoints Summary of Log-based Methods

Shadow Page Schemes


Immediate Updates As noted earlier, one possible recovery technique is to allow each transaction to make changes to the database as the transaction is executed and maintain a log of these changes. This is sometimes called logging only the UNDO information. The information written in the log would be identifiers of items updated and their old values. For a deleted item, the log would maintain the identifier of the item and its last value. As discussed above, the log must be written to the disk before the updated data item is written back. We consider a simple example of bank account transfer discussed earlier. When the transaction is ready to be executed, the transaction number is written to the log to indicate the beginning of a transaction, possibly as follows: This is then followed by the write commands, for example the log entries might be: Our brief discussion above has left several questions unanswered, for example: a.

Is the write-ahead principle necessary?

b. c.

If a crash occurs, how does recovery take place? What happens if a failure occurs as the log is being written to the disk?


What happens if another crash occurs during the recovery procedure?

We now attempt to answer these questions. If the updated data item is written back to disk before the log is, a crash between updating the database and writing a log would lead to problems since the log would have no record of the update. Since there would be no record, the update could not be undone if required. If the log is written before the actual

update item is written to disk, this problem is overcome. Also if a failure occurs during the writing of the log, no damage would have been done since the database update would not have yet taken place. A transaction would be regarded as having committed only if the logging of its updates has been completed, even if all data updates have not been written to the disk. We now discuss how the recovery takes place on failure. Assuming that the failure results in the loss of the volatile memory only, we are left with the database that may not be consistent (since some transformations that did not commit may have modified the database) and a log file. It is now the responsibility of the recovery procedure to make sure that those transactions that have log records stating that they were committed are in fact committed (some of the changes that such transactions made may not yet have been propagated to the database on the disk). Also effects of partially completed transactions i.e. transactions for which no commit log record exists, are undone. To achieve this, the recovery manager inspects the log when the system restarts and REDOes the transactions that were committed recently (we will later discuss how to identify transactions that are recent) and UNDOes the transactions that were not committed. This rolling back of partially completed transactions requires that the log of the uncommitted transactions be read backwards and each action be undone. The reason for undoing the uncommited transaction backwards becomes if we consider an example in which a data item is updated more than once as follows. 1.

< T = 1135, BEGIN >


< T = 1135, Write Account A, 1000, 900 >

3. 4.

< T = 1135, Write Account A, 900, 700 > < T = 1135, Write Account B, 2000, 2100 >

Only backward UNDOing can ensure that the original value of 1000 is restored. Let us consider a simple example of the log. 1.

< T = 1235, BEGIN >


< T = 1235, Write Account A, 1000, 900 >


< T = 1235, Write Account B, 2000, 2100 >


< T = 1235 COMMIT >


< T = 1240, BEGIN >


< T = 1240, Write Account C, 2500, 2000 >

7. 8.

< T = 1240, Write Account D, 1500, 2000 > < T = 1240, COMMIT >


< T = 1245, BEGIN >

Let the log consist of the 9 records above at failure. The recovery procedure first checks what transactions have been committed (transactions 1235 and 1240) and REDOes them by the following actions: REDO (T = 1235) REDO (T = 1240) Transaction 1245 was not committed. UNDO (T = 1245) is therefore issued. In the present example, transaction 1245 does not need to be rolled back since it didn’t carry out any updates.



necessary to redo committed transactions. Often however, a noforce buffer management policy is used and it is therefore necessary to redo some of the transactions during recovery. The second class of transactions includes those that were aborted before the crash and those that are aborted by the crash. Effects of these transactions must be removed from the database. Another class of transactions is those that were completed but did not commit before the crash. It is usually possible to commit such transactions during recovery.


The reason for REDOing committed transactions is that although the log states that these transactions were committed, the log is written before the actual updated data items are written to disk and it is just possible that an update carried out by a committed transaction was not written to disk. If the update was in fact written, the REDO must make sure that REDOing the transaction does not have any further effect on the database. Also several failures may occur in a short span of time and we may REDO transactions 1235 and 1240 and UNDO transaction 1245 several times. It is therefore essential that UNDO and REDO operations be idempotent; that is, the effect of doing the same UNDO or REDO operations several times is the same as doing it once. An operation like add $35 to the account obviously is not idempotent while an operation setting the account balance to $350 obviously is. Let us consider another example of UNDO. Let the log have only the first seven records at failure. We therefore issue REDO (T = 1235) UNDO (T = 1240) Once REDO is completed, UNDO reads the log backwards. It reads record of the log and restores the old value of Account D, then reads record 6 of the log and restores the old values of Account C. Note that the recovery procedure works properly even if there is a failure during recovery since a restart after such a failure would result in the same process being repeated again Deferred Updates The immediate update scheme requires that before-update values of the data items that are updated be logged since updates carried out by the transactions that have not been committed may have to be undone. In the deferred updates scheme, the database on the disk is not modified until the transaction reaches its commit point (although all modifications are logged as they are carried out in the main memory) and therefore the before-update values do not need to be logged. Only the after-update data values of the database are recorded on the log as the transaction continues its execution but once the transaction completes successfully (called a partial commit) and writes to the log that is ready to commit, the log is forcewritten to disk and all the writes recorded on the log are then carried out. The transaction then commits. This is sometimes called as logging only the REDO information. The technique allows database writes to be delayed but involves forcing the buffers that hold transaction modifications to be pinned in the main memory until the transaction commits. There are several advantages of the deferred updates procedure. If a system failure occurs before a partial commit, no action is necessary whether the transaction logged any updates or not. A part of the log that was in the main memory may be lost but this does not create any problems. If a partial commit had taken place and the log had been written to the disk then a system failure would have virtually no impact since the deferred writes would be REDOne by the recovery procedure when the system restarts. The deferred update method can also lead to some difficulties. If the system buffer capacity is limited, there is the possibility


that the buffers that have been modified by an uncommitted transaction are forced out to disk by the buffer management part of the DBMS. To ensure that the buffer management will not force any of the uncommitted updates to the disk requires that the buffer must be large enough to hold all the blocks of the database that are required by the active transactions. We again consider the bank account transfer example considered earlier. When the transaction is ready to be executed, the transaction number is written on the log to indicate the beginning of a transaction, possibly as follows: This is then followed by the write commands in the log, for example: Note that the deferred update only requires the new values to be saved since recovery involves only REDOs and never any UNDOs. Once this log is written to the disk, the updates may be carried out. Should a failure occur at any stage after writing the log and before updating the database on the disk, the log would be used to REDO the transaction. Similar to the technique used in the last section, the recovery manager needs a procedure REDO which REDOes all transactions that were active recently and committed. No recovery action needs to be taken about transactions that did not partially commit (those transactions for which the log does not have a commit entry) before the failure because the system would not have updated the database on the disk for those transactions. Consider the following example: 1.

< T = 1111, BEGIN >


< Write BEGIN > ??

3. 4.

< T = 1111, COMMIT > < T = 1235, BEGIN >


< Write Account A, 900 >


< Write Account B, 2100 >


< T = 1235 COMMIT >


< T = 1240, BEGIN >


< T = 1240, Write Account C, 2000 >

10. < T = 1240, Write Account D, 2000 > 11. < T = 1240, COMMIT > 12. < T = 1245, BEGIN > Now if a failure occurs and the log has the above entries, the recovery manager identifies all transactions that were active recently and have been committed (Transaction 1235 and 1240). We assume the recovery manager does not need to worry about transactions that were committed well before the crash (for example, transaction 1111). In the next section, we will discuss how we identify recent transactions. If another failure occurs during the recovery the same transactions may be REDOne again. As noted earlier, the effect of redoing a transaction several times is the same as doing it once.

System Checkpoints In the discussion above, the Immediate Update method involves REDOing all recently committed transactions and undoing transactions that were not committed while the Deferred Update method only requires REDOing and no UNDOing. We have so far not defined how recent transactions are identified. We do so now. One technique for identifying recent transactions might be to search the entire log and identify recent transactions on some basis. This is of course certain to be very inefficient since the log may be very long. Also, it is likely that most transactions that are selected for REDOing have already written their updates into the database and do not really need to be REDOne. REDOing all these transactions will cause the recovery procedure to be inefficient. To limit the number of transactions that need to be reprocessed during recovery after a failure, a technique of marking the log is used. The markers are called system checkpoints and putting a marker on the log (called taking a checkpoint) consists of the following steps: a. b.

Write a record to the log (on the disk?), All log records currently residing in the main memory are written to the disk followed by the writing to the disk of all modified pages in the buffer. Also identifiers (or names) of all active transactions are written to the log.


Write an record to the log.

Now when the recovery procedure is invoked on a failure, the last checkpoint is found (this information is often recorded in a file called the restart file) and only the transactions active at the time of checkpoint and those after the checkpoint are processed. A simple recovery algorithm requires that the recovery manager identify the last checkpoint and builds two lists, one of the transactions that need to be redone and the other of transactions that need to be undone. Initially, all transactions that are listed as active at the checkpoint are included in the UNDO list and the log is scanned forward (show the lists and show the steps???). Any new transaction that becomes active is added to the UNDO list and any transaction that is logged to have committed is removed from the UNDO list and placed on the REDO list. At the end of the log, the log is scanned backwards and all the actions of those transactions that are on the UNDO list are UNDOne in the backward order. Once the checkpoint is reached, the log is scanned forward and all the actions of the transactions on the REDO list are REDOne. (s/a??) Summary of Log-based Methods

Although log-based recovery methods vary in a number of details, there are a number of common requirements on the recovery log. First, all recovery methods adhere to the write-

ahead log procedure. Information is always written to the log before it propagates to non-volatile memory and before transactions commit. Second, all recovery methods rely on the ordering of operations expressed in the log to provide an ordering for the REDO and UNDO operations. Third, all methods use checkpoints or some similar technique to bound the amount of log processed for recovery. Some recovery methods scan the log sequentially forward during crash recovery. Others scan the log sequentially backwards. Still others use both forward and backward scans. A log manager may manage a log as a file on the secondary storage. When this file has reached a pre-specified length, the log may be switched to another file while the previous log is copied to some archive storage, generally a tape. The approach used by System R is to take a large chunk of disk space and lay it out for the log as a circular buffer of log pages. The log manager appends new blocks sequentially to the circular buffer as the log fills. Although an abstract log is an infinite resource, in practice the online disk space available for storing the log is limited. Some systems will spool truncated log records to tape storage for use in media recovery. Other systems will provide enough online log space for media recovery and will discard truncated log data. (detail??) Shadow Page Schemes

Not all recovery techniques make use of a log. Shadow page schemes (or careful replacement schemes) are recovery techniques that do not use logging for recovery. In these schemes when a page of storage is modified by a transaction a new page is allocated for the modified data and the old page remains as a shadow copy of the data. This is easily achieved by maintaining two tables of page addresses, one table called the current page table and the other called the shadow page table. At the beginning of a transaction the two page tables are identical but as the transaction modifies pages new pages are allocated and the current page table is modified accordingly while the shadow page table continues to point to the old pages. The current pages may be located in the main memory or on the disk but all current pages are output to the disk before the transaction commits. If a failure occurs before the transaction commits, the shadow page table is used to recover the database state before the transaction started. When a transaction commits, the pages in the current page table (which now must be on the disk) become the pages in the shadow page table. The shadow pages must be carefully replaced with the new pages in an atomic operation. To achieve this, the current page table is output to the disk after all current pages have been output. Now the address of the shadow page table is replaced by the address of the current page table and the current page table becomes the shadow page table committing the transaction. Should a failure occur before this change, the old shadow page table is used to recover the database state before the transaction. Shadow page recovery technique eliminates the need for the log although the technique is sometime criticized as having poor performance for normal processing. However, the recovery is often fast when shadow paging is used. Also the technique requires a suitable technique for garbage collection to remove all old shadow pages.



[chop this para???] If this log is on the disk, it can handle all system failures except the disk crash. When a failure has occurred, the system goes through the log and carries out transactions T = 1235 and T = 1240. Note that in some cases the transactions may be done more than once but this will not create any problems as discussed above.



(add more to this section? rewrite it??) Gray et al in their paper note that the recovery system was comparatively easy to write and added about 10 percent to the DBMS code. In addition, the cost of writing log records was typically of the order of 5 percent. Cost of checkpoints was found to be minimal and restart after a crash was found to be quite fast. Different recovery algorithms have varying costs, both during normal processing and recovery. For the log algorithms, the costs of algorithms during normal processing include the volume and frequency of the log writes and the algorithms influence on buffer management. Recovery algorithms which force the buffer pool have comparably poor performance. The costs of crash recovery include the number of log records read, and the number of pages of data that must be paged into main memory, restored and paged out. No-force recovery algorithms will read more data pages during recovery than force algorithms. Recovery algorithms with steal buffer pool management policies may read data pages for both redo and undo processing, while no steal buffer managers mainly read pages for redo processing.

As a transaction is aborted, it can therefore cause aborts in other dirty reader transactions, which in turn can cause other aborts in other dirty reader transaction. This is referred to as ‘cascade rollback’.

Important Note Deferred Update Deferred update, or NO-UNDO/REDO, is an algorithm to support ABORT and machine failure scenarios. • While a transaction runs, no changes made by that transaction are

recorded in the database. • On a commit: • The new data is recorded in a log file and flushed to disk • The new data is then recorded in the database itself. • On an abort, do nothing (the database has not been changed). • On a system restart after a failure, REDO the log.

If the DMBS fails and is restarted:

Recovering from a Disk Crash (Media failure?)

• The disks are physically or logically damaged then recovery from the

So far, our discussion about recovery has assumed that a system failure was a soft-failure in that only the contents of the volatile memory were lost and the disk was left intact. Of course, a disk is not immune from failure and a head crash may result in all the contents of the disk being lost. Other, more strange, failures are also possible. For example, a disk pack may be dropped on the floor by a careless operator or there may be some disaster as noted before. We therefore need to be prepared for a disaster involving loss of the contents of the nonvolatile memory.

• If the disks are OK then the database consistency must be

As noted earlier, the primary technique for recovery from such loss of information is to maintain a suitable back up copy of the database possibly on tape or on a separate disk pack and ensure its safe storage possibly in a fire-proof and water-proof safe preferably at a location some distance away from the database site. Such back up may need to be done every day or may be done less or more frequently depending upon the value the organisation attaches to loss of some information when a disk crash occurs. Since databases tend to be large, a complete back up is usually quite time consuming. Often then the database may be backed up incrementally i.e. only copies of altered parts of the database are backed up. A complete backup is still needed regularly but it would not need to be done so frequently. After a system failure, the incremental system tapes and the last complete back up tape may be used to restore the database to a past consistent state. Rollback The process of undoing changes done to the disk under immediate update is frequently referred to as rollback. •


Where the DBMS does not prevent one transaction from reading uncommitted modifications (a ‘dirty read’) of another transaction (i.e. the uncommitted dependency problem) then aborting the first transaction also means aborting all the transactions which have performed these dirty reads.

log is impossible and instead a restore from a dump is needed. maintained. Writes to the disk which was in progress at the time of the failure may have only been partially done. • Parse the log file, and where a transaction has been ended with

‘COMMIT’ apply the data part of the log to the database. • If a log entry for a transaction ends with anything other than

COMMIT, do nothing for that transaction. • Flush the data to the disk, and then truncate the log to zero. • The process or reapplying transaction from the log is sometimes

referred to as ‘rollforward’. Immediate Update Immediate update, or UNDO/REDO, is another algorithm to support ABORT and machine failure scenarios. • While a transaction runs, changes made by that transaction can be

written to the database at any time. However, the original and the new data being written must both be stored in the log BEFORE storing it on the database disk. • On a commit: • All the updates which has not yet been recorded on the disk is first

stored in the log file and then flushed to disk. • The new data is then recorded in the database itself. • On an abort, REDO all the changes which that transaction has

made to the database disk using the • Log entries. • On a system restart after a failure, REDO committed changes from

log. If the DMBS fails and is restarted: • The disks are physically or logically damaged then recovery from the

log is impossible and instead a restore from a dump is needed. • If the disks are OK then the database consistency must be

maintained. Writes to the disk which was in progress at the time of the failure may have only been partially done.


J. Gray, P. McJones, M. Blasgen, B. Lindsay, R. Lorie, T. Price, F. Putzolu and I. Traiger (1981), “The Recovery Manager of the System R Database Manager”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 13, June 1981, pp 223-242


J. Gray (1978?), “Notes on Data Base Operating Systems”, in Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 60, R. Bayer, R.N. Graham, and G. Seegmueller, Eds., Springer Verlag.


J. Gray (1981?), “The Transaction Concept: The Virtues and Limitations” in Proc. of the the 7th International Conf on VLDB, Cannes, France, pp. 144-154.


J. Kent, H. Garcia-Molina and J. Chung (1985), “An Experimental Evaluation of Crash Recovery Mechanisms”, ACM-SIGMOD??, pp. 113-122. J.S.M. Verhofstad “Recovery Techniques for Database Systems”, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 10, Dec 78, pp 167-196.

‘COMMIT’ apply the ‘new data’ part of the log to the database. • If a log entry for a transaction ends with anything other than

COMMIT, apply the ‘old data’ part of the log to the database. • flush the data to the disk, and then truncate the log to zero.

Review Question 1. 2.

What is Recovery and why it is important? Explain recovery techniques

Exercises 1.

Given the log on page 6 of these notes, what transactions need to be REDOne or UNDOne if a failure occurs: a. after step 8 b. after step 10


What difference is expected if deferred update procedure is being used?


Explain what would happen if a failure occurred during the recovery procedure in Ex. 1. A system crash divides transactions into the following classes:


a. b. c. d. 5.


Committed before the checkpoint Not completed Not committed at all Inactive transaction failure system failure media failure unrecoverable failure

Given that one million transactions are run on a database system each day, how many transactions are likely to fail: a. b. c. d.


10. Mohan???

Give an example of each a. b. c. d.



10,000 to 100,000 1,000 to 10,000 100 to 1,000 below 100

Which of the following are properties of a transaction a. b. c. d. e.

atomicity consistency isolation durability idempotency

References 1.

R. Bayer and P. Schlichtiger (1984), “Data Management Support for Database Management”, Acta Informatica, 21, pp. 1-28.


P. Bernstein, N. Goodman and V. Hadzilacos (1987), “Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems”, Addison Wesley Pub Co.


R. A. Crus (1984), ???, IBM Sys Journal, 1984, No 2.


T. Haerder and A. Reuter “Principles of TransactionOriented Database Recovery” ACM Computing Survey, Vol 15, Dec 1983, pp 287-318.



• Parse the log file, and where a transaction has been ended with


LESSON 35 CHECKPOINT Hi! Today you will learn about check point and then only you will understand how important check point is? You will also learn the mechanisms of checkpoint. This lecture is covering check point in great depth. Though this topic is huge, introduction and basic to checkpoint is sufficient to understand. But if you want to understand checkpoint from DBA’s point of view then go through the entire lecture.

1. Introduction Most large institutions have now heavily invested in a data base system. In general they have automated such clerical tasks as inventory control, order entry, or billing. These systems often support a worldwide network of hundreds of terminals. Their purpose is to reliably store and retrieve large quantities of data. The life of many institutions is critically dependent on such systems, when the system is down the corporation has amnesia. This puts an enormous burden on the implementers and operators of such systems. The systems must on the one hand be very high performance and on the other hand they must be very reliable

System Checkpoint Logic System checkpoints may be triggered by operator commands, timers, or counters such as the number of bytes of log record since last checkpoint. The general idea is to minimize the distance one must travel in the log in the event of a catastrophe. This must be balanced against the cost of taking frequent checkpoints. Five minutes is a typical checkpoint interval. Checkpoint algorithms that require a system quiesce should be avoided because they imply that checkpoints will be taken infrequently thereby making restart expensive. The checkpoint process consists of writing a BEGIN_CHECKPOINT record in the log, then invoking each component of the system so that it can contribute to the checkpoint, and then writing an END_CHECKPOINT record in the log. These records bracket the checkpoint records of the other system components. Such a component may write one or more log records so that it will be able to restart from the checkpoint. For example, buffer manager will record the names of the buffers in the buffer pool, file manager might record the status of files, network manager may record the network status, and transaction manager will record the names of all transactions active at the checkpoint. After the checkpoint log records have been written to nonvolatile storage, recovery manager records the address of the most recent checkpoint in a warm start file. This allows restart to quickly locate the checkpoint record (rather than sequentially searching the log for it.) Because this is such a critical resource, the restart file is duplexed (two copies are kept) and writes to it are alternated so that one file points to the current and another points to the previous checkpoint log record.


At system restart, the programs are loaded and the transaction manager invokes each component to re-initialize itself. Data communications begins network-restart and the database manager reacquires the database from the operating system (opens the files). Recovery manager is then given control. Recovery manager examines the most recent warm start file written by checkpoint to discover the location of the most recent system checkpoint in the log. Recovery manager then examines the most recent checkpoint record in the log. If there was no work in progress at the system checkpoint and the system checkpoint is the last record in the log then the system is in restarting from a shutdown in a quiesced state. This is a warm start and no transactions need be undone or redone. In this case, recovery manager writes a restart record in the log and returns to the scheduler, which opens the system for general use. On the other hand if there was work in progress at the system checkpoint, or if there are further leg records then this is a restart from a crash (emergency restart). The following figure will help to explain emergency restart logic:

Tl |---------| T2 T3



|-----------------+-------| +




T4 |--------------------+----------------------------------< T5





Five transaction types with respect to the most recent system checkpoint and the crash point. Transactions T1, T2, and T3 have committed and must be redone. Transactions T4 and T5 have not committed and so must be undone. Let’s call transactions like T1, T2 and T3 winners and lets call transactions like T4 and T5 losers. Then the restart logic is: RESTART: PROCEDURE; DICHOTOMIZE WINNERS AND LOSERS; REDO THE WINNERS; UNDO THE LOSERS; END RESTART; It is important that the REDOs occur before the UNDO (Do you see why (we are assuming page-locking and high-water marks from log-sequence numbers?) As it stands, this implies reading every log record ever written because redoing the winners requires going back to redo almost all transactions ever run.

transaction manager records the name of each transaction active at the checkpoint. Restart chooses T as the MINLSN of the most recent checkpoint.

To see how to compute the time T, we first consider a particular object: a database page P. Because this is a restart from a crash, the most recent version of P may or may not have been recorded on non-volatile storage. Suppose page P was written out with high water mark LSN(P). If the page was updated by a winner “after” LSN(P), then that update to P must be redone. Conversely, if P was written out to nonvolatile storage with a loser’s update, then those updates must be undone. (Similarly, message M may or may rot have been sent to its destination.) If it was generated by a loser, then the message should be canceled. If it was generated by a committed transaction but not sent then it should be retransmitted.) The figure below illustrates the five possible types of transactions at this point: T1 began and committed before LSN(P), T2 began before LSN(P) and ended before the crash, T3 began after LSN(P)and ended before the crash, T4 began before LSN(P) but its COMMIT record does not appear in the log, and T5 began after LSN(P) and apparently never ended. To honor the commit of T1, T2 and T3 requires that their updates be added to page P (redone). But T4, T5, and T6 have not committed and so must be undone.

It then scans the log forward to the end. If a COMMIT log record is encountered, that transaction is promoted to the winners set. If a BEGIN_TRANSACTION record is found, the transaction is tentatively added to the loser set. When the end of the log is encountered, the winners and losers have been computed. The next thing is to read the log forwards from MINLSN, redoing the winners. Then it starts from the end of the log, read the log backwards undoing the losers.

Tl |---------| T2 T3



|-----------------+-------| +




T4 |--------------------+----------------------------------< T5



wrote Page P


with LSN(P)


Five transactions types with respect to the most recent write of page P and the crash point, Notice that none of the updates of T5 are reflected in this state so T5 is already undone. Notice also that all of the updates of T1 are in the state so it need not be redone. So only T2, T3, and T4 remain. T2 and T3 must be redone from LSN(P) forward. The updates of the first half of T2 are already reflected in the page P because it has log sequence number LSN(P). On the other hand, T4 must be undone from LSN(P) backwards. (Here we are skipping over the following anomaly: if after LSN(P), T2 backs up to a point prior to the LSN(P)then some undo work is required for T2. This problem is not difficult, just annoying.) Therefore the oldest redo log record relevant to P is at or after LSN(P). (The write-ahead-log protocol is relevant here.) At system checkpoint, data manager records MINLSN, the log sequence number of the oldest page not yet written (the minimum LSN(P)of all pages, P, not yet written.) Similarly,

Restart proceeds as follows: It reads the system checkpoint log record and puts each transaction active at the checkpoint into the loser set.

This discussion of restart is very simplistic. Many systems have added mechanisms to speed restart by: •

Never write uncommitted objects to non-volatile storage (stealing) so that undo is never required.

Write committed objects to secondary storage at phase 2 of commit (forcing), so that redo is only rarely required (this maximizes “MINLSN).

Log the successful completion of a write to secondary storage. This minimizes redo. Force all objects at system checkpoint, thereby maximizing MINLSN. Media Failure Logic In the event of a hard system error (one non-volatile storage integrity), there must be minimum of lost work. Redundant copies of the object must be maintained, for example on magnetic tape that is stored in a vault. It is important that the archive mechanism have independent failure modes from the regular storage subsystem. Thus, using doubly redundant disk storage would protect against a disk head crash, but wouldn’t protect against a bug in the disk driver routine or a fire in the machine room. The archive mechanism periodically writes a checkpoint of the data base contents to magnetic tape, and writes a redo log of all update actions to magnetic tape, Then recovering from a hard failure is accomplished by locating the most recent surviving version on tape, loading it back into the system, and then redoing all updates from that point forward using the surviving log tapes. While performing a system checkpoint causes relatively few disk writes, and takes only a few seconds, copying the entire database to tape is potentially a lengthy operation. Fortunately there is a (little used) trick: one can take a fuzzy dump or an object by writing it to archive with an idle task. After the dump is taken, the log generated during the fuzzy dump is merged with the fuzzy dump to produce a sharp dump. The details of this algorithm are left as an exercise for the reader. Cold Start Logic Cold start is too horrible to contemplate. Since we assumed that the log never fails, cold start is never required. The system should be cold started once: when the implementers create its first version. Thereafter, it should be restarted. In particular moving to new hardware or adding to a new release of the



Much of the sophistication of the restart process is dedicated to minimizing the amount of work that must be done, so that restart can be as quick as possible, (We are describing here one of the more trivial workable schemes.) In general restart discovers a time T such that redo log records written prior to time T are not relevant to restart.


system should not require a cold start. (i.e. all data should survive.) Note that this requires that the format of the log never change, it can only be extended by adding new types of log records. 5.8.5. Log Management The log is a large linear byte space. It is very convenient if the log is write-once, and then read-only. Space in the log is never rewritten. This allows one to identify log records by the relative byte address of the last byte of the record. A typical (small) transaction writes 500 bytes of log. One can run about one hundred such transactions per second on current hardware. There are almost 100,000 seconds in a day. So the log can grow at 5 billion bytes per day. (more typically, systems write four log tapes a day at 50 megabytes per tape.) Given those statistics the log addresses should be about 48 bits long (good for 200 years on current hardware.) Log manager must map this semi-infinite logical file (log) into the rather finite files (32 bit addresses) provided by the basic operating system. As one file is filled, another is allocated and the old one is archived. Log manager provides other resource managers with the operations: WRITE_LOG: causes the identified log record to be written to the log. Once a log record is written. It can only be read. It cannot be edited. WRITE_LOG is the basic command used by all resource managers to generate log records. It returns the address of the last byte of the written log record. FORCE-LOG: causes the identified log record and all prior log records to be recorded in nonvolatile storage. When it returns, the writes have completed. OPEN-LOG: indicates that the issuer wishes to read the log of some transaction, or read the entire log in sequential order. It creates a read cursor on the log. SEARCH-LOG: moves the cursor a designated number of bytes or until a log record satisfying some criterion is located.

It is important to doubly record the log. If the log is not doubly recorded, then a media error on the log device will produce a cold start of the system. The dual log devices should be on separate paths so that if one device or path fails the system can continue in degraded mode (this is only appropriate for applications requiring high availability.) The following problem is left as an exercise for the reader: We have decided to log to dedicated dual disk drives. When a drive fills it will be archived to a mass storage device. This archive process makes the disk unavailable to the log manager (because of arm contention.) Describe a scheme which: •

minimizes the number of drives required, .

always has a large disk reserve of free disk space, and

always has a large fraction of the recent section of the log on line. Log Archive and Change Accumulation When the log is archived, it can be compressed so that it is convenient for media recovery. For disk objects, log records can be sorted by cylinder, then track then sector then time. Probably, all the records in the archived log belong to completed transactions. So one only needs to keep redo records of committed (not aborted) transactions. Further only the most recent redo record (new value) need be recorded. This compressed redo log is called a change accumulation log. Since it is sorted by physical address, media recover becomes a merge of the image dump of the object and its change accumulation tape. FAST_MEDIA_RECOVERY: PROCEDURE (IMAGE, CHANGE_ACCUMULATION_LOG); DO WHILE ( ! END_OF_FILE IMAGE); READ IMAGE PAGE; UPDATE WITH REDO RECORDS FROM CHANGE_ACCUMULATION_LOG; WRITE IMAGE PAGE TO DISK; END

READ-LOG: requests that the log record currently selected by the log cursor be read.


CHECK-LOG: allows the issuer to test whether a record has been placed in the non-volatile log and optionally to wait until the log record has been written out.

This is a purely sequential process (sequential on input files and sequential on disk being recovered) and so is limited only by the transfer rates of the devices.

GET-CURSOR: causes the current value of the write cursor to be returned to the issuer. The RBA (relative byte address) returned may be used at a later time to position a read cursor.

The construction of the change accumulation file can be done off-line as an idle task.

CLOSE-LOG: indicates the issuer is finished reading the log. The write log operation moves a new log record to the end of the current log buffer. If the buffer fills, another is allocated and the write continues into the new buffer. When a log buffer fills or when a synchronous log write is issued, a log daemon writes the buffer to nonvolatile storage. Traditionally, logs have been recorded on magnetic tape because it is so inexpensive to store and because the transfer rate is quite high. In the future disk, CCD (nonvolatile?) or magnetic bubbles may be attractive as a staging device for the log. This is especially true because an on-line version of the log is very desirable for transaction undo and for fast restart.


If media errors are rare and availability of the data is not a critical problem then one may run the change accumulation utilities when needed. This may save building change accumulation files that are never used. The same topic check point is dealt in detail as tutorials which are added at the last of these lectures. For further reference, refer those tutorials.

Review Question 1.

What is Checkpoint and why it is important?

Hi! In this chapter I am going to discuss with you about SQL Support in DBMS.

Introduction to Structured Query Language Version 4.11 This page is a tutorial of the Structured Query Language (also known as SQL) and is a pioneering effort on the World Wide Web, as this is the first comprehensive SQL tutorial available on the Internet. SQL allows users to access data in relational database management systems, such as Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, and others, by allowing users to describe the data the user wishes to see. SQL also allows users to define the data in a database, and manipulate that data. This page will describe how to use SQL, and give examples. The SQL used in this document is “ANSI”, or standard SQL, and no SQL features of specific database management systems will be discussed until the “Nonstandard SQL” section. It is recommended that you print this page, so that you can easily refer back to previous examples. Table of Contents Basics of the SELECT Statement Conditional Selection Relational Operators Compound Conditions IN & BETWEEN Using LIKE Joins Keys Performing a Join Eliminating Duplicates Aliases & In/Subqueries Aggregate Functions Views Creating New Tables Altering Tables Adding Data Deleting Data Updating Data Indexes GROUP BY & HAVING More Subqueries EXISTS & ALL UNION & Outer Joins Embedded SQL Common SQL Questions Nonstandard SQL Syntax Summary

Basics of the SELECT Statement In a relational database, data is stored in tables. An example table would relate Social Security Number, Name, and Address: EmployeeAddressTable SSN

FirstName LastName Address



512687458 Joe


83 First Street Howard

758420012 Mary


842 Vine Ave. Losantiville Ohio

102254896 Sam


33 Elm St.

876512563 Sarah

Ackerman 440 U.S. 110 Upton



New York Michigan

Now, let’s say you want to see the address of each employee. Use the SELECT statement, like so: SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State FROM EmployeeAddressTable; The following is the results of your query of the database: First Name Last Name Address





83 First Street Howard




842 Vine Ave. Losantiville Ohio



33 Elm St.


New York



440 U.S. 110



To explain what you just did, you asked for the all of data in the EmployeeAddressTable, and specifically, you asked for the columns called FirstName, LastName, Address, City, and State. Note that column names and table names do not have spaces...they must be typed as one word; and that the statement ends with a semicolon (;). The general form for a SELECT statement, retrieving all of the rows in the table is: SELECT ColumnName, ColumnName, ... FROM TableName; To get all columns of a table without typing all column names, use: SELECT * FROM TableName; Each database management system (DBMS) and database software has different methods for logging in to the database and entering SQL commands; see the local computer “guru” to help you get onto the system, so that you can use SQL.





Conditional Selection To further discuss the SELECT statement, let’s look at a new example table (for hypothetical purposes only): EmployeeStatisticsTable EmployeeIDNo








































Relational Operators There are six Relational Operators in SQL, and after introducing them, we’ll see how they’re used:

= or != (see manual)

Equal Not Equal

SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM EMPLOYEESTATISTICSTABLE WHERE POSITION = ‘Manager’; This displays the ID Numbers of all Managers. Generally, with text columns, stick to equal to or not equal to, and make sure that any text that appears in the statement is surrounded by single quotes (‘). More Complex Conditions: Compound Conditions / Logical Operators The AND operator joins two or more conditions, and displays a row only if that row’s data satisfies ALL conditions listed (i.e. all conditions hold true). For example, to display all staff making over $40,000, use: SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM EMPLOYEESTATISTICSTABLE WHERE SALARY > 40000 AND POSITION = ‘Staff’; The OR operator joins two or more conditions, but returns a row if ANY of the conditions listed hold true. To see all those who make less than $40,000 or have less than $10,000 in benefits, listed together, use the following query: SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM EMPLOYEESTATISTICSTABLE WHERE SALARY < 40000 OR BENEFITS < 10000; AND & OR can be combined, for example:


Less Than


Greater Than


Greater Than or Equal To

The WHERE clause is used to specify that only certain rows of the table are displayed, based on the criteria described in that WHERE clause. It is most easily understood by looking at a couple of examples. If you wanted to see the EMPLOYEEIDNO’s of those making at or over $50,000, use the following: SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM EMPLOYEESTATISTICSTABLE WHERE SALARY >= 50000; Notice that the >= (greater than or equal to) sign is used, as we wanted to see those who made greater than $50,000, or equal to $50,000, listed together. This displays: EMPLOYEEIDNO —————— 010 105 152 215 244


The WHERE description, SALARY >= 50000, is known as a condition (an operation which evaluates to True or False). The same can be done for text columns:

SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM EMPLOYEESTATISTICSTABLE WHERE POSITION = ‘Manager’ AND SALARY > 60000 OR BENEFITS > 12000; First, SQL finds the rows where the salary is greater than $60,000 and the position column is equal to Manager, then taking this new list of rows, SQL then sees if any of these rows satisfies the previous AND condition or the condition that the Benefits column is greater then $12,000. Subsequently, SQL only displays this second new list of rows, keeping in mind that anyone with Benefits over $12,000 will be included as the OR operator includes a row if either resulting condition is True. Also note that the AND operation is done first. To generalize this process, SQL performs the AND operation(s) to determine the rows where the AND operation(s) hold true (remember: all of the conditions are true), then these results are used to compare with the OR conditions, and only display those remaining rows where any of the conditions joined by the OR operator hold true (where a condition or result from an AND is paired with another condition or AND result to use to evaluate the OR, which evaluates to true if either value is true). Mathematically, SQL evaluates all of the conditions, then evaluates the AND “pairs”, and then evaluates the OR’s (where both operators evaluate left to right). To look at an example, for a given row for which the DBMS is evaluating the SQL statement Where clause to determine whether to include the row in the query result (the whole Where clause evaluates to True), the DBMS has evaluated all of the

True AND False OR True AND True OR False AND False First simplify the AND pairs: False OR True OR False Now do the OR’s, left to right: True OR False True The result is True, and the row passes the query conditions. Be sure to see the next section on NOT’s, and the order of logical operations. I hope that this section has helped you understand AND’s or OR’s, as it’s a difficult subject to explain briefly (especially when you write a version and the editor loses the changes-on multiple occasions no less!). To perform OR’s before AND’s, like if you wanted to see a list of employees making a large salary (>$50,000) or have a large benefit package (>$10,000), and that happen to be a manager, use parentheses: SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM EMPLOYEESTATISTICSTABLE WHERE POSITION = ‘Manager’ AND (SALARY > 50000 OR BENEFIT > 10000); IN & BETWEEN An easier method of using compound conditions uses IN or BETWEEN. For example, if you wanted to list all managers and staff: SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM EMPLOYEESTATISTICSTABLE WHERE POSITION IN (‘Manager’, ‘Staff’);

Using LIKE Look at the EmployeeStatisticsTable, and say you wanted to see all people whose last names started with “L”; try: SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM EMPLOYEESTATISTICSTABLE WHERE LASTNAME LIKE ‘L%’; The percent sign (%) is used to represent any possible character (number, letter, or punctuation) or set of characters that might appear after the “L”. To find those people with LastName’s ending in “L”, use ‘%L’, or if you wanted the “L” in the middle of the word, try ‘%L%’. The ‘%’ can be used for any characters in the same position relative to the given characters. NOT LIKE displays rows not fitting the given description. Other possiblities of using LIKE, or any of these discussed conditionals, are available, though it depends on what DBMS you are using; as usual, consult a manual or your system manager or administrator for the available features on your system, or just to make sure that what you are trying to do is available and allowed. This disclaimer holds for the features of SQL that will be discussed below. This section is just to give you an idea of the possibilities of queries that can be written in SQL. Joins In this section, we will only discuss inner joins, and equijoins, as in general, they are the most useful. For more information, try the SQL links at the bottom of the page. Good database design suggests that each table lists data only about a single entity, and detailed information can be obtained in a relational database, by using additional tables, and by using a join. First, take a look at these example tables:

or to list those making greater than or equal to $30,000, but less than or equal to $50,000, use:

Antique Owners


OwnerID OwnerLastName OwnerFirstName 01



To list everyone not in this range, try:











Additionally, NOT’s can be thrown in with AND’s & OR’s, except that NOT is a unary operator (evaluates one condition, reversing its value, whereas, AND’s & OR’s evaluate two conditions), and that all NOT’s are performed before any AND’s or OR’s.




SQL Order of Logical Operations (each operates from left to
















Similarly, NOT IN lists all rows excluded from the IN list.

Orders OwnerID Item Desired



conditions, and is ready to do the logical comparisons on this result:


Antiques SellerID BuyerID Item 01




















Coffee Table






Jewelry Box









Plant Stand

Keys First, let’s discuss the concept of keys. A primary key is a column or set of columns that uniquely identifies the rest of the data in any given row. For example, in the AntiqueOwners table, the OwnerID column uniquely identifies that row. This means two things: no two rows can have the same OwnerID, and, even if two owners have the same first and last names, the OwnerID column ensures that the two owners will not be confused with each other, because the unique OwnerID column will be used throughout the database to track the owners, rather than the names. A foreign key is a column in a table where that column is a primary key of another table, which means that any data in a foreign key column must have corresponding data in the other table where that column is the primary key. In DBMS-speak, this correspondence is known as referential integrity. For example, in the Antiques table, both the BuyerID and SellerID are foreign keys to the primary key of the AntiqueOwners table (OwnerID; for purposes of argument, one has to be an Antique Owner before one can buy or sell any items), as, in both tables, the ID rows are used to identify the owners or buyers and sellers, and that the OwnerID is the primary key of the AntiqueOwners table. In other words, all of this “ID” data is used to refer to the owners, buyers, or sellers of antiques, themselves, without having to use the actual names. Performing a Join The purpose of these keys is so that data can be related across tables, without having to repeat data in every table—this is the power of relational databases. For example, you can find the names of those who bought a chair without having to list the full name of the buyer in the Antiques table...you can get the


name by relating those who bought a chair with the names in the AntiqueOwners table through the use of the OwnerID, which relates the data in the two tables. To find the names of those who bought a chair, use the following query: SELECT OWNERLASTNAME, OWNERFIRSTNAME FROM ANTIQUEOWNERS, ANTIQUES WHERE BUYERID = OWNERID AND ITEM = ‘Chair’; Note the following about this query...notice that both tables involved in the relation are listed in the FROM clause of the statement. In the WHERE clause, first notice that the ITEM = ‘Chair’ part restricts the listing to those who have bought (and in this example, thereby owns) a chair. Secondly, notice how the ID columns are related from one table to the next by use of the BUYERID = OWNERID clause. Only where ID’s match across tables and the item purchased is a chair (because of the AND), will the names from the AntiqueOwners table be listed. Because the joining condition used an equal sign, this join is called an equijoin. The result of this query is two names: Smith, Bob & Fowler, Sam. Dot notation refers to prefixing the table names to column names, to avoid ambiguity, as such: SELECT ANTIQUEOWNERS.OWNERLASTNAME, ANTIQUEOWNERS.OWNERFIRSTNAME FROM ANTIQUEOWNERS, ANTIQUES WHERE ANTIQUES.BUYERID = ANTIQUEOWNERS.OWNERID AND ANTIQUES.ITEM = ‘Chair’; As the column names are different in each table, however, this wasn’t necessary. DISTINCT and Eliminating Duplicates Let’s say that you want to list the ID and names of only those people who have sold an antique. Obviously, you want a list where each seller is only listed once-you don’t want to know how many antiques a person sold, just the fact that this person sold one (for counts, see the Aggregate Function section below). This means that you will need to tell SQL to eliminate duplicate sales rows, and just list each person only once. To do this, use the DISTINCT keyword. First, we will need an equijoin to the AntiqueOwners table to get the detail data of the person’s LastName and FirstName. However, keep in mind that since the SellerID column in the Antiques table is a foreign key to the AntiqueOwners table, a seller will only be listed if there is a row in the AntiqueOwners table listing the ID and names. We also want to eliminate multiple occurences of the SellerID in our listing, so we use DISTINCT on the column where the repeats may occur. To throw in one more twist, we will also want the list alphabetized by LastName, then by FirstName (on a LastName tie). Thus, we will use the ORDER BY clause: SELECT DISTINCT SELLERID, OWNERLASTNAME, OWNERFIRSTNAME FROM ANTIQUES, ANTIQUEOWNERS WHERE SELLERID = OWNERID ORDER BY OWNERLASTNAME, OWNERFIRSTNAME;

won’t always be the case. In addition, notice that when the IN, “= ANY”, or “= SOME” is used, that these keywords refer to any possible row matches, not column matches...that is, you cannot put multiple columns in the subquery Select clause, in an attempt to match the column in the outer Where clause to one of multiple possible column values in the subquery; only one column can be listed in the subquery, and the possible match comes from multiple row values in that one column, not vice-versa.

Aliases and In/Subqueries

In this section, we will talk about Aliases, In and the use of subqueries, and how these can be used in a 3-table example. First, look at this query which prints the last name of those owners who have placed an order and what the order is, only listing those orders which can be filled (that is, there is a buyer who owns that ordered item): SELECT OWN.OWNERLASTNAME Last Name, ORD.ITEMDESIRED Item Ordered FROM ORDERS ORD, ANTIQUEOWNERS OWN WHERE ORD.OWNERID = OWN.OWNERID AND ORD.ITEMDESIRED IN (SELECT ITEM FROM ANTIQUES); This gives: Last Name ———— Smith Smith Akins Lawson

Item Ordered —————— Table Desk Chair Mirror

There are several things to note about this query: 1. 2.




First, the “Last Name” and “Item Ordered” in the Select lines gives the headers on the report. The OWN & ORD are aliases; these are new names for the two tables listed in the FROM clause that are used as prefixes for all dot notations of column names in the query (see above). This eliminates ambiguity, especially in the equijoin WHERE clause where both tables have the column named OwnerID, and the dot notation tells SQL that we are talking about two different OwnerID’s from the two different tables. Note that the Orders table is listed first in the FROM clause; this makes sure listing is done off of that table, and the AntiqueOwners table is only used for the detail information (Last Name). Most importantly, the AND in the WHERE clause forces the In Subquery to be invoked (“= ANY” or “= SOME” are two equivalent uses of IN). What this does is, the subquery is performed, returning all of the Items owned from the Antiques table, as there is no WHERE clause. Then, for a row from the Orders table to be listed, the ItemDesired must be in that returned list of Items owned from the Antiques table, thus listing an item only if the order can be filled from another owner. You can think of it this way: the subquery returns a set of Items from which each ItemDesired in the Orders table is compared; the In condition is true only if the ItemDesired is in that returned set from the Antiques table.

Whew! That’s enough on the topic of complex SELECT queries for now. Now on to other SQL statements.

Miscellaneous SQL Statements Aggregate Functions I will discuss five important aggregate functions: SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, and COUNT. They are called aggregate functions because they summarize the results of a query, rather than listing all of the rows. •

SUM () gives the total of all the rows, satisfying any conditions, of the given column, where the given column is numeric.

AVG () gives the average of the given column.

MAX () gives the largest figure in the given column.

MIN () gives the smallest figure in the given column.

COUNT(*) gives the number of rows satisfying the conditions.

Looking at the tables at the top of the document, let’s look at three examples: SELECT SUM(SALARY), AVG(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEEST ATISTICS TABLE; This query shows the total of all salaries in the table, and the average salary of all of the entries in the table. SELECT MIN(BENEFITS) FROM EMPLOYEEST ATISTICS TABLE WHERE POSITION = ‘Manager’; This query gives the smallest figure of the Benefits column, of the employees who are Managers, which is 12500. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EMPLOYEES TATISTICS TABLE WHERE POSITION = ‘Staff’; This query tells you how many employees have Staff status (3). Views In SQL, you might (check your DBA) have access to create views for yourself. What a view does is to allow you to assign the results of a query to a new, personal table, that you can use in other queries, where this new table is given the view name in your FROM clause. When you access a view, the query that is defined in your view creation statement is performed (generally), and the results of that query look just like another table in the query that you wrote invoking the view. For example, to create a view:

Also notice, that in this case, that there happened to be an antique available for each one desired...obviously, that



In this example, since everyone has sold an item, we will get a listing of all of the owners, in alphabetical order by last name. For future reference (and in case anyone asks), this type of join is considered to be in the category of inner joins.


Create View Antview As Select Itemdesired From Orders;

Now, write a query using this view as a table, where the table is just a listing of all Items Desired from the Orders table: SELECT SELLERID FROM ANTIQUES, ANTVIEW WHERE ITEM DESIRED = ITEM; This query shows all SellerID’s from the Antiques table where the Item in that table happens to appear in the Antview view, which is just all of the Items Desired in the Orders table. The listing is generated by going through the Antique Items one-byone until there’s a match with the Antview view. Views can be used to restrict database access, as well as, in this case, simplify a complex query. Creating New Tables All tables within a database must be created at some point in time...let’s see how we would create the Orders table: CREATE TABLE ORDERS (OWNERID INTEGER NOT NULL, ITEM DESIRED CHAR(40) NOT NULL); This statement gives the table name and tells the DBMS about each column in the table. Please note that this statement uses generic data types, and that the data types might be different, depending on what DBMS you are using. As usual, check local listings. Some common generic data types are: •

• •

Char(x) - A column of characters, where x is a number designating the maximum number of characters allowed (maximum length) in the column. Integer - A column of whole numbers, positive or negative. Decimal(x, y) - A column of decimal numbers, where x is the maximum length in digits of the decimal numbers in this column, and y is the maximum number of digits allowed after the decimal point. The maximum (4,2) number would be 99.99.

Date - A date column in a DBMS-specific format.

Logical - A column that can hold only two values: TRUE or FALSE.

One other note, the NOT NULL means that the column must have a value in each row. If NULL was used, that column may be left empty in a given row. Altering Tables Let’s add a column to the Antiques table to allow the entry of the price of a given Item: Alter Table Antiques Add (Price Decimal(8,2) Null); The data for this new column can be updated or inserted as shown later. Adding Data To insert rows into a table, do the following: INSERT INTO ANTIQUES VALUES (21, 01, ‘Ottoman’, 200.00); This inserts the data into the table, as a new row, column-bycolumn, in the pre-defined order. Instead, let’s change the order and leave Price blank:


INSERT INTO ANTIQUES (BUYERID, SELLERID, ITEM) VALUES (01, 21, ‘Ottoman’); Deleting Data Let’s delete this new row back out of the database: DELETE FROM ANTIQUES WHERE ITEM = ‘Ottoman’; But if there is another row that contains ‘Ottoman’, that row will be deleted also. Let’s delete all rows (one, in this case) that contain the specific data we added before: DELETE FROM ANTIQUES WHERE ITEM = ‘Ottoman’ AND BUYERID = 01 AND SELLERID = 21; Updating Data Let’s update a Price into a row that doesn’t have a price listed yet: UPDATE ANTIQUES SET PRICE = 500.00 WHERE ITEM = ‘Chair’; This sets all Chair’s Prices to 500.00. As shown above, more WHERE conditionals, using AND, must be used to limit the updating to more specific rows. Also, additional columns may be set by separating equal statements with commas. Miscellaneous Topics Indexes Indexes allow a DBMS to access data quicker (please note: this feature is nonstandard/not available on all systems). The system creates this internal data structure (the index) which causes selection of rows, when the selection is based on indexed columns, to occur faster. This index tells the DBMS where a certain row is in the table given an indexed-column value, much like a book index tells you what page a given word appears. Let’s create an index for the OwnerID in the AntiqueOwners column: CREATE INDEX OID_IDX ON ANTIQUEOWNERS (OWNERID); Now on the Names: CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON ANTIQUEOWNERS (OWNERLASTNAME, OWNERFIRSTNAME); To get rid of an index, drop it: DROP INDEX OID_IDX; By the way, you can also “drop” a table, as well (careful!-that means that your table is deleted). In the second example, the index is kept on the two columns, aggregated together-strange behavior might occur in this situation...check the manual before performing such an operation. Some DBMS’s do not enforce primary keys; in other words, the uniqueness of a column is not enforced automatically. What that means is, if, for example, I tried to insert another row into the AntiqueOwners table with an OwnerID of 02, some systems will allow me to do that, even though, we do not, as that column is supposed to be unique to that table (every row value is supposed to be different). One way to get around that is to create a unique index on the column that we want to be a primary key, to force the system to enforce prohibition of duplicates:

Group By And Having One special use of GROUP BY is to associate an aggregate function (especially COUNT; counting the number of rows in each group) with groups of rows. First, assume that the Antiques table has the Price column, and each row has a value for that column. We want to see the price of the most expensive item bought by each owner. We have to tell SQL to group each owner’s purchases, and tell us the maximum purchase price: SELECT BUYERID, MAX(PRICE) FROM ANTIQUES GROUP BY BUYERID; Now, say we only want to see the maximum purchase price if the purchase is over $1000, so we use the HAVING clause: SELECT BUYERID, MAX(PRICE) FROM ANTIQUES GROUP BY BUYERID HAVING PRICE > 1000; More Subqueries

Another common usage of subqueries involves the use of operators to allow a Where condition to include the Select output of a subquery. First, list the buyers who purchased an expensive item (the Price of the item is $100 greater than the average price of all items purchased): SELECT BUYERID FROM ANTIQUES WHERE PRICE > (SELECT AVG(PRICE) + 100 FROM ANTIQUES); The subquery calculates the average Price, plus $100, and using that figure, an OwnerID is printed for every item costing over that figure. One could use DISTINCT BUYERID, to eliminate duplicates. List the Last Names of those in the AntiqueOwners table, ONLY if they have bought an item: SELECT OWNERLASTNAME FROM ANTIQUEOWNERS WHERE OWNERID IN (SELECT DISTINCT BUYERID FROM ANTIQUES); The subquery returns a list of buyers, and the Last Name is printed for an Antique Owner if and only if the Owner’s ID appears in the subquery list (sometimes called a candidate list). Note: on some DBMS’s, equals can be used instead of IN, but for clarity’s sake, since a set is returned from the subquery, IN is the better choice. For an Update example, we know that the gentleman who bought the bookcase has the wrong First Name in the database...it should be John: UPDATE ANTIQUEOWNERS SET OWNERFIRSTNAME = ‘John’ WHERE OWNERID =

(SELECT BUYERID FROM ANTIQUES WHERE ITEM = ‘Bookcase’); First, the subquery finds the BuyerID for the person(s) who bought the Bookcase, then the outer query updates his First Name. Remember this rule about subqueries: when you have a subquery as part of a WHERE condition, the Select clause in the subquery must have columns that match in number and type to those in the Where clause of the outer query. In other words, if you have “WHERE ColumnName = (SELECT...);”, the Select must have only one column in it, to match the ColumnName in the outer Where clause, and they must match in type (both being integers, both being character strings, etc.). Exists And All EXISTS uses a subquery as a condition, where the condition is True if the subquery returns any rows, and False if the subquery does not return any rows; this is a nonintuitive feature with few unique uses. However, if a prospective customer wanted to see the list of Owners only if the shop dealt in Chairs, try: SELECT OWNERFIRSTNAME, OWNERLASTNAME FROM ANTIQUEOWNERS WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ANTIQUES WHERE ITEM = ‘Chair’); If there are any Chairs in the Antiques column, the subquery would return a row or rows, making the EXISTS clause true, causing SQL to list the Antique Owners. If there had been no Chairs, no rows would have been returned by the outside query. ALL is another unusual feature, as ALL queries can usually be done with different, and possibly simpler methods; let’s take a look at an example query: SELECT BUYERID, ITEM FROM ANTIQUES WHERE PRICE >= ALL (SELECT PRICE FROM ANTIQUES); This will return the largest priced item (or more than one item if there is a tie), and its buyer. The subquery returns a list of all Prices in the Antiques table, and the outer query goes through each row of the Antiques table, and if its Price is greater than or equal to every (or ALL) Prices in the list, it is listed, giving the highest priced Item. The reason “>=” must be used is that the highest priced item will be equal to the highest price on the list, because this Item is in the Price list. Union And Outer Joins (Briefly Explained) There are occasions where you might want to see the results of multiple queries together, combining their output; use UNION. To merge the output of the following two queries, displaying the ID’s of all Buyers, plus all those who have an Order placed: SELECT BUYERID FROM ANTIQUES UNION 185





Embedded SQL—an ugly example (do not write a program like this...for purposes of argument ONLY)

Notice that SQL requires that the Select list (of columns) must match, column-by-column, in data type. In this case BuyerID and OwnerID are of the same data type (integer). Also notice that SQL does automatic duplicate elimination when using UNION (as if they were two “sets”); in single queries, you have to use DISTINCT.

To get right to it, here is an example program that uses Embedded SQL. Embedded SQL allows programmers to connect to a database and include SQL code right in the program, so that their programs can use, manipulate, and process data from a database.

This example C Program (using Embedded SQL) will print a report. This program will have to be precompiled for the SQL statements, before regular compilation.

The EXEC SQL parts are the same (standard), but the surrounding C code will need to be changed, including the host variable declarations, if you are using a different language. Embedded SQL changes from system to system, so, once again, check local documentation, especially variable declarations and logging in procedures, in which network, DBMS, and operating system considerations are crucial.

The outer join is used when a join query is “united” with the rows not included in the join, and are especially useful if constant text “flags” are included. First, look at the query: SELECT OWNERID, ‘is in both Orders & Antiques’ FROM ORDERS, ANTIQUES WHERE OWNERID = BUYERID UNION SELECT BUYERID, ‘is in Antiques only’ FROM ANTIQUES WHERE BUYERID NOT IN


This program is not compilable or executable

It is for example purposes only

The first query does a join to list any owners who are in both tables, and putting a tag line after the ID repeating the quote. The UNION merges this list with the next list. The second list is generated by first listing those ID’s not in the Orders table, thus generating a list of ID’s excluded from the join query. Then, each row in the Antiques table is scanned, and if the BuyerID is not in this exclusion list, it is listed with its quoted tag. There might be an easier way to make this list, but it’s difficult to generate the informational quoted strings of text. This concept is useful in situations where a primary key is related to a foreign key, but the foreign key value for some primary keys is NULL. For example, in one table, the primary key is a salesperson, and in another table is customers, with their salesperson listed in the same row. However, if a salesperson has no customers, that person’s name won’t appear in the customer table. The outer join is used if the listing of all salespersons is to be printed, listed with their customers, whether the salesperson has a customer or not-that is, no customer is printed (a logical NULL value) if the salesperson has no customers, but is in the salespersons table. Otherwise, the salesperson will be listed with each customer. Another important related point about Nulls having to do with joins: the order of tables listed in the From clause is very important. The rule states that SQL “adds” the second table to the first; the first table listed has any rows where there is a null on the join column displayed; if the second table has a row with a null on the join column, that row from the table listed second does not get joined, and thus included with the first table’s row data. This is another occasion (should you wish that data included in the result) where an outer join is commonly used. The concept of nulls is important, and it may be worth your time to investigate them further. ENOUGH QUERIES!!! you say?...now on to something completely different...


#include /* This section declares the host variables; these will be the variables your program uses, but also the variable SQL will put values in or take values out. */ EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int BuyerID; char FirstName[100], LastName[100], Item[100]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; /* This includes the SQLCA variable, so that some error checking can be done. */ EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA; main() { /* This is a possible way to log into the database */ EXEC SQL CONNECT UserID/Password; /* This code either says that you are connected or checks if an error code was generated, meaning log in was incorrect or not possible. */ if(sqlca.sqlcode) { printf(Printer, “Error connecting to database server.\n”); exit(); } printf(“Connected to database server.\n”); /* This declares a “Cursor”. This is used when a query returns more than one row, and an operation is to be performed on each row resulting from the query. With each row established by this query, I’m going to use it in the report. Later, “Fetch” will be used to pick off each row, one at a time, but for the query to actually be executed, the “Open” statement is used. The “Declare” just establishes the query. */ EXEC SQL DECLARE ItemCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ITEM, BUYERID FROM ANTIQUES

created (on large systems), but the system stores the data in a special format, and may spread data from one table over several files. In the database world, a set of files created for a database is called a tablespace. In general, on small systems, everything about a database (definitions and all table data) is kept in one file.

/* +— You may wish to put a similar error checking block here —+ */ /* Fetch puts the values of the “next” row of the query in the host variables, respectively. However, a “priming fetch” (programming technique) must first be done. When the cursor is out of data, a sqlcode will be generated allowing us to leave the loop. Notice that, for simplicity’s sake, the loop will leave on any sqlcode, even if it is an error code. Otherwise, specific code checking must be performed. */ EXEC SQL FETCH ItemCursor INTO :Item, :BuyerID; while(!sqlca.sqlcode) { /* With each row, we will also do a couple of things. First, bump the price up by $5 (dealer’s fee) and get the buyer’s name to put in the report. To do this, I’ll use an Update and a Select, before printing the line on the screen. The update assumes however, that a given buyer has only bought one of any given item, or else the price will be increased too many times. Otherwise, a “RowID” logic would have to be used (see documentation). Also notice the colon before host variable names when used inside of SQL statements. */ EXEC SQL UPDATE ANTIQUES SET PRICE = PRICE + 5 WHERE ITEM = :Item AND BUYERID = :BuyerID;


(Related question) Aren’t database tables just like spreadsheets? -No, for two reasons. First, spreadsheets can have data in a cell, but a cell is more than just a rowcolumn-intersection. Depending on your spreadsheet software, a cell might also contain formulas and formatting, which database tables cannot have (currently). Secondly, spreadsheet cells are often dependent on the data in other cells. In databases, “cells” are independent, except that columns are logically related (hopefully; together a row of columns describe an entity), and, other than primary key and foreign key constraints, each row in a table is independent from one another.


How do I import a text file of data into a database? -Well, you can’t do it directly...you must use a utility, such as Oracle’s SQL*Loader, or write a program to load the data into the database. A program to do this would simply go through each record of a text file, break it up into columns, and do an Insert into the database.


What web sites and computer books would you recommend for more information about SQL and databases? -First, look at the sites at the bottom of this page. I would especially suggest the following: Ask the SQL Pro (self-explanatory), DB Ingredients (more theorical topics), DBMS Lab/Links (comprehensive academic DBMS link listing), Access on the Web (about web access of Access databases), Tutorial Page (listing of other tutorials), and miniSQL (more information about the best known free DBMS). Unfortunately, there is not a great deal of information on the web about SQL; the list I have below is fairly comprehensive (definitely representative). As far as books are concerned (go to amazon.com or Barnes & Noble for more information), I would suggest (for beginners to intermediate-level) “Oracle: The Complete Reference” from Oracle and “Understanding SQL” from Sybex for general SQL information. Also, I would recommend O’Reilly Publishing’s books, and Joe Celko’s writings for advanced users. Additionally, I would suggest mcp.com for samples of computer books, and for specific DBMS info (especially in the Access area), I recommend Que’s “Using” series, and the books of Alison Balter (search for these names at the bookstore sites for a list of titles).


What is a schema? -A schema is a logical set of tables, such as the Antiques database above...usually, it is thought of as simply “the database”, but a database can hold more than one schema. For example, a star schema is a set of tables where one large, central table holds all of the important information, and is linked, via foreign keys, to dimension tables which hold detail information, and can be used in a join to create detailed reports.

EXEC SQL SELECT OWNERFIRSTNAME, OWNERLASTNAME INTO :FirstName, :LastName FROM ANTIQUEOWNERS WHERE BUYERID = :BuyerID; printf(“%25s %25s %25s”, FirstName, LastName, Item); /* Ugly report—for example purposes only! Get the next row. */ EXEC SQL FETCH ItemCursor INTO :Item, :BuyerID; } /* Close the cursor, commit the changes (see below), and exit the program. */ EXEC SQL CLOSE ItemCursor; EXEC SQL COMMIT RELEASE; exit(); } Common SQL Questions-Advanced Topics (see FAQ link for several more) 1.



Why can’t I just ask for the first three rows in a table? Because in relational databases, rows are inserted in no particular order, that is, the system inserts them in an arbitrary order; so, you can only request rows using valid SQL features, like ORDER BY, etc. What is this DDL and DML I hear about? -DDL (Data Definition Language) refers to (in SQL) the Create Table statement...DML (Data Manipulation Language) refers to the Select, Update, Insert, and Delete statements. Aren’t database tables just files? -Well, DBMS’s store data in files declared by system managers before new tables are






Show me an example of an outer join. -Well, from the questions I receive, this is an extremely common example, and I’ll show you both the Oracle and Access queries...


What are some general tips you would give to make my SQL queries and databases better and faster (optimized)? •

You should try, if you can, to avoid expressions in Selects, such as SELECT ColumnA + ColumnB, etc. The query optimizer of the database, the portion of the DBMS that determines the best way to get the required data out of the database itself, handles expressions in such a way that would normally require more time to retrieve the data than if columns were normally selected, and the expression itself handled programmatically.

Minimize the number of columns included in a Group By clause.

If you are using a join, try to have the columns joined on (from both tables) indexed. When in doubt, index.

Think of the following Employee table (the employees are given numbers, for simplicity): Name Department 1










Now suppose you want to join the tables, seeing all of the employees and all of the departments together...you’ll have to use an outer join which includes a null employee to go with Dept. 40.

Department 10 20 30 40 In the book, “Oracle 7: the Complete Reference”, about outer joins, “think of the (+), which must immediately follow the join column of the table, as saying add an extra (null) row anytime there’s no match”. So, in Oracle, try this query (the + goes on Employee, which adds the null row on no match): Select E.Name, D.Department From Department D, Employee E Where E.Department(+) = D.Department; This is a left (outer) join, in Access: SELECT DISTINCTROW Employee.Name, Department.Department FROM Department LEFT JOIN Employee ON Department.Department = Employee.Department; And you get this result:

Name Department 1









30 40


• •

Unless doing multiple counts or a complex query, use COUNT(*) (the number of rows generated by the query) rather than COUNT(Column_Name).

10. What is normalization?-Normalization is a technique of database design that suggests that certain criteria be used when constructing a table layout (deciding what columns each table will have, and creating the key structure), where the idea is to eliminate redundancy of non-key data across tables. Normalization is usually referred to in terms of forms, and I will introduce only the first three, even though it is somewhat common to use other, more advanced forms (fourth, fifth, Boyce-Codd; see documentation). First Normal Form refers to moving data into separate tables where the data in each table is of a similar type, and by giving each table a primary key. Putting data in Second Normal Form involves removing to other tables data that is only dependent of a part of the key. For example, if I had left the names of the Antique Owners in the items table, that would not be in Second Normal Form because that data would be redundant; the name would be repeated for each item owned; as such, the names were placed in their own table. The names themselves don’t have anything to do with the items, only the identities of the buyers and sellers. Third Normal Form involves getting rid of anything in the tables that doesn’t depend solely on the primary key. Only include information that is dependent on the key, and move off data to other tables that are independent of the primary key, and create a primary keys for the new tables. There is some redundancy to each form, and if data is in 3NF (shorthand for 3rd normal form), it is already in 1NF and 2NF. In terms of data design then, arrange data so that any non-primary key columns are dependent only on the whole primary key. If you take a look at the sample database, you will see that the way then to navigate through the database is through joins using common key columns. Two other important points in database design are using good, consistent, logical, full-word names for the tables and columns, and the use of full words in the database

11. What is the difference between a single-row query and a multiple-row query and why is it important to know the difference? —First, to cover the obvious, a single-row query is a query that returns one row as its result, and a multiplerow query is a query that returns more than one row as its result. Whether a query returns one row or more than one row is entirely dependent on the design (or schema) of the tables of the database. As query-writer, you must be aware of the schema, be sure to include enough conditions, and structure your SQL statement properly, so that you will get the desired result (either one row or multiple rows). For example, if you wanted to be sure that a query of the AntiqueOwners table returned only one row, consider an equal condition of the primary key-column, OwnerID. Three reasons immediately come to mind as to why this is important. First, getting multiple rows when you were expecting only one, or vice-versa, may mean that the query is erroneous, that the database is incomplete, or simply, you learned something new about your data. Second, if you are using an update or delete statement, you had better be sure that the statement that you write performs the operation on the desired row (or rows)...or else, you might be deleting or updating more rows than you intend. Third, any queries written in Embedded SQL must be carefully thought out as to the number of rows returned. If you write a single-row query, only one SQL statement may need to be performed to complete the programming logic required. If your query, on the other hand, returns multiple rows, you will have to use the Fetch statement, and quite probably, some sort of looping structure in your program will be required to iterate processing on each returned row of the query. 12. Tell me about a simple approach to relational database design. —This was sent to me via a news posting; it was submitted by John Frame ( [emailprotected] ) and Richard Freedman ( [emailprotected] ); I offer a shortened version as advice, but I’m not responsible for it, and some of the concepts are readdressed in the next question... First, create a list of important things (entities) and include those things you may not initially believe is important. Second, draw a line between any two entities that have any connection whatsoever; except that no two entities can connect without a ‘rule’; e.g.: families have children, employees work for a department. Therefore put the ‘connection’ in a diamond, the ‘entities’ in squares. Third, your picture should now have many squares (entities) connected to other entities through diamonds (a square

enclosing an entity, with a line to a diamond describing the relationship, and then another line to the other entity). Fourth, put descriptors on each square and each diamond, such as customer - airline - trip. Fifth, give each diamond and square any attributes it may have (a person has a name, an invoice has a number), but some relationships have none (a parent just owns a child). Sixth, everything on your page that has attributes is now a table, whenever two entities have a relationship where the relationship has no attributes, there is merely a foreign key between the tables. Seventh, in general you want to make tables not repeat data. So, if a customer has a name and several addresses, you can see that for every address of a customer, there will be repeated the customer’s first name, last name, etc. So, record Name in one table, and put all his addresses in another. Eighth, each row (record) should be unique from every other one; Mr. Freedman suggests a ‘auto-increment number’ primary key, where a new, unique number is generated for each new inserted row. Ninth, a key is any way to uniquely identify a row in a table...first and last name together are good as a ‘composite’ key. That’s the technique. 13. What are relationships? -Another design question...the term “relationships” (often termed “relation”) usually refers to the relationships among primary and foreign keys between tables. This concept is important because when the tables of a relational database are designed, these relationships must be defined because they determine which columns are or are not primary or foreign keys. You may have heard of an Entity-Relationship Diagram, which is a graphical view of tables in a database schema, with lines connecting related columns across tables. See the sample diagram at the end of this section or some of the sites below in regard to this topic, as there are many different ways of drawing E-R diagrams. But first, let’s look at each kind of relationship... A One-to-one relationship means that you have a primary key column that is related to a foreign key column, and that for every primary key value, there is one foreign key value. For example, in the first example, the EmployeeAddressTable, we add an EmployeeIDNo column. Then, the EmployeeAddressTable is related to the EmployeeStatisticsTable (second example table) by means of that EmployeeIDNo. Specifically, each employee in the EmployeeAddressTable has statistics (one row of data) in the EmployeeStatisticsTable. Even though this is a contrived example, this is a “1-1” relationship. Also notice the “has” in bold...when expressing a relationship, it is important to describe the relationship with a verb. The other two kinds of relationships may or may not use logical primary key and foreign key constraints...it is strictly a call of the designer. The first of these is the one-to-many relationship (“1-M”). This means that for every column value in one table, there is one or more related values in another table. Key constraints may be added to the design, or possibly just the use of some sort of identifier column may be used to establish the relationship. An example



itself. On the last point, my database is lacking, as I use numeric codes for identification. It is usually best, if possible, to come up with keys that are, by themselves, self-explanatory; for example, a better key would be the first four letters of the last name and first initial of the owner, like JONEB for Bill Jones (or for tiebreaking purposes, add numbers to the end to differentiate two or more people with similar names, so you could try JONEB1, JONEB2, etc.).


would be that for every OwnerID in the AntiqueOwners table, there are one or more (zero is permissible too) Items bought in the Antiques table (verb: buy). Finally, the many-to-many relationship (“M-M”) does not involve keys generally, and usually involves idenifying columns. The unusual occurence of a “M-M” means that one column in one table is related to another column in another table, and for every value of one of these two columns, there are one or more related values in the corresponding column in the other table (and vice-versa), or more a common possibility, two tables have a 1-M relationship to each other (two relationships, one 1-M going each way). A [bad] example of the more common situation would be if you had a job assignment database, where one table held one row for each employee and a job assignment, and another table held one row for each job with one of the assigned employees. Here, you would have multiple rows for each employee in the first table, one for each job assignment, and multiple rows for each job in the second table, one for each employee assigned to the project. These tables have a M-M: each employee in the first table has many job assignments from the second table, and each job has many employees assigned to it from the first table. This is the tip of the iceberg on this topic...see the links below for more information and see the diagram below for a simplified example of an E-R diagram.

after all groups are listed, the sum of all Prices is listed, all with SQL-generated headers and lines. •

In addition to the above listed aggregate functions, some DBMS’s allow more functions to be used in Select lists, except that these functions (some character functions allow multiple-row results) are to be used with an individual value (not groups), on single-row queries. The functions are to be used only on appropriate data types, also. Here are some Mathematical Functions: Absolute value-converts negative numbers


to positive, or leaves positive numbers alone



X is a decimal value that will be rounded up. X is a decimal value that will be rounded down.

GREATEST(X,Y) Returns the largest of the two values. LEAST(X,Y)

Returns the smallest of the two values.


Returns the remainder of X / Y.


Returns X to the power of Y. Rounds X to Y decimal places. If Y is


omitted, X is rounded to the nearest integer.

14. What are some important nonstandard SQL features (extremely common question)? —Well, see the next section... Nonstandard SQL...”check local listings” •

INTERSECT and MINUS are like the UNION statement, except that INTERSECT produces rows that appear in both queries, and MINUS produces rows that result from the first query, but not the second.

Report Generation Features: the COMPUTE clause is placed at the end of a query to place the result of an aggregate function at the end of a listing, like COMPUTE SUM (PRICE); Another option is to use break logic: define a break to divide the query results into groups based on a column, like BREAK ON BUYERID. Then, to produce a result after the listing of a group, use COMPUTE SUM OF PRICE ON BUYERID. If, for example, you used all three of these clauses (BREAK first, COMPUTE on break second, COMPUTE overall sum third), you would get a report that grouped items by their BuyerID, listing the sum of Prices after each group of a BuyerID’s items, then,



Returns a minus if X < 0, else a plus.


Returns the square root of X.


Returns the leftmost X characters of the string.


Returns the rightmost X characters of the string.


Converts the string to all uppercase letters.


Converts the string to all lowercase letters.


Converts the string to initial caps.


Returns the number of characters in the string.


NULL or NOT NULL (see above)


UNIQUE enforces that no two rows will have the same value for this column


PRIMARY KEY tells the database that this column is the primary key column (only used if the key is a one column key, otherwise a PRIMARY KEY (column, column, ...) statement appears after the last column definition.


CHECK allows a condition to be checked for when data in that column is updated or inserted; for example, CHECK (PRICE > 0) causes the system to check that the Price column is greater than zero before accepting the value...sometimes implemented as the CONSTRAINT statement. DEFAULT inserts the default value into the database if a row is inserted without that column’s data being inserted; for example, BENEFITS INTEGER DEFAULT = 10000

Combines the two strings of text into one, ||








immediately followed by the second. Pads the string on the left with the * (or whatever LPAD(,X,'*')

character is inside the quotes), to make the string X


characters long. Pads the string on the right with the * (or whatever RPAD(,X,'*')

character is inside the quotes), to make the string X


characters long. SUBSTR(,X,Y)


Extracts Y letters from the string beginning at

FOREIGN KEY works the same as Primary Key, but is followed by: REFERENCES (), which refers to the referential primary key.

position X.


The Null value function will substitute for


any NULLs for in the . If the current value of is not NULL, NVL has no effect.

Syntax Summary-For Advanced Users Only Here are the general forms of the statements discussed in this tutorial, plus some extra important ones (explanations given). REMEMBER that all of these statements may or may not be available on your system, so check documentation regarding availability: ALTER TABLE ADD|DROP|MODIFY (COLUMN SPECIFICATION[S]...see Create Table); -allows you to add or delete a column or columns from a table, or change the specification (data type, etc.) on an existing column; this statement is also used to change the physical specifications of a table (how a table is stored, etc.), but these definitions are DBMS-specific, so read the documentation. Also, these physical specifications are used with the Create Table statement, when a table is first created. In addition, only one option can be performed per Alter Table statement-either add, drop, OR modify in a single statement. COMMIT; -makes changes made to some database systems permanent (since the last COMMIT; known as a transaction) CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX ON (); —UNIQUE is optional; within brackets.

INSERT INTO [()] VALUES (); ROLLBACK; —Takes back any changes to the database that you have made, back to the last time you gave a Commit command...beware! Some software uses automatic committing on systems that use the transaction features, so the Rollback command may not work. SELECT [DISTINCT|ALL] FROM [WHERE ] [GROUP BY ] [HAVING ] [ORDER BY [ASC|DESC]]; —where ASC|DESC allows the ordering to be done in ASCending or DESCending order UPDATE SET = [WHERE ]; - if the Where clause is left out, all rows will be updated according to the Set statement

Review Question 1.

List down various DML, DDL, DCL command

CREATE TABLE ( [()] , ...other columns); (also valid with ALTER TABLE) -where SIZE is only used on certain data types (see above), and constraints include the following possibilities (automatically enforced by the DBMS; failure causes an error to be generated): 191


Character Functions


LESSON 37 TUTORIAL ON BACKUP AND RECOVERY When data disappears, your boss wants it back, and your job is on the line.

One of the innumerable tasks of the DBA is to ensure that all of the databases of the enterprise are always “available.” Availability in this context means that the users must be able to access the data stored in the databases, and that the contents of the databases must be up-to-date, consistent, and correct. It must never appear to a user that the system has lost the data or that the data has become inconsistent. This would totally ruin the user’s confidence in the database and the entire system. Many factors threaten the availability of your databases. These include natural disasters (such as floods and earthquakes), hardware failures (for example, a power failure or disk crash), software failures (such as DBMS malfunctions - read “bugs” and application program errors), and people failures (for example, operator errors, user misunderstandings, and keyboard trouble). To this list you can also add the threats I listed last month under security, such as malicious attempts to destroy or corrupt the contents of the database. In a large enterprise, the DBA must ensure the availability of several databases, such as the development databases, the databases used for unit and acceptance testing, the operational online production databases (some of which may be replicated or distributed all over the world), the data warehouse databases, the data marts, and all of the other departmental databases. All of these databases usually have different requirements for availability. The online production databases typically must be available, up-to-date, and consistent for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with minimal downtime. The warehouse databases must be available and up-to-date during business hours and even for a while after hours. On the other hand, the test databases need to be available only for testing cycles, but during these periods the testing staff may have extensive requirements for the availability of their test databases. For example, the DBA may have to restore the test databases to a consistent state after each test. The developers often have even more ad hoc requirements for the availability of the development databases, specifically toward the end of a crucial deadline. The business hours of a multinational organization may also have an impact on availability. For example, a working day from 8 a.m. in central Europe to 6 p.m. in California implies that the database must be available for 20 hours a day. The DBA is left with little time to provide for availability, let alone perform other maintenance tasks. Recovery is the corrective process to restore the database to a usable state from an erroneous state. The basic recovery process consists of the following steps: 1.

Identify that the database is in an erroneous, damaged, or crashed state.


Suspend normal processing.



Determine the source and extent of the damage.


Take corrective action, that is: •

Restore the system resources to a usable state.

Rectify the damage done, or remove invalid data. Restart or continue the interrupted processes, including the re-execution of interrupted transactions.


Resume normal processing.

To cope with failures, additional components and algorithms are usually added to the system. Most techniques use recovery data (that is, redundant data), which makes recovery possible. When taking corrective action, the effects of some transactions must be removed, while other transactions must be re-executed; some transactions must even be undone and redone. The recovery data must make it possible to perform these steps. The following techniques can be used for recovery from an erroneous state: Dump and restart: The entire database must be backed up regularly to archival storage. In the event of a failure, a copy of the database in a previous correct state (such as from a checkpoint) is loaded back into the database. The system is then restarted so that new transactions can proceed. Old transactions can be re-executed if they are available. The following types of restart can be identified: •

A warm restart is the process of starting the system after a controlled system shutdown, in which all active transactions were terminated normally and successfully.

An emergency restart is invoked by a restart command issued by the operator. It may include reloading the database contents from archive storage.

A cold start is when the system is started from scratch, usually when a warm restart is not possible. This may also include reloading the database contents from archive storage. Usually used to recover from physical damage, a cold restart is also used when recovery data was lost.

Undo-redo processing (also called roll-back and re-execute): By using an audit trail of transactions, all of the effects of recent, partially completed transactions can be undone up to a known correct state. Undoing is achieved by reversing the updating process. By working backwards through the log, all of the records of the transaction in question can be traced, until the begin transaction operations of all of the relevant transactions have been reached. The undo operation must be “idempotent,” meaning that failures during undo operations must still result in the correct single intended undo operation taking place. From the known correct state, all of the journaled transactions can then be re-executed to obtain the desired correct resultant database contents. The operations of the transactions that were already executed at a previous stage are obtained from the audit trail. The redo operation must also be idempotent, meaning

Roll-forward processing (also called reload and re-execute): All or part of a previous correct state (for example, from a checkpoint) is reloaded; the DBA can then instruct the DBMS to re-execute the recently recorded transactions from the transaction audit trail to obtain a correct state. It is typically used when (part of) the physical media has been damaged. Restore and repeat: This is a variation of the previous method, where a previous correct state is restored. The difference is that the transactions are merely reposted from before and/or after images kept in the audit trail. The actual transactions are not re-executed: They are merely reapplied from the audit trail to the actual data table. In other words, the images of the updated rows (the effects of the transactions) are replaced in the data table from the audit trail, but the original transactions are not re-executed as in the previous case. As a result, the DBA has an extensive set of requirements for the tools and facilities offered by the DBMS. These include facilities to back up an entire database offline, facilities to back up parts of the database selectively, features to take a snapshot of the database at a particular moment, and obviously journaling facilities to roll back or roll forward the transactions applied to the database to a particular identified time. Some of these facilities must be used online - that is, while the users are busy accessing the database. For each backup mechanism, there must be a corresponding restore mechanism - these mechanisms should be efficient, because you usually have to restore a lost, corrupt, or damaged database at some critical moment, while the users are waiting anxiously (sometimes highly irritated) and the managers are jumping up and down (often ineffectually)! The backup and restore facilities should be configurable - you may want to stream the backup data to and from multiple devices in parallel, you may want to add compression and decompression (including using third-party compression tools), you may want to delete old backups automatically off the disk, or you may want to label the tapes according to your own standards. You should also be able to take the backup of a database from one platform and restore it on another - this step is necessary to cater for non-databaserelated problems, such as machine and operating system failures. For each facility, you should be able to monitor its progress and receive an acknowledgment that each task has been completed successfully. Some organizations use so-called “hot standby” techniques to increase the availability of their databases. In a typical hot standby scenario, the operations performed on the operational database are replicated to a standby database. If any problems are encountered on the operational database, the users are switched over and continue working on the standby database until the operational database is restored. However, database replication is an involved and extensive topic - I will cover it in detail in a subsequent column.

In the remainder of this month’s column I investigate the tools and facilities offered by IBM, Informix, Microsoft, Oracle, and Sybase for backup and recovery. IBM DB2 IBM’s DB2 release 2.1.1 provides two facilities to back up your databases, namely the BACKUP command and the Database Director. It provides three methods to recover your database: crash recovery, restore, and roll-forward. Backups can be performed either online or offline. Online backups are only supported if roll-forward recovery is enabled for the specific database. To execute the BACKUP command, you need SYSADM, SYSCTRL, or SYSMAINT authority. A database or a tablespace can be backed up to a fixed disk or tape. A tablespace backup and a tablespace restore cannot be run at the same time, even if they are working on different tablespaces. The backup command provides concurrency control for multiple processes making backup copies of different databases at the same time. The restore and roll-forward methods provide different types of recovery. The restore-only recovery method makes use of an offline, full backup copy of the database; therefore, the restored database is only as current as the last backup. The roll-forward recovery method makes use of database changes retained in logs - therefore it entails performing a restore database (or tablespaces) using the BACKUP command, then applying the changes in the logs since the last backup. You can only do this when roll-forward recovery is enabled. With full database rollforward recovery, you can specify a date and time in the processing history to which to recover. Crash recovery protects the database from being left in an inconsistent state. When transactions against the database are unexpectedly interrupted, you must perform a rollback of the incomplete and in-doubt transactions, as well as the completed transactions that are still in memory. To do this, you use the RESTART DATABASE command. If you have specified the AUTORESTART parameter, a RESTART DATABASE is performed automatically after each failure. If a media error occurs during recovery, the recovery will continue, and the erroneous tablespace is taken offline and placed in a roll-forward pending state. The offline tablespace will need additional fixing up - restore and/or roll-forward recovery, depending on the mode of the database (whether it is recoverable or nonrecoverable). Restore recovery, also known as version control, lets you restore a previous version of a database made using the BACKUP command. Consider the following two scenarios: •

A database restore will rebuild the entire database using a backup made earlier, thus restoring the database to the identical state when the backup was made. A tablespace restore is made from a backup image, which was created using the BACKUP command where only one or more tablespaces were specified to be backed up. Therefore this process only restores the selected tablespaces to the state they were in when the backup was taken; it leaves the unselected tablespaces in a different state. A



that failures during redo operations must still result in the correct single intended redo operation taking place. This technique can be used when partially completed processes are aborted.


tablespace restore can be done online (shared mode) or offline (exclusive mode). Roll-forward recovery may be the next task after a restore, depending on your database’s state. There are two scenarios to consider: •

Database roll-forward recovery is performed to restore the database by applying the database logs. The database logs record all of the changes made to the database. On completion of this recovery method, the database will return to its prefailure state. A backup image of the database and archives of the logs are needed to use this method. Tablespace roll-forward can be done in two ways: either by using the ROLLFORWARD command to apply the logs against the tablespaces in a roll-forward pending state, or by performing a tablespace restore and roll-forward recovery, followed by a ROLLFORWARD operation to apply the logs.

Informix Informix for Windows NT release 7.12 has a Storage Manager Setup tool and a Backup and Restore tool. These tools let you perform complete or incremental backups of your data, back up logical log files (continuous and manual), restore data from a backup device, and specify the backup device. Informix has a Backup and Restore wizard to help you with your backup and restore operations. This wizard is only available on the server machine. The Backup and Restore wizard provides three options: Backup, Logical Log Backup, and Restore. The Backup and Restore tool provides two types of backups: complete and incremental. A complete backup backs up all of the data for the selected database server. A complete backup also known as a level-0 backup - is required before you can do an incremental backup. An incremental backup - also known as a level-1 backup - backs up all changes that have occurred since the last complete backup, thereby requiring less time because only part of the data from the selected database server is backed up. You also get a level-2 backup, performed using the commandline utilities, that is used to back up all of the changes that have occurred since the last incremental backup. The Backup and Restore tool provides two types of logical log backups: continuous backup of the logical logs and manual backup of the logical logs. A Logical Log Backup backs up all full and used logical log files for a database server. The logical log files are used to store records of the online activity that occurs between complete backups. The Informix Storage Manager (ISM) Setup tool lets you specify the storage device for storing the data used for complete, incremental, and logical log backups. The storage device can be a tape drive, a fixed hard drive, a removable hard drive, or none (for example, the null device). It is only available on the server machine. You can select one backup device for your general backups (complete or incremental) and a separate device for your logical log backups. You always have to move the backup file to another location or rename the file before starting your next backup. Before restoring your data, you must move the backup


file to the directory specified in the ISM Setup and rename the backup file to the filename specified in ISM Setup. If you specify None as your logical log storage device, the application marks the logical log files as backed up as soon as they become full, effectively discarding logical log information. Specify None only if you do not need to recover transactions from the logical log. When doing a backup, the server must be online or in administration mode. Once the backup has started, changing the mode will terminate the backup process. When backing up to your hard drive, the backup file will be created automatically. The Restore option of the Backup and Restore wizard restores the data and logical log files from a backup source. You cannot restore the data if you have not made a complete backup. The server must be in offline mode during the restore operation. You can back up your active logical log files before doing the restore, and you can also specify which log files must be used. A level-1 (incremental) backup can be restored, but you will be prompted to proceed with a level-2 backup at the completion of the level-1 restore. Once the restore is completed, the database server can be brought back online, and processing can continue as usual. If you click on Cancel during a restore procedure, the resulting data may be corrupted. Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 provides more than one backup and recovery mechanism. For backups of the database, the user can either use the Bulk Copy Program (BCP) from the command line to create flat-file backups of individual tables or the built-in Transact-SQL DUMP and LOAD statements to back up or restore the entire database or specific tables within the database. Although the necessary Transact-SQL statements are available from within the SQL environment, the Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager provides a much more user-friendly interface for making backups and recovering them later on. The Enterprise Manager will prompt the DBA for information such as database name, backup device to use, whether to initialize the device, and whether the backup must be scheduled for later or done immediately. Alternatively, you can use the Database Maintenance wizard to automate the whole maintenance process, including the backup procedures. These tasks are automatically scheduled by the wizard on a daily or weekly basis. Both the BCP utility and the dump statement can be run online, which means that users do not have to be interrupted while backups are being made. This facility is particularly valuable in 24 X 7 operations. A database can be restored up to the last committed transaction by also LOADing the transaction logs that were dumped since the previous database DUMP. Some of the LOAD options involve more management. For example, the database dump file and all subsequent transaction-log dump files must be kept until the last minute in case recovery is required. It is up to the particular site to determine a suitable backup and recovery policy, given the available options. To protect against hardware failures, Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 has the built-in capability to define a standby server for automatic failover. This option requires sophisticated hardware

Oracle Oracle7 Release 7.3 uses full and partial database backups and a redo log for its database backup and recovery operations. The database backup is an operating system backup of the physical files that constitute the Oracle database. The redo log consists of two or more preallocated files, which are used to record all changes made to the database. You can also use the export and import utilities to create a backup of a database. Oracle offers a standby database scheme, with which it maintains a copy of a primary database on duplicate hardware, in a constant recoverable state, by applying the redo logs archived off the primary database. A full backup is an operating system backup of all of the data files, parameter files, and the control file that constitute the database. A full database backup can be taken by using the operating system’s commands or by using the host command of the Server Manager. A full database backup can be taken online when the database is open, but only an offline database backup (taken when the database server is shut down) will necessarily be consistent. An inconsistent database backup must be recovered with the online and archived redo log files before the database will become available. The best approach is to take a full database backup after the database has been shut down with normal or immediate priority. A partial backup is any operating system backup of a part of the full backup, such as selected data files, the control file only, or the data files in a specified tablespace only. A partial backup is useful if the database is operated in ARCHIVELOG mode. A database operating in NOARCHIVE mode rarely has sufficient information to use a partial backup to restore the database to a consistent state. The archiving mode is usually set during database creation, but it can be reset at a later stage. You can recover a database damaged by a media failure in one of three ways after you have restored backups of the damaged data files. These steps can be performed using the Server Manager’s Apply Recovery Archives dialog box, using the Server Manager’s RECOVER command, or using the SQL ALTER DATABASE command: •

You can recover an entire database using the RECOVER DATABASE command. This command performs media recovery on all of the data files that require redo processing. You can recover specified tablespaces using the RECOVER TABLESPACE command. This command performs media recovery on all of the data files in the listed tablespaces. Oracle requires the database to be open and mounted in order to determine the file names of the tables contained in the tablespace. You can list the individual files to be recovered using the RECOVER DATAFILE command. The database can be open or closed, provided that Oracle can take the required media recovery locks.

In certain situations, you can also recover a specific damaged data file, even if a backup file isn’t available. This can only be done if all of the required log files are available and the control file contains the name of the damaged file. In addition, Oracle provides a variety of recovery options for different crash scenarios, including incomplete recovery, change-based, cancelbased, and time-based recovery, and recovery from user errors. Sybase SQL Server Sybase SQL Server 11 uses database dumps, transaction dumps, checkpoints, and a transaction log per database for database recovery. All backup and restore operations are performed by an Open Server program called Backup Server, which runs on the same physical machine as the Sybase SQL Server 11 process. A database dump is a complete copy of the database, including the data files and the transaction log. This function is performed using the DUMP DATABASE operation, which can place the backup on tape or on disk. You can make dynamic dumps, which let the users continue using the database while the dump is being made. A transaction dump is a routine backup of the transaction log. The DUMP TRANSACTION operation also truncates the inactive portion of the transaction log file. You can use multiple devices in the DUMP DATABASE and DUMP TRANSACTION operations to stripe the dumps across multiple devices. The transaction log is a write-ahead log, maintained in the system table called syslogs. You can use the DUMP TRANSACTION command to copy the information from the transaction log to a tape or disk. You can use the automatic checkpointing task or the CHECKPOINT command (issued manually) to synchronize a database with its transaction log. Doing so causes the database pages that are modified in memory to be flushed to the disk. Regular checkpoints can shorten the recovery time after a system crash. Each time Sybase SQL Server restarts, it automatically checks each database for transactions requiring recovery by comparing the transaction log with the actual data pages on the disk. If the log records are more recent than the data page, it reapplies the changes from the transaction log. An entire database can be restored from a database dump using the LOAD DATABASE command. Once you have restored the database to a usable state, you can use the LOAD TRANSACTION command to load all transaction log dumps, in the order in which they were created. This process reconstructs the database by re-executing the transactions recorded in the transaction log. You can use the DUMP DATABASE and LOAD DATABASE operations to port a database from one Sybase installation to another, as long as they run on similar hardware and software platforms. Prevention is Better than Cure. . .

Although each DBMS I reviewed has a range of backup and recovery facilities, it is always important to ensure that the facilities are used properly and adequately. By “adequately,” I mean that backups must be taken regularly. All of the DBMSs I reviewed provided the facilities to repost or re-execute completed transactions from a log or journal file. However,



but is good to consider for 24 X 7 operations. Once configured, it does not require any additional tasks on an ongoing basis. In addition, separate backups of the database are still required in case of data loss or multiple media failure.


reposting or re-executing a few weeks’ worth of transactions may take an unbearably long time. In many situations, users require quick access to their databases, even in the presence of media failures. Remember that the end users are not concerned with physical technicalities, such as restoring a database after a system crash. Even better than quick recovery is no recovery, which can be achieved in two ways. First, by performing adequate system monitoring and using proper procedures and good equipment, most system crashes can be avoided. It is better to provide users with a system that is up and available 90 percent of the time than to have to do sporadic fixes when problems occur. Second, by using redundant databases such as hot standby or replicated databases, users can be relieved of the recovery delays: Users can be switched to the hot backup database while the master database is being recovered. A last but extremely important aspect of backup and recovery is testing. Test your backup and recovery procedures in a test environment before deploying them in the production environment. In addition, the backup and recovery procedures and facilities used in the production environment must also be tested regularly. A recovery scheme that worked perfectly well in a test environment is useless if it cannot be repeated in the production environment -particularly in that crucial moment when the root disk fails during the month-end run!

Backups and Archiving Mode

The datafiles obtained from a whole backup are useful in any type of media recovery scheme: •

If a database is operating in NOARCHIVELOG mode and a disk failure damages some or all of the files that constitute the database, the most recent consistent whole backup can be used to restore (not recover) the database.

Because an archived redo log is not available to bring the database up to the current point in time, all database work performed since the backup must be repeated. Under special circ*mstances, a disk failure in NOARCHIVELOG mode can be fully recovered, but you should not rely on this. •

If a database is operating in ARCHIVELOG mode and a disk failure damages some or all of the files that constitute the database, the datafiles collected by the most recent whole backup can be used as part of database recovery.

After restoring the necessary datafiles from the whole backup, database recovery can continue by applying archived and current online redo log files to bring the restored datafiles up to the current point in time.

Database Backup and Recovery from Oracle Point of view

In summary, if a database is operated in NOARCHIVELOG mode, a consistent whole database backup is the only method to partially protect the database against a disk failure; if a database is operating in ARCHIVELOG mode, either a consistent or an inconsistent whole database backup can be used to restore damaged files as part of database recovery from a disk failure.

Database Backups

Partial Database Backups

No matter what backup and recovery scheme you devise for an Oracle database, backups of the database’s datafiles and control files are absolutely necessary as part of the strategy to safeguard against potential media failures that can damage these files. The following sections provide a conceptual overview of the different types of backups that can be made and their usefulness in different recovery schemes. The Oracle8 Server Backup and Recovery Guide provides more details, along with guidelines for performing database backups. Whole Database Backups

A whole database backup is an operating system backup of all datafiles and the control file that constitute an Oracle database. A whole backup should also include the parameter file(s) associated with the database. You can take a whole database backup when the database is shut down or while the database is open. You should not normally take a whole backup after an instance failure or other unusual circ*mstances. Consistent Whole Backups vs. Inconsistent Whole Backups

Following a clean shutdown, all of the files that constitute a database are closed and consistent with respect to the current point in time. Thus, a whole backup taken after a shutdown can be used to recover to the point in time of the last whole backup. A whole backup taken while the database is open is not consistent to a given point in time and must be recovered (with the online and archived redo log files) before the database can become available.


A partial database backup is any backup short of a whole backup, taken while the database is open or shut down. The following are all examples of partial database backups: •

a backup of all datafiles for an individual tablespace

a backup of a single datafile

a backup of a control file

Partial backups are only useful for a database operating in ARCHIVELOG mode. Because an archived redo log is present, the datafiles restored from a partial backup can be made consistent with the rest of the database during recovery procedures. Datafile Backups

A partial backup includes only some of the datafiles of a database. Individual or collections of specific datafiles can be backed up independently of the other datafiles, online redo log files, and control files of a database. You can back up a datafile while it is offline or online. Choosing whether to take online or offline datafile backups depends only on the availability requirements of the data online datafile backups are the only choice if the data being backed up must always be available. Control File Backups

Another form of a partial backup is a control file backup. Because a control file keeps track of the associated database’s physical file structure, a backup of a database’s control file

This section covers the structures and software mechanisms used by Oracle to provide:

Note: The Recovery Manager automatically backs up the control file in any backup that includes datafile 1, which contains the data dictionary.

database recovery required by different types of failures

flexible recovery operations to suit any situation

availability of data during backup and recovery operations so that users of the system can continue to work

Multiplexed control files safeguard against the loss of a single control file. However, if a disk failure damages the datafiles and incomplete recovery is desired, or a point-in-time recovery is desired, a backup of the control file that corresponds to the intended database structure should be used, not necessarily the current control file. Therefore, the use of multiplexed control files is not a substitute for control file backups taken every time the structure of a database is altered. If you use Recovery Manager to restore the control file prior to incomplete or point-in-time recovery, Recovery Manager automatically restores the most suitable backup control file.

User error

Why Is Recovery Important?

In every database system, the possibility of a system or hardware failure always exists. Should a failure occur and affect the database, the database must be recovered. The goals after a failure are to ensure that the effects of all committed transactions are reflected in the recovered database and to return to normal operation as quickly as possible while insulating users from problems caused by the failure. Types of Failures

Several circ*mstances can halt the operation of an Oracle database. The most common types of failure are described below:

User errors can require a database to be recovered to a point in time before the error occurred. For example, a user might accidentally drop a table. To allow recovery from user errors and accommodate other unique recovery requirements, Oracle provides for exact point-in-time recovery. For example, if a user accidentally drops a table, the database can be recovered to the instant in time before the table was dropped.


Statement failure occurs when there is a logical failure in the handling of a statement in an Oracle

and process program (for example, the statement is not a valid SQL construction). When statement failure occurs, failure

the effects (if any) of the statement are automatically undone by Oracle and control is returned to the user. A process failure is a failure in a user process accessing Oracle, such as an abnormal disconnection or process termination. The failed user process cannot continue work, although Oracle and other user processes can. The Oracle background process PMON automatically detects the failed user process or is informed of it by SQL*Net. PMON resolves the problem by rolling back the uncommitted transaction of the user process and releasing any resources that the process was using. Common problems such as erroneous SQL statement constructions and aborted user processes should never halt the database system as a whole. Furthermore, Oracle automatically performs necessary recovery from uncommitted transaction changes and locked resources with minimal impact on the system or other users.


Instance failure occurs when a problem arises that prevents an instance (system global area and


background processes) from continuing work. Instance failure may result from a hardware problem such as a power outage, or a software problem such as an operating system crash. When an instance failure occurs, the data in the buffers of the system global area is not written to the datafiles. Instance failure requires instance recovery. Instance recovery is automatically performed by Oracle when the instance is restarted. The redo log is used to recover the committed data in the SGA's database buffers that was lost due to the instance failure.



should be made every time a structural change is made to the database.


Media (disk) An error can arise when trying to write or read a file that is required to operate the database. This is failure

called disk failure because there is a physical problem reading or writing physical files on disk. A common example is a disk head crash, which causes the loss of all files on a disk drive. Different files may be affected by this type of disk failure, including the datafiles, the redo log files, and the control files. Also, because the database instance cannot continue to function properly, the data in the database buffers of the system global area cannot be permanently written to the datafiles. A disk failure requires media recovery . Media recovery restores a database's datafiles so that the information in them corresponds to the most recent time point before the disk failure, including the committed data in memory that was lost because of the failure. To complete a recovery from a disk failure, the following is required: backups of the database's datafiles, and all online and necessary

Oracle provides for complete and quick recovery from all possible types of hardware failures including disk crashes. Options are provided so that a database can be completely recovered or partially recovered to a specific point in time. If some datafiles are damaged in a disk failure but most of the database is intact and operational, the database can remain open while the required tablespaces are individually recovered. Therefore, undamaged portions of a database are available for normal use while damaged portions are being recovered. Structures Used for Recovery

Oracle uses several structures to provide complete recovery from an instance or disk failure: the redo log, rollback segments, a control file, and necessary database backups. The Redo Log

As described in “Redo Log Files” on page 1-11, the redo log is a set of files that protect altered database data in memory that has not been written to the datafiles. The redo log can consist of two parts: the online redo log and the archived redo log. The Online Redo Log

The online redo log is a set of two or more online redo log files that record all committed changes made to the database. Whenever a transaction is committed, the corresponding redo entries temporarily stored in redo log buffers of the system global area are written to an online redo log file by the background process LGWR.

The Archived Redo Log

Optionally, filled online redo files can be archived before being reused, creating an archived redo log. Archived (offline) redo log files constitute the archived redo log. The presence or absence of an archived redo log is determined by the mode that the redo log is using: ARCHIVELOG

The filled online redo log files are archived before they are reused in the cycle.

NOARCHIVELOG The filled online redo log files are not archived.

In ARCHIVELOG mode, the database can be completely recovered from both instance and disk failure. The database can also be backed up while it is open and available for use. However, additional administrative operations are required to maintain the archived redo log. If the database’s redo log is operated in NOARCHIVELOG mode, the database can be completely recovered from instance failure, but not from a disk failure. Additionally, the database can be backed up only while it is completely closed. Because no archived redo log is created, no extra work is required by the database administrator. Control Files

The online redo log files are used in a cyclical fashion; for example, if two files constitute the online redo log, the first file is filled, the second file is filled, the first file is reused and filled, the second file is reused and filled, and so on. Each time a file is filled, it is assigned a log sequence number to identify the set of redo entries.

The control files of a database keep, among other things, information about the file structure of the database and the current log sequence number being written by LGWR. During normal recovery procedures, the information in a control file is used to guide the automated progression of the recovery operation.

To avoid losing the database due to a single point of failure, Oracle can maintain multiple sets of online redo log files. A multiplexed online redo log consists of copies of online redo log files physically located on separate disks; changes made to one member of the group are made to all members.

Multiplexed Control Files

If a disk that contains an online redo log file fails, other copies are still intact and available to Oracle. System operation is not interrupted and the lost online redo log files can be easily recovered using an intact copy.

As described in “Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments” on page 1-9, rollback segments record rollback information used by several functions of Oracle. During database recovery, after all


This feature is similar to the multiplexed redo log feature: a number of identical control files may be maintained by Oracle, which updates all of them simultaneously. Rollback Segments

Database Backups

Because one or more files can be physically damaged as the result of a disk failure, media recovery requires the restoration of the damaged files from the most recent operating system backup of a database. There are several ways to back up the files of a database. Whole Database Backups

A whole database backup is an operating system backup of all datafiles, online redo log files, and the control file that constitutes an Oracle database. Full backups are performed when the database is closed and unavailable for use. Partial Backups

forward, the datafiles contain all committed changes as well as any uncommitted changes that were recorded in the redo log. Rolling Back

The roll forward is only half of recovery. After the roll forward, any changes that were not committed must be undone. After the redo log files have been applied, then the rollback segments are used to identify and undo transactions that were never committed, yet were recorded in the redo log. This process is called rolling back. Oracle completes this step automatically. The Recovery Manager

The Recovery Manager is an Oracle utility that manages backup and recovery operations, creating backups of database files and restoring or recovering a database from backups. Recovery Manager maintains a repository called the recovery catalog, which contains information about backup files and archived log files. Recovery Manager uses the recovery catalog to automate both restore operations and media recovery.

A partial backup is an operating system backup of part of a database. The backup of an individual tablespace’s datafiles or the backup of a control file are examples of partial backups. Partial backups are useful only when the database’s redo log is operated in ARCHIVELOG mode.

The recovery catalog contains:

A variety of partial backups can be taken to accommodate any backup strategy. For example, you can back up datafiles and control files when the database is open or closed, or when a specific tablespace is online or offline. Because the redo log is operated in ARCHIVELOG mode, additional backups of the redo log are not necessary; the archived redo log is a backup of filled online redo log files. Basic Recovery Steps

Due to the way in which DBWR writes database buffers to datafiles, at any given point in time, a datafile may contain some data blocks tentatively modified by uncommitted transactions and may not contain some blocks modified by committed transactions. Therefore, two potential situations can result after a failure: •

Blocks containing committed modifications were not written to the datafiles, so the changes may only appear in the redo log. Therefore, the redo log contains committed data that must be applied to the datafiles. Since the redo log may have contained data that was not committed, uncommitted transaction changes applied by the redo log during recovery must be erased from the datafiles.

information about backups of datafiles and archivelogs

information about datafile copies

information about archived redo logs and copies of them

information about the physical schema of the target database

named sequences of commands called stored scripts.

Review Question 1.

What are backups and why it is important?

Selected Bibliography For more information about the Recovery Manager, see the Oracle8 Server Backup and Recovery Guide. *

IBM Corp., Armonk, NY; 800-425-3333 or 914-765-1900; www.ibm.com.


Informix Software Inc., Menlo Park, CA; 800-331-1763, 415-926-6300, or fax 415-926-6593; www.informix.com. Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA; 800-426-9400, 206-8828080, or fax 206-936-7329; www.microsoft.com.

* *

Oracle Corp., Redwood Shores, CA; 800-672-2537, 415506-7000, or fax 415-506-7200; www.oracle.com.


Sybase Inc., Emeryville, CA; 800-879-2273, 510-922-3500, or fax 510-922-9441; www.sybase.com.

To solve this situation, two separate steps are always used by Oracle during recovery from an instance or media failure: rolling forward and rolling back. Rolling Forward

The first step of recovery is to roll forward, that is, reapply to the datafiles all of the changes recorded in the redo log. Rolling forward proceeds through as many redo log files as necessary to bring the datafiles forward to the required time. If all needed redo information is online, Oracle performs this recovery step automatically when the database starts. After roll



changes recorded in the redo log have been applied, Oracle uses rollback segment information to undo any uncommitted transactions. Because rollback segments are stored in the database buffers, this important recovery information is automatically protected by the redo log.



Database security entails allowing or disallowing user actions on the database and the objects within it. Oracle uses schemas and security domains to control access to data and to restrict the use of various database resources. The centralized and multi-user nature of a DBMS requires that some form of security control is in place, both to prevent unauthorized access and to limit access for authorized users. Security control can generally be divided into two areas, user authorization and transaction authorization.

User Authorization User authorization helps to protect a database against unauthorized use, usually by requiring that a user enter a user name and a password to gain entry to the system. The password is usually known only to the user and the DBMS, and is protected by the DBMS at least as well as the data in the database. However, it should be noted this user name and password scheme can not guarantee the security of the database. It does not prevent you from choosing a password that is easy to guess (like the name of a spouse or pet) or from recording your password in an accessible location (like on the front of your computer!).

Transaction Authorization Generally, not all users are given the same access rights to different databases or different parts of the same database. In some cases, sensitive data such as employee salaries should only be accessible to those users who need it. In other cases, some users may only require the ability to read some data items, where other users require the ability to both read and update the data. A Point-of-Sale (POS) system is a good example of the second case: clerks working in a store might need read access for the price of an item, but should not be able to change the price. Employees at the head office may need to read and update the data, in order to enter new prices for the item. Transaction authorization helps to protect a database against an authorized user trying to access a data item they do not have permission to access (this may occur either intentionally or unintentionally). The DBMS usually keeps a record of what rights have been granted to users on all of the data objects in the database, and checks these rights every time a user transaction tries to access the database. If the user does not have the proper rights to a data item, the transaction will not be allowed. It is the responsibility of the Database Administrator to explicitly grant the rights assigned to each user.

Database Security Multi-user database systems, such as Oracle, include security features that control how a database is accessed and used. For example, security mechanisms do the following: • •


Prevent unauthorized database access Prevent unauthorized access to schema objects

Control disk usage

Control system resource usage (such as CPU time) Audit user actions

Associated with each database user is a schema by the same name. A schema is a logical collection of objects (tables, views, sequences, synonyms, indexes, clusters, procedures, functions, packages, and database links). By default, each database user creates and has access to all objects in the corresponding schema. Database security can be classified into two distinct categories: system security and data security. System security includes the mechanisms that control the access and use of the database at the system level. For example, system security includes: •

Valid username/password combinations

The amount of disk space available to the objects of a user

The resource limits for a user

System security mechanisms check: •

Whether a user is authorized to connect to the database

Whether database auditing is active

Which system operations a user can perform

Data security includes the mechanisms that control the access and use of the database at the object level. For example, data security includes • Which users have access to a specific schema object and the specific types of actions allowed for each user on the object (for example, user SCOTT can issue SELECT and INSERT statements but not DELETE statements using the EMP table) •

The actions, if any, that are audited for each schema object

Security Mechanisms The Oracle Server provides discretionary access control, which is a means of restricting access to information based on privileges. The appropriate privilege must be assigned to a user in order for that user to access an object. Appropriately privileged users can grant other users privileges at their discretion; for this reason, this type of security is called “discretionary”. Oracle manages database security using several different facilities: •

Database users and schemas


• •

Roles Storage settings and quotas

Resource limits


Figure 1-4 illustrates the relationships of the different Oracle security facilities, and the following sections provide an overview of users, privileges, and roles.

Granting Privileges

Privileges are granted to users so that users can access and modify data in the database. A user can receive a privilege two different ways:

Database Users and Schemas Each Oracle database has a list of usernames. To access a database, a user must use a database application and attempt a connection with a valid username of the database. Each username has an associated password to prevent unauthorized use. Security Domain Each user has a security domain - a set of properties that determine such things as the: •

Actions (privileges and roles) available to the user

Tablespace quotas (available disk space) for the user

System resource limits (for example, CPU processing time) for the user

Each property that contributes to a user’s security domain is discussed in the following sections.

Privileges can be granted to users explicitly. For example, the privilege to insert records into the EMP table can be explicitly granted to the user SCOTT.

Privileges can be granted to roles (a named group of privileges), and then the role can be granted to one or more users. For example, the privilege to insert records into the EMP table can be granted to the role named CLERK, which in turn can be granted to the users SCOTT and BRIAN.

Because roles allow for easier and better management of privileges, privileges are normally granted to roles and not to specific users. The following section explains more about roles and their use. Roles Oracle provides for easy and controlled privilege management through roles. Roles are named groups of related privileges that are granted to users or other roles. The following properties of roles allow for easier privilege management: •

Reduced Granting of Privileges - Rather than explicitly granting the same set of privileges to many users, a database administrator can grant the privileges for a group of related users granted to a role. And then the database administrator can grant the role to each member of the group.

Dynamic Privilege Management - When the privileges of a group must change, only the privileges of the role need to be modified. The security domains of all users granted the group’s role automatically reflect the changes made to the role.

Selective availability of privileges - The roles granted to a user can be selectively enabled (available for use) or disabled (not available for use). This allows specific control of a user’s privileges in any given situation.

Application awareness - A database application can be designed to enable and disable selective roles automatically when a user attempts to use the application.

Privileges A privilege is a right to execute a particular type of SQL statement. Some examples of privileges include the •

Right to connect to the database (create a session)

Right to create a table in your schema

Right to select rows from someone else’s table

Right to execute someone else’s stored procedure

The privileges of an Oracle database can be divided into two distinct categories: system privileges and object privileges. System Privileges

System privileges allow users to perform a particular systemwide action or a particular action on a particular type of object. For example, the privileges to create a tablespace or to delete the rows of any table in the database are system privileges. Many system privileges are available only to administrators and application developers because the privileges are very powerful. Object Privileges

Object privileges allow users to perform a particular action on a specific schema object. For example, the privilege to delete rows of a specific table is an object privilege. Object privileges are granted (assigned) to end-users so that they can use a database application to accomplish specific tasks.

Database administrators often create roles for a database application. The DBA grants an application role all privileges necessary to run the application. The DBA then grants the application role to other roles or users. An application can have several different roles, each granted a different set of privileges that allow for more or less data access while using the application. The DBA can create a role with a password to prevent unauthorized use of the privileges granted to the role. Typically, an application is designed so that when it starts, it enables the proper role. As a result, an application user does not need to know the password for an application’s role.



Figure 1-4: Oracle Security Features


Storage Settings and Quotas

Review Question

Oracle provides means for directing and limiting the use of disk space allocated to the database on a per user basis, including default and temporary tablespaces and tablespace quotas.


Default Tablespace Each user is associated with a default tablespace. When a user creates a table, index, or cluster and no tablespace is specified to physically contain the object, the user’s default tablespace is used if the user has the privilege to create the object and a quota in the specified default tablespace. The default tablespace feature provides Oracle with information to direct space usage in situations where object location is not specified. Temporary Tablespace

Each user has a temporary tablespace. When a user executes a SQL statement that requires the creation of temporary segments (such as the creation of an index), the user’s temporary tablespace is used. By directing all users’ temporary segments to a separate tablespace, the temporary tablespace feature can reduce I/O contention among temporary segments and other types of segments. Tablespace Quotas

Selected Bibliography • [ARIES] C. Mohan, et al.: ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging., TODS 17(1): 94162 (1992). •

[CACHE] C. Mohan: Caching Technologies for Web Applications, A Tutorial at the Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Rome, Italy, 2001.

[CODASYL] ACM: CODASYL Data Base Task Group April 71 Report, New York, 1971.

[CODD] E. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. ACM 13(6):377-387 (1970).

[EBXML] http://www.ebxml.org.

[FED] J. Melton, J. Michels, V. Josifovski, K. Kulkarni, P. Schwarz, K. Zeidenstein: SQL and Management of External Data’, SIGMOD Record 30(1):70-77, 2001.

[GRAY] Gray, et al.: Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database., IFIP Working Conference on Modelling of Database Management Systems, 1-29, AFIPS Press. [INFO] P. Lyman, H. Varian, A. Dunn, A. Strygin, K. Swearingen: How Much Information? at http:// www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-muchinfo/.

Oracle can limit the collective amount of disk space available to the objects in a schema. Quotas (space limits) can be set for each tablespace available to a user. The tablespace quota security feature permits selective control over the amount of disk space that can be consumed by the objects of specific schemas.

Profiles and Resource Limits Each user is assigned a profile that specifies limitations on several system resources available to the user, including the

• •

Number of concurrent sessions the user can establish CPU processing time •

Available to the user’s session

Available to a single call to Oracle made by a SQL statement

Amount of logical I/O •

Available to the user’s session

Available to a single call to Oracle made by a SQL statement

Amount of idle time for the user’s session allowed Amount of connect time for the user’s session allowed

Password restrictions

Account locking after multiple unsuccessful login attemts

Password expiration and grace period

Password reuse and complexity restrictions

Different profiles can be created and assigned individually to each user of the database. A default profile is present for all users not explicitly assigned a profile. The resource limit feature prevents excessive consumption of global database system resources.


Write a short note on Data Security

[LIND] B. Lindsay, et. al: Notes on Distributed Database Systems. IBM Research Report RJ2571, (1979).


Controlling Database Access

Settings for the user’s default and temporary tablespaces

This lecture explains how to control access to database. It includes:

A list, if any, of tablespaces accessible to the user and the associated quotas for each listed tablespace

The user’s resource limit profile; that is, limits on the amount of system resources available to the user

The privileges and roles that provide the user with appropriate access to objects needed to perform database operations

Database Security

Schemas, Database Users, and Security Domains

• •

User Authentication User Table space Settings and Quotas

The User Group PUBLIC

User Resource Limits and Profiles


Database Security

User Authentication To prevent unauthorized use of a database username, Oracle provides user validation via three different methods for normal database users:

Database security entails allowing or disallowing user actions on the database and the objects within it. Oracle uses schemas and security domains to control access to data and to restrict the use of various database resources.

Authentication by the operating system

Authentication by a network service

Authentication by the associated Oracle database

Oracle provides comprehensive discretionary access control. Discretionary access control regulates all user access to named objects through privileges. A privilege is permission to access a named object in a prescribed manner; for example, permission to query a table. Privileges are granted to users at the discretion of other users-hence the term “discretionary access control”.

For simplicity, one method is usually used to authenticate all users of a database. However, Oracle allows use of all methods within the same database instance.

Schemas, Database Users, and Security Domains A user (sometimes called a username) is a name defined in the database that can connect to and access objects. A schema is a named collection of objects, such as tables, views, clusters, procedures, and packages, associated with a particular user. Schemas and users help database administrators manage database security. To access a database, a user must run a database application (such as an Oracle Forms form, SQL*Plus, or a precompiler program) and connect using a username defined in the database. When a database user is created, a corresponding schema of the same name is created for the user. By default, once a user connects to a database, the user has access to all objects contained in the corresponding schema. A user is associated only with the schema of the same name; therefore, the terms user and schema are often used interchangeably. The access rights of a user are controlled by the different settings of the user’s security domain. When creating a new database user or altering an existing one, the security administrator must make several decisions concerning a user’s security domain. These include •

Whether user authentication information is maintained by the database, the operating system, or a network authentication service

Oracle also encrypts passwords during transmission to ensure the security of network authentication. Oracle requires special authentication procedures for database administrators, because they perform special database operations. Authentication by the Operating System Some operating systems permit Oracle to use information maintained by the operating system to authenticate users. The benefits of operating system authentication are: • Users can connect to Oracle more conveniently (without specifying a username or password). For example, a user can invoke SQL*Plus and skip the username and password prompts by entering •


Control over user authorization is centralized in the operating system; Oracle need not store or manage user passwords. However, Oracle still maintains usernames in the database.

Username entries in the database and operating system audit trails correspond.

If the operating system is used to authenticate database users, some special considerations arise with respect to distributed database environments and database links. Additional Information: For more information about authenticating via your operating system, see your Oracle operating system-specific documentation.





Authentication by the Network

Password History

If network authentication services are available to you (such as DCE, Kerberos, or SESAME), Oracle can accept authentication from the network service. To use a network authentication service with Oracle, you must also have the Oracle Secure Network Services product.

The password history option checks each newly specified password to ensure that a password is not reused for the specified amount of time or for the specified number of password changes. The database administrator can configure the rules for password reuse with CREATE PROFILE statements.

Authentication by the Oracle Database

Password Complexity Verification

Oracle can authenticate users attempting to connect to a database by using information stored in that database. You must use this method when the operating system cannot be used for database user validation.

Complexity verification checks that each password is complex enough to provide reasonable protection against intruders who try to break into the system by guessing passwords.

When Oracle uses database authentication, you create each user with an associated password. A user provides the correct password when establishing a connection to prevent unauthorized use of the database. Oracle stores a user’s password in the data dictionary in an encrypted format. A user can change his or her password at any time. Password Encryption while Connecting

To protect password confidentiality, Oracle allows you to encrypt passwords during network (client/server and server/ server) connections. If you enable this functionality on the client and server machines, Oracle encrypts passwords using a modified DES (Data Encryption Standards) algorithm before sending them across the network. Account Locking

Oracle can lock a user’s account if the user fails to login to the system within a specified number of attempts. Depending on how the account is configured, it can be unlocked automatically after a specified time interval or it must be unlocked by the database administrator. The CREATE PROFILE statement configures the number of failed logins a user can attempt and the amount of time the account remains locked before automatic unlock. The database administrator can also lock accounts manually. When this occurs, the account cannot be unlocked automatically but must be unlocked explicitly by the database administrator.

The Oracle default password complexity verification routine requires that each password: • •

Be a minimum of four characters in length Not equal the userid

Include at least one alpha, one numeric, and one punctuation mark

Not match any word on an internal list of simple words like welcome, account, database, user, and so on.

Differ from the previous password by at least three characters.

Database Administrator Authentication Database administrators perform special operations (such as shutting down or starting up a database) that should not be performed by normal database users. Oracle provides a more secure authentication scheme for database administrator usernames. You can choose between operating system authentication or password files to authenticate database administrators; Figure A-1 illustrates the choices you have for database administrator authentication schemes, depending on whether you administer your database locally (on the same machine on which the database resides) or if you administer many different database machines from a single remote client. Figure A-1: Database Administrator Authentication Methods

Password Lifetime and Expiration

Password lifetime and expiration options allow the database administrator to specify a lifetime for passwords, after which time they expire and must be changed before a login to the account can be completed. On first attempt to login to the database account after the password expires, the user’s account enters the grace period, and a warning message is issued to the user every time the user tries to login until the grace period is over. The user is expected to change the password within the grace period. If the password is not changed within the grace period, the account is locked and no further logins to that account are allowed without assistance by the database administrator. The database administrator can also set the password state to expired. When this happens, the users account status is changed to expired, and when the user logs in, the account enters the grace period.


On most operating systems, OS authentication for database administrators involves placing the OS username of the database administrator in a special group (on UNIX systems, this is the dba group) or giving that OS username a special process right.

The database uses password files to keep track of database usernames who have been granted the SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges. These privileges allow database administrators to perform the following actions: SYSOPER


Permits you to perform STARTUP, SHUT DOWN, ALTER DATABASE OPEN/MOUNT, ALTER DATABASE BACKUP, ARCHIVE LOG, and RECOVER, and includes the RE STRICTED SESSION privilege. Contains all system privileges with ADMIN OPTION, and the SYSOPER system privilege; permits CREATE DATABASE and time-based recovery.

For information about password files, see the Oracle8 Server Administrator’s Guide.

User Tablespace Settings and Quotas As part of every user’s security domain, the database administrator can set several options regarding tablespace usage: • • •

The user’s default tablespace The user’s temporary tablespace Space usage quotas on tablespaces of the database for the user

Default Tablespace When a user creates a schema object without specifying a tablespace to contain the object, Oracle places the object in the user’s default tablespace. You set a user’s default tablespace when the user is created; you can change it after the user has been created. Temporary Tablespace When a user executes a SQL statement that requires the creation of a temporary segment, Oracle allocates that segment in the user’s temporary tablespace. Tablespace Access and Quotas You can assign to each user a tablespace quota for any tablespace of the database. Doing so can accomplish two things: •

You allow the user to use the specified tablespace to create objects, provided that the user has the appropriate privileges.

You can limit the amount of space allocated for storage of a the’s objects in the specified tablespace.

By default, each user has no quota on any tablespace in the database. Therefore, if the user has the privilege to create some type of schema object, he or she must also have been either assigned a tablespace quota in which to create the object or been given the privilege to create that object in the schema of another user who was assigned a sufficient tablespace quota. You can assign two types of tablespace quotas to a user: a quota for a specific amount of disk space in the tablespace (specified in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes), or a quota for an unlimited amount of disk space in the tablespace. You should assign

specific quotas to prevent a user’s objects from consuming too much space in a tablespace. Tablespace quotas and temporary segments have no effect on each other: •

Temporary segments do not consume any quota that a user might possess.

Temporary segments can be created in a tablespace for which a user has no quota.

You can assign a tablespace quota to a user when you create that user, and you can change that quota or add a different quota later. Revoke a user’s tablespace access by altering the user’s current quota to zero. With a quota of zero, the user’s objects in the revoked tablespace remain, but the objects cannot be allocated any new space. The User Group PUBLIC

Each database contains a user group called PUBLIC. The PUBLIC user group provides public access to specific schema objects (tables, views, and so on) and provides all users with specific system privileges. Every user automatically belongs to the PUBLIC user group. As members of PUBLIC, users may see (select from) all data dictionary tables prefixed with USER and ALL. Additionally, a user can grant a privilege or a role to PUBLIC. All users can use the privileges granted to PUBLIC. You can grant (or revoke) any system privilege, object privilege, or role to PUBLIC. See Chapter 25, “Privileges and Roles” for more information on privileges and roles. However, to maintain tight security over access rights, grant only privileges and roles of interest to all users to PUBLIC. Granting and revoking some system and object privileges to and from PUBLIC can cause every view, procedure, function, package, and trigger in the database to be recompiled. PUBLIC has the following restrictions: •

You cannot assign tablespace quotas to PUBLIC, although you can assign the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege to PUBLIC.

You can create database links and synonyms as PUBLIC (using CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK/ SYNONYM), but no other object can be owned by PUBLIC. For example, the following statement is not legal:

CREATE TABLE public.emp . . . ;

Note: Rollback segments can be created with the keyword PUBLIC, but these are not owned by the PUBLIC user group. All rollback segments are owned by SYS. See Chapter 2, “Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments”, for more information about rollback segments. User Resource Limits and Profiles

You can set limits on the amount of various system resources available to each user as part of a user’s security domain. By doing so, you can prevent the uncontrolled consumption of valuable system resources such as CPU time.



Additional Information: For information about OS authentication of database administrators, see your Oracle operating system-specific documentation.


This resource limit feature is very useful in large, multiuser systems, where system resources are very expensive. Excessive consumption of these resources by one or more users can detrimentally affect the other users of the database. In singleuser or small-scale multiuser database systems, the system resource feature is not as important, because users’ consumption of system resources is less likely to have detrimental impact. You manage a user’s resource limits with his or her profile-a named set of resource limits that you can assign to that user. Each Oracle database can have an unlimited number of profiles. Oracle allows the security administrator to enable or disable the enforcement of profile resource limits universally. If you set resource limits, a slight degradation in performance occurs when users create sessions. This is because Oracle loads all resource limit data for the user when a user connects to a database.

Types of System Resources and Limits Oracle can limit the use of several types of system resources, including CPU time and logical reads. In general, you can control each of these resources at the session level, the call level, or both: Session Each time a user connects to a database, a session Level is created. Each session consumes CPU time and memory on the computer that executes Oracle. You can set several resource limits at the session level. If a user exceeds a session-level resource limit, Oracle terminates (rolls back) the current statement and returns a message indicating the session limit has been reached. At this point, all previous statements in the current transaction are intact, and the only operations the user can perform are COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or disconnect (in this case, the current transaction is committed); all other operations produce an error. Even after the transaction is committed or rolled back, the user can accomplish no more work during the current session. Call Level

Each time a SQL statement is executed, several steps are taken to process the statement. During this processing, several calls are made to the database as part of the different execution phases. To prevent any one call from using the system excessively, Oracle allows you to set several resource limits at the call level.

CPU Time When SQL statements and other types of calls are made to Oracle, an amount of CPU time is necessary to process the call. Average calls require a small amount of CPU time. However, a SQL statement involving a large amount of data or a runaway query can potentially consume a large amount of CPU time, reducing CPU time available for other processing. To prevent uncontrolled use of CPU time, you can limit the CPU time per call and the total amount of CPU time used for Oracle calls during a session. The limits are set and measured in CPU one-hundredth seconds (0.01 seconds) used by a call or a session. Logical Reads Input/output (I/O) is one of the most expensive operations in a database system. I/O intensive statements can monopolize memory and disk use and cause other database operations to compete for these resources. To prevent single sources of excessive I/O, Oracle let you limit the logical data block reads per call and per session. Logical data block reads include data block reads from both memory and disk. The limits are set and measured in number of block reads performed by a call or during a session. Other Resources Oracle also provides for the limitation of several other resources at the session level: •

You can limit the number of concurrent sessions per user. Each user can create only up to a predefined number of concurrent sessions.

You can limit the idle time for a session. If the time between Oracle calls for a session reaches the idle time limit, the current transaction is rolled back, the session is aborted, and the resources of the session are returned to the system. The next call receives an error that indicates the user is no longer connected to the instance. This limit is set as a number of elapsed minutes. Note: Shortly after a session is aborted because it has exceeded an idle time limit, the process monitor (PMON) background process cleans up after the aborted session. Until PMON completes this process, the aborted session is still counted in any session/user resource limit.

Note: Oracle does not constantly monitor the elapsed idle time or elapsed connection time. Doing so would reduce system performance. Instead, it checks every few minutes. Therefore, a session can exceed this limit slightly (for example, by five minutes) before Oracle enforces the limit and aborts the session.

If a user exceeds a call-level resource limit, Oracle halts the processing of the statement, rolls back the statement, and returns an error. However, all previous statements of the current transaction remain intact, and the user's session remains connected. •


You can limit the elapsed connect time per session. If a session’s duration exceeds the elapsed time limit, the current transaction is rolled back, the session is dropped, and the resources of the session are returned to the system. This limit is set as a number of elapsed minutes.

You can limit the amount of private SGA space (used for private SQL areas) for a session. This limit is only important in systems that use multithreaded server configuration; otherwise, private SQL areas are located in

Instructions on enabling and disabling resource limits are included in the Oracle8 Server Administrator’s Guide. Profiles A profile is a named set of specified resource limits that can be assigned to valid username of an Oracle database. Profiles provide for easy management of resource limits. When to Use Profiles

You need to create and manage user profiles only if resource limits are a requirement of your database security policy. To use profiles, first categorize the related types of users in a database. Just as roles are used to manage the privileges of related users, profiles are used to manage the resource limits of related users. Determine how many profiles are needed to encompass all types of users in a database and then determine appropriate resource limits for each profile.

only, the Oracle licensing mechanisms do not apply and should remain disabled. The following sections explain the two major types of licensing available for Oracle. Concurrent Usage Licensing

In concurrent usage licensing, the license specifies a number of concurrent users, which are sessions that can be connected concurrently to the database on the specified computer at any time. This number includes all batch processes and online users. If a single user has multiple concurrent sessions, each session counts separately in the total number of sessions. If multiplexing software (such as a TP monitor) is used to reduce the number of sessions directly connected to the database, the number of concurrent users is the number of distinct inputs to the multiplexing front end. The concurrent usage licensing mechanism allows a DBA to: •

Determining Values for Resource Limits of a Profile

Before creating profiles and setting the resource limits associated with them, you should determine appropriate values for each resource limit. You can base these values on the type of operations a typical user performs. For example, if one class of user does not normally perform a high number of logical data block reads, then the LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION and LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL limits should be set conservatively. Usually, the best way to determine the appropriate resource limit values for a given user profile is to gather historical information about each type of resource usage. For example, the database or security administrator can use the AUDIT SESSION option to gather information about the limits CONNECT_TIME, LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION, and LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL. See Chapter 26, “Auditing”, for more information. You can gather statistics for other limits using the Monitor feature of Enterprise Manager, specifically the Statistics monitor. Licensing Oracle is usually licensed for use by a maximum number of named users or by a maximum number of concurrently connected users. The database administrator (DBA) is responsible for ensuring that the site complies with its license agreement. Oracle’s licensing facility helps the DBA monitor system use by tracking and limiting the number of sessions concurrently connected to an instance or the number of users created in a database. If the DBA discovers that more than the licensed number of sessions need to connect, or more than the licensed number of users need to be created, he or she can upgrade the Oracle license to raise the appropriate limit. (To upgrade an Oracle license, you must contact your Oracle representative.) Note: When Oracle is embedded in an Oracle application (such as Oracle Office), run on some older operating systems, or purchased for use in some countries, it is not licensed for either a set number of sessions or a set group of users. In such cases

Set a limit on the number of concurrent sessions that can connect to an instance by setting the LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS parameter. Once this limit is reached, only users who have the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege can connect to the instance; this allows DBA to kill unneeded sessions, allowing other sessions to connect. Set a warning limit on the number of concurrent sessions that can connect to an instance by setting the LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING parameter. Once the warning limit is reached, Oracle allows additional sessions to connect (up to the maximum limit described above), but sends a warning message to any user who connects with RESTRICTED SESSION privilege and records a warning message in the database’s ALERT file.

The DBA can set these limits in the database’s parameter file so that they take effect when the instance starts and can change them while the instance is running (using the ALTER SYSTEM command). The latter is useful for databases that cannot be taken offline. The session licensing mechanism allows a DBA to check the current number of connected sessions and the maximum number of concurrent sessions since the instance started. The V$LICENSE view shows the current settings for the license limits, the current number of sessions, and the highest number of concurrent sessions since the instance started (the session “high water mark”). The DBA can use this information to evaluate the system’s licensing needs and plan for system upgrades. For instances running with the Parallel Server, each instance can have its own concurrent usage limit and warning limit. The sum of the instances’ limits must not exceed the site’s concurrent usage license. See the Oracle8 Server Administrator’s Guide for more information. The concurrent usage limits apply to all user sessions, including sessions created for incoming database links. They do not apply to sessions created by Oracle or to recursive sessions. Sessions that connect through external multiplexing software are not counted separately by the Oracle licensing mechanism, although



the PGA. This limit is set as a number of bytes of memory in an instance’s SGA. Use the characters “K” or “M” to specify kilobytes or megabytes.


each contributes individually to the Oracle license total. The DBA is responsible for taking these sessions into account. Named User Licensing

In named user licensing, the license specifies a number of named users, where a named user is an individual who is authorized to use Oracle on the specified computer. No limit is set on the number of sessions each user can have concurrently, or on the number of concurrent sessions for the database. Named user licensing allows a DBA to set a limit on the number of users that are defined in a database, including users connected via database links. Once this limit is reached, no one can create a new user. This mechanism assumes that each person accessing the database has a unique user name in the database and that no two (or more) people share a user name. The DBA can set this limit in the database’s parameter file so that it takes effect when the instance starts and can change it while the instance is running (using the ALTER SYSTEM command). The latter is useful for databases that cannot be taken offline.

Review Question 1.

What are the different level of Security

Selected Bibliography •

[ARIES] C. Mohan, et al.: ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging., TODS 17(1): 94162 (1992).

[CACHE] C. Mohan: Caching Technologies for Web Applications, A Tutorial at the Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Rome, Italy, 2001. [CODASYL] ACM: CODASYL Data Base Task Group April 71 Report, New York, 1971.

• •

[CODD] E. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. ACM 13(6):377-387 (1970).

[EBXML] http://www.ebxml.org.

[FED] J. Melton, J. Michels, V. Josifovski, K. Kulkarni, P. Schwarz, K. Zeidenstein: SQL and Management of External Data’, SIGMOD Record 30(1):70-77, 2001.

[GRAY] Gray, et al.: Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database., IFIP Working Conference on Modelling of Database Management Systems, 1-29, AFIPS Press.

[INFO] P. Lyman, H. Varian, A. Dunn, A. Strygin, K. Swearingen: How Much Information? at http:// www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-muchinfo/.

[LIND] B. Lindsay, et. al: Notes on Distributed Database Systems. IBM Research Report RJ2571, (1979).





Files and Databases

What are four major database models?

Major Questions:


What’s the difference between a database and a DBMS?


What’s the difference between a DBMS and a traditional file processing system?

hierarchical object-oriented

What is data (in)dependence? Why are databases important?

How do file systems work?

Data structure is defined in application programs

Require “file maintenance” programs (reorder, delete, etc.)

• •

What are the disadvantages of file systems? •

• •

Data dependence - occurs when changes in file characteristics, such as changing a field from integer to real, requires changes in all programs that access the file.

What are the advantages of the relational model? •

Use of SQL

Intuitive structure

Structural independence through views

Why do we carefully, methodically, design a database? •

Even a good DBMS will perform poorly with a badly designed database.

A poorly designed database encourages redundant data, i.e., unnecessarily duplicated data, which often makes it difficult to trace errors. Redundant data refers to the condition in which the same data are kept in different locations for the same entity (a person, place, or thing for which data are to be collected and stored.)

Proliferation of files Data redundancy, which leads to: • data inconsistency - occurs when one occurrence of a

redundant field is changed but another is not • data anomalies - occurs when one occurrence of a

redundant field is changed but another is not, or requires changes to data in multiple places •

Requires programming expertise to access

Non standard names

The Relational Model What is an entity? •

How do DBMS address these disadvantages? •

Data definitions centralized in DBMS (data independence) What are the functions of a DBMS?

Something that we intend to collect data about

What is an attribute?

Software to provide common means of accessing data

example: Customer telephone numbers are stored in a customer file, a sales agent file, and an invoice file. If a number is changed then the possibility exists that at least one occurrence of the number will be overlooked, resulting in incorrect information in the database.

A characteristic of an entity

What are the main characteristics of a relational table? •

Two dimensional - composed of rows and columns

Each row represents information about a single entity

Each column has a name and represents attributes of that entity set

Each row/column intersection represents data about an instance of an entity

Data definition (dictionary)

Manages physical data storage

Security management

Multi-user access control

Backup and recovery management

Each table must have a primary key

Data integrity Data access language

All values in a column are from the same domain Row order is immaterial

Communication (web, client/server, etc.)

How is a table different from a database?

What is a database model? •

A way of conceptually organizing data

• •

A database is a collect of related tables

Database includes metadata (relationships, etc.)

What is a primary key and how is it related to the concept of determination and functional dependence?



A primary key uniquely identifies a row in a table

It must be able to determine each attribute value in the row

Data manipulation operations

Each of the attributes are functionally determined by the key



Update Delete

What is a composite key? •

A key comprised of more than one column from the table

What is a secondary key? • A column used for data retrieval purposes •

Not truly a key, because it doesn’t uniquely identify a row

What is a foreign key? •

An attribute in a table that serves as the primary key of another table in the same database.

What is controlled redundancy and the role of foreign keys in the relational model? Allows tables to be “linked” through common values that is a foreign key introduces some necessary redundancy What is referential integrity? •

If a foreign key contains a value, the value must refer to an existing row in another relation

What is entity integrity? •

There must be a value in the primary key of a row

What information is stored in the system catalog, and how is it typically accessed? •

Metadata, including:

• •

Table names Who and when table created

Column names



Alter table

Data Definition Examples: To create a table: create table student (studentID text (10), studentName text (25), studentAddress text (25)); To create a table with a primary key: create table student (studentID text (10) PRIMARY KEY, studentName text (25), studentAddress text (25)); To add an index: create index studentNameIndex on student (studentName); Add a non-null GPA column: alter table student add column GPA integer not null; Because gpa was defined wrong, need to drop GPA: alter table student drop gpa; And then add it again: alter table student add column gpa single;

Designed for data manipulation in a relational database

update a column: update student set gpa = 3.5 where studentName = “Aytes”;

Nonprocedural language-specify what, not how

Additional Info:

ANSI standard does exist, but most DBMS packages provide a superset of SQL commands (while perhaps not fully supporting the standard) Most recent standard is SQL-99

NOT NULL specification insures that the primary key cannot be null, thereby enforcing entity integrity.

Specification of the primary key as UNIQUE results in automatic enforcement of entity integrity.

Specification of the foreign key allows the enforcement of referential integrity.

Attribute descriptions are enclosed in parentheses.

Attribute descriptions are separated by commas.

The command sequence is terminated by a semicolon, but some RDBMSs do not require it.

In MS Access, each SQL statement must be entered as a separate query.

Introduction to SQL and Data Definition

Parts of SQL •

Data definition •

create database, tables, define constraints, etc.

Data manipulation queries to select data from database, aggregate the data, etc. Data control language (security) •

grant and revoke privileges to view, change data

Data definition operations •

Create table

Define columns

Define data types

Define indexes, keys


Inserting Data INSERT lets you insert data into the table, one row at a time. It is used to make the first data entry into a new table structure or to add data to a table that already contains data.

insert into student (studentID, studentName, StudentAddress, GPA) values (“1234”, “Johnson”, “Main Street”, 3.3);

Course table courseID



Database Management Systems


Systems Analysis and Design

To retrieve data from a database, use the SELECT command.

If you do not have a value for a column (and the column allows nulls) you simply do not include it in your list of columns and of course exclude a value as well. For example, if you did not have an address for this student:

SELECT syntax:

insert into student (studentID, studentName, GPA) values (“1234”, “Johnson”, 3.3);

Explanation of syntax: is the list of all columns that you want to be able to see in your RESULT SET (TABLE). For example:

If you have data for all the columns, you can also insert data by simply giving the values in the same order in which the columns are defined in the table:

SELECT studentID, studentName

insert into student values (“1234”, “Johnson”, “Main Street”, 3.3); SQL SELECT Introduction To view and manipulate data within the database, use the Select statement. There are three important parts of a select statement: 1.

Select (required) - names the columns that you want to view


From (required) - lists the tables containing the columns you want


Where (NOT required) - places constraints on the data that you want. Usually consists of comparison of column names by using relational and boolean operators.

Relational Operators • = (equal)


If you want to include all columns from the table(s): SELECT * is the list of all tables that you need to obtain the data that you want. You may have to include some tables so that you can properly JOIN the data from each of the tables, even if you don’t SELECT data from that table. Example using only one table: SELECT studentID, studentName FROM student If you are selecting data from multiple tables, and those tables have column names in common, then Jet SQL requires you to qualify the column names. For example, if you are JOINING two tables that use the same name for a column: SELECT studentID, studentName, student.courseID, courseName FROM student, course

= (greater than or equal)


(not equal)


SELECT studentID, studentName FROM student WHERE studentName = “Baker”;

Boolean Operators •


or not

Results in:

Query Examples Each of the following examples is using the following tables: Student table














Joining Tables The real power of SQL and relational databases comes when you use the existing relationships (typically defined through foreign keys) to combine related data across multiple tables. This is referred to as JOINING tables. However, if tables are not joined properly, your results set is probably useless: Cartesian Product Example - what happens when you do it wrong! (use Northwinds database for the following queries)



Examples: One way to use the insert statement is to list each of the columns into which you want to insert data, followed by the actual data values. The column names and the values to be inserted must be in the same order.


SELECT categories.CategoryID, Products.ProductID from categories, products; Use of the Where clause to create an join the tables: SELECT categories.CategoryID, Products.ProductID from categories, products where categories.categoryID = Products.CategoryID; Use of INNER JOIN: SELECT categories.CategoryID, Products.ProductID from categories INNER JOIN products on categories.categoryID = Products.CategoryID; Interesting Note Relational databases store all metadata in tables (called system tables), so you can perform queries on these tables to learn more about your database. This is even true in MS Access, although the system tables are somewhat cryptic: SELECT * FROM MSysObjects ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name; Aggregate Functions and Arithmetic Operations The following sample queries use the Northwinds database. Arithmetic Operations Arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) can be performed on columns. For example, the following query multiplies Unit Price by Quantity to give Extended Price: SELECT [order details].orderid, productid, (unitprice * quantity) as [extended price] FROM [Order Details];

Important: Any field that appears in the Select clause, but is not used as part of an aggregate function, must also appear in the Group By clause. Aggregate Functions: Count, Sum, AVG, Min, Max Aggregate functions summarize the data so that the numeric data can be collapsed into a single row. This example returns the average unitprice for each category: SELECT Products.CategoryID, avg(products.unitprice) FROM Products group by Products.CategoryID; This example counts the number of products in each category. SELECT Products.CategoryID, count (products.productID) FROM Products group by Products.CategoryID; Having Clause Because the “where” clause in a select statement works only with individual rows, you can use Having to limit the groups that are included. This example lists all categories that have the sum of quantity on hand for all products in that category greater than 100: SELECT CategoryID, Sum(UnitsInStock) FROM Products GROUP BY CategoryID HAVING Sum(UnitsInStock) > 100 Advanced SQL All of the following examples use the Northwind database. Joins

Note the “as” after the arithmetic operation. This gives a name (sometimes called an alias) to the new computed column.

Inner join is used to join tables on common values. It is functionally equivalent to using “where...and”.

SQL Group By and Aggregate Functions

These two statements are equivalent:

Group By is a means of collapsing multiple rows of data into a single row. Usually, you combine a Group By clause with an aggregate function so that you can summarize the data in some of the columns.

Q1 SELECT Customers.CompanyName, orders.orderid from customers, orders where customers.customerid = orders.customerid;

Example: List all categories from the Products table:

Q2 SELECT Customers.CompanyName, orders.orderid from customers inner join orders on customers.customerid = orders.customerid;

SELECT CategoryID, supplierID FROM Products; Note that CategoryID is actually displayed as CategoryName see Lookup in design view of table. Add the Group By clause (which in this case creates same results as using DISTINCT) SELECT CategoryID, supplierID FROM Products group by categoryID, supplierID; How GROUP BY works: 1.

Creates a temporary table based on the From clause and the Where clause (if present).


Groups the rows based on the Group By clause.


Displays the results based on the Select clause.


You can also nest inner join statements, where the results of one join are then joined to another table. For example, these two statements are equivalent: Q3 SELECT Customers.CompanyName from Customers, Orders, [Order Details], Products where (customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID) and (Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) and ([Order Details].ProductID = Products.ProductID) and (Products.ProductName = ‘Aniseed Syrup’); Q4 SELECT Customers.CompanyName from (((Customers inner join Orders on customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID) inner join [Order Details] on Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID)

Outer Join •

Outer (left and right) joins are used to find all matching values (as in an inner join), along with all the unmatched values in one of the tables.

A left join includes all the values in the left table, plus the matching values in the right table.

A right join includes all the values in the right table, plus the matching values in the left table. This is one of the few instances that the order in which you list the tables matters.

Example Say a new category is added to the categories table but no products are yet listed in that category. If you wanted to list all the products and which categories they are in, you would use a simple inner join: Q5 SELECT categories.categoryname, products.productname from categories INNER join products on products.categoryid = categories.categoryid However, this would leave out the new category, since there are no matching records in the products table (i.e., there are no products in this category). To list all of the products and which categories they are in, plus any categories that contain no products, you could use the following query:

from customers inner JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID) Subqueries allow for relatively complex set operations. For example, to find all orders that include BOTH productid 30 (Gorgonzola Telino) and productid 60 (Camembert Pierrot): Q9 SELECT customers.companyname, [order details].orderid, [order details].productid FROM customers INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID where [order details].orderid in (select [order details].orderid from [order details] where [order details].productid = 30) and [order details].orderid in (select [order details].orderid from [order details] where [order details].productid = 60) Query Q9 could be written as three independent, saved queries: Query productid30 – just orderids that have productid 30 SELECT [order details].[orderid] FROM [order details] WHERE [order details].[productid]=30; Query productid60 – just orderids that have productid 60 SELECT [order details].[orderid] FROM [order details] WHERE [order details].[productid]=60;

Q6 SELECT categories.categoryname, products.productname from categories LEFT join products on products.categoryid = categories.categoryid

Query productid3060 – joins the previous two queries

Outer joins can be very useful for finding “unmatched” records. For example, to find customers that do not have an order:

Query Q10 to join the previous query to the customer data

Q7 SELECT Customers.companyname, customers.customerid, orders.orderid FROM Customers LEFT JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID where orders.orderid is null; Nested Subqueries Because the result of any properly formed select statement is a temporary table, select statements can be used one within another. This means that the results of the nested select statement are then used as if it were a table.

SELECT productid30.[orderid] FROM productid30 INNER JOIN productid60 ON productid30.orderid = productid60.orderid; Q10 SELECT customers.companyname, productid3060.orderid from customers INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN [productid3060] ON Orders.OrderID = productid3060.OrderID) ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID Note - if you have duplicate records in your results, use the Distinct clause to get rid of the duplicates. Database Design Process Database design is part of information system design. General information system design approaches: •

One way of using nested subqueries is through the IN clause. The IN clause is a set operator, and can be used to compare a column or expression to a list of values. For example, Q8 below is equivalent to Q7, but is written using the IN clause and a nested subquery: Q8 SELECT Customers.companyname, customers.customerid FROM Customers where customers.customerid NOT IN (select customers.customerid


inner join Products on [Order Details].ProductID = Products.ProductID) where (Products.ProductName = ‘Aniseed Syrup’);

Process oriented – focus on business processes •

Model existing/desired processes first (e.g., Data Flow Diagrams)

Data stores (database) may already exist If database must be created/altered, database design begins

• •

Data oriented – focus on data needs

Model existing/desired data first (e.g., Entity Relationship Diagrams)

Assumes new data needs or that data can be significantly reorganized 213


Database Design Phases Conceptual Data Modeling - Identify entities, attributes, relationships

Example ERD

Logical Database Design – develop well-designed relations Physical Database Design – determine data types, default values, indexes, storage on disk, including division of application into tiers Database/system implementation - includes programs, business processes Conceptual Data Modeling Modeling the rules of the organization •

Identify and understand those rules that govern data

Represent those rules so that they can be unambiguously understood by information systems developers and users

Implement those rules in database technology Business rule

• •

A statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business.

Intended to assert business structure or to control the behavior of the business

ERD Notation

Examples •

Every order must have one and only one shipper

Each student must have an advisor

Classes must be assigned to one and only one classroom.

• •

Where can business rules be found? Policies and procedures

Paper and computer forms

In employees’ heads

How to represent business rules related to data?

Entity Relationship Diagrams


Person, place, object, event, or concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data entity type (collection of entities) often corresponds to a table

• •

entity instance (single occurrence of an entity) often corresponds to a row in a table

entities are not the same as system inputs and outputs (e.g., forms, reports)

entities are not the people that use the system/data


property or characteristic of an entity type that is of interest to the organization

identifier attribute uniquely identifies an entity instance (i.e., a key)

Relationship describes the link between two entities

usually defined by primary key - foreign key equivalencies


Degree of a Relationship Refers to the number of entity types that participate in it. •




Normal Forms

Refers to the number of instances of entity A that can be associated with each instance of entity B

essence of normalization - keep splitting up relations until there are no more anomalies

One-to-one: Each entity in the relationship will have exactly one related entity

1st Normal form - atomic values in each column (no repeating groups)

One-to-many: An entity on one side of the relationship can have many related entities, but an entity on the other side will have a maximum of one related entity Many-to-many: Entities on both sides of the relationship can have many related entities on the other side

2nd Normal form - all nonkey attributes are dependent on all of the key (no partial dependencies) • Table not in 2nd Normal form:

• •

Cardinality Constraints - the number of instances of one entity that can or must be associated with each instance of another entity. •

Minimum Cardinality - if zero, then optional If one or more, then mandatory

Maximum Cardinality - the maximum number

Professor (empID, courseID name, dept, salary, , datecompleted) •

EmpIDà name, dept, salary

EmpID, courseID à date-completed

• •

3 Normal form - in 2nd normal form, and all transitive dependencies have been removed rd

Table not in 3rd Normal Form:

Sales(custno, name, salesperson, region)

Custnoà name, salesperson, region Salespersonà region

• •

Insertion anomaly: a new salesperson cannot be assigned to a region until a customer has been assigned to that salesperson

Deletion anomaly: if a customer is deleted from the table, we may lose the information about who is assigned to that region

Modification anomaly: if a salesperson is reassigned to a different region, several rows must be changed to reflect that.


Physical Database Design

Properties of Relations (Tables)

Objectives of physical database design

entries at intersection of a row and column are atomic (no multivalued attributes in a relation)

entries in columns are from the same domain

each row is unique

Well-Structured Relation (Table) - to improve data integrity, ease of application design •

contain minimum redundancy

avoids errors or inconsistencies (anomalies) when user updates, inserts, or deletes data

Anomalies • • •

insertion anomaly - cannot insert a fact about one entity until we have an additional fact about another entity deletion anomaly - deleting facts about one entity inadvertently deletes facts about another entity modification anomaly - must update more than one row in a given table to change one fact in the table

Terminology •

functional dependency - the value of A determines the value of B (Aà B)

determinant - that attribute on the left side of the arrow (A in the above)

transitivity rule - if Aà B, and Bà C, then Aà C

Efficient processing (i.e., speed)

Efficient use of space

Data and Volume Analysis 1. 2.

Estimate the size of each table Estimate the number/type of access to each table

Designing Fields Choosing data types Methods for controlling data integrity •

default values

range control

null control

referential integrity

Denormalization •

Objective of denormalization: to create tables that are more efficiently queried than fully normalized tables.

Denormalization trades off a potential loss of data integrity for query speed

Denormalization opportunities • Combine two tables with a one-to-one relationship (Fig 6-3)



Cardinality of Relationships


Combine three tables in an associative relationship into two tables. (Fig 6-4)

Reference data - combine two tables into one where for a 1:N relationship where 1-side has data not used in any other relationship (Fig. 6.5)

A DBMS typically provides several means of backing up and recovering a database in the event of a hardware or software failure:

Partitioning •

• •

Backup facilities - periodic backup copies of the database

Journalizing facilities - records transactions resulting in database changes (audit trail)

Useful for situations where different users need access to different rows Vertical Partitioning: Distributing the columns of a table into several separate files

Checkpoint facility - means of suspending processing and synchronizing internal files and journals Recovery manager - means of using the above three facilities to recover a database after a failure.

Useful for situations where different users need access to different columns

A DBMS must have a way of knowing how various database accesses/changes are related to each other. This is done through the concept of a database “transaction.”

The primary key must be repeated in each file

Advantages of Partitioning: •

Records used together are grouped together

Each partition can be optimized for performance

Security, recovery

in the event of a failure, the database can be put back in a known state (database change log - before and after images)

Partitions stored on different disks: • Reduce contention

it can be determined when a change was made and who made it (transaction log)

Disadvantages of Partitioning:

Transaction - a series of database accesses (reads and writes) that must be performed as a cohesive unit in order to maintain data integrity.

Slow retrievals across partitions

Example: entering a customer order


Transaction boundaries are defined in SQL by

Indexing •

Index – a separate table that contains organization of records for quick retrieval

• •

Primary keys are automatically indexed Disadvantage of index - frequent changes to database requires that index be updated, increasing processing time

When to use indexes •

Use on larger tables

Index the primary key of each table

Index search fields (fields frequently in WHERE clause)

Fields in SQL ORDER BY and GROUP BY commands

When there are >100 values but not when there are 10000;

Get supplier names for all orders. SELECT suppliers.CompanyName, orders.orderID FROM Orders, Suppliers, Products, [Order Details] where Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID and Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID and Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID;



Get order ID and product name for all orders supplied by “Tokyo Traders.” SELECT Suppliers.CompanyName, [order details].orderID, products.productName FROM (Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID) INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID where suppliers.CompanyName = “Tokyo Traders”; Get order ID, product name, and dollar value of the amount of that product ordered for each orders supplied by “Tokyo Traders.” SELECT Suppliers.CompanyName, [order details].orderID, products.productName, (([order details].UnitPrice*[order details].Quantity) * (1[order details].Discount)) as dollarValue FROM (Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID) INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID where suppliers.CompanyName = “Tokyo Traders”;


Get the shipper name and supplier name for all orders shipped by speedy express. SELECT Suppliers.CompanyName, Shippers.CompanyName FROM Shippers INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN ((Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID) INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID) ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) ON Shippers.ShipperID = Orders.ShipVia where shippers.CompanyName = “Speedy Express”;


Count the number of orders shipped by each shipper. SELECT Shippers.CompanyName, count(orders.orderid) FROM Shippers INNER JOIN Orders ON Shippers.ShipperID = Orders.ShipVia group by shippers.companyName;


The other way to interpret this is to assume that you want only the categories for which there were sales over $10,000 for the given year. In this case, you group by category name only, and do not include the product name.

Display the category name of all products that have sales greater than $10,000 for the year 1997. Hint – this can be done using the “having” clause and using a saved, named query as part of another query. This query can be interpreted at least two ways. One way is to include the product name and category name for all products that have sold over $10,000 in the given year. The SQL below delivers that result. SELECT DISTINCTROW Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName,

The query below works for earlier versions of the database, but the saved query [Product Sales for 1997] in the Access 2000 version creates totals by quarter, rather than by year. [Product Sales for 1997] can be modified to give the same answer as the above, however. SELECT DISTINCTROW [Product Sales for 1997].CategoryName, Sum([Product Sales for 1997].ProductSales) AS CategorySales FROM [Product Sales for 1997] GROUP BY [Product Sales for 1997].CategoryName;

SQL Assignment Four Solutions 1.

Display each product name and the latest date the product was ordered. (Hint - use the max function on the orderdate column.) SELECT [order details].productid, max(orders.orderdate) FROM Orders INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID group by [order details].productid;


Find the company name of all customers who have ordered Aniseed Syrup and Outback Lager on the same order. Include the orderid in your results. First, solve this by using three separate queries.

Query QAS SELECT [Customers].[CompanyName], [orders].[orderid] FROM Customers, Orders, [Order Details], Products WHERE ([customers].[CustomerID]=[Orders].[CustomerID]) And ([Orders].[OrderID]=[Order Details].[OrderID]) And ([Order Details].[ProductID]=[Products].[ProductID]) And ([Products].[ProductName]=’Aniseed Syrup’); Query QOL SELECT [Customers].[CompanyName], [orders].[orderid] FROM Customers, Orders, [Order Details], Products WHERE ([customers].[CustomerID]=[Orders].[CustomerID]) And ([Orders].[OrderID]=[Order Details].[OrderID]) And ([Order Details].[ProductID]=[Products].[ProductID]) And ([Products].[ProductName]=’Outback Lager’);



SQL Assignment Three Solutions


SELECT [QAS].[CompanyName], QAS.orderid FROM QAS inner join QOL on QAS.orderid = QOL.orderid Nested solution: SELECT distinct Customers.CompanyName from (((Customers inner join Orders on customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID) inner join [Order Details] on Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) inner join Products on [Order Details].ProductID = Products.ProductID) where [order details].orderid in (select [order details].orderid from ((Orders inner join [Order Details] on Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) inner join Products on [Order Details].ProductID = Products.ProductID) where (Products.ProductName = ‘Aniseed Syrup’)) and [order details].orderid in (select [order details].orderid from ((Orders inner join [Order Details] on Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) inner join Products on [Order Details].ProductID = Products.ProductID) where (Products.ProductName = ‘Outback Lager’)) ; 3.

Find all the product name of all products that have never been ordered. You will have to add a new product to the product table to test this. (Hint - you can use the NOT IN clause and a nested subquery). SELECT [products].productname from products where products.productid not in (select [order details].productid from [order details]);


Display the total number of times each product has been ordered, along with the product name. SELECT productname, count([Order Details].ProductID) FROM Products INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID group by productname;


Display the OrderID and Customer.CompanyName for all orders that total over $5,000 (ignore freight and discount). SELECT customers.companyname, orders.orderid, sum(unitprice * quantity) from customers inner join (orders inner join [order details] on [order details].orderid = orders.orderid) on orders.customerid = customers.customerid group by customers.companyname, orders.orderid having (sum(unitprice * quantity)) > 5000




Perhaps it is best to begin by giving an example of such a system. A large bank may have one thousand teller terminals (several have 20,000 tellers but at present no single system supports such a large network). For each teller, there is a record describing the teller’s cash drawer and for each branch there is a record describing the cash position of that branch (bank general ledger), It is likely to have several million demand deposit accounts (say 10,000,000 accounts). Associated with each account is a master record giving the account owner, the account balance, and a list of recent deposits and withdrawals applicable to this account. This database occupies over 10,000,000,000 bytes and must all be on-line at all times, The database is manipulated with application dependent transactions, which were written for this application when it was installed. There are many transactions defined on this database to query it and update it. A particular user is allowed to invoke a subset of these transactions. Invoking a transaction consists of typing a message and pushing a button. The teller terminal appends the transaction identity, teller identity and terminal identity to the message and transmits it to the central data manager. The data communication manager receives the message and translates it to some canonical form. It then passes the message to the transaction manager, which validates the teller’s authorization to invoke the specified transaction and then allocates and dispatches an instance of the transaction. The transaction processes the message, generates a response, and terminates. Data communications delivers the message to the teller. Perhaps the most common transaction is in this environment is the DEBIT_CREDIT transaction which takes in a message from any teller, debits or credits the appropriate account (after running some validity checks), adjusts the teller cash drawer and branch balance, and then sends a response message to the teller. The transaction flow is: DEBIT_CREDIT: BEGIN_TRANSACTION; GET MESSAGE; EXTRACT ACCOUT_NUMBER, DELTA, TELLER, BRANCH FROM MESSAGE; FIND ACCOUNT(ACCOUT_NUMBER) IN DATA BASE; IF NOT_FOUND | ACCOUNT_BALANCE + DELTA < 0 THEN PUT NEGATIVE RESPONSE; ELSE DO;

ACCOUNT_BALANCE = ACCOUNT_BALANCE + DELTA; POST HISTORY RECORD ON ACCOUNT (DELTA); CASH_DRAWER(TELLER) = CASH_DRAWER(TELLER) + DELTA; BRANCH_BALANCE(BRANCH) = BRANCH_BALANCE(BRANCH) + DELTA; PUT MESSAGE (‘NEW BALANCE =’ ACCOUNT_BALANCE); END; COMMIT; At peak periods the system runs about thirty transactions per second with a response time of two seconds. The DEBIT_CREDIT transaction is very “small”. There is another class of transactions that behave rather differently. For example, once a month a transaction is run which produces a summary statement for each account. This transaction might be described by: MONTHLY_STATEMENT: ANSWER :: = SELECT * FROM ACCOUNT, HISTORY WHERE ACCOUNT. ACCOUNT_NUMBER = HISTORY. ACCOUNT_NUMBER AND HISTORY_DATE > LAST_REPORT GROUPED BY ACCOUNT. ACCOUNT_NUMBER, ASCENDING BY ACCOUNT. ACCOUNT_ADDRESS; That is, collect all recent history records for each account and place them clustered with the account record into an answer file. The answers appear sorted by mailing address. If each account has about fifteen transactions against it per month then this transaction will read 160,000,000 records and write a similar number of records. A naive implementation of this transaction will take 80 days to execute (50 milliseconds per disk seek implies two million seeks per day.) However, the system must run this transaction once a month and it must complete within a few hours. There is a broad spread of transactions between these two types. Two particularly interesting types of transactions are conversational transactions that carry on a dialogue with the user and distributed transactions that access data or terminals at several nodes of a computer network, Systems of 10,000 terminals or 100,000,000,000 bytes of online data or 150 transactions per second are generally considered to be the limit of present technology (software and hardware). 235


1.1. A Sample System


1.2. Relationship To Operating System If one tries to implement such an application on top of a general-purpose operating system it quickly becomes clear that many necessary functions are absent from the operating system. Historically, two approaches have been taken to this problem: •

Write a new, simpler and “vastly superior” operating system.

Extend the basic operating system to have the desired function.

The first approach was very popular in the mid-sixties and is having a renaissance with the advent of minicomputers. The initial cost of a data management system is so low that almost any large customer can justify “rolling his own”. The performance of such tailored systems is often ten times better than one based on a general purpose system. One must trade this off against the problems of maintaining the system as it grows to meet new needs and applications. Group’s that followed this path now find themselves maintaining a rather large operating system, which must be modified to support new devices (faster disks, tape archives,...) and new protocols (e. g. networks and displays.) Gradually, these systems have grown to include all the functions of a general-purpose operating system. Perhaps the most successful approach to this has been to implement a hypervisor that runs both the data management operating system and some non-standard operating system. The “standard” operating system runs when the data manager is idle. The hypervisor is simply an interrupt handler which dispatches one or another system. The second approach of extending the basic operating system is plagued with a different set of difficulties. The principal problem is the performance penalty of a general-purpose operating system. Very few systems are designed to deal with very large files, or with networks of thousands of nodes. To take a specific example, consider the process structure of a general-purpose system: The allocation and deallocation of a process should be very fast (500 instructions for the pair is expensive) because we want to do it 100 times per second. The storage occupied by the process descriptor should also be small (less than 1000 bytes.) Lastly, preemptive scheduling of processes makes no sense since they are not CPU bound (they do a lot of I/O). A typical system uses 16,000 bytes to represent a process and requires 200,000 instructions to allocate and deallocate this structure (systems without protection do it cheaper.) Another problem is that the general-purpose systems have been designed for batch and time-sharing operation. They have not paid sufficient attention to issues such as continuous operation: keeping the system up for weeks at a time and gracefully degrading in case of some hardware or software error. 1.3. General Structure of Data Management Systems These notes try to discuss issues that are independent of which operating system strategy is adopted. No matter how the system is structured, there are certain problems it must solve. The general structure common to several data management systems is presented. Then two particular problems within the transaction management component are discussed in detail: concurrency control (locking) and system reliability (recovery).


This presentation decomposes the system into four major components: •

Dictionary: the central repository of the description and definition of all persistent system objects.

Data Communications: manages teleprocessing lines and message traffic.

Data Base manager: manages the information stored in the system. Transaction Management: manages system resources and system services such as locking and recovery.

Each of these components calls one another and in turn depends on the basic operating system for services.

2. Dictionary 2.1. What It Is The description of the system, the databases, the transactions, the telecommunications network, and of the users are all collected in the dictionary. This repository: •

Defines the attributes of objects such as databases and terminals.

Cross-references these objects. Records natural language (e. g. German) descriptions of the meaning and use of objects.

When the system arrives, the dictionary contains only a very few definitions of transactions (usually utilities), defines a few distinguished users (operator, data base administrator,...), and defines a few special terminals (master console). The system administrator proceeds to define new terminals, transactions, users, and databases. (The system administrator function includes data base administration (DBA) and data communications (network) administration (DCA). Also, the system administrator may modify existing definitions to match the actual system or to reflect changes. This addition and modification process is treated as an editing operation. For example, one defines a new user by entering the “define” transaction and selecting USER from the menu of definable types. This causes a form to be displayed, which has a field for each attribute of a user. The definer fills in this form and submits it to the dictionary. If the form is incorrectly filled out, it is redisplayed and the definer corrects it. Redefinition follows a similar pattern; the current form is displayed, edited and then submitted. (There is also a non-interactive interface to the dictionary for programs rather than people.) All changes are validated by the dictionary for syntactic and semantic correctness. The ability to establish the correctness of a definition is similar to ability of a compiler to detect the correctness of a program. That is, many semantic errors go undetected. These errors are a significant problem. Aside from validating and storing definitions, the dictionary provides a query facility which answers questions such as: “Which transactions use record type A of file B?” or, “What are the attributes of terminal 34261”. The dictionary performs one further service, that of compiling the definitions into a “machine readable” form more directly usable by the other system components. For example, a

instances have atomic values (e. g. “3” or “BUTTERFLY”). Each record instance has a unique name called a record identifier (RID).

The dictionary is a database along with a set of transactions to manipulate this database. Some systems integrate the dictionary with the data management system so that the data definition and data manipulation interface are hom*ogeneous. This has the virtue of sharing large bodies of code and of providing a uniform interface to the user. Ingress and System R are examples of such systems.

A field type constrains the type and values of instances of a field and defines the representation of such instances. The record type specifies what fields occur in instances of that record type.

Historically, the argument against using the database for the dictionary has been performance. There is very high read traffic on the dictionary during the normal operation of the system. A user logon requires examining the definitions of the user, his terminal, his category, and of the session that his logon establishes. The invocation of a transaction requires examining his authorization, the transaction, and the transaction descriptor (to build the transaction.) In turn the transaction definition may reference databases and queues which may in turn reference files, records and fields. The performance of these accesses is critical because they appear in the processing of each transaction. These performance constraints combined with the fact that the accesses are predominantly read-only have caused most systems to special-case the dictionary. The dictionary definitions and their compiled descriptors are stored by the data base management component. The dictionary-compiled descriptors are stored on a special device and a cache of them is maintained in high-speed storage on an LRU (Least Recently Used) basis. This mechanism generally uses a coarse granularity of locks and because operations are read only it keeps no log. Updates to the descriptors are made periodically while the system is quiesced. The descriptors in the dictionary are persistent. During operation, many other short-lived descriptors are created for short-lived objects such as cursors, processes, and messages. Many of these descriptors are also kept in the descriptor cache. The dictionary is the natural extension of the catalog or file system present in operating systems. The dictionary simply attaches more semantics to the objects it stores and more powerful operators on these objects. Readers familiar with the literature may find a striking similarity between the dictionary and the notion of conceptual schema, which is “a model of the enterprise”. The dictionary is the conceptual schema without its artificial intelligence aspects. In time the dictionary component will evolve in the direction suggested by papers on the conceptual schema.

3. Data Management The Data management component stores and retrieves sets of records. It implements the objects: network, set of records, cursor, record, field, and view. 3.1. Records And Fields

A record type is a sequence of field types, and a record instance is a corresponding sequence of field instances. Record types and instances are persistent objects. Record instances are the atomic units of insertion and retrieval. Fields are sub-objects of records and are the atomic units of update. Fields have the attributes of atoms (e. g. FIXED(31)or CHAR(*)) and field

A typical record might have ten fields and occupy 256 bytes although records often have hundreds of fields (e. g. a record giving statistics on a census tract has over 600 fields), and may beverylarge(severalthousandbytes). very A simple record (nine fields and about eighty characters) might be described by: DECLARE 1 PHONE_BOOK_RECORD, 2 PERSON_NAME CHAR(*), 2 ADDRESS, 3 STREET_NUMBER CHAR(*), 3 STREET_NAME CHAR(*), 3 CITY CHAR(*), 3 STATE CHAR(*), 3 ZIP_CODE CHAR(5). 2 PHONE_NUMBER, 3 AREA_CODE CHAR(3), 3 PREFIX CHAR(3), 3 STATION CHAR(4); The operators on records include INSERT, DELETE, FETCH, and UPDATE. Records can be CONNECTED to and DISCONNECTED from membership in a set (see below). These operators actually apply to cursors, which in turn point to records. The notions of record and field correspond very closely to the notions of record and element in COBOL or structure and field in PL/l. Records are variously called entities, segments, tuples, and rows by different subcultures. Most systems have similar notions of records although they may or may not support variable length fields, optional fields (nulls), or repeated fields. 3.2. Sets

A set is a collection of records. This collection is represented by and implemented as an “access path” that runs through the collection of records. Sets perform the functions of : • •

Relating the records of the set. In some instances directing the physical clustering of records in physical storage.

A record instance may occur in many different sets but it may occur at most once in a particular set. There are three set types of interest: •

Sequential set: the records in the set form a single sequence. The records in the set are ordered either by order of arrival (entry sequenced (ES)), by cursor position at insert (CS), or are ordered (ascending or descending) by some subset of field values (key sequenced (KS)). Sequential sets model indexed-sequential files (ISAM, VSAM).



terminal definition is converted from a variable length character string to a fixed format “descriptor” giving the terminal attributes in non-symbolic form.


Partitioned set: The records in the set form a sequence of disjoint groups of sequential sets. Cursor operators allow one to point at a particular group. Thereafter the sequential set operators are used to navigate within the group. The set is thus major ordered by hash and minor ordered (ES, CS or KS) within a group. Hashed files in which each group forms a hash bucket are modeled by partitioned sets, Parent-child set: The records of the set are organized into a two-level hierarchy. Each record instance is either a parent or a child (but not both). Each child has a unique parent and no children. Each parent has a (possibly null) list of children. Using parent-child sets one can build networks and hierarchies. Positional operators on parent-child sets include the operators to locate parents, as well as operations to navigate on the sequential set of children of a parent. The CONNECT and DISCONNECT operators explicitly relate a child to a parent, One obtains implicit connect and disconnect by asserting that records inserted in one set should also be connected to another. (Similar rules apply for connect, delete and update.) Parent-child sets can be used to support hierarchical and network data models.

A partitioned set is a degenerate form of a parent-child set (the partitions have no parents), and a sequential set is a degenerate form of a partitioned set (there is only one partition.) In this discussion care has been taken to define the operators so that they also subset. This has the consequence that if the program uses the simplest model it will be able to run on any data and also allows for subset implementations on small computers. Inserting a record in one set map trigger its connection to several other sets. If set “I” is an index for set “F” then an insert, delete and update of a record in “F” may trigger a corresponding insert, delete, or update in set “I”. In order to support this, data manager must know: •

That insertion, update or deletion of a record causes its connection to, movement in, or disconnection from other sets.

Where to insert the new record in the new set: For sequential sets, the ordering must be either key sequenced or entry sequenced.

• •

Pointing at a record.

Enumerating all records in a set.

Translating between the stored record format and the format visible to the cursor user. A simple instance of this might be a cursor that hides some fields of a record. This aspect will be discussed with the notion of view.

A cursor is an ephemeral object that is created from a descriptor when a transaction is initiated or during transaction execution by an explicit OPEN_CURSOR command. Also one may COPY_CURSOR a cursor to make another instance of the cursor with independent positioning. A cursor is opened on a specific set (which thereby defines the enumeration order (next) of the cursor.) A cursor is destroyed by the CLOSE_CURSOR command. 3.3.2. Operations on Cursors

Operators on cursors include

FETCH ( [, ]) [HOLD] RETURNS() Which retrieves the record pointed at by the named cursor. The record is moved to the specified target. If the position is specified the cursor is first positioned. If HOLD is specified the record is locked for update (exclusive), otherwise the record is locked in share mode. INSERT ([, ], ) Inserts the specified record into the set specified by cursor. If the set is key sequenced or entry sequenced then the cursor is moved to the correct position before the record is inserted, otherwise the record is inserted at (after) the current position of the cursor in the set. If the record type automatically appears in other sets, it also inserted in them. UPDATE ( [, ],) If position is specified the cursor is first positioned. The new record is then inserted in the set at the cursor position replacing the record pointed at by the cursor. If the set is sequenced by the updated fields, this may cause the record and cursor to move in the set. DELETE ( [, ])

For partitioned sets, data manager must know the partitioning rule and know that the partitions are entry sequenced or key sequenced.

Deletes the record pointed at by the cursor after optionally repositioning the cursor.

For parent-child sets, the data manager must know that certain record types are parents and that others are children. Further, in the case of children, data manager must be able to deduce the parent of the child.

Repositions the cursor in the set.

We will often use the term “file” as a synonym for set. 3.3. Cursors.

MOVE_CURSOR (, ) HOLD 3.3.3 Cursor Positioning A cursor is opened to traverse a particular set. Positioning expressions have the syntax: --+--------------------------------+-------------+-;

A cursor is “opened” on a specific set and thereafter points exclusively to records in that set. After a cursor is opened it may be moved, copied, or closed. While a cursor is opened it may be used to manipulate the record it addresses.


Records are addressed by cursors. Cursors serve the functions of:


+--------------N-TH-------------------+ + -CHILD---+ +--------------LAST ------------------+---+---------+ + +-PARENT--+

+--PREVIOUS--+--+ +-GROUP---+ +------------+



3.4. Various Data Models

Data models differ in their notion of set. 3.4.1. Relational Data Model

Examples of commands are

The relational model restricts itself to hom*ogeneous (only one record type) sequential sets. The virtue of this approach is its simplicity and the ability to define operators that “distribute” over the set, applying uniformly to each record of the set. Since much of data processing involves repetitive operations on large volumes of data, this distributive property provides a concise language to express such algorithms. There is a strong analogy here with APL that uses the simple data structure of array and therefore is able to define powerful operators that work for all arrays. APL programs are very short and much of the control structure of the program is hidden inside of the operators.


To give an example of this, a “relational” program to find all overdue accounts in an invoice file might be:

The selection expression may be any Boolean expression valid for all record types in the set. The selection expression includes the relational operators: =, !=, >, Write dependency. Dirty Read: If transaction T1 updates a record that is read by T2, then if T1 aborts, T2 will have read a record that never existed. (i.e. T1 updates R to 100,000,000, T2 reads this value, T1 then aborts and the record returns to the value 100.) This is called a Write ->Read dependency. Un-repeatable Read: If transaction T1 reads a record that is then altered and committed by T2, and if T1 re-reads the record, then T1 will see two different committed values for the sane record. Such a dependency is called a Read ->Write dependency.

If there were no concurrency then none of these anomalous cases will arise.

Note that the order in which reads occur does not affect concurrency. In particular reads commute. That is why we do not care about Read -> Read dependencies, 5.7.3. Model of Consistency and Lock Protocols

A fairly formal model is required in order to make precise statements about the issues of locking and recovery. Because the problems are so complex one must either accept many simplifying assumptions or accept a less formal approach. A compromise is adopted here. First we will introduce a fairly formal model of transactions, locks and recovery that will allow us to discuss the issues of lock management and recovery management. After this presentation, the implementation issues associated with locking and recovery will be discussed. Several Definitions of Consistency

Several equivalent definitions of consistency are presented. The first definition is an operational and intuitive one; it is useful in describing the system behavior to users. The second definition is a procedural one in terms of lock protocols; it is useful in explaining the system implementation. The third definition is in terms of a trace of the system actions; it is useful in formally stating and proving consistency properties. Informal Definition of Consistency

An output (write) of a transaction is committed when the transaction abdicates the right to “undo” the write thereby making the new value available to all other transactions (i.e. commits). Outputs are said to be uncommitted or dirty if they are not yet committed by the writer. Concurrent execution raises the problem that reading or writing other transactions’ dirty data may yield inconsistent data. Using this notion of dirty data, consistency may be defined as: Definition 1: Transaction T sees a consistent state if: a.

T does not overwrite dirty data of other transactions.


T does not commit any writes until it completes all its writes (i.e. until the end of transaction (EOT)).

c. d.

T does not read dirty data from other transactions. Other transactions do not dirty any data read by T before T completes.

Clauses (a) and (b) insure that there are no lost updates. Clause (c) isolates a transaction from the uncommitted data of other transactions. Without this clause, a transaction might read uncommitted values, which are subsequently updated or are undone. If clause (c)is observed, no uncommitted values are read. Clause (a) insures repeatable reads. For example, without clause (c) a transaction may read two different (committed) values if it reads the same entity twice. This is because a transaction that updates the entity could begin, update, and commit in the interval between the two reads. More elaborate kinds of anomalies due to concurrency are possible if one updates an entity after reading it or if more than one entity is involved (see example below). The rules specified have the properties that:



If the database is read-only then no concurrency control is needed. However, if transactions update shared data then their concurrent execution needs to be regulated so that they do not update the same item at the same time.



If all transactions observe the consistency protocols, then any execution of the system is equivalent to some “serial” execution of the transactions (i.e. it is as though there was no concurrency.)


If all transactions observe the consistency protocols, then each transaction sees a consistent state.


If all transactions observe the consistency protocols, then system backup (undoing all in-progress transactions) loses no updates of completed transactions.


If all transactions observe the consistency protocols, then transaction backup (undoing any in-progress transaction) produces a consistent state.

Assertions 1 and 2 are proved in the paper “On the Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks” CACM Vol. 9, No. 71, Nov. 1976. Proving the second two assertions is a good research problem. It requires extending the model used for the first two assertions and reviewed here to include recovery notions.

Any (sequence preserving) merging of the actions of a set of transactions into a single sequence is called a schedule for the set of transactions. A schedule is a history of the order in which actions were successfully executed (it does not record actions which were undone due to backup (This aspect of the model needs to be generalized to prove assertions 3 and 4 above)). The simplest schedules run all actions of one transaction and then all actions of another transaction,... Such one-transaction-at-a-time schedules are called serial because they have no concurrency among transactions. Clearly, a serial schedule has no concurrency-induced inconsistency and no transaction sees dirty data. Locking constrains the set of allowed schedules. In particular, a schedule is legal only if it does not schedule a lock action on an entity for one transaction when that entity is already locked by some other transaction in a conflicting mode. The following table shows the compatibility among the simple lock modes. Schedules: Formalize Dirty And Committed Data

The definition of what it means for a transaction to see a consistent state was given in terms of dirty data. In order to make the notion of dirty data explicit, it is necessary to consider the execution of a transaction in the context of a set of concurrently executing transactions. To do this we introduce the notion of a schedule for a set of transactions. A schedule can be thought of as a history or audit trail of the actions performed by the set of transactions. Given a schedule the notion of a particular entity being dirtied by a particular transaction is made explicit and hence the notion of seeing a consistent state is formalized. These notions may then be used to connect the various definitions of consistency and show their equivalence.


The system directly supports objects and actions. Actions are categorized as begin actions, end actions, abort actions, share lock actions, exclusive lock actions, unlock actions, read actions, write actions. Commit actions and abort actions are presumed to unlock any locks held by the transaction but not explicitly unlocked by the transaction. For the purposes of the following definitions, share lock actions and their corresponding unlock actions are additionally considered to be read actions and exclusive lock actions and their corresponding unlock actions are additionally considered to be write actions.


For the purposes of this mad, a transaction is any sequence of actions beginning until a begin action and ending with a commit or abort action and not containing other begin, commit or abort actions. Here are two trivial transactions. T1 BEGIN



















+---------------------+------------------------+ | COMPATIBILITY


+---------------------+------------+-----------+ | REQUEST | SHARE


+---------+-----------+------------+-----------+ | MODE | EXCLUSIVE | CONFLICT | CONFLICT |

The following are three example schedules of two transactions. The first schedule is legal, the second is serial and legal and the third schedule is not legal since T1 and T2 have conflicting locks on the object A. Tl BEGIN T2 BEGIN




























An initial state and a schedule completely define the system’s behavior. At each step of the schedule one can deduce which entity values have been committed and which are dirty: if locking is used, updated data is dirty until it is unlocked. One transaction instance is said to depend on another if the first takes some of its inputs from the second. The notion of dependency can be useful in comparing two schedules of the same set of transactions. Each schedule, S, defines a ternary dependency relation on the set: TRANSACTIONS X OBJECTS X TRANSACTIONS as follows. Suppose that transaction T performs action a on entity e at some step in the schedule, and that transaction T’ performs action a’ on entity e at a later step in the schedule. Further suppose that T and T’ are distinct. Then: (T, e, T’) is in DEP(S) if a is a write action and a’ is a write action or a is a write action and a’ is a read action or a is a read action and a’ is a write action The dependency set of a schedule completely defines the inputs and outputs each transaction “sees”. If two distinct schedules have the same dependency set then they provide each transaction with the same inputs and outputs. Hence we say two schedules are equivalent if they have the same dependency sets. If a schedule is equivalent to a serial schedule, then that schedule must be consistent since in a serial schedule there are no inconsistencies due to concurrency. On the other hand, if a schedule is not equivalent to a serial schedule then it is probable (possible) that some transaction sees an inconsistent state. Hence, Definition 2: A schedule is consistent if it is equivalent to some serial schedule. The following argument may clarify the inconsistency of schedules not equivalent to serial schedules. Define the relation

The key to the success of this approach is that the decision to commit has been centralized in a single place and is not time constrained. The following diagrams show the possible interactions between a coordinator and a participant. Note that a coordinator may abort a participant that agrees to commit. This may happen because another participant has aborted


The protocol about to be described may require arbitrarily many messages. Usually it requires only a few messages, sometimes it requires more and in some cases (a set of measure zero) it requires an infinite number of messages. The protocol works by introducing a commit coordinator. The commit coordinator has a communication path to all participants. Participants are either cohorts (processes) at several nodes or are autonomous components within a process (like DB and DC)or are both.

Three possible two-phase commit scenarios. request commit ----------------------->

The logic for the coordinator is best described by a simple program: COORDINATOR: PROCEDURE; VOTE=’COMMIT’; /*collect votes */






(1) Successful commit exchange.


commit ------>

request commit ----------------------->




DO; /*if any abort, then abort*/


Before its PHASE12_COMMIT or AGREE_COMMIT log record has been written and,


After its PHASE12_COMMIT or AGREE_COMMIT log record has been written.

FOR EACH PARTICIPANT DO UNTIL (+ACK); SEND MESSAGE ABORT; WAIT +ACKNOWLEDGE; IF TIME_LIMIT THEN RETRANSMIT; END END; WRITE_LOG(COORDINATOR_COMPLETE);/ *common exit*/ RETURN; END COORDINATOR; The protocol for the participant is simpler: PARTICIPANT: PROCEDURE; WAIT FOR REQUEST_COMMIT; /*phase 1 */ FORCE UNDO REDO LOG TO NONVOLATILE STORE; IF SUCCESS THEN /*writes AGREE in log */ REPLY ‘AGREE’; ELSE REPLY ‘ABORT’; WAIT FOR VERDICT; /*phase2 */ IF VERDICT =’COMMIT’ THEN DO; RELEASE RESOURCES & LOCKS; REPLY +ACKNOWLEDGE; END; ELSE DO; UNDO PARTICIPANT; REPLY +ACKNOWLEDGE; END; END PARTICIPANT; There is a last Piece of logic that needs to be included: In the event of restart, recovery manager has only the log and the nonvolatile store. If the coordinator crashed before the PHASE12_COMMIT record appeared in the log, then restart will broadcast abort to all participants. If the transaction’s PHASE12_COMMIT record appeared and the COORDINATOR_COMPLETE record did not appear, then restart will re-broadcast the COMMIT message. If the transaction’s COORDINATOR_COMPLETE record appears in the log, then restart will ignore the transaction. Similarly transactions will be aborted if the log has not been forced with AGREE. If the AGREE record appears, then restart asks the coordinator whether the transaction committed or aborted and acts accordingly (redo or undo.) Examination of this protocol shows that transaction commit has two phases:


This is the reason it is called a two-phase commit protocol. A fairly lengthy analysis is required to convince oneself that a crash or lost message will not cause one participant to “march” the wrong way. Let us consider a few cases. If any participant aborts or crashes in his phase 1 then the entire transaction will be aborted (because the coordinator will sense that he is not replying using timeout). If an participant crashes in his phase 2 then recovery manager, as a part of restart of that participant, will ask the coordinator whether or not to redo or undo the transaction instance. Since the participant wrote enough information for this in the log during phase 1, recovery manager can go either way on completing this participant. This requires that the undo and redo be idempotent operations. Conversely, if the coordinator crashes before it writes the log record, then restart will broadcast abort to all participants. No participant has committed because the coordinator’s PHASE12_COMMIT record is synchronously written before any commit messages are sent to participants. On the other hand if the coordinator’s PHASE12_COMMIT record is found in the log at restart, then the recovery manager broadcasts commit to all participants and waits for acknowledge. This redoes the transaction (coordinator). This rather sloppy argument can be (has been) made more precise. The net effect of the algorithm is that either all the participants commit or that none of them commit (all abort.) Nested Two Phase Commit Protocol

Many optimizations of the two-phase commit protocol are possible. As described above, commit requires 4N messages if there are N participants. The coordinator invokes each participant once to take the vote and once to broadcast the result. If invocation and return are expensive (e.g., go over thin wires) then a more economical protocol may be desired. If the participants can be linearly ordered then a simpler and faster commit protocol that has 2N calls and returns is possible. This protocol is called the nested two-phase commit. The protocol works as follows: • Each participant is given a sequence number in the commit call order. •

In particular, each participant knows the name of the next participant and the last participant knows that he is the last.

Commit consists of participants successively calling one another (N-l calls) after performing phase 1 commit. At the end of the calling sequence each participant will have successfully completed phase 1 or some participant will have broken the call chain. So the last participant can perform phase 2 and returns success. Each participant keeps this up so that in the end there are N-l returns to give a grand total of 2(N-1) calls and returns on a successful commit. There is one last call required to signal the coordinator (last participant)that the commit completed so that restart can ignore redoing this transaction. If some participant Comparison Between General And Nested Protocols

The following is the algorithm of each participant:

The message send-receive cost is high and broadcast not available.

The need for concurrency within phase 1 and concurrency within phase 2 is low,

The participant and cohort structure of the transaction is static or universally known.

The nested protocol is appropriate for a system in which



Most data management systems have opted for the nested commit protocol for these reasons. On the other hand the general two phase commit protocol is appropriate if: • Broadcast is the normal mode of interprocess communication (in that case the coordinator sends two messages and each process sends two messages for a total of 2N messages.)Aloha net, Ethernet, ring-nets, and spacesatellite nets have this property.




Parallelism among the cohorts of a transaction is desirable (the nested protocol has only one process active at a time during commit processing.)

PERFORM PHASE 2 COMMIT; Summary of Recovery Protocols


The consistency lock protocol isolates transactions from inconsistencies due to concurrency.

The DO-REDO-UNDO log record protocol allows for and uncommitted actions.

The write-ahead-log protocol insures that the log is ahead of nonvolatile storage, so that undo and redo can always be performed. The two-phase commit protocol coordinates the commitment of autonomous participants (or cohorts) within a transaction. The following table explains the virtues of the write-ahead-log and two-phase-commit protocols. It examines the possible situations after a crash. The relevant issues are whether an update to the object survived (was written to nonvolatile storage), and whether the log record corresponding to the update survived. One mill never have to redo an update whose log record is not written because: Only committed transactions are redone, and COMMIT writes out the transaction’s log records before the commit completes. So the (no, no, redo) case is precluded by two-phase commit. Similarly, write-ahead-log (WAL) precludes the (no, yes,*) cases, because an update is never written before its log record. The other cases should be obvious.

INFORM LAST THAT COMMIT COMPLETED; RETURN SUCCESS; END; The following gives a picture of a three deep nest: Rl

commit. ---------> --PHASE1 --> R2 --PHASEl -> R3 R2 --PHASEl--> R3 Driving Table The table in a SQL query’s FROM clause that is read first when joining data from two or more tables. The Rule Based optimizer will always choose the last table in the FROM clause as the driving table. The Cost Based Optimizer should choose a more appropriate table (likely the one with the least amount of rows) as the driving table. If the wrong table is chosen, the query will perform more I/O requests to return the same data. DRP Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP). Plan to resume or recover, a specific essential operation, function or process of an enterprise. Database DRP plans normally include Backup and Recovery Procedures, Standby Databases, Data Replication, Fail-save options, etc. DSL Data Sub Language - a language concerned with database objects and operations. In SQL terms, DSL is a combination of both DDL and DML. DSS Decision Support System: Interactive computer-based systems intended to help decision makers utilize data and models to identify and solve semistructured (or unstructured) problems. DUAL A view owned by the SYS user containing one row with value ‘X’. This is handy when you want to select an expression and only get a single row back. Sample Usage: select sysdate from DUAL; According to legend this table originally contained two rows, from there the name DUAL. Dump File Normally refers to a binary file containing exported data that can be re-imported into Oracle. Can also refer to a trace file. Dynamic SQL SQL statement that is constructed and executed at program execution time. In contrast to this, Static SQL statemets are hard-coded in the program and executed “as-is” at runtime. Dynamic SQL provides more flexability, nevertheless, static SQL is faster and more secure than dynamic SQL. Also see Embedded SQL. E E-Mail Electronic Mail. EBCDIC Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code. A standard character-to-number encoding (like ASCII) used


by some IBM computer systems. For example, Oracle on OS390 (IBM MVS) stores data as EBCDIC characters. EBU Enterprise Backup Utility (Oracle 7). EBU was superceded by RMAN. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) The inter-organizational, computer-to-computer exchange of structured information in a standard, machineprocessable format. Embedded SQL Embedded SQL statemets are hard-coded in the program and executed “as-is” at run-time. Emedded SQL is also known as static SQL. Except for host bind variables, these statement cannot be altered at run rime. Also see Dynamic SQL. Encapsulation Encapsulation describes the ability of an object to hide its data and methods from the rest of the world - one of the fundamental principles of OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Enterprise Is a collection of organizations and people formed to create and deliver products to customers. Enterprise JavaBeans A Java standard for creating reusable server components for building applications. They facilitate writing code that accesses data in a database. Entity An entity is a thing of significance, either real or conceptual, about which the business or system being modeled needs to hold information. Sample entities: EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT, CAR, etc. Each entity in a ERD generally correspond to a physical table on database level. Entity-Relationship diagram A diagram showing entities and their relationships. Relates to business data analysis and data base design. EntityRelationship Diagrams can be constructed with Oracle Designer. Also see UML. Equi Join An Equi Join (aka. Inner Join or Simple Join) is a join statement that uses an equivalency operation (i.e: colA = colB) to match rows from different tables. The converse of an equi join is a nonequijoin operation. ER Diagram See Entity-Relationship diagram. ERD See Entity-Relationship diagram. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning. An information system that integrates all manufacturing and related applications for an entire enterprise.


Data Warehouse acquisition processes of Extracting, Transforming (or Transporting) and Loading (ETL) data from source systems into the data warehouse.

In an application context a field is a position on a form that is used to enter, view, update, or delete data. In a database context a field is the same as a column. Aslo see column.

Exception Error control/recovery mechanism in PL/SQL. Execution Plan The operations that the Oracle Server performs to execute a SQL statement. Also see Explain Plan. EXP Oracle utility used to export data (and schema definitions) from an Oracle database to a proprietary binary file format. This file can be re-imported into Oracle databases across various platforms. Also see IMP. Expert System A software system with two basic components: a knowledge base and an inference engine. The system mimics an expert’s reasoning process. Explain Plan A report that shows how Oracle plans to execute a given SQL query to retrieve the requested data. Commonly used by developers and DBA’s to diagnose poorly performing SQL queries. For example, check if the query is doing a quick index lookup or a lengthy full table scan. Also see Execution Plan. Express Oracle Express is a multi-dimensional database and engine used for OLAP analysis. See the Express FAQ for more details. Extent An extent is a contiguous set of Oracle blocks allocated to a segment in a tablespace. The size of an extent is controlled by storage parameters used when you CREATE or ALTER the segment, including INITIAL, NEXT and PCT_INCREASE. External table A table that is not stored in an Oracle database. Data gets loaded via an access driver (normally ORACLE_LOADER) when the table is accessed. One can think of an external table as a view that allows running SQL queries against external data without requiring that the data first be loaded into the database. F Fact Table A table, typically in a data warehouse, that contains the measures and facts (the primary data). Also see Dimension Table. FAQ Frequently Asked Questions. A FAQ is a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions. On the Internet a FAQ may exist as a feature of an interest groups or a mailing list. Each FAQ addresses a specific topic with a list of questions and their answers.

File A collection of related data stored together for later use. A file is stored in a directory on a file system on disk. File System Method of storing and organizing files on disk. Some of the common file systems are: FAT and NTFS on Windows Systems and UFS and JFS on Unix Systems. File Transfer Protocol File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - A way of transferring files between computers. A protocol that describes file transfers between a host and a remote computer. FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) Standards published by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, after approval by the Dept. of Commerce; used as a guideline for federal procurements. Firewall A computer system that sits between the Internet and a company’s network. It acts as an active gateway to keep non-company entities from accessing company confidential data. Foreign key A column in a table that does not uniquely identify rows in that table, but is used as a link to matching columns in other tables. FORMS See Oracle Forms. Fragmentation The scattering of data over a disk caused by successive insert, update and delete operations. This eventually results in slow data access times as the disk needs to do more work to construct a contiguous copy of the data on disk. A database reorganization is sometimes required to fix fragmentation problems. Freelist When records are inserted into a table, Oracle examines the freelist to determine which data blocks have available storage space that can be used to store the new rows. FTP See File Transfer Protocol. FUD Short for Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Function Block of PL/SQL code stored within the database. A function always returns a single value to its caller. Also see Package and Procedure.






HDBMS Hierarchical Database Management System. Type of DBMS that supports a hierarchical data model. Example HDBMS Systems: IMS and System 2000.

1 GB (Gigabyte) is 1024 MB. See BYTE. GIF A standard graphics file format used on the Web, recognized by all Web browsers. GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out. Computer output is only as good as the data entered. GIS

Heap-organized Table A table with rows stored in no particular order. This is a standard Oracle table; the term “heap” is used to differentiate it from an index-organized table or external table. Hierarchical data model Data model that organizes data in a tree structure. Records are connected by parent-child relationships (PCR). The hierarchical data model is commonly used for LDAP directories and HDBMS databases.

Geographic Information System. A computer software system with which spatial information (eg. maps) can be captured, stored, analyzed, displayed and retrieved. Glue Oracle Objects for OLE’s (OO4O) predecessor was called Oracle Glue.

Hint Code embedded into a SQL statement suggesting to Oracle how it should be processed. Some of the available hints: ALL_ROWS, FIRST_ROWS, CHOOSE, RULE, INDEX, FULL, ORDERED, STAR. Example suggesting a FULL TABLE SCAN method:

Grid Computing Applying resources from many computers in a network to a single problem or application. Group Function Oracle functions that groups data. Eg: AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX, STDDEV, SUM, VARIANCE, etc. Example usage: select MIN(sal), MAX(sal), AVG(sal) from emp; GUI Graphical User Interface. Some popular GUI environments: Linux KDesktop, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, Sun Openlook and HP Motif.

SELECT /*+ FULL(x) */ FROM tab1 x WHERE col1 = 10; Histogram Frequency distribution. Metadata describing the distribution of data values within a table. Histograms are used by the Oracle Query Optimizer to predict better query plans. The ANALYZE command is used to compute histograms. Host

H HA High Availability. Measures that can be implemented to prevent the entire system from failing if components of the system fail. Hash function A formula that is applied to each value of a table column or a combination of several columns, called the index key, to get the address of the area in which the row should be stored. When locating data, the database uses the hash function again to get the data’s location. Hash Join Join optimization method where two tables are joined based on a hashing algorithm. Also see Sort Merge Join, Nested Loops Join and Cluster Join. Hashing The conversion of a column’s primary key value to a database page number on which the row will be stored. Retrieval operations that specify the key column value use the same hashing algorithm and can locate the row directly. Hashing provides fast retrieval for data that contains a unique key value.


Command in SQL*Plus and Oracle Forms that runs an operating system command.

Machine on which an Oracle server resides

HP Hewlett Packard - One of the computer systems that Oracle runs on. Operating system is HP-UX. HP-UX Operating system used on HP machines. HTML Hyper Text Mark-Up Language (HTML), a subset of Standard Generalized Mark-Up Language (SGML) for electronic publishing, the specific standard used for the World Wide Web. HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the actual communications protocol that enables Web browsing. Hypertext Textual data which is “linked” across mutliple documents or location

Informix Input/ Output operations. For example, reading from a disk, writing to a printer, etc.

A Relational Database Management System recently bought out by IBM. It is expected that IBM will integrate Infomix into DB/2.



Oracle Internet Application Server (iAS). Software package that provides Web/HTTP Services, Data Caching, Portal Services, Forms Services, etc. IBM

Oracle’s initialization parameter file (similar to DB/2’s DSNZPARM). On Unix this file is located under $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora Initial Extent

International Business Machines Corporation. Company that develops hardware, operating systems, database systems, and applications that work with (and sometimes compete with) with Oracle products. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Organization of engineers, scientists and students involved in electrical, electronics, and related fields. It also functions as a publishing house and standards-making body. iFS Oracle’s Internet File System allows one to store files in an Oracle database. Access allowed from Standard Windows (SMB protocol), FTP, POP3, HTTP, etc. ILT Instructor Led Training (ITL) is Oracle Training classes. Also see TBT and CBT. IMP Oracle utility used to import/load data from export files created with the Oracle export utility. Also see EXP. Impedance Mismatch Intrinsic difference in the way in which actual data is represented by databases vs. modelling and programming languages are called the impedance mismatch. For example, data from relational tables need to be joined to construct single objects. Another example, databases return record sets, while programs process records one-by-one. IMS IBM’s Information Management System (IMS). IMS was developed in 1969 to manage data for NASA’s Apollo Moon Landing project. It was later released as the world’s first commercially available DBMS. IMS supports the hierarchical data model. Index A special database object that lets you quickly locate particular records based on key column values. Indexes are essential for good database performance. Index-Organized Table Type of table where the data is stored in a B*-tree index structure. Also see Heap-organized Table. Information Information is the result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the person receiving it.

The size of the first extent allocated when the object (typically a table or index) is created. Also see Next Extent. Inner Join See Equi Join. Insert DML command used to add data to a table. Also see Update and Delete. Instance An Oracle Instance is a running Oracle Database made up of memory structures (SGA) and background processes (SMON, PMON, LGWR, DBW0, etc.). An instance only exists while it is up and running. Simply put, a database resides on disk, while an instance resides in memory. A database is normally managed by one, and only one, instance. However, when using RAC, multiple instances can be started for a single database (on different machines). Each instance is identified with a unique identifier known as the ORACLE_SID. Internet An electronic network of computers that includes nearly every university, government, and research facility in the world. Also included are many commercial sites. It started with four interconnected computers in 1969 and was known as ARPAnet. Internet Developer Suite Oracle Internet Developer Suite (iDS) is a bundling of Oracle development tools like Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Oracle Discoverer Oracle Designer and JDeveloper. InterNIC The official source of information about the Internet. Its goal is to provide Internet information services, supervise the registration of Internet addresses, and develop and provide databases that serve as white and yellow pages to the Internet. Intersect SQL set operation. Select common elements from two different select statements. E.g: select * from table_A INTERSECT select * from table_B; IOR Oracle v5 DBA utility for starting and stopping databases. IOR was later replaced by SQL*Dba in V6 and SQL*Plus in Oracle8i.





IOR INIT - Initialises a new Oracle database for the first time

Java Pool Memory area in the SGA similar to the Shared Pool and Large Pool. The size of the java pool is defined by the JAVA_POOL_SIZE parameter.

IOR WARM - Warm start an Oracle database IOR SHUT - closes down an Oracle database IOR CLEAR - Like the modern “SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE” IOT See Index-Organized Table. IPC Inter Process Communications. A SQL*Net protocol similar to the BEQ protocol in that it is only used for local connections (when client and server programs reside on the same system). IPC can be used to establish dedicated server and shared server connections. A listener is required to make IPC connections.

JavaBean A reusable component that can be used in any Java application development environment. JavaBeans are dropped into an application container, such as a form, and can perform functions ranging from a simple animation to complex calculations. JavaScript A scripting language produced by Netscape for use within HTML Web pages. JBOD Just A Bunch Of Disks (JBOD) - hard disks that aren’t configured in a RAID configuration. JDBC

ISO ISO (International Standards Organization) is the International Standards Organizations. They do not create standards but (as with ANSI) provide a means of verifying that a proposed standard has met certain requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria by those developing the standard. ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is a series of international standards that provides quality management guidance and identifies quality system elements.

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a Sun Microsystems standard defining how Java applications access database data. Join The process of combining data from two or more tables using matching columns. Also see Equi Join, Outer Join, Self Join, Natural Join, etc. JPEG Joint Photograhic Experts Group - a common image format. Art and photographic pictures are usually encoded as JPEG files.

ITIL IT Infrastructure Library. ITIL is an integrated set of bestpractice recommendations with common definitions and terminology. ITIL covers areas such as Incident Management, Problem Management, Change Management, Release Management and the Service Desk. ITL

Java Server Pages (JSP) are normal HTML with Java code pieces embedded in them. A JSP compiler is used to generate a Servlet from the JSP page. Also see PSP, PHP and ASP. Example: Today is:

The Interested Transaction List (ITL) is an array of 23-byte entries in the variable portion of all Oracle data blocks. Any process that changes data, must store it’s transaction id and rollback segment address in an ITL. J J2EE Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) - a version of Java for developing and deploying enterprise applications.

JVM Java Virtual Machine. A software “execution engine” that runs compiled java byte code (in class files). K KB 1 KB (Kilobyte) is 1024 bytes. See BYTE.

JAR Java Archive file. An archive (like a ZIP file) contraining Java class files and images. JAR files are used to package Java applications for deployment. Java An multi-platform, object-oriented programming language from Sun Microsystems. Java can be used to program applications and applets.



Kerberos Kerberos is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard for providing authentication. Kerberos works by having a central server grant a “ticket” honoured by all networked nodes running Kerberos. Kernel The heart of an operating system. The kernel is the part of the operating system that controls the hardware.

A subset of the fields within a table for which data must be entered and validated before a new record may be added to the table. Failure to correctly enter data in all the key fields will prevent a new record from being added to the table. KLOC KLOC - Short for thousands (Kilo) of Lines Of Code. KLOC is a measure of a program’s (or project’s) complexity and size. L LAN Local Area Network. A user-owned and operated data transmission facility connecting a number of communicating devices (e.g. computers, terminals, word processors, printers, and storage units) within a single building or floor. Large Pool Memory area in ithe SGA similar to the Shared Pool and Java Pool. The Large Pool is mainly used for storing UGA areas (when running in Shared Server mode), and for buffering sequential file IO (i.e. when using RMAN). The size of the large pool is defined by the LARGE_POOL_SIZE parameter. Latch A latch is an internal Oracle mechanism used to protect data structures in the SGA from simultaneous access. Atomic hardware instructions like TEST-AND-SET are used to implement latches. Latches are more restrictive than locks in that they are always exclusive. Latches are never queued, but will spin or sleep until it obtains a resource or times out. Latches are important for performance tuning. LCKn (Oracle Parallel Server Lock Process) LCKn is the Oracle background processes created when you start an instance with the Oracle Parallel Server Option (OPS). The number of LCKn lock processes created are determined by the GC_LCK_PROCS=n INIT.ORA parameter. LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A protocol used to access a directory listing. It is being implemented in Web browsers and e-mail programs to enable lookup queries. Legacy Data Existing data that has been acquired by an organization. Legacy System An existing system that is deployed in an organization. In the fast moving IT industry, a system is considered stable and “old” as soon as it is properly implemented. Legacy systems will eventually be upgraded, replaced or archived. LGWR Oracle Log Writer. LGWR is an Oracle background process created when you start a database instance. The LGWR writes the redo log buffers to the on-line redo log files. If

the on-line redo log files are mirrored, all the members of the group will be written out simultaneously. Library cache The library cache is a memory area in the database SGA where Oracle stores table information, object definitions, SQL statements, etc. Each namespace (or library) contains different types of object. See the v$librarycache view for library cache statistics. Linux Linux is a free open-source operating system based on Unix. Linux was originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers from around the globe. Listener The Oracle Listener is a process listening for incoming database connections. This process is only needed on the database server side. The listener is controlled via the “lsnrctl” utility. Configuration is done via the LISTENER.ORA file. LMT Locally Managed Tablespace. Also see DMT. Lock Database locks are used to provide concurrency control. Locks are typically acquired at row or table level. Common Lock types are: Shared, eXclusive, Row Share, Row eXclusive, etc. Common uses of locks are: • •

ensure that only one user can modify a record at a time; ensure that a table cannot be dropped if another user is querying it;

ensure that one user cannot delete a record while another is updating it. •

Log Buffer See Redo Log Buffer. Log File A file that lists actions that have occurred. Also see Alert Log and Redo Log. Logical Read A logical read occurs whenever a user requests data from the database buffer cache. If the required data is not present, Oracle will perform physical I/Os to read the data into the cache. Oracle keeps track of logical and physical reads in the SYS.V_$SYSSTAT dynamic table. LogMiner A component of the Oracle server that lets you parse and view the contents of the archived redo log files. With LogMiner, one can generate undo and redo SQL for transactions. LRU (Least Recently Used) An algorithm Oracle uses when it needs to make room for new information in the memory space allocated. It replaces the oldest (LRU) data to make room for new data. LUW Logical Unit of Work. Also called a database transaction.



Key Fields


M Marshalling Marshalling is the process of packaging and sending interface method parameters across thread, process or machine boundaries.

Multimedia Used essentially to define applications and technologies that manipulate text, data, images, voice and full motion video objects. Mutating Table

Materialized View

“Mutating” means “changing”. A mutating table is a table that is currently being modified by an update, delete, or insert statement. When a trigger tries to reference a table that is in state of flux (being changed), it is considered “mutating” and raises an error since Oracle should not return data that has not yet reached its final state. Another way this error can occur is if the trigger has statements to change the primary, foreign or unique key columns of the table off which it fires. If you must have triggers on tables that have referential constraints, the workaround is to enforce the referential integrity through triggers as well.

A materialized view (MV) is similar to a view but the data is actually stored on disk (view that materializes). Materialized views are often used for summary and pre-joined tables, or just to make a snapshot of a table available on a remote system. A MV must be refreshed when the data in the underlying tables is changed. MB 1 MB (Megabyte) is 1024 KB. See BYTE. MDAC Microsoft Data Access Components - includes ADO, ODBC and OLE DB. If installed, see “C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\MDACReadMe.txt” for additional info.

MV See Materialized View. MVS

Merge SQL command that performs a series of conditional update and insert operations. Also see upsert. Metadata Data that is used to describe other data. Data definitions are sometimes referred to as metadata. Examples of metadata include schema, table, index, view and column definitions. Microsoft A software company, based in the USA, that develops the Windows operating system and SQL Server database management system. Microsoft Windows See Windows.

See OS390. MySQL MySQL is a simple, yet powerful, Open Source Software relational database management system that uses SQL. For more details, see www.mysql.com. N Natural Join A join statement that compares the common columns of both tables with each other. One should check whether common columns exist in both tables before doing a natural join. Example: SELECT DEPT_NAME, EMPLOYEE_NAME FROM DEPT NATURAL JOIN EMPLOYEE; Natural key

Motif Graphical user interface specified by the Open Software Foundation and built on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s X Windows.

A key made from existing attributes. Opposite of a Surrogate key. Navigate

MPP (Massively Parallel Processor) A computer which contains two or more processors which co-operate to carry out an operation. Each processor has its own memory, operating system and hard disk. It is also known as a “shared nothing” architecture. The processors pass messages to each other.

Move between windows, fields, buttons and menus with a mouse, keyboard or other input device. NDBMS




MTS (Multithreaded Server) is an Oracle server configuration that uses less memory. With MTS a dispatcher process enables many user processes to share a few server processes. While running in MTS mode, a user can still request a dedicated server process.

In the Windows world, MTS stands for Microsoft Transaction Server.

Network Database Management System. Type of DBMS system that supports the network data model. Example: IBM’s IDMS, mainly used on Mainframe Systems. Network Driver Interface Specification. A Microsoft specification for a type of device driver that allows multiple transport protocols to run on one network card simultaneously. Nested Loops Join Join optimization method where every row in the driving table (or outer table) is compared to the inner table. Also see Sort Merge Join, Nested Loops Join and Cluster Join.

NET8 (called SQL*NET prior to Oracle8) is Oracle’s client/ server middleware product that offers transparent connection from client tools to the database, or from one database to another. SQL*Net/ Net8 works across multiple network protocols and operating systems. Neural Network Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are non-linear predictive models that learn through training. They atempt to emulate the processing of a biological brain. Next Extent The size of each subsequent extent to be allocated to a segment. The size specified may remain constant for each new extent or may change according to to the value of PCTINCREASE. Also see Initial Extent. NLS National Language Support is used to define national date, number, currency and language settings. I.e. used to change the currency symbol from $ to € (Euro). Nonequijoin A join statement that does not use an equality operation (i.e: colA colB). The converse of a nonequijoin is a equi join. Normalization A series of steps followed to obtain a database design that allows for efficient access and storage of data. These steps reduce data redundancy and the chances of data becoming inconsistent. First Normal Form eliminates repeating groups by putting each into a separate table and connecting them with a one-to-many relationship. Second Normal Form eliminates functional dependencies on a partial key by putting the fields in a separate table from those that are dependent on the whole key. Third Normal Form eliminates functional dependencies on non-key fields by putting them in a separate table. At this stage, all non-key fields are dependent on the key, the whole key and nothing but the key. Fourth Normal Form separates independent multivalued facts stored in one table into separate tables. Fifth Normal Form breaks out data redundancy that is not covered by any of the previous normal forms. NOS Network Operating System. The programs that manage the resources and services of a network and provide network security. Examples: Novell Netware, Windows NT. Null A null value represents missing, unknown, or inapplicable data. Do not use null to represent a value of zero, because they are not equivalent. Any arithmetic expression containing a null always evaluates to null. For example, 10 +

NULL = NULL. In fact, all operators (except concatenation) return null when given a null operand. nvl Oracle function that will return a non-NULL value if a NULL value is passed to it. Example: SELECT nvl(salary, ‘Sorry, no pay!’) FROM employees; nvl2 Oracle function that will return different values based on whether the input value is NULL or not. Syntax: nvl2(input_value, return_if_null, return_if_not_null) O OCCI The Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) is a development component based on the OCI (Oracle Call Interfaces) API. OCCI makes it easier for developers to develop OCI applications, while maintaining the OCI performance benefit. The Oracle OCCI API is modelled after JDBC. OCI The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is a set of low-level APIs to perform Oracle database operations (eg. logon, execute, parse, fetch records). OCI programs are normally written in C or C++, although they can be written in almost any programing language. Unlike with the Oracle Precompilers (like Pro*C), OCI programs are not precompiled. OCP Oracle Certified Professional. A person who passed all the OCP exam tracks. OCS Oracle Collaboration Suite. Integrated communications system for E-mail, calendar, fax, voice and files. ODBC ODBC stands for Open Data Base Connectivity and was developed by Microsoft. ODBC offers connectivity to a wide range of backend databases from a wide range of front-ends. ODBC is vendor neutral. Oracle (and other organizations) provides ODBC drivers that allow one to connect to Oracle Databases. Also see MDAC and OLE DB. ODBMS Object-oriented Database Management System. A special type of DBMS where data is stored in objects. ODS Operational Data Store (ODS): An ODS is an integrated database of operational data. Its sources include legacy systems and it contains current or near term data. An ODS may contain 30 to 60 days of information, while a data warehouse typically contains years of data. OEM See Oracle Enterprise Manager.






Operating System

OERI is used as a short notation for ORA-600. Commonly used on support sites like Metalink. oerr Oerr is an Oracle/ Unix utility that extracts error messages with suggested actions from the standard Oracle message files. This utility is very useful as it can extract OS-specific errors that are not in the generic Error Messages and Codes Manual. Usage: $ oerr ORA 600 OFA •

Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) is an Oracle standard for file placement. See your Installations Guide for details.

The Oracle Financial Analyser product, normally used with Oracle Express.

OLAP Online Analytical Processing. OLAP systems allow workers to, quickly, and flexibly manipulate operational data using familiar business terms, in order to provide analytical insight. OLE DB OLEDB (Object Linking and Embedding for databases) is a data-access provider used to communicate with both relational and non-relational databases. OLEDB is provided with MDAC. Also see ODBC. OLE2 Object Linking and Embedding v2, an improved version of DDE. A Microsoft standard that allows data from one application to be “drag and drop” into another application in such a way that you can edit the object using the first application’s capabilities without leaving the second application. OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems capture, validate and store large amounts of transactions. OLTP systems are optimized for data entry operations and consist of large amounts of relatively short database transactions. Example: an Order-Entry system. OMS OMS (Oracle Management Server) is part of the OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) architecture. OMS is the middle tier between OEM consoles and database servers. OO4O Oracle Objects for OLE. A custom control (OCX or ActiveX) combined with an OLE in-process server that lets you use native Oracle database functionality within Windows applications. Open System A system capable of communicating with other open systems by virtue of implementing common international standard protocols.


The software that manages a computer system (schedule tasks and control the use of system resources). An operating system is made up of a kernel and various system utility programs. Example operating systems: Linux, Microsoft Windows, Unix, OS390, etc. OPMN OPMN (Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server) allows one to manage Oracle Application Server processes. It consists of the following subcomponents: Oracle Notification Server (ONS), Oracle Process Manager (PM) and Oracle Process Manager Modules (PM Modules). OPMN allows one to start, stop, monitor and manage processes with the “opmnctl” command-line utility. For example, to start opmn and all managed processes, use the “opnmctl startall” command. To list all services, use the “opmnctl status -l” command. OPO See Oracle Power Objects. OPS See Oracle Parallel Server and RAC. ORA •

An ORA (Operational Readiness Assessment) is an assessment of a customer system provided by Oracle Consulting.

Sometimes used as

P Package A package is a stored collection of procedures and functions. A package usually has a specification and a body stored separately in the database. The specification is the interface to the application and declares types, variables, exceptions, cursors and subprograms. The body implements the specification. When a procedure or function within the package is referenced, the whole package gets loaded into memory. So when you reference another procedure or function within the package, it is already in memory. Parity An error dectection scheme that uses an extra checking bit, called the parity bit, to allow the receiver to verify that the data is error free. Parse Analysis of the grammar and structure of a computer language (like SQL). Parse Tree A parsed representation of the grammar of a computer language. This parsed representation is stored in a tree structure. For example, the grammar of a SQL statement must be parsed into a parse tree before it can be understood and executed by a computer.

Feature of the Oracle Database to store data in partitions (or sub-tables). Patch Software update designed to repair known problems or “bugs” in previous software releases. PCTFREE Block storage parameter used to specify how much space should be left in a database block for future updates. For example, for PctFree=30, Oracle will keep on adding new rows to a block until it is 70% full. This leaves 30% for future updates (row expansion). PCTINCREASE The percentage by which each next extent (beginning with the third extend) will grow. The size of each subsequent extent is equal to the size of the previous extent plus this percentage increase. PCTUSED Block storage parameter used to specify when Oracle should consider a database block to be empty enough to be added to the freelist. Oracle will only insert new rows in blocks that is enqueued on the freelist. For example, if PctUsed=40, Oracle will not add new rows to the block unless sufficient rows are deleted from the block so that it falls below 40% empty. This parameter is ignored for objects created locally managed tablespaces with Segment Space Management specified as AUTO. PGA The Program Global Area is a nonshared per process memory area in Oracle. Also called Process Global Area. The PGA contains a variable sized chunk of memory called the Call Global Area (CGA). If the server is running in dedicated server mode, the PGA also contains a variable chunk of memory called the User Global Area (UGA). PHP PHP is a recursive acronym for “PHP Hypertext Preprocessor”. It is an open source, interpretive, HTML centric, server side scripting language. PHP is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML pages. Also see PSP, JSP and ASP. Pivot Table A data mining feature that enables one to summarize and analyse large amounts of data in lists and tables. Pivot tables can quickly be rearranged by dragging and dropping columns to different row, column or summary positions. Pivot tables are frequently used in products like Oracle Discoverer, Business Objects and Microsoft Excel. PL/SQL PL/SQL is Oracle’s Procedural Language extension to SQL. PL/SQL’s language syntax, structure and data types are similar to that of ADA. The language includes object oriented programming techniques such as encapsulation, function overloading, information hiding (all but

inheritance), and so, brings state-of-the-art programming to the Oracle database server and a variety of Oracle tools. PL/SQL Table An associative array (or INDEX-BY table) that can be indexed by NUMBER or VARCHAR2. Elements are retrieved using number or string subscript values. Unlike with data tables, PL/SQL tables are stored in memory. PL/ SQL Tables are sparse and elements are unordered. PMON Oracle Process MONitor. PMON is an Oracle background process created when you start a database instance. The PMON process will free up resources if a user process fails (eg. release database locks). Port A number that TCP uses to route transmitted data to and from a particular program. For example, the Oracle Listener listens for incoming connections on a predefined port number. POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) This standard defines a C programming language interface to an operating system environment. This standard is used by computing professionals involved in system and application software development and implementation. PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is an Open Source Software object relational database management system. For more details, see www.PostgreSQL.com. Precompilers Precompilers are used to embed SQL statements into a host language program. Oracle provides precompilers for the various host languages such as Pro*C, Pro*COBOL, Pro*ADA, etc. Predicate Syntax that specifies a subset of rows to be returned. Predicates are specified in the WHERE clause of a SQL statement. Primary key A column in a table whose values uniquely identify the rows in the table. A primary key value cannot be NULL. Also see candidate key. Privilege A special right or permission granted to a user or a role to perform specific actions. Granted privileges can be revoked when necessary. For example, one must grant the CREATE SESSION privilege to a database user before that user is allowed to login. Likewise, the CREATE TABLE privilege is required before a user can create new database tables. Procedure Block of PL/SQL code stored within the database. Also see Function and Package.





Program A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one’s input into error messages. More seriously: A program is a combination of computer instructions and data definitions that enable computer hardware to perform computational and control functions. A program is designed to systematically solve a certain kind of problem. Propriety Standard (Defacto Standard) A standard which has been endorsed by industry or government as the accepted international standard, but not officially approved by an accredited standards body such as ISO. Protocol A set of procedures for establishing and controlling data transmission. Examples include TCP/IP, NetWare IPX/ SPX, and IBM’s SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control) protocols. Proxy Copy Feature of RMAN (Oracle 8i and above). RMAN sends the Media Management Vendor (MMV) a list of Oracle datafiles to backup, rather than sending the data itself. This allows the MMV to implement optimized backup and restore strategies. One example of this is EMC’s splitmirror BCV backups. Pseudo-column Oracle assigned value (pseudo-field) used in the same context as an Oracle Database Column, but not stored on disk. Examples of pseudo-columns are: SYSDATE, SYSTIMESTAMP, ROWID, ROWNUM, LEVEL, CURRVAL, NEXTVAL, etc. PSP PL/SQL Server Pages. PSP enables developers to embed PL/SQL code into server side HTML pages. PSP is similar to JSP, PHP and ASP.

Queue A first-in first-out data structure used to process multiple demands for a resource such as a printer, processor or communications channel. Objects are added to the tail of the queue and taken off the head. Queue Tables can be created on an Oracle database with the Oracle Advanced Queueing Option. Quiesce To render quiescent, i.e. temporarily inactive or disabled. For example a database can be quiested with the ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED command. Oracle will wait for all active sessions to become inactive. Activity will resume after executing the ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE command. Quota The amount of space allocated to a user in a tablespace R RAC Real Application Clusters or RAC is a replacement for Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) shipped with previous database releases. RAC allows multiple instances on different nodes to access a shared database on a cluster system. The idea is to allow multiple servers to share the load. RAID RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks). A collection of disk drives that offers increased performance and fault tolerance. There are a number of different RAID levels. The three most commonly used are 0, 1, and 5: •

Level 0: striping without parity (spreading out blocks of each file across multiple disks).

Level 1: disk mirroring or duplexing.

Level 2: bit-level striping with parity

Level 3: byte-level striping with dedicated parity. Same as Level 0, but also reserves one dedicated disk for error correction data. It provides good performance and some level of fault tolerance.

Level 4: block-level striping with dedicated parity

Level 5: block-level striping with distributed parity

Level 6: block-level striping with two sets of distributed parity for extra fault tolerance Level 7: Asynchronous, cached striping with dedicated parity

Q QBE Query By Example (QBE) is a method of extracting information from the database by giving it an example of what you want. Query A Query is a SQL SELECT statement returning data from an Oracle table of view in a database. Formal Definition: The collection of specifications used to extract a set of data needed from a database. In traditional terms this could be called a “computer program.” Queries are probably the most frequently used aspect of SQL. Queries do not change the information in the tables, but merely show it to the user. Queries are constructed from a single command. The structure of a query may appear deceptively simple, but queries can perform complex and sophisticated data evaluation and processing.

RAW Device A RAW device is a portion of a physical disk. The content of a RAW device is not managed by the operating system. Information on it cannot be identified or accessed by users (unlike with file systems). Sometimes Oracle database files are created on RAW devices to improve disk I/O performance. RBO See Rule Based Optimizer.


RDA (Remote Data Access) is an OSI standard that defines a service that application programs can use to access remote data. RDA is intended to allow different database systems from different vendors, running on different machines in different operating environments, to interoperate. RDBMS Relational Database Management System. A type of DBMS in which the database is organized and accessed according to the relationships between data values. The RDBMS was invented by a team lead by Dr. Edmund F. Codd and funded by IBM in the early 1970’s. The Relational Model is based on the principles of relational algebra. Example RDBMS Systems: Oracle, SQL Server, DB/2, Sybase, etc. Real-Time The description for a system that responds to an external event, unlike a batch or time-sharing system, within a short and predictable time frame. RECO RECO (Oracle RECOverer Process) is an Oracle background process created when you start an instance with DISTRIBUTED_TRANSACTIONS= in the initialization parameter file. The RECO process will try to resolve indoubt transactions across Oracle distributed databases. Redo Log A set of two or more files that record all changes made to an Oracle database. A database MUST have at least two redo log files. Log files can be multiplexed on multiple disks to ensure that they will not get lost. Redo Log Buffer A circular buffer in the SGA that contains information about changes made to the database. The LGWR process writes information from this buffer to the Redo Log Files. Relation Mathematical term for a table. Relational Algebra Mathematical system used to formally describe data access and manipulation. Relational Algebra consist of a collection of operators (like [SELECT], [PROJECT] and [JOIN]) that operate on a relation or relations. Relational Database A database system in which the database is organized and accessed according to the relationships between data items without the need for any consideration of physical orientation and relationship. Relationships between data items are expressed by means of tables. Relationship Association between two entities in an ERD. Each end of the relationship shows the degree of how the entities are related and the optionality. Replication Replication may be defined as a duplicate copy of similar data on the same or a different platform. The process of

duplicating the data records in one database to one or more other databases in near-real time, is known as replication. The data can be presented in different formats. Reports See Oracle Reports. Repository A facility for storing descriptions and behaviors of objects in an enterprise, including requirements, policies, processes, data, software libraries, projects, platforms and personnel, with the potential of supporting both software development and operations management. A single point of definition for all system resources. Restore Get data back to a prior consistent state. See Backup. Result Set The set of rows the Oracle database returns when a SELECT statement is executed. The format of the rows in the result set is defined by the column-list of the SELECT statement. Since the application of a relational operation on a table always results in another table, a result set is a derived results table. This table exits only until all rows were fetched from it and the associated CURSOR is closed. RMAN RMAN (Recover Manager) is a utility provided by Oracle to perform database backup and recoveries. RMAN can do off-line and on-line database backups. It integrated with 3rd-party vendors (like Veritas, Omiback, etc) to handle tape library management. ROLAP Ralational Online Analytical Processing. ROLAP is a flexible architecture that scales to meet the widest variety of DSS and OLAP needs. ROLAP architectures access data directly from data warehouses using SQL. Role A named list or group of priviledges that are collected together and granted to users or other roles. Rollback Activity Oracle performs to restore data to its prior state before a user started to change it. Also see Commit and Savepoint. Rollback Segment Database objects containing before-images of data written to the database. Rollback segments are used to: • Undo changes when a transaction is rolled back •

Ensure other transactions do not see uncommitted changes made to the database

Recover the database to a consistent state in case of failures

Row A component of a relational table. In nonrelational terms, a row is called a record. A row is not named (in contrast to a





column). Each row in a table has one value in each column of the table. ROWID Every record has a unique ROWID within a database representing the physical location on disk where the record lives. Note that ROWID’s will change when you reorganize or export/import a table. From Oracle 8.0 the ROWID format and size changed from 6 to 10 bytes. The Oracle7 format is Block.Row.File. The Oracle 8 format is dataObjectNumber, block, row. ROWNUM ROWNUM is a pseudo-column that returns a row’s position in a result set. ROWNUM is evaluated AFTER records are selected from the database and BEFORE any sorting takes place. The following type of queries will ALWAYS return NO DATA: ... WHERE ROWNUM > x ... WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN x AND y ... WHERE ROWNUM IN (x, y, z, ...) However, this will work: ... WHERE ROWNUM < x This query will return ROWNUM values that are out of numerical order: select ROWNUM, deptno from emp where ROWNUM < 10 order by deptno, ROWNUM; RPT/ RPF Report writing and formatting tools provided with older desupported releases of Oracle. The RPT process queried the database, producing rows of data with embedded formatting commands recognized by RPF. RTFM RTFM stands for “Read The F#?%$! Manual”, and leave me alone!!!. Rule Based Optimizer Rule Based Optimizer (RBO) - SQL Query optimizer that uses heuristic rules to derive optimal query execution plans. RBO is enabled by setting OPTIMIZER_MODE=RULE in the server initialization parameter file, or by altering OPTIMIZER_GOAL for your session. Also see CBO. All applications should be converted to use CBO as RBO will not be available in Oracle 10 and above. S SA System Administrator. Person that looks after the operating system. SAP/R3 SAP/R3 is an ERP (enterprise resource planning) system from SAP AG. SAP/R3 stands for Systems, Applications and Products, Real time, 3 tier architecture. SAP/R3 is a direct competitor to Oracle’s Oracle Applications product suite.


Savepoint Set a point to which you can later roll back. Also see Commit and Rollback. Schema A schema is the set of objects (tables, views, indexes, etc) belonging to an account. It is often used as another way to refer to an Oracle account. The CREATE SCHEMA statement lets one specify (in a single SQL statement) all data and privilege definitions for a new schema. One can also add definitions to the schema later using DDL statements. SCN SCN - System Change Number - A number, internal to Oracle that is incremented over time as change vectors are generated, applied, and written to the Redo log. SCN - System Commit Number - A number, internal to Oracle that is incremented with each database COMMIT. System Commit Numbers and System Change Numbers share the same internal sequence generator. Scott Scott is a database user used for demonstration purposes containing the famous EMP and DEPT tables. The scott/ tiger user is created by running the ?/rdbms/admin/ utlsampl.sql script. According to legend, Scott once worked for Oracle, and his cat was named TIGER. SDLC System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - a methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace information systems. Typical phases in the SDLC are: Analysis, Design, Development, Integration and Testing, Implementation, etc. Segment Any database object that has space allocated to it is called a SEGMENT. A segment consists of one or more EXTENTS allocated within a tablespace. See catalog views: USER_SEGMENTS and DBA_SEGMENTS. Note there is no ALL_SEGMENTS view. Select SQL command used to query data from one or more database tables. Self Join A join in which a table is joined with itself. Sequence A database object that generates unique numbers, mostly used for primary key values. Sequences were introduced with the Transaction Processing Option in Oracle 6. One can select the NEXTVAL and CURRVAL from a sequence. Selecting the NEXTVAL will automatically increment the sequence. Serialization Execution order of transactions in the database.

Session The set of events that occurs from when a user connects to the Oracle database to when that user disconnects from the database. Session information is recorded in the SYS.V_$SESSION view. SGA The System Global Area (SGA) is an area of memory allocated when an Oracle Instance starts up. The SGA’s size and function are controlled by INIT.ORA (initialization) parameters. The SGA is composed of areas like the Shared Pool, Buffer Cache, Log Buffer, etc. Shared Pool A memory cache that is part the SGA. The Shared Pool is composed of the Library Cache, Dictionary Cache, and other Control Structures. The size of this area is determined by the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter. Shared Server A Shared Server is an Oracle background process that executes user requests. Users put requests for work on a common request queue. The Oracle Dispatcher then assigns these requests to free shared server processes. Also, see MTS and Dedicated Server. SID The Oracle System ID or SID is used to identify a particular database. Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable on UNIX and Windows, or ORA_SID on VMS systems. SLA Service Level Agreement. Formal agreement between a Service Provider and customers to provide a certain level of service. Penalty clauses might apply if the SLA is not met. SMON Oracle System MONitor. SMON is an Oracle background process created when you start a database instance. The SMON process performs instance recovery, cleans up after dirty shutdowns and coalesces adjacent free extents into larger free extents. Snapshot Copy of a table on a remote system. See Materialized View. SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is a lightweight XML based protocol used for invoking web services and exchanging structured data and type information on the Web. Socket The combination of an IP address and a port number. Solaris

Sort Merge Join Join optimization method where two tables are sorted and then joined. Also see Hash Join, Nested Loops Join and Cluster Join. SPOF Single Point of Failure. Component that, if it fails, will cause the entire system to go down. SQL Structured Query Language (SQL), pronounced “sequel”, is a language that provides an interface to relational database systems. It was developed by IBM in the 1970s for use in System R. SQL is a de facto standard, as well as an ISO and ANSI standard. SQL Server SQL Server is a DBMS system provided by Microsoft. SQL Server is sometimes mistakenly referred to as SQL. SQL*DBA SQL*DBA was an administration utility used to start, stop and manage databases. SQL*DBA was replaced with Server Manager (svrmgrl) in Oracle7. From Oracle8i and above all administrative functions can be performed from SQL*Plus. SQL*Loader Utility used for loading data from external files into Oracle database tables. SQL*Net Oracle’s Networking Software that allows remote dataaccess between user programs and databases, or among multiple databases. Applications and databases can be distributed physically to different machines and continue to communicate as if they were local. Based on the Transparent Network Substrate, a foundation network technology that provides a generic interface to all popular network protocols for connectivity throughout a network of applications. Uses a companion product (the MultiProtocol Interchange) to connect disparate networks. SQL*Plus SQL*Plus is an Oracle command line utility used for executing SQL and PL/SQL commands. The GUI version is called SQL Worksheet. The corresponding utility for Microsoft’s SQL Server and Sybase is “isql” (interactive SQL). SQL1 The original, 1989-vintage ANSI/ISO SQL standard. SQL2 An extended version of the ANSI/ISO SQL standard released in 1992 that adds advanced join operations and other interesting features. SQL3 Another extension of the SQL standard that supports object extensions.

Operating system used on SUN Systems.



In the Java world, serialization is the storing of an object’s current state on any permanent storage media for later reuse. This is done using when you use the seriazlizable interface or when using the ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream classes.




SQL Communication Area. A reserved space in a client application used to receive status information from a server application with which it is communicating for the purpose of accessing data.

SYSTEM is an Oracle username with default password of MANAGER. This user is normally used by DB administrators.

SYSTEM is the name of the first compulsory tablespace containing the Oracle data dictionary.

SQLDA SQL Descriptor Area. Used to describe data that is passed between an RDBMS and an application that references data in a database, and vice versa. SQLNET.ORA SQLNET.ORA is an ASCII text file that provides SQL*Net with configuration details like tracing options, default domain, encryption, etc. This file normally resides in the ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN directory.

• An Application System System Analyst

A person responsible for studying the requirements, feasibility, cost, design, specification, and implementation of a computer based system for an organization/ business. System R System R is a DBMS built as a research project at IBM San Jose Research (now IBM Almaden Research Centre) in the 1970’s. System R introduced the SQL language and showed that a relational system could provide good transaction processing performance. Eventually System R evolved into SQL/DS that later became DB/2. Oracle released the first commercial SQL database in early the 1980’s based on the System R specs.

SSL Secure Socket Layer. Standby database Physical copy of a database standing by to take over in the event of a failure. The standby database in a permanent state of recovery and can be opened with minimal recovery required.


Stored Procedure A program running in the database that can take complex actions based on the inputs you send it. Using a stored procedure is faster than doing the same work on a client, because the program runs right inside the database server. Stored procedures are nomally written in PL/SQL or Java. Striping Storing data on multiple disk drives by splitting up the data and accessing all of the disk drives in parallel. Also see RAID.

Table A collection of computer data that is organized, defined and stored as rows and columns. In non-relational systems, a table is called a FILE. Tablespace A tablespace is a container for segments. A databases consists of one or more tablespaces, each made up of one or more data files. Tables and indexes are created within a particular tablespace. Make sure you do not create objects in the SYSTEM tablespace!

SUN Computer system from SUN Microsystems that can be used to run Oracle on. SUN’s operating system is Solaris. Surrogate Key A system generated key with no business value. Usually implemented with database generated sequences. Sybase A Relational Database Management System provided by Sybase Inc. Synonym An alternative name (alias) for an object in the database created with the CREATE SYNONYM command. SYS SYS is the username for the Oracle Data Dictionary or Catalog. The default password for SYS is CHANGE_ON_INSTALL. If you are a DBA, CHANGE IT NOW!!! Never use this user for your own scripts. You can really wreck a database from SYS.

A catalog view listing all available tables in the current schema. ACSII character 9 (control-I in the vi-editor). Normally used for spacing and indentation.

TAF Transparent Application Failover (TAF) is a feature of Real Application Clusters (RAC). TAF allows users to fail-over to another node without them realizing it. TB 1 TB (Terabyte) is 1024 GB. See BYTE. TBT Technology Based Training (TBT) incorporates the entire spectrum of electronic delivery through a variety of media including, Internet, LAN or WAN (intranet or extranet), satellite broadcast, audio or video tape, interactive TV, or CD-ROM. TBT includes both CBT (Computer Based Training) and WBT (Web Based Training). TCL Tool Command Language. A popular scripting language. Other popular scripting languages include: Perl, PHP, Python, etc.


database are made permanent. If the transaction fails, or ends with a ROLLBACK, none of the statements takes effect. Also see LUW.

Total Cost of Ownership. Cost to purchase and maintain software over time. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A compilation of network and transport level protocols that allow a computer to speak the same language as other computers on the Internet and/or other network. Telnet Telnet is a utility program and protocol that allows one to connect to another computer on a network. After providing a username and password to login to the remote computer, one can enter commands that will be executed as if entered directly from the remote computer’s console.

Transportable Tablespaces A feature of Oracle8i releases and above. This option allows one to detach a tablespace from a database and attch it to another database. Trigger A program in a database that gets called each time a row in a table is INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED. Triggers allow you to check that any changes are correct, or to fill in missing information before it is commited. Triggers are normally written in PL/SQL or Java. TRUNCATE

Timestamp An extension of the DATE datatype that can store date and time data (including fractional seconds). The timestamp type takes 11 bytes of storage.

DDL command that removes all data from a table. One cannot ROLLBACK after executing a TRUNCATE statment. Also see Delete. Tuple

Timestamp with Timezone

A row in a table is called a tuple of the relation. The number of tuples in a relation is known as the cardinality of the relation. Tuples in a table are unique and can be arranged in any order.

A variant of the TIMESTAMP datatype that includes the time zone displacement in its value. TKPROF Utility for analysing SQL statements executed during an Oracle database session. Trace files are produced with the ALTER SESSION SET SQL_TRACE = TRUE; command. These trace files are written to the USER_DUMP_DEST directory and are used as input to TKPROF. TNS TNS or Transparent Network Substrate is Oracle’s networking architecture. TNS provides a uniform application interface to enable network applications to access the underlying network protocols transparently. TNSNAMES.ORA TNSNAMES.ORA is an ASCII text file that provides SQL*Net with server location and necessary connection strings needed to connect to Oracle databases. This file normally resides in the ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN directory. TPO Transaction Processing Option (TPO) was an Oracle6 database option that was later replaced with the Oracle7 Procedural Option. TPS Transactions Per Second (TPS) - a metric used to measure database performance. Transaction An inseparable list of database operations which must be executed either in its entirety or not at all. Transactions maintain data integrity and guarantee that the database will always be in a consistent state. Transactions should either end with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. If it ends with a COMMIT statement, all the changes made to the

Two-Phase Commit A strategy in which changes to a database are temporarily applied. Once it has been determined that all parts of a change can be made successfully, the changes are permanently posted to the database. TWO_TASK Environment variable used to specify that connections should be made to a remote database without specifying a service name. This is equivalent to LOCAL registry entry on Windows platforms U UAT User Acceptance Testing. Also known as Beta Testing, QA Testing, Application Testing or End User Testing. UGA User Global Area - area that contains data required to support a (user) session. The UGA is located in the PGA when running in dedicated server mode. With MTS, the UGA is located in the LARGE_POOL (if specified), otherwise in the SHARED_POOL. UID A pseudo-column returning a numeric value identifying the current user. SQL> SELECT USER, UID FROM DUAL; USER




UML Unified Modelling Language (UML) is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard for modelling





software artifacts. Using UML, developers and architects can make a blueprint of a project, much like ERD diagrams are used for relational design. See http://www.rational.com/ uml/ for more details. UML diagrams can be constructed with Oracle JDeveloper. Undo Information The information the database needs to undo or rollback a user transaction due to a number of reasons. Unique Constraint A constraint that enforces all non-NULL values in a column to be different from each other. Unique Key Is used to uniquely identify each record in an Oracle table. There can be one and only one row with each unique key value. Unix An operating system co-created by AT&T researchers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson. Unix is well known for its relative hardware independence and portable application interfaces. Lots of big companies are using Unix servers for its reliability and scalability. Some of the popular Unix flavours are: Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, etc. Update DML command used to change data in a table. Also see Insert and Delete. Upgrade Finding existing bugs and replace them with new bugs. Upsert A series of conditional update and insert operatons. Records that exist within a table will be updated. New records will be inserted into the table. Upsert functionality is implemented in Oracle with the MERGE command. Universal Resource Locator. An Internet World Wide Web Address. User

A pseudo-column returning a srting value with the name of the current user. Those people that hassle us poor techies.

USER_% views A group of catalog (or data dictionary) views that detail database objects owned by the current user/ schema. V V$ Views V$ views are dynamic performance views based on the X$ tables. V$ views are owned by SYS. They can be accessed by anyone with the “SELECT ANY TABLE” system privilege. VAN Value-Added Network. A system where a network leases communication lines from a communications common carrier, enhances them by adding improvements such as 306

varchar2 Data type used to store variable-length character data. A varchar2 value can contain up to 4000 bytes of data. Also see CHAR. Variable Programmer-defined name to hold information in an program or PL/SQL block. View A view is the result of a SQL query stored in the Oracle Data Dictionary. One can think of it as a virtual table or presentation of data from one or more tables. Views are useful for security and information hiding, but can cause problems if nested too deep. View details can be queried from the dictionary by querying either USER_VIEWS, ALL_VIEWS or DBA_VIEWS. Virtual Memory The memory that the operating system allocates to programs. Virtual memory is mapped to RAM (physical memory). When there is not enough RAM to run all programs, some memory pages cane be temporarily paged or swapped from RAM to disk. VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language. A programming language used for modeling and retrieval of virtual reality environments. W WAN (Wide-Area Network) A data transmission facility that connects geographically dispersed sites using long-haul networking facilities. Warehouse See Data Warehouse.


error detection and/or faster response time, and then allows others to use this service on those lines for a fee.

WBT Web Based Training (WBT) is delivered via a Web browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, to access the Internet or a company’s intranet for courses that reside on servers. Web-based training can be conducted either synchronously or asynchronously. Also see CBT and TBT. Web See WWW. Web Browser A program that end users utilize to read HTML documents and programs stored on a computer (serviced by a Web server). Popular web browsers are: Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Web Cartridge A program executed on a Web server via the Oracle WRB (Web Request Broker).

network. This standard defines the interconnection of packet-switching networks and their associated computers or terminals. These types of networks make efficient use of the telecommunications networks by taking the data generated by a computer or a remote terminal and chopping it up into small identified packets and then looking for the most efficient way of sending this information to its destination.

A server process (HTTP daemon) running at a Web site which sends out Web pages in response to HTTP requests from remote Web browsers. Windows Family of GUI operating systems produced by Microsoft Corporation. Some examples: Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 95, etc. Some jokingly describes it as: 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company that can’t stand 1 bit of competition. Wizard Graphical representations of program actions (commands or shortcut keys) used to make the program easier to use. WORM Write Once, Read Many times (i.e., Read Only). Wrapper An object, function or procedure that encapsulates and delegates to (call) another object to alter its interface or behavior in some way. WRB The Oracle WRB (Web Request Broker) is part of the Oracle Internet/Web Application Server. It provides a distributed environment for developing and deploying applications for the Web. The WRB enables developers to write applications that are independent of, and work with a number of, Web servers. WWW World Wide Web. A network of servers that uses hypertext links to find and access documents. WYSIWYG WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get pronounced “whizzy-wig”) means that information will print out exactly as it appears on screen. X X Windows X Windows is a public domain windowing system that is mainly used on UNIX systems. The system includes a standard library of routines that can be used to develop GUI applications. The system also includes standard utilities like xclock, xcalc, xeyes, etc. X$ Tables X$ tables are internal in-memory tables which hold information about the database instance. X$ tables can only be viewed by SYS.

X.400 A CCITT recommendation specifying an OSI standard for electronic mail transfer. XA XA is a two-phase commit protocol defined by the X/ Open DTP group. XA is natively supported by many databases (like Oracle) and transaction monitors (like Tuxedo). XML XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a W3C initiative that allows information and services to be encoded with meaningful structure and semantics that computers and humans can understand. XML is great for information exchange, and can easily be extended to include userspecified and industry-specified tags. XPG X/Open Portability Guide. A comprehensive set of APIs, protocols and other specifications designed to promote open, interoperable computing. Operating systems can be branded with a certain level of compliance, for example XPG3 or XPG4. Oracle is ported to various operating systems, and will most likely work better on systems that are XPG compliant. XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) is a language for transforming XML documents into other document formats like HTML. Y Y2K Year 2000 or Y2K referred to the millennium problem. A total non-event. This problem resulted from the common practice of using two digits to represent dates. When computers were first developed, memory and physical storage space for the systems were very expensive. Using only two numbers for dates saved money and saved data-entry time. Over the years, programmers felt that their programs would probably not be around in 1999, so the problem wouldn’t arise.

X.25 A data communication protocol that ensures data integrity while data is being transmitted to, from and within the



Web Server


Z Zero Suppression Replaces leading zeroes with spaces in numeric data for display purposes.

Second-generation computer language. Assembler language which use cryptic mnemonic commands. 2NF Second Normal Form in the data normalization process. During this step functional dependencies on a partial key are eliminated by putting the fields in a separate table from those that are dependent on the whole key.

Zip Compressed version of a program or document that can be uncompressed. Zone

2PC Oracle’s Two-Phase Commit protocol. 2PC is used to ensure that all databases involved in a transaction either commits or roll-back together, leaving a distributed database in a consistent state.

Zones in Oracle Applications are groups of related areas on a screen. A screen may have many zones. Zoom A feature that lets you magnify text or graphics images onscreen.

3270 Family of IBM information display stations, printers, and control units. 3270 is the de facto standard for mainframe terminals.

# %ROWTYPE %ROWTYPE can be used in PL/SQL to declare a record with the same types as found in the specified table, view or cursor. This provides data independence, reduces maintenance costs, and allows programs to adapt as the database changes to meet new business needs. Example: DECLARE v_EmpRecord emp%ROWTYPE;

3GL Third-generation computer language. PL/SQL, COBOL, Fortran, Java, Ada, Smalltalk, C and C++ are example 3GLs. 3NF Third Normal Form in the data normalization process. During this step functional dependencies on non-key fields are eliminated by putting them in a separate table. At this stage, all non-key fields are dependent on the key, the whole key and nothing but the key.

%TYPE %TYPE can be used in PL/SQL to declare a field with the same type as that of a specified table’s column. This provides data independence, reduces maintenance costs, and allows programs to adapt as the database changes to meet new business needs. Example: DECLARE v_EmpNo emp.empno%TYPE;

4GL Fourth-generation computer language. SQL, Oracle Forms, Oracle Power Objects and Visual Basic are example 4GLs. 4NF Fourth Normal Form in the data normalization process. During this step independent multi-valued facts stored in one table are separated into different tables.

100BaseT Same as 10BaseT, but running at 100Mbps. 10BaseT IEEE 802.3 Ethernet LAN specification, using unshielded twisted pair wiring running at 10Mbps. 1:1 One-to-One relationship in an ERD. 1:N One-to-many relationship in an ERD. 1GL First-generation computer language. Binary machine code instructions. 1NF First Normal Form in the data normalization process. During this step repeating groups are eliminated by putting each into a separate table and connecting them with a one-to-many relationship. 24x7 24x7 normally indicates database or system availability of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without ant downtime. 2GL 308

5GL Fifth-generation computer language. A language that incorporates the concepts of EXPERT SYSTEMs, inference engines, and natural language processing. 5NF Fifth Normal Form in the data normalization process. During this step data redundancy that is not covered by any of the previous normal forms are handled.

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[PDF] Download    		Database Management System - Free Download PDF (2024)


What is database management system pdf? ›

A Database management system is a computerized record-keeping system. It is a repository or a container for. collection of computerized data files. The overall purpose of DBMS is to allow he users to define, store, retrieve.

What is the difference between database and database management system pdf? ›

In summary, a database is the structured collection of data itself, while a database management system (DBMS) is the software used to manage and interact with that data.

What are the four types of database PDF? ›

The document discusses different types of databases including hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented, graph, ER model, document, and NoSQL databases.

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MySQL Workbench is the default IDE for MySQL and MariaDB, available for free. It is one of the most popular solutions for database development and management, with robust functionality and an intuitive graphical interface.

What is simple database management system? ›

Database Management Systems (DBMS) are software systems used to store, retrieve, and run queries on data. A DBMS serves as an interface between an end-user and a database, allowing users to create, read, update, and delete data in the database.

What are the 4 types of database? ›

Some of the more commonly used categories of database include:
  • Hierarchical Databases. Developed in the 1960s, the hierarchical database looks similar to a family tree. ...
  • Relational Databases. Relational databases are a system designed in the 1970s. ...
  • Non-Relational Databases. ...
  • Object oriented databases.

What are the functions of database management system PDF? ›

A DBMS performs several important functions to maintain data integrity and consistency. It provides data storage management, data manipulation, data definition services, and a data dictionary.

How does a database management system work? ›

A database management system (DBMS) is a software tool that enables users to manage a database easily. It allows users to access and interact with the underlying data in the database. These actions can range from simply querying data to defining database schemas that fundamentally affect the database structure.

How to create a database? ›

Create a database on the Cloud SQL instance
  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page. ...
  2. To open the Overview page of an instance, click the instance name.
  3. Select Databases from the SQL navigation menu.
  4. Click Create database.
  5. In the New database dialog, specify the name of the database.
  6. Click Create.

What are the 4 major database management systems? ›

DBMS allows multiple users to interact with the database simultaneously while ensuring data consistency and integrity. Major types of DBMS include relational, hierarchical, network, and object-oriented systems.

What are the 5 major parts of a database system? ›

The five major components of a database are hardware, software, data, procedure, and database access language.

Which database is best for free? ›

Top 10 Free Database Software
  • Microsoft SQL Server. Via Microsoft SQL Server. ...
  • Airtable. Via Airtable. ...
  • MongoDB. Via MongoDB. ...
  • PostgreSQL. Via PostgreSQL. ...
  • Amazon RDS. Via Amazon RDS. ...
  • RazorSQL. Via RazorSQL. ...
  • Informix. Via Techrepublic. ...
  • Altibase. Via Altibase.
May 13, 2024

What is the simplest database for beginners? ›

For beginners, it's recommended to start with a relational database management system (RDBMS). Two popular options are MySQL and PostgreSQL. MySQL is known for its simplicity and widespread adoption, while PostgreSQL offers advanced features and focuses on standards compliance.

Can I create my own database for free? ›

You can sign up for MongoDB Atlas and create an online database for free here. To get started, you will need some basic knowledge of programming concepts such as command line or Unix shell commands, functions, variables, and boolean operators.

What do you mean by database management system management? ›

A database management system (or DBMS) is essentially nothing more than a computerized data-keeping system. Users of the system are given facilities to perform several kinds of operations on such a system for either manipulation of the data in the database or the management of the database structure itself.

What is a data management system? ›

A data management platform is the foundational system for collecting and analyzing large volumes of data across an organization. Commercial data platforms typically include software tools for management, developed by the database vendor or by third-party vendors.

Are DBMS and sql the same? ›

Database Management Systems and SQL are two of the most important and widely used tools on the internet today. You use a Database Management System (DBMS) to store the data you collect from various sources, and SQL to manipulate and access the particular data you want in an efficient way.

What is the purpose of DBMS? ›

A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. A DBMS makes it possible for end users to create, protect, read, update and delete data in a database.

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