Final Jeopardy Answers - Season 1 (Jan 1985) (2024)

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Can you name the Final Jeopardy Answers - Season 1 (Jan 1-31, 1985)?

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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.
























Final Jeopardy Answers - Season 1 (Jan 1985) (2024)


What was the first final Jeopardy question? ›

The first Final Jeopardy! answer was in the category "Holidays": "The third Monday of January starting in 1986" (all three contestants correctly identified Martin Luther King Day).

What is the most common category in the final Jeopardy? ›

The most common Jeopardy response is "What is China?" In Double Jeopardy, it is "What is Australia?" The most common category in Final Jeopardy! is "Word Origins."

What is January 1, 1900 Jeopardy? ›

category is "The Calendar" and the clue was "Calendar date with which the 20th century began"; the correct response was "What is January 1, 1901?" All three contestants had an incorrect response of, "What is January 1, 1900?” That was actually the first day of the last year of the 19th century, as years begin with a 1 ...

Has there ever been a repeat Jeopardy question? ›

They definitely do. The exact same question about a Canadian lake was once asked as a daily double to Roger Craig, and then just recently re-used in an episode. Same phrasing if not the exact same wording. Questions with the exact same wording reappear more often than you think.

What was Ken Jennings last question on Jeopardy? ›

Zerg responded correctly with "What is H&R Block?" and wagered $4,401 of her $10,000, giving her a $1 lead over Jennings with his response still to be revealed. Jennings incorrectly responded with "What is FedEx?" and lost the game with a final score of $8,799 after his $5,601 wager was deducted from his score.

What was Amy's losing question on Jeopardy? ›

What Final Jeopardy question did Amy Schneider lose in her last Jeopardy round? This very populous country's English name is the only one that ends in “H”. It was, of course, “Bangladesh”, but Amy couldn't get it in time.

What is the most asked question on Jeopardy? ›

Since the show premiered in 1984, the most common response overall was “What is China?” and the most common category was Before & After. For Double Jeopardy, the most common response was “What is Australia?” while in Final Jeopardy, the most common correct response was “What is Canada?”

What is the perfect round of Jeopardy? ›

By “perfect,” I'm referring to a game where every question is answered correctly without any rebounds. The closest case to this happening occurred on June 3rd, 2019, when James Holzhauer was finally defeated in his original run by 3-time champion Emma Boettcher. With six categories in the Jeopardy!

Has a final Jeopardy ever not happened? ›

On at least one episode hosted by Art Fleming, all three contestants finished Double Jeopardy! with $0 or less, and as a result, no Final Jeopardy! round was played.

Was Jeopardy ever on during the day? ›

March 30, 1964: Jeopardy! made its debut on NBC Daytime. It aired weekday mornings on NBC at 11:30 AM. The host was Art Fleming, and Don Pardo was the announcer.

Why is Jeopardy bringing back old contestants? ›

Lacking sufficient fresh material for a new season, "Jeopardy!" will recycle both old material and contestants, executive producer Michael Davies revealed on the most recent episode of the "Inside Jeopardy!" podcast.

How many episodes of Jeopardy are filmed in a day? ›


When the episodes of Jeopardy!, they are just a half hour long, however it can take a few hours to actually tape each of them - it just depends on the day and the categories. Buzzy says that the show tapes five shows per day, which adds up to an entire week.

Why is Jeopardy not using new contestants? ›

As “Jeopardy!” executive producer Michael Davies said in August, 2023, he believed that “it would not be fair to have new contestants making their first appearance on the Alex Trebek stage doing it with non-original material or a combination of non-original material and material that was written pre-strike.”

What was Amy's final Jeopardy question? ›

End of streak

The "Final Jeopardy!" clue was, "The only nation in the world whose name in English ends in an H, it's also one of the 10 most populous." Talsma responded, "What is Bangladesh?", which was correct, putting him ahead of Schneider who had no response.

What were the original Jeopardy question values? ›

On the original Jeopardy! series, clue values in the first round ranged from $10 to $50 in the Jeopardy! round and $20 to $100 in Double Jeopardy!

What was the first Jeopardy game? ›

The first Jeopardy! episode, hosted by Art Fleming, aired on March 30, 1964, during the day on NBC, with Don Pardo as announcer, and eventually went into syndication; it aired in various formats until 1979.

What was Ken Jennings first Jeopardy episode? ›

Life as a Jeopardy!

But by the time Jennings appeared in his first Jeopardy! game on June 2, 2004, the show had, in a bid to boost ratings, retired the five-show maximum rule. Contestants could now play as many games as they could win. And boy did Jennings win.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 6585

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.