7 Beauty devices that actually work! (2025)

High-tech beauty tools were previously only found in one place: the dermatologist’s office. But, in recent years, face and body beauty devices have become more affordable—and even more effective than in-office treatment. Beauty devices such as lasers, microcurrent technology, and contouring beauty devices have transformed the way we treat our skin and bodies. Though not as good as professional treatments, these beauty devices can be used instead of professional treatments for those who are unable to get to the office or cannot bear the cost.

If you’re looking for something high-tech, beauty devicesto improve your beauty routine, or a tool that is tried-and-true but not too complicated to use, these are the beauty devices we search for to maximize the effect of our daily self-care routines.

Here are some of the most common home skin-care beauty devices:

  1. Dermaflash Luxe Dermaplaning Device

Price: $199.85

Dermaplaning is the process of gently removing thin, tiny hairs from the face with a sharp blade to give you cleaner, softer skin. This dermatological procedure requires continuous maintenance. But with the Dermaflash Luxe device, you can provide yourself with the treatment with greater convenience.

The Dermaflash Luxe is similar to a vape pen in dimension. It does, however, have a unique distorted form. Before using it, wash your face with the brand’s Preflash cleanser. Then, in a feathering motion, rub the device over your face. After that, massage the Postflash cream onto your face. Stray hairs are gonein an instant.

The advantages do not end with hair removal. Scraping the top layer of skin with a blade is a form of physical exfoliation that may make skin look younger. Moreover, removing the top layer of dead skin and the layer of fine hairs by physical exfoliation would make for better product penetration of all your creams.

Be cautious whether you have active acne, eczema, or rosacea. Also, before using this or some other device, contact your dermatologist.

  1. NuFace NuBody Skin-Toning Device

Price: $399

NuBody is a microcurrent body device. To reduce the presence of dimpled or uneven skin, you use it to deliver a gentle flow of targeted microcurrent to your upper arms, abs, buttocks, and thighs. The device is suitable for all skin types. But it performs best on younger skin at the first sign of skin laxity.

Anyone who has a medical implant should proceed with caution when using this device. Microcurrent and massage benefits are not well known in the medical literature. Some studies show that it can increase wrinkles and tissue laxity, or sagging, by optimizing anti-ageing pathways in the skin.

70 percent of women who had three microcurrent treatments to minimize wrinkles were pleased with the results. According to one study, microcurrents can help blood circulate faster and stimulate collagen development. This strengthens the skin’s foundation.

If you can afford this device, please remember that the improvement can be subtle. However, if you commit to using it daily at home, you can see some long-term benefits.

  1. Nurse Jamie Uplift Massaging Beauty Roller

Price: $69

This device has 24 massage stones that you can use to gently massage your face, hands, arms, chest, and legs. Its creators claim it will energize, enhance, revive, and uplift your skin. That’s fantastic. But how well does it work?

This method is a massaging tool, though a very simple one. The advantage is that it improves lymphatic drainage, making you look less puffy for a temporarytime. This is especially in areas where fluid tends to accumulate, such as around the eyes.

If you have very sensitive skin, don’t be concerned. Using this device as a gentle skin massager is not harmful to most people. Those dealing with a rare condition, such as pressure urticaria or dermatographism, should use this device with caution.

The most significant risk of buying this device has Highexpectations which will not be met. It is unlikely to offer noticeable,lasting results.

  1. BeautyBio GloPro Facial Microneedling Tool

Price: $199

When done superficially at home, microneedling creates tiny holes or channels in the dermis or top layer of the epidermis. The body reacts to these wounds by producing new collagen to fill them. This can help thicken and strengthen the dermis over time, giving it a more youthful appearance. According to a study, collagen production decreases with age.

Microneedling can result in improvements in skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven texture.

Don’t expect this home microneedling device to provide the same results as just a dermatologist. At-home versions have much more superficiallybut benefit the skin by initiating a cascade of tissue remodeling. They just need to be used on a weekly or biweekly basis.

  1. LightStim MultiWave for Acne

Price: $169

LightStim MultiWave LED light therapy is a home device that emits UV-free light energy. It offers visibly improved radiant and healthy-looking skin. Each LightStim device uses a different wavelength of light or colour of light. LightStim treats mild to severe acne by applying light directly to the skin, temporarily increasing blood supply, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Blue light has antimicrobial advantages, decreasing levels of acne-causing bacteria. And red light is anti-inflammatory. The combination can help in the treatment of acne.

The risksmay not be worth the effort. Blue light can cause hyperpigmentation if exposed to it for a long period. And it is only suitable for mild acne. Although it can help with red, angry pimples, it is more likely to help if you only have blackheads or whiteheads. If you have serious acne or scarring, you should not rely on this procedure and instead consult a board-certified dermatologist.

  1. Foreo Luna 3


The Luna 3 is a Bluetooth-enabled facial massage and cleaning device for extreme gadget heads. The Luna 3 is guided by an app that guides you through a 60-second cleanse.

It offers a relaxing and calming experience as well as smooth, glowing skin. The massager promotes circulation in your face, while the silicone bristles exfoliate the skin, which may helpyour skin-care items penetrate more effectively.

Dampen your skin, apply your preferred cleanser, and press the button twice after downloading Foreo for You, the companion app. The device then glides over your face for 60 seconds until it shuts offautomatically. Continue with your skin-care routine after patting your face dry.

This silicone-covered cleansing device providessonic causation to give the skin a soft, deep clean. Aside from providing a deep cleanse, the device’s massaging feature may improve circulation and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

All skin types will benefit from the Luna 3. However, there is no scientific proof that it is better than regular soap and water.

  1. PMD Beauty Personal Microderm Classic


PMD Beauty claims that the Personal Microderm Classic would help regenerate skin cells faster than they naturally would. The device exfoliates the skin’s surface by spinning discs embedded with aluminum oxide crystals. The idea is that removing this dead skin cell barrier promotes new cell development.

Suction is also used to improve circulation. And the device activates the skin’s natural healing process to boost collagen and elastin. According to one study, microdermabrasion can increase skin contour and allow skin-care products to seep in deeper. But it has little impact on pigmentation and acne.

Melasma patients should avoid using this device because it can increase pigmentation. Because this device temporarily increases inflammation, people with rosacea and active acne should avoid it because it increases the chance of scarring.

7 Beauty devices that actually work! (1)

John Astran

John is an avid writer. Traveling the world, focused on health and wealth related topics from conceptual ideas to Science.

7 Beauty devices that actually work! (2025)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.